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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5384195 No.5384195 [Reply] [Original]


What will be Arino's biggest obstacle in Super Mario RPG?

>> No.5384396

Tricky late bosses and remembering to save are bound to trip him up.

>> No.5384541

>still using composhit when the monitor obviously takes s-video

>> No.5384773

Anybody have that torrent of all of the subbed episodes atleast to 2015? I lost them all recently.

>> No.5384852

Yep, it's in the pastebin under episode downloads.


>> No.5385834 [DELETED] 

Looks like we have another these parter in our hands.

>> No.5385841

Looks like we have another three parter folks

>> No.5385848

I guess it's been a while. It looks like DKC2 was the last time they had three full episodes on a game.

Anybody in Japan at the end of April? The pastes just put up the site for the GCCX Symphony.

>> No.5385891
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>> No.5386092 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread here. Let this die already.

>> No.5386354

People are talking about currently airing episodes. I don't speak moonrunes either, but it's lame to shit on the thread just because there's no new subs. You don't have to be a faggot.

>> No.5386365

Why not just let the whole board die, except threads you make?
Why is everyone on 4chan such an awful goddam loser?

>> No.5386502

Burn the heretic !

>> No.5387262

How often, if ever, do really old episodes, like from the first season, re-air?

>> No.5387332

They've been showing some edited episodes from old seasons and calling them Arino's Challenge Archives for a few years now, but I think they started with the second season. I can't remember the last time I noticed them re-airing anything from the first season. The pastebin crew might know if you ask them, but I don't know if they keep track of all the re-airings that closely.

>> No.5387539

GCCX airs on a nearly daily basis, but not in strictly chronological order.
This week's episodes are Archive 73 (episode 41: Mighty Bomb Jack Event Report), Archive 76 (Episode 46: Mega Man), Archive 87 (Episode 75: Donkey Kong Country part 1) 259 (Wonder Momo), 271 (Rolling Thunder), 272 (Makuhari Messe Event Report), 274 (Super Mario RPG part 2, new episode)

I'm not really sure how the archive numbering system works, it seems kinda random.

>> No.5387549

Oh wait nevermind, they go (sort of) in order, it's just in multiple different timeslots at the same time.
Saturday nights this month they'll air archive episodes 73 (episode 41: Mighty Bomb Jack Event Report), 74 (episode 42: Hatena's Quest), 75 (episode 44: Bio Miracle: Boku tte Upa) and 76 (episode 46: Mega Man), on Sunday nights they'll air archive episodes 76 (episode 46: Mega Man), 86 (episode 73: Lemmings) , 87 (episode 74: Donkey Kong Country part 1) and 88 (episode 75: Donkey Kong Country part 2), and on Thursdays they'll air archive episodes 87 (episode 74: Donkey Kong Country part 1), 70 (episode 38: Castlevania 3), (episode 73: Lemmings) and 87 (episode 74: Donkey Kong Country part 1).

Yeah, they're airing episode 87 3 times this month.

>> No.5387584

Yeah fuck it, I don't get how this Archive system works. The same episodes are used multiple times in multiple archive episodes, and they're the same length so they're not even cut differently. I don't get it.

But yes, they started with season 2 and have not aired any season 1 episode as part of the archive series as far as I can tell.

>> No.5388112

>Yeah, they're airing episode 87 3 times this month.
I think that's because it's the latest one to be used as an Archive episode, so it's getting aired several times.

The episode list has a block about Archives at the bottom of their huge key. It seems they skip over things if they can't secure the licensing again, and they started over with the second season when they hit their 47th Archive episode, except the Archive numbers just kept going up. It sounds like a clusterfuck.

>> No.5388627

Based on some archive.org digging, this seems to be the full list of Archive episodes:

1: #1 The Mystery of Atlantis
2: #3 Ghosts'n Goblins
3: #5 Metroid
4: #6 Solomon's Key
5: #7 Prince of Persia (Part 1)
6: #8 Prince of Persia (Part 2)
7: #9 Mega Man 2
8: #10 Super Mario Bros. 3
9: #12 Power Pad: Attack! Takeshi's Castle Showdown
10: #13 Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You
11: #14 Famicom Jump: History of Heroes
12: #15 Dream Factory: Doki Doki Panic
13: #17 Super Mario World (Part 1)
14: #18 Super Mario World (Part 2)
15: #19 Milon's Secret Castle
16: #20 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
17: #22 Final Fight
18: #23 Adventure Island
19: #25 Quiz: The Feudal Lord's Ambition
20: #27 Super Mario 64 (Part 1)
21: #28 Super Mario 64 (Part 2)
22: #29 Ninja Gaiden
23: #30 Kid Icarus
24: #32 Contra
25: #33 Bonanza Brothers
26: #34 Ghouls'n Ghosts
27: #36 Shadow Land
28: #38 Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
29: #39-#41 Mighty Bomb Jack (Part 1)
30: #39-#41 Mighty Bomb Jack (Part 2)
31: #39-#41 Mighty Bomb Jack (Part 3) & Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness
32: #42 Adventure Quiz Capcom World: Hatena's Quest
33: #44 Bio Miracle: I'm Upa
34: #46 Mega Man
35: #47 Wagan Land
36: #49 The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
37: #52 Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
38: #53 Clock Tower
39: #54 The Quest of Ki (Part 1)
40: #55 The Quest of Ki (Part 2)
41: #56 Flashback: The Quest for Identity
42: #58 Masked Ninja Hanamaru
43: #59 Super Fantasy Zone
44: #60 Bonk's Adventure
45: #61 The 53 Stations of the Tokaido
46: #63 Mendel Palace
47: #1 The Mystery of Atlantis
48: #3 Ghosts'n Goblins
49: #5 Metroid
50: #6 Solomon's Key
51: #7 Prince of Persia (Part 1)
52: #8 Prince of Persia (Part 2)
53: #9 Mega Man 2
54: #10 Super Mario Bros. 3
55: #15 Dream Factory: Doki Doki Panic
56: #17 Super Mario World (Part 1)

>> No.5388642

57: #18 Super Mario World (Part 2)
58: #19 Milon's Secret Castle
59: #20 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
60: #22 Final Fight
61: #23 Adventure Island
62: #25 Quiz: The Feudal Lord's Ambition
63: #27 Super Mario 64 (Part 1)
64: #28 Super Mario 64 (Part 2)
65: #29 Ninja Gaiden
66: #32 Contra
67: #33 Bonanza Brothers
68: #34 Ghouls'n Ghosts
69: #36 Shadow Land
70: #38 Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
71: #39 Mighty Bomb Jack (Part 1)
72: #40 Mighty Bomb Jack (Part 2) & Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness
73: #41: Mighty Bomb Jack Documentary: Fan Appreciation Day
74: #42 Adventure Quiz Capcom World: Hatena's Quest
75: #44 Bio Miracle: I'm Upa
76: #46 Mega Man
77: #47 Wagan Land
78: #54 The Quest of Ki (Part 1)
86: #73 Lemmings
87: #75 Donkey Kong Country (Part 1)
88: #76 Donkey Kong Country (Part 2)

(there's a big hole towards the end there that archive.org can't help me with yet)

>> No.5388650

Thanks for all the info anons!

>> No.5388652

Also, I have no idea what the hell is up with archive episodes 29-31. They seem to be entirely recut editions of the original episodes or something in order to have the Bomb Jack playthrough conclude before Arino starts playing Gargoyle's Quest).

>> No.5388668

The schedule must have mislabeled them on the first run through. I bet they're the same as the 71-73 archives.

>> No.5388681

They have different names entirely:
#29 「マイティボンジャック」に挑戦(前編)
#30 「マイティボンジャック」に挑戦(中編)
#31 「マイティボンジャック(後編)&レッドアリーマーⅡ」に挑戦


#71 「マイティボンジャック」に挑戦
#72 「マイティボンジャック&レッドアリーマーⅡ」に挑戦
#73 「マイティボンジャック~ドキュメント・ファン感謝デー」

>> No.5388691

Cool. Thanks for nothing.

>> No.5388694

Don't be a dick, anon.

>> No.5388712

I asked the paste editor about them last night and he got back to me. He says he's keeping track of them, but they voted to have their big list only include the ones in the new year marathons.

According to him, the ones you're missing are
79: #55
80: #56
81: #58
82: #59
83: #64
84: #68
85: #69

He said he checks the fans online chatter whenever the schedule doesn't look quite right and confirmed exactly this.

>> No.5388721

Oh cool, thanks.

>> No.5388730

No problem. He's almost guaranteed to get back to you fast if you catch him on a day when you know he'll be editing, like around new episode time.

>> No.5388737 [DELETED] 

Fuck you dicksucker.

>> No.5388741

Wow, they weren't able to renegotiate Kid Icarus despite it being a high profile Nintendo game and Nintendo being extremely supportive of the show? That's bizarre.

>> No.5388747

Is there any torrent with all the highest quality RAWs? Or one with the non-translated stuff at least.

>> No.5388752

That is a little weird. It must have cost a lot to get it for the first archives run for some reason, then they didn't bother on the second run or something.

>> No.5388776 [DELETED] 

Why does this show suck so much asian penis?

>> No.5389073

How the fuck did Arino beat Dark Link on his first try without cheesing it?

>> No.5389150

He's a master button masher. It's a wonder he doesn't have arthritis.

>> No.5389153

Dark Link is much harder in the burger version because of a bug that got introduced during the porting.

>> No.5389157

What's the best Mario episode? SMB2 or 64?

>> No.5389169

World. It was hilarious to see him screw up such an easy game so much. He seems to have momentum problems.

>> No.5389181
File: 1.42 MB, 4435x2569, Fotor_155089374375610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best gag segments the show ever did. Even better they filmed it in Inoko Max's apartment, the fucking freak.

>> No.5389191

I think he's just not good at stuff that uses a running button.

>> No.5389208

Given how he stumbled his way through Sonic, I'm guessing both.

>> No.5389734
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1523491090757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post kachou memes

>> No.5389981


>> No.5390091

>It's a wonder he doesn't have arthritis.
The repetitive strain would probably affect his tendons and nerves long before it does much to his joints.

>> No.5390203

When arino refers to himself in the third person all the time (kachou this kachou that), does it come off as arrogant in Japan like it would here?

>> No.5390261

No, it's perfectly standard grammar. If he was saying "kono kachou" it'd be arrogant (though very cartoonishly so).

>> No.5390265

Definitely. A lot of the gag segments like that fall flat for me (the one with the priest comes to mind) but Inoko deadpan explaining why the clip was shocking always makes me laugh. "Would that be horrifying if it happened in real life?" and Arino just complains the whole time. It's great.

>> No.5390279

Seems pretty arrogant to me. Kind of annoying really.

>> No.5390341

t. someone who doesn't know japanese

>> No.5390432

Where's here? It wouldn't be arrogant in native English countries. You can play around and reference yourself in the third person very easily.

>> No.5390791

>It wouldn't be arrogant in native English countries
Yes it would. Particularly if you did it constantly like he does.

speaking of arrogance...

>> No.5391335

>where do you think we are

>> No.5391406
File: 11 KB, 400x300, 424642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on season 6 rn and really baffled by Inoko Max.

What's the general opinion on the guy? I think it's kind of funny how he's typically worse than Arino and doesn't consistently contribute anything useful, it makes for good comedy sometimes and when he does contribute it feels good.

But goddamn I miss Toujima.

>> No.5391407

inoko max looks legally blind when he plays. cracked up when i saw him with glasses, like about fucking time.

>> No.5391472

Inoko MAX is basically the "screw-up who you root for to get his shit together" kind of guy. He goes through some tough times, but it's heartwarming much later on as he grows up a bit and takes on more responsibility.

You'll keep seeing Tojima again here and there, just not as a regular helper.

>> No.5391491

Dude is fatter than watanabe now.

>> No.5391726
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, Game Center CX - 140 Full Speed Delivery Boy.avi_snapshot_39.11_[2013.10.12_18.36.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5391736
File: 70 KB, 1280x716, tumblr_inline_p5nqkfmQT31r4xf8n_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of the gag segments like that fall flat for me (the one with the priest comes to mind)
I didn't mind that one, I kind of liked the idea of a Shinto priest wringing profound insight from the most banal strategy guide tips.
The worst one was the one with Arino in old age makeup describing old Famicom games, which would've been funny if they were well-known games he's purposefully deacribing incorrectly to be a dick, but they're all made up games, so there doesn't seem to even be a punchline to the segment.

>> No.5391851

The point is basically for Arino to come up with something funny improptu. Sometimes it works well, other times it falls a bit flat.

>> No.5392809
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Awesome this thread is back!

>> No.5393110
File: 103 KB, 800x1200, D0LeSvQVYAEZVgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terada Miko just tweeted a happy birthday to Arino and attached this pic of herself.
Do you think Arino's wife would be alright with it?

>> No.5393161

Exchanging public pleasantries with gravure idols and other entertainers is just part of the business. I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.5393176

i don't really see why she should care

>> No.5393184

The Nip version of that game is just way easier in general.

>> No.5393749

Not really. There are differences, but they just make the game different, not easier.

>> No.5393937
File: 101 KB, 1169x896, 34462-Magical_Pop'n_(Japan)_[En_by_Aeon_Genesis_v1.01]-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think they'll ever eventually play Magical Pop'n?

I sorta wish they would, sorta wouldn't. I think it's a fantastic game, but it's rather short and kinda easy. You can cheese through it rather easily by using super magic on bosses. Then again, this is Arino.

>> No.5393953
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Will we ever get Bioharzard subs?

>> No.5393981

SA has said they'd rather not do subs of DVD-exclusive material, so not from them.

>> No.5393985 [DELETED] 


No one gives a shit about SA.

>> No.5394000


>> No.5394006

>will we ever get subs for x
>the guys that make 99% of the subs have said they probably won't sub it
>nobody gives a shit about them

>> No.5394008

Why would you even reply to that post?

>> No.5394045
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Arino and the boyz

>> No.5394052

Inoko MAX > Matsui > Toujima > Nakayama > the rest

>> No.5394053
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where is best AD tho

>> No.5394058

Can someone explain what appeals to them about this show vs say, twitch? Looking for actual answer, i checked it out today for 5 minutes and on the surface it seems similar to watching retro gamers on twitch.

>> No.5394064


Professional editing, writing, and such. Formatted to just 45 minutes. Actually somewhat informative as well. You can kinda get an overview of old games from the show. Arino has a cheery personality. A bit of a friend simulator.

The show is actually 100% legal. Most streaming actually exists in a grey area where it's technically illegal since they don't have permission, but no one bothers to shut it down except in a few instances.

>> No.5394067

It's actual TV show. With production values. And actual comedian. And compressed with only good bits left.
Instead of literally who talking about shit no one cares about and getting interrupted with donations.

>> No.5394074


The worst part is that it's a girl and they end up farting on stream. Happens all the time.

GC:CX: no farting.

>> No.5394081

The closest American thing to Arino's show is Conan's Clueless Gamer, but with a lot less real passion to gaming.

>> No.5394085

Good reasons, thanks. I'll be giving it a proper viewing.

Valid criticisms of twitch. Just an FYI that it's not so bad if you watch smaller channels, and streamers with less annoying personalities. Also, I watch VODs so i can skip boring repetitive sections, sometimes using youtube-dl to download them to watch later offline.

>> No.5394194

>actual TV show featuring a professional comedian, properly edited
>some random nobody streaming themselves playing video games
Gee I dunno.

>> No.5394203

>Also, I watch VODs so i can skip boring repetitive sections, sometimes using youtube-dl to download them to watch later offline.
That alone should make it clear what the difference between a proper TV show and some dude with a livestream is. The TV show is edited so you don't have to sit there like a faggot skimming through 5 hours of video footage trying to locate spots where watchable shit happens.

>> No.5394223

>Just an FYI that it's not so bad if you watch smaller channels, and streamers with less annoying personalities.
it's still way too raw of a content, with a lot of boring downtime
Skipping VODs sounds like a pain.

>> No.5394289
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Look, i asked earnestly because i wasn't sure. You act as if all TV is high quality when plenty of it is total trash.

There are plenty of twitch streamers that shut up and game. I, like you, find most of the "twitch community" shit awful. I don't skim through 5 hours of footage to watch 10 minutes.

Yep, fair points, its not for everyone. Ive only found a handful of channels good enough to not bother skipping a lot, and i watch it while doing other tasks so skipping occasionally isn't an issue.

I'm surprised how much hate there is for twitch here.

>> No.5394298

>i watch it while doing other tasks
that's the difference.
Twitch streams are nothing but background noise. Maybe interesting like once a hour at best.
You compare it to entertaiment of a carefully produced TV show. Which people watch usually with at least some attention.
Sure, TV shows can also be used as background noise, but only after you at least watched them once.
So basically while they are similar to the point, they have way less in common than you assume.

>> No.5394315

I mean, you're literally admitting that twitchshit is so unwatchable on its own you need to do other stuff at the same time, then wondering why there's hate for it here and wondering what the difference between this shit and a properly edited TV show is.

>> No.5394316

No different than AVGN

>> No.5394351
File: 94 KB, 337x225, UH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never insinuated twitch was better than TV, im not sure why you two are on the attack thinking i'm having a go at your beloved TV medium. All ive said is that some TV is rubbish, and i wasn't sure if this show had something to offer over watching someone play retro games on twitch.

FWIW, i skip boring bits of regular TV shows often too. I can get through a lot of supernatural episodes in a night by skipping the "boys in the car" and other soapy stuff.

>> No.5394434

you asked >>5394058
>Can someone explain what appeals to them about this show vs say, twitch?
People answered.
What the problem? People hurt twitch feelings?
No one really cares what and why you watch anything, but twitch is low-tier entertaiment, it's okay to like it, but people who like a bit more quality entertaiment will be not really all that welcoming of you if you start to compare low-tier entertaiment with something better.

>> No.5394442

Nakayama best

>> No.5394815

That wasn't a very good episode.
Games like these suffer heavily from the 1 hour editing. It kinda worked for DQ1 because I'm guessing most of the cut footage was grinding, and the game is short to begin with, but with Mario RPG I felt like they either cut or sped through a lot of good stuff, then again who knows, maybe Arino just didn't have anything interesting to say during those parts. I may also be biased because of course I've played the game, but somehow I feel if you haven't, the footage would look even more rushed and confusing.

>> No.5394886

That’s the issue with the show’s formula. I know some people here go „waa yet another famicom game”, but the truth is, GCCX works only with short/repetitive games. The moment the game is more complex than the usual „8 stages + final boss” structure, the editing completely falls apart. The awkwardly paced two-parters (looking at you, Megaman) and increasingly more pointless Tamages also don’t help.

>> No.5395126

whats the difference between subs through 2013 and subs through 2015? Why would you get only through 2013?

>> No.5395137

>i skip boring bits of regular TV shows often
Why bother at all

>> No.5395226

Maybe there's been some fluctuation in seeding over the years so they left it in as an alternative in case there's a problem?

>> No.5395867

Arino has a soul

>> No.5395870

your brain has been rewired by too much supernormal stimulation. Try to go one day without any electronics.

>> No.5395907

Why bother with any entertainment? Why would you watch every episode, every scene? Do you also think artists have the final say in how art should be consumed?

This is you projecting, I recently came back from an electronics free 2 week camping holiday and 1 month away from the PC, and i use my phone little enough that the battery lasts 3 days. I agree too much stimulation or entertainment is unhealthy.

>> No.5396041

It depends entirely on the game. What doesn't work is really long and wordy games with little difficulty.
Two of the greatest early episodes are Tokimeki Memorial and Quiz Tonosama no Yabou, neither of which are generic platformers. They work because they have material for Arino to work with.

>> No.5396059
File: 90 KB, 853x480, screenshot0292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hours do you think ADs playtest the game?

>> No.5396063


My favorite episodes tend to be:
>cinematic platformers (eg. Nosferatu)
>quiz games
>visual novels/dating games
>2D/3D adventure games (Mansion of Lost Souls, Clock Tower)

A lot of the generic platformers kinda fade away. But the more puzzle-like "cinematic platformers" in the vein of Prince of Persia are much more memorable. I think it's because they're more cinematic rather than game-y.

>> No.5396104
File: 91 KB, 853x480, screenshot0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Arino missing some saving element or is this game really that brutal? It seems nuts that they basically restart the game each time you die.

Downtown Monogatari for instance only sent you back to the beginning and halved your money each time you died.

>> No.5396117

you're missing out on an entire genre anon

>> No.5396164

Just standard roguelike/lite artificial difficulty. If you were able to progress normally, you would figure out it's a subpar RPG a lot sooner. You'll notice many of the posts in the /rlg/ threads on /vg/ are just people talking about how to break or how broken the game is. It's not really about gameplay as much as a sense of hitting the jackpot when the RNG gods smile on you.

>> No.5396275
File: 79 KB, 853x480, screenshot0294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit is nuts.

>> No.5396383

I guess, if you like slot machines.

>> No.5396393

That's the genre, yes. The episode isn't really all that representative, though, Arino never really figures out how to play efficiently.

>> No.5396504

Happy Birthday Kacho!

>> No.5396725

What are some really comfy episodes to watch. I watched all the subbed eps from like two years ago but i dont remember much.

>> No.5396782

literally any quiz one

>> No.5396784

Whats the one where they get abe and the AD's out with paddels?

>> No.5396787

I think it was either The Feudal Lord's Ambition one or Yuuyu's Quiz De Go! Go!
may be wrong

>> No.5396954

Feudal Lord's Ambition.
Happens in later untranslated ones too.

>> No.5397019
File: 22 KB, 396x560, yuyu1175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuyu a CUTE!
>tfw I actually know more about her than Kacho

>> No.5398030

Quiz games episodes are the best, this isn't even up for debate. Arino is a great person, but it's way better when he's interacting with multiple people at once. That's why the highlights of the show are exactly that (for example that one segment of the SF2 episode in which Arino battled against multiple people from the staff).

>> No.5398429

Dating/raising sims
Horror games

>> No.5398445

To be honest my favourite part of every episode is the segments where hes not playing. I love "if you're thinking of visiting.." and all the travel episodes.

That Thailand episode is fucking weird, everyone was poor as fuck and i remember he just visited some random families home and played ipad and wii games at their birthday party.

>> No.5398473

>whining about roguelikes
>whining about shiren of all games

shiren is a real roguelike, but isn't really that hard (for the genre) or even that RNG heavy

i also have not heard anyone say "artificial difficulty" in a serious sense in years

>> No.5398770

>That Thailand episode
You mean Vietnam?

>> No.5398884

>shiren is a real roguelike
>can leave equipment and items for your next run
Umm, no sweatie pie.

>> No.5399582

Dragon Quest 2 when?

>> No.5399730

>Dating/raising sims

They've done raising sims?

>> No.5399743

I think he did some game where you raise a schoolgirl? I seem to recall that.

>> No.5399748

Yeah in #125.

>> No.5399796

Twitch is usually more entertaining.

>> No.5400370

FYI: The 7 day bump limit on /vr/ is gone. The limit is now 14 days.

>> No.5402013


>> No.5402024 [DELETED] 

Yea nobody cares. Stop bumping this shit thread.

>> No.5403421

Arino playing a good game when?

>> No.5403526

Best AD?

>> No.5403530
File: 156 KB, 720x400, Game Center CX 117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vote

>> No.5403645

It wouldn't be arrogant if you were using your own name, but it would if you were referring to yourself by a superior title like chief

>> No.5403646

mah nigga

>> No.5403760

Mario RPG episode 2 was considerably better than the first. It helps that this part of the game had some bits Arino struggled with rather than just stuff he breezed through with zero effort.

>> No.5403765
File: 999 KB, 4032x2619, Fotor_155139642379899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5404245

Threadly question of has Arino played E.V.O. yet?

>> No.5404281 [DELETED] 

suck a fart

>> No.5404309

Not yet. The episode list in the OP is always up to date.

>> No.5404774

It can sound either stilted or arrogant when you transcribe it and view it under English standards. With English, everyone just uses "I" or "you", and no one cares or worries about sounding rude. So if a company president just started saying shit like "the president will do it for you" instead of just "I'll do it for you", it would probably sound dickish.
But it's not necessarily like that in Japanese, as >>5390261 said. Their grammar and structures are different. The I" or "you" variations in Japanese can sometimes be dropped completely, or replaced by actual names or titles for various reasons (being concise, having a clear subject in the sentence, being cutesy/boyish, showing humility, etc).
In Arino's case, it comes off as very facetious or boyish to me, and there are probably other times when he uses it in a pseudo-arrogant tone (as a transparent joke).

>> No.5405007 [DELETED] 

dis dood a faggot.

>> No.5405671

Yeah, I never take it as arrogant when Arino talks like that. Everyone knows he's a comedian, and his Kacho rank is just for the show and not to be taken seriously.

>> No.5407104

14 days is still pretty limiting.

>> No.5408195

What Mario games has Arino still not played?

>> No.5408403

From ones they might play on the show, Mario Kart 64 and various sports games come to mind. Maybe also Wrecking Crew '98 or possibly a Wario Land game.

>> No.5409712

Mario Kart 64 would be amazing.

>> No.5410150

respectful bump

>> No.5410860

Can't remember the name but who stayed behind and almost killed themselves to complete Adventure Island?

>> No.5410901
File: 61 KB, 640x480, Game Center CX 023 - Adventure Island.avi-2016-08-26-02h06m20s532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5410917

The Axe'm Rangers for fuckin' sure. The have ridiculous speed and they counter on every single attack made.

>> No.5412250

He needs to git gud.

>> No.5413350

The game seriously isn't THAT hard.

>> No.5413358

Sounds like something /vr/ would say

>> No.5413382

"This is when Urakawa knew...
...he fucked up."

>> No.5414189

You mean /v/

>> No.5414302 [DELETED] 

you mean dookie up the butt

>> No.5414387 [DELETED] 

you mean dookie in the mouth

>> No.5415620

Was he the one that chose the game?

>> No.5416503

Lead AD I think has a big say in what the show plays, so yeah it was probably something he helped pick.

>> No.5416549 [DELETED] 

or some dookie in the mouth

>> No.5416883

Serves him right, then.

>> No.5418254

It sure is disheartening when you forget to hold left to continue at the last few levels though

>> No.5418490

I made a new thread since this one is out of time.


>> No.5418739

Urakawa worst ad

>> No.5418759

Nah he was one of the best.

>> No.5418776

sassano #1

>> No.5418791

I liked him too.