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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 104 KB, 300x220, sr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5379349 No.5379349 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best game ever made.

Fallout 1 and 2 come close, but i unironically love Shadowrun like no other game.

Its so sad theres just this title and nothing like it.

>> No.5379381

>nothing like it

Wasn't there a remake?

>> No.5379437

I've been dying to play this, I couldn't get into it the first time. What's the best version? I heard the Genesis and SNES versions are vastly different? Isn't there also a Sega CD version?

>> No.5379440

Sega CD is Japan only and vastly different as well. Best version is what ever style you like, but the Genesis is a bit more in line with the pen and paper game were the SNES takes a lot more liberties.

>> No.5379442


Do you fucking retards think everything is a remake?

Link Between Worlds isn't a remake, and Shadowrun Returns isn't a remake. Completely new games with new mechanics and story, so they're reboots not remakes. (LBW isn't even a reboot, it's just a new entry in the Zelda series)

>> No.5379448

SNES version has a really cool feeling to it, shame the gameplay isn't all that great. (not as an RPG or as a point & click)
All kinds of Shadowrun always manages to make me think "this would have been better without the Tolkien cruft" at the end of any given game of it but ymmv.
They're entrely different games. Their only common point is the setting.

>> No.5379451

How is it a reboot? It's just another SR game. At most it has Jake Armitage making an appearance.

>> No.5379674

Combat is lame once you figure out how broken turning yourself invisible is, the hacking minigame isn't as fun as Genesis Shadowrun's, and the plot isn't good enough to make up for the poor gameplay.

ShadowRun SNES is frankly overrated.

>> No.5379786
File: 57 KB, 400x572, 1163748572-00.jpg.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image, anon.

>> No.5379812

Reboot of what? SR is a setting for pen-and-paper RPGs, not a series created for videogames.

>> No.5379817

Heh, epic pwn my fellow hardcore gamer. It truly is amazing how many people on this board have yet to realize that everything Nintendo does, Sega does better. They aren’t the intellectuals like you or I. *chuckles softly*
Why are Nintentoddlers allowed on this board? They're a fucking embarrassment and make real mature gamers like me look bad for even occupying the same board as me.

>b-but Nintendo excelled at making platformers!

Bullshit, Nintendo didn't excel at one god damn thing. I take that back, actually. They excel at one thing. Nintendo excels at being for bing bing wahoo babies and manchildren who run away when they see blood because they are immature babyfags and can't handle a deep, dark, serious game like I can. Sega and Sony had games that reflected the inner darkness of my soul from having two Christmases since my parents were divorced, while Nintendo did kiddy shit because nintentoddlers are fucking babies who never had to rough it in high school like real people, like me, who had to deal with bullies and preppy douchebags since they didn't understand my real power...

>> No.5379845

Fucking epic clapback, how will the nintendies EVER recover???

>> No.5379846



>> No.5379850

Nah it plays like shit and even Fallout plays better. Which is bad since Fallout games combat wasn't great. Fun at times but they got old real fast. Those games were carried on their world much more then the combat. I do like the game though. Underrated game. I would like to see a remake with a better form of Fallout 1 and 2 combat. Something that doesn't require you to have sky high agility just so you have enough action points. One of the key things that ruined Fallout's combat.

>> No.5379880


>> No.5379887

I thought the hacking game was fun. The Genesis one was just broken. You need to make money to upgrade, and once you upgrade everything gets harder so your upgrades are worthless and you need to upgrade again.

I think you really only need three skills in the Genesis version and it costs a fortune to max them out.

>> No.5379896

>and once you upgrade everything gets harder so your upgrades are worthless
That's not how that game works. Nothing in it scales automatically: you can trip flags that make things harder on you(mostly enabling Renraku hit squads or joining the Mafia or Yakuza) but that has nothing to do with the Matrix, which is easy as fuck if you know anything about the mechanics.

>> No.5379918

I just remember using mask and attack. It just felt like once I had a good run and made a little money the jobs would become next to impossible and I would have to keep upgrading those two skills.

A lot of times I would just die and restart hoping I could get by undetected or that my attacks would hit.

>> No.5379963

>They're entrely different games. Their only common point is the setting.
Which is the better game?

>> No.5380264

It's pretty good but I got stuck. There was a helicopter on a roof and the pilot wouldn't let me get on - I couldn't find any other way to progress through the game so ended up just leaving it.

I've sold it now, sadly.

>> No.5381250

They are both really good on their own ways. On Genesis the storyline to follow is very confusing, at 3/4 of the game you dont know where to go or what to do, so you basically need a walkthrough.

You need the keyword volcano for him. You get it from the chester spirit by asking about drake after you beat him.

>> No.5381283

There are three games.

>> No.5381303

What you mean? The one(s) on PC? Thats out of order, because no retro and it sucks donkey dicks.

>> No.5381304

The Mega CD game.

>> No.5381378

Mask is useless past the very beginning and the first thing you should do after maxing out memory for data files is upgrade your deck so you can upgrade Evasion. Each point of evasion lowers the TN to hit a node with Attack by 1, which has a huge effect on your accuracy. On the Karma side, max out Intelligence first and then go for a 6 in Computer: you can go higher than that, but it's mostly overkill aside from dodging Tar Pits.

>> No.5381391

Yes that evasion upgrade is the most important thing of hacking and one of the most viable tips ever.

>> No.5382214

Personally I like sleaze. Masking alerts the system if you do it in too many places even though it opens up the system without you needing to continually bypass areas.