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/vr/ - Retro Games

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539578 No.539578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ thinks of this James & Mike Play?

>> No.539592
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I'd prefer AVGN and Kyle play. Kyle is sort of that outside guy who doesn't really give a shit, and AVGN gets mad and cares a lot. It's a good mix and creates funny conflict.

Mike should stick to talking about movies as himself and stick to AVGN when talking about games.

>> No.539603
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I meant James. My bad.

>> No.539609

Its cool, loved the Mario Paint video.

>> No.539615

I like him when he doesnt try to be funny.

>> No.539610

Motherfucker Mike is so profoundly unfunny. He's probably the dullest youtube personality of them all.

>> No.539627

James and kyle really are the best duo.

>> No.539639

I can't stand kyle's singing though.

>> No.539667

Who's Kyle? If Kyle is the guitar dumbfuck, then no. Even Mike's better than THAT retard.

>> No.539671

This. Mikes attempts at humor are invariably painful to watch. He's OK in some of the AVGN videos, such as when he played the Joker, he should just stick to a script

>> No.539676

Yes. Mike is GREAT when he's just being chill, but even when he's goofing off, he's not bad. I just prefer Chill Mike.

>> No.539702

Best show on their channel.

>> No.539748


>> No.539742
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>> No.539786

He seems to be a pretty cool guy to me. You know... the awkward unfunny friend that we all got.

>> No.539818
File: 28 KB, 412x397, for fucks sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fucking "2 guys play games" series on youtube.
I like James, but fuck that, these are becoming the new LPs

>> No.539826

Yeah... that.

>> No.539919


tbh I think james doesn't even know that those "2 guys play"-series exist, he only makes those videos for games he likes and knows it's be fun to have someone else to play them with.
mike was pretty much necessary for the mario paint thing considering that he does a lot of drawing.

also I don't think anyone even watches james on youtube, I certainly don't.
oh and the vids he makes are actually interesting compared to game grumps or whatever else exists, seriously who watches fucking gamegrumps?

>> No.539941

I cannot hear more then 5 seconds of Mike's voice before I want to kill him and turn off the video

I knew a kid when I was younger that sounded like him and he was pretty much that "button down flame design shirt" kid

>> No.539947


Please don't even bring them up. The whole point of their videos is just to make fun of reviewing and do lots of stupid stuff rather than be informative.

That said they aren't entertaining to me, and this is coming from a guy who likes Egoraptor's stuff sometimes. I can't stand Johntron in the least.

>> No.539961


I just needed an example and those guys are the only one I know

>> No.539963

>seriously who watches fucking gamegrumps?

>> No.539980

I don't mind as long as they talk about games.

It's not like I watch their videos because they're good reviewers anyways.
Hell, they don't even know that much about videogames or even do research.

When I want to watch videos with actual info,
I watch 16-bit gems, Lazy Game Reviews (not great but ok) or my recent favourite MrBtongue.

>> No.539995

Mike is a shitweasel

>> No.539996 [DELETED] 

>watching lets play
fuck off casuals

>> No.539998

Game Grumps is definitely more of a comedy show than a review show. That's sort of the entire point.


>> No.540000


Youtube celebrities are all shit, stop asking.

>> No.540007


I like Dr. Ashen, and Hannah Minx's boobs.

>> No.540014

>id rather watch a some fat nerds talk about a game than play it :)))

>> No.540019

It's fine if you don't think they're funny. Humor is subjective.

>> No.540047

Mike just annoys me, he just reminds me of one of those guys who never got over highschool. The guy who never really changed, who still makes the same terrible jokes, the one you only really hang around with because you liked him as a kid. He might be nothing like that but that's the vibe I get

>> No.540075

>Game Grumps is definitely more of a comedy show than a review show.

Game Grumps are the most annoying faggots on the planet, if you can make it through more than 30 seconds of one of their videos you more than likely are a huge faggot. there's more comedy to be found at a pediatric aids convention

>> No.540082

I was talking about James and Mike, not Gamegrumps.
Haven't seen them and don't intend to.

>> No.540092


>> No.540096

>Game Grumps
More like Gay Chumps.

>> No.540106

>Mike is the only friend James has
>"Put me in your videos, James or I wont hang out with you anymore."
>AVGN & James related videos quality declines
>"We're sure getting popular, James!"
>James starts to go bald
>"Lets make a movie, James!"
>"But I dont have the funds."
>"Thats fine, I'll help."
>James is financially ruined. Sells his collection of movies, games, and video game memorabilia, aswell as recording equipment just to pay off massive debts and live for another month.
>"James, lets be LP'ers!"

>> No.540116

Lame Chumps*

>> No.540127

I can't stand Kyles singing or music ability.

Can't stand Mikes voice in general. He sounds autistic.

James needs to just be himself

>> No.540130
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>> No.540136

>liking mike

>> No.540146

>>James is financially ruined.
Don't worry, his shit for brains fans will give him all the money he ever needs

>> No.540168

I never realized how hot Zoe was.

>> No.540171

I never thought cringe could hurt

>> No.540198

Why does Mike always feel the need to put on this annoying persona whenever he reviews something? Hell, I generally enjoy movie reviews by James because he usually gives a pretty down-to-earth opinion and acts like himself, rather than his AVGN character.

>> No.540204

He has more friends bro.

That being said Mike is James BFF.

>> No.540213


>> No.540230


>> No.540323

I have a feeling that's just how he is.
Ever seen the making of the Odyssey review?
He is that kinda of guy who is always joking about everything, but then he forces humor on shit that isn't any joke material.
Like the infamous MONYCRUFTAH video, there was no reason to make that video. He just did it because the Inspector Gadget DVD thing was kinda of funny and because minecraft is popular.

>> No.540394

I watch Lets Plays because I don't really have any friends. I also watch full series of the same game multiple times

>> No.540453

I sort of understand James. My best friend is a silly fuck, but I love him dearly. If I was a meadia personality, I would have let him share any fame despite him being silly.

I'm sure Rolfe understands that Mike is unfunny, but it very tactful about it. If anything, I respect him for loving his friends more than his fans.

That being said, Mike's not MY friend, so I'm free to say how retardedly unfunny he really is.

>> No.540503


>> No.540558


If you lasted longer than 3:30 you're better men than I

Christ what a waste of skin

>> No.540575

I clicked through the whole thing without watching, because I wanted to know who Zoe meantioned in >>540168 was and what she looked like.

As for Mike, he's a faggot.

>> No.540576


'I could talk about x for y'

y being a really long time. That's the first sign of a shit reviewer for me. Although this isn't always true.

>> No.540585


Lel me too.

She's an orange pruppet that Elmo bangs or something. Mick does some GOD-AWFUL jokes about her in the first couple minutes I watched.

>> No.540608


'Probably gonna be bad'

Yeah, Elmo's just taught millions of kids about sharing and imagination and being nice to other people.

You've made a much more valuable contribution.

>> No.540636

Mike is eh.

James eggs him on to be retarded too much, though.

>> No.540638


>mike is eh

You're being too nice.

>> No.540726

>linking to fat spic Asalieri

>> No.541023

They are so awkward. It feels like one of them forced their buddy to do it and they are desperately trying to come up with stuff to talk about.

>> No.541085
File: 67 KB, 344x246, Hey+I+m+Grumps+_4a79ce2c63499edc290b17ca777e76a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave this here..

>> No.541284

Those two are full of themselves.
I sat through the Grant Kirkhope episode because, Grant Kirkhope.
After that I watched them not every try to play Paperboy 64. I mean that game looks horrible but it plays halfway decent. I remember getting it as a rental for my birthday. I got other stuff, but I knew from an early age that Paperboy games were strictly rental.

>> No.541296

Hey, nobody.

>> No.541303

Actually, Kirkhope was a riot. He kept joking about how horrible the guys were at Banjo-Kazooie. I heard someone throw around the title "Grant Kirkhope's Backseat Gamer". Now that would be a show I would watch.

>> No.541305
File: 4 KB, 204x267, honest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mike forces the whole angry thing sometimes and it really falls flat. His t-shirts are lame and always look brand new. ac/dc is gay.

james' swearing and fixation on poop was tiresome years ago

>> No.541350

Is Mike still drowning AVGN's channel in an open septic tank with shitty vids? I haven't been subscribed since MINEYCRAFTA

>> No.541354

Mike really is cancerous as fuck, but..

>His t-shirts
>always look brand new

What's that supposed to mean? How's that a bad thing? I've never seen them so I don't really get it.

>> No.541359

Yep, nothing as bad as MINEYCRAFTA or his Elmo video but it's still pretty bad

>> No.541396

>his Elmo video

I've forgotten almost everything about that video, and I am 500% certain my life is better this way.

>> No.541405

>ac/dc is gay.

It's a Beavis & Butt-Head reference. Notice James' Metallica shirt

>> No.541539

Lame Lumps

>> No.544173
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I honestly like them but christ if I don't come out mad at how much they don't care sometimes. Yeah sure claim it's a comedy show all you want but it involves games too. You could at least y'know pay attention to the game.

>> No.545665

The only "watch people play games and make funny comments on the games" style channel I watch, or will ever watch, is Giant Bomb.

Specifically Giant Bomb's reviews of boring sim titles, which somehow make an hour and half of watching Microsoft Flight Simulator the most hilarious fucking thing in history.

Their Euro Truck Simulator 2 review is one of the funniest things I've ever seen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4rnJ11DNM8k

>> No.545691
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>> No.545702

>tbh I think james doesn't even know that those "2 guys play"-series exist

then he's a retard who should check what happens on youtube.

>> No.545716


Sometimes I think it's best that he doesn't just check what's going on on the internet all the time. The guy's 32 and he looks like he actually has a life outside Cinemassacre

>> No.545725

come on Mike
you don't even smoke

>> No.545728

>somehow make an hour and half of watching Microsoft Flight Simulator the most hilarious fucking thing in history.
You're getting dull, bored and old, is all.

>> No.546469

The best video that they've done together was this one where Mike was just looking through James's shit, and they come across this ridiculous contraption that James hadn't used before. It was basically a personal video unit that could be hooked up to the SNES or Genesis (model 1), but they only had the adapter for the Genesis.

I figured out pretty early on how you were supposed to hook it up, and what the stick does, but they just kind of screw around and laugh about how terrible it is. I laugh my ass off when they get out the stick...


>> No.547089

I like both James and Mike and even Guitar Guy. They are just having fun doing their thing. Why do you hate fun, /vr/? I thought you were better than this. Watching them is how playing games with bros should be; taking games too seriously takes the fun put of it. You wouldn't invite your friend over to play in dead silence would you?

That being said, I dislike Game Grumps because they so obviously go out of their way to be obnoxious. JonTron alone is fine though. Egoraptor should stick to animation.

>> No.547275
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Looks like James has officially entered Grump territory. Shame.

>> No.547312


>> No.547351


So, are you saying that you like Gamegrumps....?