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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5391615 No.5391615 [Reply] [Original]

This game is honestly so boring and tension free compared to re2make. I'm playing through it right now after literally two decades and it's confirmed my suspicion that the remake is far superior. The only things the original re2 has going for it are its own taste of unique atmosphere, the fact that it was the original and the nostalgia factor that comes with that. The ost is also nice but it wouldn't have worked for re2make's world (yes I'm aware of that deluxe edition option but I bet it lessens the experience). Honestly I'm just plain bored playing through re2 and I think I had a somewhat similar feel as a kid. I never played the original re1, but original re2 never gripped me the same way re1make did, and re2make took it to another level. I've never played re3 either but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that re2make is hands down the best resident evil game I've ever played and the original really doesn't hold a candle to it. The horror setting, the richer mechanics, the far more elaborate and detailed world, the far superior crafted survival horror gameplay with a billion times more tension than the original just make re2make head and shoulders better and I don't see how anybody can disagree with this without being a typical contrarian 4chan snowflake or nostalgia tard in denial. I just hope capcom don't drop the ball and deliver again for re3make.

T. 32 year old boomer

>> No.5391627

Resident Evil 4 is better than both.

>> No.5391643

Apples and oranges really, but I would take re4 over the original re2. Wouldn't take it over re2make or re1make though.

>> No.5391657
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/vr/ - /v/-tier bait threads

>> No.5391790
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>Resident Evil 4 is better than both.

>> No.5391797 [DELETED] 
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>i love generic action shooters

>> No.5391801 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5391808

Mods and jannies are just done man, no board gets any quality control
There's nothing to be done, shitposting is all that happens on 4chan.

>> No.5391812

I remember the hype surrounding it as a kid.
I grew up poor and had a SMS until the year 2000, when we got a PC.
Reading my friends manual and seeing hints like "listen to the noise of zombies from around the corner" and things like that seemed so advanced for a game to me. Did it have blood footprints too? I can't remember.
I think that photorealistic, slightly unreal official art of the zombies and magazine covers really made it seem good too.
I played it through when i was 17 on Leon's scenario and watched friends play it before that.

You're right, the remakes are fantastic, Leon feels like he controls like butter in comparison to tank controls. The police station seems quite long, but there seems to be more shortcuts that open up from what I remember? It really doesn't feel like a chore at any rate.

>> No.5391813

I love RE2 original and RE4 but hated RE7. Will I like RE2make?

>> No.5391816

its better than re2 and way better than re4, so probably

>> No.5391824
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>> No.5391825

Resident Evil is deliberately meant to be campy action horror. There is very little actual horror to the games themselves aside from a few scenes. Most of which involve a broken window.

>> No.5391858

Imagine being so fragile that merely hearing an opinion you don't agree with is bait that needs to be deleted.

>> No.5391863

Lol this is still campy b movie horror u schmuck. Nobody takes re2make's story seriously.

I'm so sure that the only faggots that use this meme are "zoomers" themselves or dickheads born in the 90s (which really isn't any better and is basically the same breed of faggot).

>> No.5391871

I like both games but I'd like a tank control survival horror game in the modern day. Last one I remember was Rule of Rose in 2006.

>> No.5392110

Did RoR have tank controls? I remember it having that stupid shit where if you tried to reverse direction, your character would make a slight forward arc when turning around, and so 99% of the time you'd step right into an enemy's swing.

>> No.5392119


stopped reading there

>> No.5392123

Gas the kikes, race war now!

>> No.5392124

RE4 isn't even a real RE game

>> No.5392126

OP, I agree that REmake 2 is actually a really good game, but in your post you ramble on about how you've never played re1, re3 and seem like a retard who doesn't even know the series. What are you doing?

>> No.5392127

What makes an RE game a real one?

>> No.5392129

Zombies in the classical sense and the aura felt in 0, 1, 2, 3 and CVX. 4, 5, 6,7, RER1, RER2 fail in these aspects and as such are not real RE games.

>> No.5392145

key items + puzzle items
inventory management (re4s = weapons+healing items only)
ink ribbons
back tracking + map knowledge

re4 is just walking in a linear path to the next loading screen/checkpoint

>> No.5392147

It's not an action game, and there are ironically probably more bullets in the original lol

>> No.5392217

>compared to re2make
fuck off and kys you shit eating zoomer
>T. 32 year old boomer
you are a disgrace to all adults and should double kill yourself you unwanted failed abortion son of a single mother whore

>> No.5392219

I remember the days when I was also an edgy basement dweller. Looks like you're still there.

>> No.5392241

look who is talking. go ask your mom you subhuman shitbrith what she thinks about you. she will tell you you braindamaged turd eater were her biggest mistake in her life, you 32 year old permavirgin chucklefuck failure at life.

>> No.5392265

I'm not op, I'm 30 and employed in the biomedical electronics field. I make enough money to buy cool computer parts and smoke legal Canadastan marijuana :)

>> No.5392271
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You seem angry. Did you take your medication? Lol, christ this is cringe. You are trying so hard to be the edgy mallcore kid. This post STINKS of desperate manchild.

>> No.5392274

Are you the autistic incel manchild janitor who was deleting REmake 2 threads?

>> No.5392280

I can sorta agree with this, that being said 4 and up are still fine horror games, but a big departure from the look and feel of the older titles.

>> No.5392292

Ok bro

>> No.5392325

He's right though.

>> No.5392329

No lol

>> No.5392421

>Apples and oranges really, but I would take re4 over the original re2
Is OP trolling or really this awful?

>> No.5392442

Claiming you're a senile retard doesn't make your (honestly awful) opinion any more valid.
That is quite the epic strawman, my gamer. Drew it yourself or did mommy need to help out?

>> No.5392450

Just being honest. I've played re1make, re2, code veronica, re4 and re2make. I liked all of these games, most of all re1make and re2make, but I can say that re2make is easily my favourite one. I'll go past that, this game is just a sheer modern masterpiece and probably the best single player game ive played this gen. I cannot understate how much I love this fucking game. It blew me away. I really hope re3make is as good.

Only reason I didn't play the original re1 and 3 is because I didn't have a PlayStation growing up. I saw my friend play through a lot of the first game though.

4channers seem to hate on shit just for the sake of hating on shit. I think a lot of them mistake it for elitism and I also believe they want to be special snowflakes or some shit. Its an absolutely retarded notion. A great game is a great game and it always deserves praise, modern or classic. You don't even see any real criticism in this thread, just buzzwords like "generic" and memeposting. I'll admit I was needlessly harsh on the original re2, it's very good, but this one is next level.

>> No.5392679


>> No.5392705

>it's an honest good faith opinion meant to encourage healthy discussion not blatant bait
fuck off retard, nobody's fooled

>> No.5393105

>(honestly awful) opinion
OP is right that the REmake 2 is a masterpiece, but his opinion about the classics is indeed garbage.

>> No.5393383


>> No.5393889

Imagine being so fragile that merely hearing an opinion you don't agree with is bait that needs to be deleted. And hell if you really think it's bait good job to keep biting like the fucking faggot you are.

>> No.5394201

>32 year old boomer
all I had to do was read that ending to the post to disregard your entire shitpost, faggot.

>> No.5394284


>> No.5394309

This board is getting almost as bad as /v/.

>> No.5394461
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>"I didn't play any of the classic RE games but I can safely say and vouch that RE2make is the best RE I ever played"


>> No.5394602

It's pretty fun. Really goes all-out on challenge mode content, too, if you care about making the game hard or having little objectives for a playthrough.

>> No.5394637

For some reason I never played RE2 myself, but I always clearly remembered everything up to the stars office.
I stopped playing RE after 4 because the game was excellent but the atmosphere went through the window.
Since the hype surrounding the remake, I finally step up my ass and played 2 from start to finish.
I found it really easy compared to every other RE up to 4, even the b scenarios, but never annoying nor handholding.
The puzzles may be toddler tier but the tension is still there, lickers can kill you in a few hits if you understimate them.
The atmosphere was fucking great, the only critic that I have is how you spend only the first few minutes in the town, but you can play 3 for that.
It doesn't take a genius to see how this game was a worlwide success.
The remake maybe is better, but do not shit on this masterpiece you dingus.
Thanks for reading my shitty review.

T. 34 years old boomer

>> No.5394768

The remake of RE2 is a great game, and a horror masterpiece, however it is not 100% true to the original (obviously) but still an amazing game. It is legitimately the best RE game released since 2002.

>> No.5395341

It aint that bad, but it is missing some important stuff

>> No.5395653

>The remake of RE2 is a great game,
>and a horror masterpiece
>still an amazing game.
Fuck no.
>It is legitimately the best RE game released since 2002.
Hell no.

>> No.5395820

I mostly agree except the original soundtrack is no question better than RE2make’s new music. I turned the original music on after about an hour and never went back.

>> No.5395834
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You going to back that up with anything? Didn't think so. You must live a miserable existence lol.

>> No.5395864

The demake of RE2 is all around downgrade from the original, lacking tons of content and introducing next to none to compensate.
The whole puzzler-adventure style is replaced entirely with way more streamlined run&gun gameplay that appeals to the casual zoomer audiences.
It really is nothing more than another Dead Space / TEW clone, but praised to heavens because of its namesake. Without the IP, it would be yet another forgotten 3rd person action game of 2010s.

Finally, Dead Aim and Outbreak 1-2 came out between 2003-2004, and were far, far superior than this piece of shit butchering of a classic Resident Evil.

>> No.5396113

>but his opinion about the classics is indeed garbage.
Why? Because I chose RE4 over the original RE2? RE4 is a fun enough action game, meanwhile the original RE2 is a game that fails to be a good survivor horror game. Again there is no tension in the original RE2 whatsoever. The inventory management is a complete non-issue, the threat from enemies is non-existent and you are given far too much ammo for survival horror. It's also too linear and easy to navigate for survival horror; there's never a question of what root I should take as there is no threat from enemies or supply restraints to be found. RE2 feels like Resident Evil lite (and its remake improves upon EVERY SINGLE ONE of the mentioned factors btw). RE4 might not be a "real" Resident Evil game in the classic sense, but it executes what it's trying to do better than RE2 tries to be a survival horror game. Obviously if you look at RE4 purely from a survival horror perspective you won't like it, but just as a game rated on its own merits I find it to be far more enjoyable than the first RE2.

>> No.5396119

hi michael

>> No.5396125

see what happens when you bring /v/ threads to /vr/.
now the demake fag is here.

>> No.5396441

>the demake fag
it's just hilarious how you fags think it to be just one dude, and not a common meme.

>> No.5396537

I don’t know if I’d strictly describe the original RE2 as survival horror. Capcom clearly wanted to take the series in a more blockbuster summer action movie direction pretty early on. RE2 is sort of the Aliens to RE1’s Alien.

>> No.5396926

>The demake of RE2 is all around downgrade from the original, lacking tons of content and introducing next to none to compensate.
Uh, no. Every area in RE2make is much larger, more non-linear and complex than the original. There is far more stuff to do. Boohoo you don't have your stupid useless moth anymore, big fucking deal. The police station, sewers and lab are objectively far more elaborate. There is actual root planning, you have to worry about inventory management and enemies are far more threatening. See my post here >>5396113.

We would have actually had a "demake" if we went from RE2make's world to RE2.

>The whole puzzler-adventure style is replaced entirely with way more streamlined run&gun gameplay
What "puzzles" did the original RE2 have? That one retarded move a couple of pillars in the library? One energy switch "puzzle"? Light the three stupid King/Queen/Jack statues in obvious order? Woah! If anything the original's shooting is far more streamlined than the new one. It might as well be an on-rails shooter with retarded mechanics. Literally hold R1 and press X in the general direction of zombies and blast away. Or hold up with your shotgun in hand and get 4 headshots at once, wowie! In the remake you have to wait to get reticle accuracy and actually time/aim your shots. Zombies generally take much more ammo to die and it's less obvious when they're dead since there's no blood pool. I bet you're some sub-IQ monkey that thinks tank controls are in any way difficult so you pat yourself on the back for barely being able to stumble through the piss that was RE2. There is ZERO threat in RE2. There's also ammo out the ass and you get enough herbs to start a fucking rainforest in your ammo box.

>It really is nothing more than another Dead Space / TEW clone
Never played TEW but Dead Space fucking sucked. I bet you were 12 when it came out and that's why you think that shit was in any way decent.

>> No.5396927

I completely agree with you. RE2 can be described as a poor action game as well as a poor survival horror game.

>> No.5396965

>The whole puzzler-adventure style
RE2make's puzzles:
>Circuit boards, generator switches, the clocktower gears, hidden areas, getting the Queen/King pieces segment, the king/queen/rook etc plug segment, the herb synthesis, sherry's block puzzle, those portable safe coded things, leon's desk, some of locker codes aren't just given to you but deduced by looking at a random chalkboard, or seeing random letters circled on a random flyer lying around.
I'm sure there's shit I'm forgetting there. Even though these are hardly trifling (why would they be, it's a fucking video game), I really can't think of any puzzles the original RE2 had that were harder. All I can remember is the column section in RE2 library, lighting the king/queen/jack statues, one electric power switch, pushing the boxes to make a bridge in the sewers, pushing a couple of statues to make the red gem fall. If anything, the original has less puzzles and they're not even as complicated lol.

>> No.5397015

>Every area in RE2make is much larger, more non-linear and complex than the original.
False. There's entire sections REMOVED, and made more cramped.
Not only that, but every single area has been trivialized into "grey, dark corridor" with no variation or soul.

>far more stuff to do
Run around and gun down bullet sponge enemies, because exploration and worldbuilding is apparently for pussy boomers.

>What "puzzles" did the original RE2 have?

>muh shooting
yes, because RE is now a sohoter.

> I bet you were 12 when it came out and that's why you think that shit was in any way decent.
No you dumb fuck zoomer.
I was around 10 when the ORIGINAL Resident Evil dropped on PS1, and I absolutely despise Dead Space / TEW / REv / Alan Wake style Over-shoulder horror shooters, to which Demake 2019 totally belongs to.

>RE2 can be described as a poor action game as well as a poor survival horror game.

>> No.5397065

>The whole puzzler-adventure style is replaced entirely with way more streamlined run&gun gameplay
But that's complete bullshit. The progression of the game is literally exactly the same: you attain the key items needed to access more areas of the map and progress forward. Only difference is the mechanics are much richer now than they were in the original and you have an OTS view. Only a monkey found viewpoint tank controls difficult (aka you).

>> No.5397070

>False. There's entire sections REMOVED
And entire sections ADDED and made MORE ELABORATE.

>Run around and gun down bullet sponge enemies, because exploration and worldbuilding is apparently for pussy boomers.
No, I meant there is far more stuff to do in regard to actually progressing through the game, by attaining the key items needed to progress. Nice bullshit strawman post though.


>yes, because RE is now a sohoter.
RE2 had shooting mechanics and they were piss. When you try to downplay RE2make's shooting, while defending the original, you look extra fucking stupid. RE2make's survival horror gameplay has only been ENHANCED by the shooting mechanics they've created in RE2make. And yes, technically RE2 was always a third person shooter, it was just a lot DUMBER in the original.

>I was around 10 when the ORIGINAL Resident Evil dropped on PS1
Same here you ugly worthless balding fuck. Difference is I'm still incredibly handsome and you still live in your mom's basement.

>RE2 can be described as a poor action game as well as a poor survival horror game.

I don't even think your basement dwelling ass has actually played this game. Inb4 random internet screenshot like it means anything. And if you have truly played it, good job at being utterly retarded at forming an anywhere near coherent opinion you absolute shitbird.

>> No.5397641
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>every single area has been trivialized into "grey, dark corridor" with no variation or soul.

>> No.5397893

Whenever someone says soul I get the feeling that they're on the spectrum.

>> No.5399247

Wow savage

>> No.5399294

re4 is a really good game, a shame it's called resident evil tho, they could have installed a new ip but for marketting value it had to be called resident evil, what a shame

>> No.5401021 [DELETED] 


>> No.5401110

I adore RE2 but I wont deny it's the easiest of the tank controls era
It throws ammo at you and you dont even have to encounter the poison ivy's or super Lickers if you're smart, I honestly forgot they were even in the game

>> No.5401120

A demake would imply they time traveled and shot the entire RE2 dev team in 1995
Saying it just makes you look like a retard, but eh, apparently we're missing the meaning of the word Boomer now too so whatever

>> No.5401132

>False. There's entire sections REMOVED,
Where? I literally compared the maps earlier today and the Lab is actually bigger now. Maybe you're confusing Outbreak or RE0 with RE2? You should replay the game

>> No.5403461

>T. 32 year old boomer


>> No.5403495

Attention /vr/ fags

this is what a shill thread looks like
this is some corporate asshole coming to our board to shill for a new game so you'll go and spend money on it

>> No.5403843

b-but tank controls!

>> No.5403850

RE4 had tank controls and it was a great game

>> No.5405940

The series works better as Evil Dead rather than Dawn of the Dead

>> No.5406138
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>RE2 remake is so shit the shills are trying to shittalk the masterpiece original

holy shit damage control

>> No.5406418

2 is the weakest of the ps1 trilogy though

>> No.5406439

Same age. I never understood the hype around Resident Evil; its slow, boring, and handles like shit. I spent "them days" playing Syphon Filter and MGS1, so much more fun.

>> No.5406441

I enjoyed RE and MGS/SP.

>> No.5406459


>> No.5406460

This means nothing.

>> No.5406523

lol. u know thats bullshit. also, am i the only one here that has always thought re3 was shitty? i dont see it mentioned mcuh , i assumed it was because it was understood that it sucks.

>> No.5406574

1 and 3 are the best desu. 2 is good but felt like it didnt know what it was trying to do.