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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 994 KB, 1280x1120, 1535235828902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5384192 No.5384192 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5384214

Literally nobody said that.

>> No.5384216

Don't you just love the /v/ style of posting a thread responding to an argument no one made in an effort to start an argument?

>> No.5384239

Is this game actually good?

>> No.5384242

From what I remember it's kinda sluggish with weird collision detection.

>> No.5384378

this screams "great looking british platformer with neat ideas but actually plays like shit"
Am i correct?

>> No.5384380


>> No.5384426


>> No.5384436

I don't know.

>> No.5384476

What game in that?

>> No.5384479


>> No.5384492

/vr/ - /v/ with retro content (and 6th gen slipping through the cracks more and more as Halo and RE4 becomes "yup good game" with its audience aging).

>> No.5384525

Romhack of Bubsy 3d

>> No.5384540

it's shit, terrible gameplay, stiff controlls and grimdark retarded visuals.

>> No.5384543

the visual direction is too noisy and they thoughtlessly applied a "more detail is better" mentality". artist btw

>> No.5384647


>> No.5384649

Artist here too and I love the style. European Amiga-esque styles shaped my own.

>> No.5384652

The Misadventures of Flink

>> No.5384680

plays pretty much like Magical Quest, but the MC feels heavier and the collision slightly off

it's not bad by 90s euro-platformer standards

>> No.5385664


It looks as if they used the backgrounds from Shadow of the Beast.

>> No.5385690


>> No.5385776

>tfw shifted my LCD phase just so that dithering is perfectly averaged by an offset of one pixel like the genesis composite does
Being really nice browsing PC98 threads and several others provided the image is 1x. It also doubles as free antialiasing of some sort.

>> No.5385797


This board gets more and more surreal every day.

>> No.5385801

It looks incredible though and I would bet money your favorite looking games are Mario RPG and DKC.

>> No.5385807

>messy camera, jump & spin enemies moves looks almost identical to the first Rayman game with all it's flaws
>came out 1 year prior to Rayman

>> No.5385814

/vr/ is only allowed to like about 5 games and anything else just leads to angry trolling about not liking the right things. what a state this place is in...

>> No.5385815

The fuck else did you expect from 4chan

>> No.5385820
File: 54 KB, 640x448, flink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And rather than talk about the game's good sides you fags decide to whine about "the state of the site" despite that being a bigger fucking indicator of walking cancers than the perma-rage autists who can't praise a game to save their shitty lives.
Fuck you.

>> No.5385823

It used to be better a few years ago. But this is gonna happen with a board that's dedicated to a very specific timeline.
The solution to fix this is either post better, or just leave, there's plenty of other boards out there.

>> No.5385828

Fuck you too, oversensitive bitch.

>> No.5385836

Probably the same artist. Psygnosis had some very distinctive styles in the games they had a hand in

>> No.5385862

God damn, what a good looking game

>> No.5385869

Talking thoughtfully about good points vs bad points usually just leads to no replies other than a couple of stock "ur a faggit this isn't Donkey Kang" bait castings. So sue me for not putting much effort in anymore.

>> No.5385873

not that guy, but if you hit that level of apathy why even post anymore?

>> No.5385895

Sometimes something funny happens.

>> No.5385902

>used to be better a few years ago before the Dreamcast was allowed, then the mod/janny who was keeping board quality up gave up or left
FTFY. Never forget how much better the board was before the DC kids spammed until they got their special snowflake exemption.

>> No.5386084

Post your work. I love psygnosis amiga backgrounds.

>> No.5386315

According to the rules the DC is allowed as it was launched in 1999 or earlier. But not allowed because muh generations. Only the worst generation could make a rule so retarded and then get triggered over it.

>> No.5387452

If only it played as good as it looks.

Yes, most countries can spell simple words like 'colour'.

>> No.5387461

It "looks" amazing but there is little incorporation of color balance or accommodating for the player's attempt to not have a seizure. I like Gradius btw(obvious dark background with explicit foreground elements)

>> No.5387537

That seriously gives you a seizure?

>> No.5387846
File: 166 KB, 960x638, DK_FM6EWAAAMiio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably the same artist.
it's not, Flink's artist is a guy named Henk Nieborg, same dude from Lionheart (amiga), Lomax, Shantae 2 and 3, Contra 4, etc

>> No.5387851

Flink and Shantae had the same artist? Holy shit I can see it now. Thosr games make me sad.

>> No.5387861

Color theory is a subjective joke anon.
Literally the only thing that's objectively true about colouring is that you muddy the painting (which you might want) by putting darks on darks and brights on brights.

>> No.5387882

>Thosr games make me sad

>> No.5388304

Hyperbole, really.
Subjective joke? Palette and color schemes are very important components of composition. Before this turns into artdweebs taking shots at each other, all I'm really saying is that in a gameplay context, readability is very very important. Probably even moreso than overloading the viewer with as many realistic backgrounds as possible.

>> No.5388417

That image has 300 colors in it, anon...

>> No.5388486

I wish I was any good at pixel art. I want something like this Amiga style for the sprites & textures of my Doom mod.

>> No.5388625


>> No.5388635

Except most 6th Gen games are retro by now.

>> No.5388640
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, flimbo's quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why Euros had this fixation on horror vacui audiovisuals. It's way too much and leaves no space.

>> No.5388656

Le minimalism faggotry.
You're not Oga Kazuo.

>> No.5388684

Beautiful. Ristar is in the same league to me.

>> No.5388736

imagine being so upset at opinions

>> No.5388805

Not him but I'm also an arty fart and I love the way those games look. They're detailed but in a good way. Everyone has different tastes though, I sincerely believe the people who say they like the way DKC looks and I think those are some of the ugliest games ever.

>> No.5388810

Speaking from a purely technical standpoint, sparse graphics allow bigger, longer levels in a game. Elaborate graphics take a lot of space.

>> No.5388821

It also makes for a sparser more barren world evoking less interest in exploring it and utterly destroying any sense of wonder had in a fucking platformer. Those are the thoughts of a nu-Indie shitgame with 1-2 crappy tilesets that crib on minimalism to avoid doing real work.

And the Amiga CD32 was a CD-ROM system, what else were they going to fill those CDs with in 1993 anyway?

>> No.5388837

Nintendo's first party titles on the NES always had relatively spartan graphics while other devs like Konami and Data East had more detailed ones. By the 16-bit era, cartridge ROMs were much bigger so this became less of an issue.

>> No.5388896

It looked good in magazine screenshots.

>> No.5388902

Another game that Euro Commodore fanboys vastly overrate.

>> No.5389826

Flink's dark colours are as impressive as high tier pixel art

Mega Drive's master palette is devoid of dark shades

>> No.5392052

It has dark shades.

>> No.5392061

You can get extra colors out of shadow / highlight mode.