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File: 44 KB, 540x473, gfs_34392_2_5_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5391498 No.5391498 [Reply] [Original]

Even this game is unironically better than Super Castlevania IV

>> No.5391515

How can you be so obsessed with SCIV?

>> No.5391523

>Makes you Game Over in two hits

Thanks for the dollar, sucker

>> No.5391524

Based & redpilled, OP.

Fuck Super Mariovania Bros.

>> No.5391528

Constipated Toilet Seeker.

>> No.5391624
File: 138 KB, 768x672, castlevania4-spot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please, stop liking Castlevania IV
lmao, nice try OP

>> No.5391635

I'm willing to read the reasons of why this game is better than Super Castlevania IV. Almost everyone thinks Super Castlevania is one of the best games in the entire series so please explain why this game is better.

>> No.5392505

>Forces you to start over after paying for three continues

>> No.5392513


>> No.5392520


>> No.5393278

Autistic hate boner for Nintendo, people say the game it's easy but I personally find Rondo easier once you master backflipping

>> No.5393293

>hateboner for Nintendo
Nah, it's just hardcore poseur elitism. You don't see anyone going around hating on III or the Rondo port on SNES, for example.

>> No.5393305

Do people not know about DIP switch settings? I guess everyone plays on 8x damage

>> No.5393306

>it's another SCIV hate thread

>> No.5393351

A lot of people pretend to hate Dracula X due to the old myth that it's a "bad port of Rondo", I also remember people here on /vr/ explicitly saying that "SNES has no good Castlevania games", so yeah, there's some truth to the Nintendo hate-boner, but there's also other reasons like trusting silly liar reviewers or retard e-celebs like Egoraptor. It's a mixture of nasty stuff.
The 1 and 3 are kind of untouchable, people don't dare to trash talk them because that'd kind of eliminate any legitimate opinion they could have about the series.

>> No.5393378


>> No.5393996

It's literally people parroting e-celeb opinions from a guy who complained that SCIV's mechanics made the game too easy, and then proceded to be unable to beat level 8 because his grasp of the games mechanics were so poor. He has since admitted that he has never beaten Super Castlevania IV, but people will continue to parrot his bad opinions for years because he made an animated video with lots of shouting and swearing.

>> No.5394696
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 14COhR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost everyone

>> No.5395694

Aesthetically looks better than SCIV, althought while IV looks like brown turd sometimes, Haunted Castle looks like Grey Turd sometimes as well.
Enemies are more interesting, and the game is more challenging overall.

>> No.5395818

>Almost everyone thinks Super Castlevania is one of the EASIEST games in the entire series
Fixed and solved that for you.

>> No.5396112

Haunted Castle has a LOT of brown, though.
And to be honest, so does X68K.
I don't really think that's a bad thing considering the setting and bricked walls on the castle/underground caves.
Yeah but for most people, a game being easy is not a bad thing. It's only internet "hardkerk gamurs" who pretend to like hard games. Like, I get it, I love Castlevania III too, but Haunted Castle is just not fun, even if it's "challenging".
IV is easy, but so are the other 2 4th gen vanias.

>> No.5396141

Never knew this existed. Just tried the first stage for the hell of it. and the first thing that blew me away was the music. I wish new games would focus on anything but graphics. The only game I've played with really good music lately was Ys VIII. Back then it was like they relied on good music in games.

>> No.5396146

>IV is easy, but so are the other 2 4th gen vanias.
There are 5 CV's from fourth gen and Super IV is the easiest of them all.

>> No.5396154

Haunted Castle's music is really good. It's the only redeeming thing about it honestly, other than maybe comfy late 80s arcade graphics, but graphics are just decent, compared to the music which is really great.
The first level music from Haunted Castle can be unlocked in the Rondo of Blood remake for PSP.
This one is great too:

>> No.5396159

Well, I mean of the three main console CVs.
And I disagree, I honestly have an easier time replaying Rondo and even Bloodlines than IV.
IV is only easier during the first 2 or 3 levels.

>> No.5396162

git gud faggot

>> No.5396168

better music, better mechanics in my opinion, better stages, hard as fuck, more characters

>> No.5396178

>hard as fuck
And unlike III, X68000 and XX, it's hard for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.5396187

Just don't get hit, scrub.

>> No.5396203
File: 4 KB, 633x222, CVAkumajou_Dracula_(X68000)_09_Simons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would help is Simon's sprite wasn't so gargantuan.
Seriously though, I did beat the game, many years ago.
It's not one of my favorite Castlevanias, difficulty-aside.
Music is amazing though, I listen to the OST every now and then.

>> No.5396212
File: 31 KB, 252x228, urgent need for the bathroom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5396240

I dislike Dracula X because the levels aren't as fun as Rondo's, plus Dracula X seems to have a massive boner for those spear guys.
I also miss the whip extension trick in Rondo.
Dracula X has a fucking excellent soundtrack though

>> No.5396254

i know its cool to hate on CV4 here on /vr/ but guys the art is quite bad of haunted castle

the imps, medusa, and belmont look fucking retarded and not fluid at all

even the NES versions had better animation than this

come on troll OP!!

>> No.5396732 [DELETED] 
File: 615 KB, 2100x2700, Stage 7, The Jagged Cliffside Dildo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critiquing Castlevania games thread? Great. I just made a guide on one of the worst official Castlevania stages I have ever played, in Castlevania 3 which is all-around a great Famicom game overall. But holy shit, this stage. I removed the terrible tips on this level's map, that some guy (who seems like he didn't really play the game without savestates or smth) and gave you actually-good tips that should help you beat this level flawlessly.

>> No.5397359

You guys are fucking weird.
"I'm mad that this game I wasn't big on is critically acclaimed and beloved by most who played it so I need to make up facts and bolster shittier less popular games"

What the fuck is wrong with you can't you just not like a game like a normal person without going full blast chimp over it?

>> No.5397460

A mixture of console wars, childhood traumas, adult traumas. Internet is weird, man.