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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5394671 No.5394671 [Reply] [Original]

Underrated games thread? All systems welcome, I'll start

>made after a shitty Fox show
>basically Driver 1 with guns
>nice driving/physics model, fairly big city map for the time
>unlockable new vehicles and plenty of different guns
>has coop campaign where one player can drive and other can shoot
>campaign is actually good

>> No.5394676

My favorite hidden gem is a fairly unknown platformer for NES called Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.5394796


>> No.5394847
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>Amazing soundtrack.
>Great aircraft and team customization.
>Actually an unknown gem.
Technically speaking it's aged better than AC1, though not as well as AC2.

>> No.5394856

AC2 aged rather poorly too due to no camera movement and target tracking. AC3 added that and sequels play virtually the same as 3.

Ac2 excels at level variety and atmosphere tho. I will try the game out, thanks.

>> No.5395447

>mfw I couldn't stop the fucking tank as a kid

>> No.5395454

it would be better if you can shoot innocent cars. The shitty Batman and Robin movie game lets you kill the people why cant this

>> No.5395534


>> No.5395537

>>made after a shitty Fox show
I fail to see how a show about police chases could be shitty.

>> No.5395549
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>game has a coop campaign
This was the best possible shit I could hear about a game back in the day when friends were something you physically saw in real life.

>> No.5395553

Many nights spent playing this with a bro when I was younger. Love it.

>> No.5395584
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>has coop campaign where one player can drive and other can shoot
I can't find any multiplayer gameplay online, how exactly does the shooting work? Can you use a lightgun by chance? The concept of one player driving and the other shooting reminds me of the arcade game Lucky & Wild, and the Starsky & Hutch game for PS2/Xbox/PC (It's also on GameCube, but without lightgun support)

>> No.5395997

Been a while since I played It, but from what I remember, the reticle followed the front of your car in singleplayer (you could still control it, up and down and side to side, but it was kinda tough), while in co-op, one player would drive and the other would freely control the reticle and shoot

>> No.5396030


love that starsky and hutch game

>> No.5396692

Yeah. In singleplayer there is autoaim but its pretty wonky.

I also remember the game requiring a dual shock controller and wouldn't work with the original one.

Underrated stuff... I always thought ps1 Spec Ops games were pretty detailed and autistic attempt of a mil-sim for its time.

>> No.5397131
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Aliens, Predator, and Doom, all mixed together and turned into a platformer with fluid mouse aiming, a great atmosphere (once you turn off the rather unfitting music), and an incredibly easy-to-use editor.

A pity it's largely forgotten about.

>> No.5397564

there's the 3ds version if you're really think any of that of true