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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 169 KB, 640x877, 586040_38809_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
537324 No.537324 [Reply] [Original]

Worst game from your childhood go

That game that was the only game your parents bought you for the next six months, and it was shit. And you tried to like it, you tried to enjoy it for all that time, but no, it was fucking horrid and every second you played it you hated it more and more until something broke inside your head and you just couldn't feel anything anymore

>> No.537354

>Fighting at its ballziest
It's not that funny, but why am I laughing so hard?

>> No.537376

because it's 90's bad

>> No.537394

My NES collection was a roller coaster of quality

The highs were amazing: Mario 1 through 3, Zelda, Punchout...

But the lows...

Hydlyde, Milon's Secret Castle, Totally Rad, LJN's X-Men...

>> No.537436
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 323862_Justice-League-Task-Force_box_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest music score I've ever heard in a video game, however, it's attached to the shittiest fighting game that I've ever played

>> No.537472


dat superman mullet
dat Darkseid voice sample

>> No.542193
File: 36 KB, 400x393, 572474_114102_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theme song was cool, OP. Genesis version anyway. I pick this game. The music was okay but damn was it atrocious.

>> No.542209

Probably either Radical Rex for SNES or Toy Story for the gameboy

>> No.542210

>any game by accolade

>> No.542251

Superman 64. It was a grim day.

>> No.542272

>mom rents The Mask on SNES
>get stuck / don't know how to play right at the beginning
>start crying
>mom returns game

I don't remember hating games as a kid too much, but that left a horrible memory.

>> No.542281
File: 35 KB, 291x400, Castlequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this POS

>> No.542352

Final Fantasy VII. Not joking, unfortunately for me since it's such a ripe target for derision.

I had grown up on games like Megaman X and U.N. Squadron with nary an RPG in sight. Didn't help that titles like FF3 and Earthbound were so damn expensive and rare. I just... couldn't get into it. Not until much later, anyway. And by the time I had returned to it, it feels like it aged too much for me to get that certain sense of immersion.

You may now proceed to the mocking.

>> No.542383

You sounded like an awful child.

>> No.542395


>Hardaball 5

Pick one and only one.

>> No.542436

At least you explained yourself instead of throwing hyperbole around. Your opinion shall be respected.

>> No.542465

I actually still own this game for the SNES

Don't know why, but even if it was shit it had some small charm to it.

I don't know, maybe it was because I liked the carnival background but that's just me.

>> No.542469

Most of the horrible games I played, I rented for my Genesis. Ballz was definitely up there. Next in line would have to be stuff like James Pond 3 or Toys.

>> No.542497
File: 70 KB, 250x350, the-ren-and-stimpy-show-stimpys-invention-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated this because of the shit it caused lol

My mom bought me this on my birthday for £60 back in the day

I completed it in a hour

Mom "i just wasted £60??? You will play that damn game again..."
The toilet humour didnt do it for me after the first run, i played it now and then to humour her

>> No.542509

That rhino motherfucker. Every time.

>> No.542519

>I completed it in a hour
Oh you bastard I kept fucking up on the downhill bike stage.

>> No.542547
File: 26 KB, 256x224, StreetFighter2010_(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this dude in our neighborhood who was in a wheelchair, and dumbass kids that we were, we felt like we had to gush over everything that he did. (He had a heart condition that made too much walking difficult, other than that, he was fine.)

He brought this interstellar turd over to my house, and we pretended we liked that shit. It was so bad that years later, when I saw a Street Fight II arcade machine for the first time, I was like, "Fuck that noise..."

>> No.542564
File: 105 KB, 640x923, Pinball Quest American Box Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I will be hated for this, because being born before the 90s is a sin on 4chan, and I guess on this board since 2 weeks ago... but... here you go

>> No.542582

this story screams made up bullshit to me

>> No.542583
File: 74 KB, 640x400, mario-teaches-typing_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.542606

what. a dude cant be in a wheelchair?

>> No.542607

>implying that anyone actually played that when it was new

that game was virtually unknown before some people decided to pick on it years later... no one played that shit back in the day, and don't even dare say you did just to make us think you were "special"

>> No.542608

This screams "guy who liked SF:2010" to me.

If I was going to make up some shit, I'd have said the game was so bad, it ruptured the wheelchair dude's heart, wrecked my house, and got my mom and the dog pregnant.

>> No.542610
File: 47 KB, 495x343, Final_Fantasy_Mystic_US_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me be clear, this is not a game with bad memories, au contrare, I had excellent memories, but I can't go back and play it anymore since it's so fucking boring. The music still kicks ass.

The difference between my 20 year old attention span and my 5 year old one.

>> No.542613

Why is Mario the only happy guy in this picture while the rest of the company are leaving in panic?

>> No.542614

I had it for PC

>> No.542615


You son of a bitch. No one talks bad about James Pond.

>> No.542623


James Pond 3 did not win me over, friend.

>> No.542624

You know, the last time I was deployed, I played through MQ every time I had a day off.

>> No.542617

>implying that's why your story sounds fake

nice job trying to dodge the bullet

>> No.542625

yeah... so did my school... and it came with a lot of computers... but still no one played it... what's your point?

>> No.542627

nice troll attempt


>> No.542628


I see your Mario Teaches Typing and raise you a Mario's Game Gallery.


It's worse. Way worse.

>> No.542645


the game was bad, but your story still sounds like /b/tard tier mad up garbage, all you need to do is add something about having a huge dick and poo coming out your ass, it's not about if the game is bad or not but more about the stupidity of your story, also the fact that you felt the need to respond to my post more than once is pretty damning in it's self

>> No.542661

Umm...what? I only responded once. Well, now twice.

2/10 - Since I thought you legit had a problem with my story for a minute.

>> No.542659
File: 495 KB, 450x640, SwordofSodan-Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark fucking Castle ain't got nothing on this piece of shit.

>> No.542664
File: 45 KB, 520x444, 449227-zoop3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Zoop for the Genesis. I.. I don't even know why. I remember looking at that wall of paper in Toys R Us and telling my brother I'm going to buy Zoop. He says that's the game with unicycles right (refering to uniracers) and I say nope and buy this utter piece of generic garbage anyway.

I bought it with my own money too. I can't even rationalize it. "oh, well the screenshots looked good" or "well it got good reviews". No, it was just fucking Zoop.

>> No.542680

>I confused you for the other guy that acted exactly like you (>implying it's not you)
>you now have no problem with my story
oh... ok then, that makes perfect sense

>> No.542683

you HAVE to be trolling

>> No.542684
File: 59 KB, 392x400, 678648765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my life.

>> No.542691

It's pretty obvious you're trolling...there's nothing unlikely about my story.

A guy brought a crappy game to my house and I didn't like it so much that when I saw a sequel, I thought I wouldn't like it either. The fucking end.

>> No.542695

but.... yu-gi-oh wasn't even popular... or well known... or even distributed in the west... when that came out...

>> No.542715

I had a friend who had it on his PC. At first I was like "WOAH MARIO ON THE COMPUTER?!"

Then I saw it. We quickly switched to Lemmings.

>> No.542712

the "all people with a wheelchair are assholes you need to feel sorry for" and "then we played streetfighter 2 and hated it" as if they were even slightly related games is what tipped me off to the fact that you were a /b/tard like troll, but of course you will continue to deny it

>> No.542713


Doesn't change the fact I had it and it was bullshit. I thought it would be an interesting card game and I liked the Egyptian theme. Boy was I wrong.

>> No.542717

No, we didn't hate SF:II, we hated SF:2010...

I thought I would hate SF:II, but I didn't even see it until years later.

You need some reading comprehension.

>> No.542721


Why? It's not a great game for kids. It's not even that compelling of an action puzzle game. There's not even a story or puzzle mode.

Lolo, Yoshi's Cookies, Tetris Attack, and Tetris plus and some of the games I think about when I think good puzzle games. Not fucking Zoop, man.

>> No.542726

Not even the worst fighter I ever played. Try again.

As to your topic, probably when my ex bought me DefJam: Fight for New York after she played coy to figure out what I wanted. And I said DOA Ultimate would be awesome for Christmas. Christmas day, open the present, see it's DefJam, could have spent my money on a video game, but no, I had to go for broke over jewelry. "I know you love fighting games, so I got that for you. :D"

>> No.542732

Not the guy, but Zoop was a good game.

>> No.542730 [DELETED] 

no... you do... and...
now fuck off
if you think I am trolling you are a moron

>> No.542740


Even though it's not DOA it was a pretty solid fighting system. You could have gotten something way worse. I do understand your disappointment getting on thing when you suggested another though.

>> No.542741 [DELETED] 

>inb4 "y r u so butmad angry tee hee ha ha"

>> No.542742

Not the other guy but Zoop was pretty bland

>> No.542757

>There's not even a story or puzzle mode.
are you sure you are on the right board?

>> No.542745 [DELETED] 
File: 860 KB, 1299x1648, FlimbosQuestSystem3TapeInlay01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the early '90s my sister's boyfriend (now her husband) gave us his old Amstrad CPC along with some games like Bubble Bobble, Batman, Shinobi and so on. When I asked from my father to buy me a new game for this computer (it was a miracle that we found a store at my city that was still selling games for Amstrad CPC) I picked up this piece of shit because I thought it was a cool platform game. Fortunately it's the only shitty game I bought in my life (I have played many other shitty games but they were borrowed from other people, so no loss here).

If you have never heard of this game before, I envy you.

>> No.542762

>waah he didn't like a game better insult him

>> No.542765

At the early '90s my sister's boyfriend (now her husband) gave us his old Amstrad CPC along with some games like Bubble Bobble, Batman, Shinobi and so on. When I asked from my father to buy me a new game for this computer (it was a miracle that we found a store at my city that was still selling games for Amstrad CPC) I picked up this piece of shit because I thought it was a cool platform game. Fortunately it's the only shitty game I bought in my life (I have played many other shitty games but at least I have borrowed them from other people or played them from their consoles, so no loss here).

If you have never heard of this game before, I envy you.

>> No.542776
File: 860 KB, 1299x1648, FlimbosQuestSystem3TapeInlay01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.542778

wtf... you delete a post just to make a more skrewed up version of a perfectly fine post? are you high?

>> No.542789


They used this at my elementary school to (surprise surprise) teach kids typing. We played it at least once a week during computer class for a whole year's worth of school, if not two.

>implying you'll even believe my story
>implying it even matters

It's totally true, for the record. I fucking hate that game, but it's mostly because the teacher for that class was a huge bitch.

>> No.542791
File: 79 KB, 350x350, small_soldiers_11_box_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.542792

4.20/10 erry dai boi

>> No.542802

no... I believe you, in hindsight I was just being a dick, sorry

>> No.542804
File: 58 KB, 475x500, mario-is-missing-pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Related to Mario Teaches Typing is this one. Played this in summer school, not knowing better. What bugged me is that the teacher wouldn't let you "play" on the computer, you said you wanted to "work" on the computer. She was all right otherwise, but still.

>> No.542813

>Pinball Quest
>Bad game
Get back in /v/!

>> No.542819

Jesus, that cover art. It looks so bleak, and like it's missing something.

>> No.542827

have you ever even played it?
dear god, the game is so shitty, the fact that it's obscure and made by Jaleco does not instantly make it good, dear lord

>> No.542859
File: 12 KB, 200x199, g03198dwj4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking game

>> No.542875

>that box art
how was that even approved by nintendo?

>> No.542885

>the undergrond underworld


>> No.542898

No worries, I'd like to think we're all friends here.

>> No.542915

Never knew there was a PC version of this.

>> No.542925

that game is awesome. you and your dumbass friends just couldn't figure out how to play it

>> No.542970

My mom bought it for us when I was 9. Yes, I did play it. Yes, it sucked. No, I don't care if some anon /v/agina believes me or not.

>> No.543071

isnt the pc mario is missing where the weegee sprite comes from?

also i actually enjoyed mario teaches typing.beat the hell out of learning typing using mavis beacon.

>> No.543140
File: 185 KB, 600x589, Rascal [U] [SLUS-00542]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came out with my PS1, if it wasn't for the Demo CD that also came with the console i would have go nuts and killed myself.

>> No.543147
File: 1.94 MB, 1954x1474, MarioMissing_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And look at this ad for the SNES version

>Most of the copy blares about how it's still Mario's adventure somehow
>talks about finding clues, exploring locations, outsmarting Koopas, keeping track of things on your map
>not a single mention of learning facts

Even ad agencies struggled to sell this.

>> No.543169

And one of the shots on the ad is from the PC version.

>> No.543223

>lots of help screens

I wanted this game so badly as a kid. Damn was I disappointed when I discovered emulation.

>> No.543282

I know they use the sprite in the SNES version.

>> No.543334

Imagine my disappointment when I rented it. Nothing worse than a wasted rental.

>> No.543365

>not taking it back the same day or next day and saying it didn't work then grabbing a classic you knew you loved

>> No.543409


I still have this game. I had my mother buy it for me off that Scholastic book club thing at school.

It's basically Carmen Sandiego - I think unfairly hated thanks to AVGN.

>> No.543413


AVGN aside, I'm really not crazy about it today.

>> No.543430

it was hated before avgn got ahold of it.

and dont ou dare compare carmen sandiego to this piece of dogshit.

>> No.543471

>unfairly hated thanks to AVGN




>> No.543497


I am so sick of hearing people use this line to defend terrible games. AVGN didn't even give it that bad of a review. He did mention that it was an educational game... which is exactly the problem.

See >>543147

Everyone who played that bucket of slug-sludge when it was new will remember the deliberately misleading ads, that tried to represent MIM as an adventure game.

Mario Is Missing was a very-high profile game when it was released. It's not like it's some obscure game AVGN helped the rest of the world discover, EVERYONE played Mario Is Missing. And I never knew anyone who liked it.

>> No.543537

Stop being a fucking tripfag everywhere.
You're not going to become a /vr/ celebrity, you're just going to make everything that you say sound retarded as fuck.

>> No.543559


This didn't need to broken up into two posts.

>> No.543658

Exactly what my thoughts were edutainment is not bad. Games marketed as edutainment arent bad. Hell i grew up on decent edutainment.

as a typing drill program mario teaches typing wasnt that bad, in fact i would say it was one of the better typing tutor programs on my computer at home at the time. It seemed to teach the stuff in a fair way that actually helped me learn the skill.

I actuially enjoyied math blaster as a kid, and played hours of eagle eye mysteries. i had about 90 percent of the super solvers games and remember playing eco quest as my first adventure game.

Lest we not forget the masterpiece known as the Oregon Trail.

no mario is missing was shit because it was shit. as far as edutainment goes it was badly designed and didnt play right and the advertising made it out to be an adventure game.

>> No.543674


>> No.543682


Why? Is the internet almost out of space?

>> No.543698


He doesn't know

>> No.543863
File: 159 KB, 552x360, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, I rented this once as a kid.

>> No.543931
File: 17 KB, 200x130, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, has anyone or does anyone know how to get past the second level. This game is stupid.

>> No.543950

I got up all the way to the part where Stimpy's mouth closes on you. Couldn't get past that part.

>> No.544127

I think you are thinking of Ren and Stimpy Veediota. This game effectively brings you to a dead end on level 2

>> No.544183

Oh yea, that show had a lot of vidya for the SNES.
>Time Warp
>That game based on the firehouse episode

>> No.544223

>Terminator SNES

Can't recall getting past the first level. Unholy combo of being hard and not fun.

>> No.544228
File: 271 KB, 639x477, my ass hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fantasy Adventure
>Few hours into the game, enjoying myself
>Have to get an axe to cut down some trees to get into a cave
>Try to cut down trees, nothing happens
>Swing the fucking axe at every pixel of every tree on every screen
>Spend weeks trying to figure out how to progress to no avail
>Put down game
>Years later read on the internet that some copies of the game are bugged and it's impossible to progress past this point.

Still have never beaten this game.

>> No.544234


There's always Sword of Mana, the remake.

>> No.544252

thats what you get for liking 3d balls op, goes to show you always were a faggot

>> No.544257

and the only good one was on the genesis.

>> No.544337

This is /v/, idiot.

>> No.544396


>> No.544467


>> No.545291

I mistook Zoop for Uniracers when i was a kid. Thankfully it was a rental.

>> No.545350

>Expensive and rare
Goddamn, that's fucking hilarious. Earthbound languished in clearance bins for YEARS. At least 2 that I remember, where it was going for less than $15 a pop. Nobody wanted it, and the advertising literally stinks.

Adding to that it was overproduced to begin with. It was supposed to be -THE- JRPG to American gamers. But thanks to the advertising, it failed miserably. (BroTip: Don't advertise your be-all end-all RPG by saying "This game stinks!")

It's expensive NOW because it's desirable to people who played the Mother 3 fan translation and want to play the SNES game. But it was never rare.

>> No.545426
File: 18 KB, 250x173, 250px-Quest64_big[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scourge of the bargain bin.

>> No.545418
File: 13 KB, 282x332, Typing Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this game wasnt actually good at teaching you typing

>> No.545435
File: 65 KB, 640x447, brandish snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a love-hate relationship with Brandish. I wont bog you down with the details, but essentially I stuck with the game because I grew up a poorfag and I knew I wouldn't see another SNES game for another year, so I figured I might as well make the most of it. So I suffered and endured the game and it's many (many, many, manymanymany) flaws, and even grew a grudging respect for it's few good points.

......Until the final boss. The term rage-quit didn't exist back then (or at least, I had never heard of it), but after dying dozens of cheap deaths I grew so enraged that I literally broke the controller in half, cutting open the side of my pointer finger in the process (which was nothing compared to what happened when my parents found out). At any rate, the cut wasn't very deep, but it was pretty long and I still have a scar from it after all these years.

So I guess you could say Brandish left it's mark on me.


>> No.545449

Would you say it "Brandished" you? Dohoho.

>> No.545465

>>not a single mention of learning facts

>screaming "learn the exact date the Mona Lisa was first unveiled" is going to shift units

>> No.545474

It....wielded me? I think you're a bit confused on the definition of brandish.

>> No.545509

Man, I just looked up a video of that fight on youtube and it doesn't even really seem that hard.

...Somehow that fact makes my scar hurt a little.


>> No.545679

The game made you his bitch anyway.

>> No.545732


>played this shit as a child
>actually genuinely enjoyed it
>90+ WPM as an adult

Thanks, Mario.

>> No.545787

To be fair, it's not even the worst Yugioh game ever.

>> No.546023

Is this even really a thing anymore?

>> No.546194


I always saw that in the local vidya shop, and it intrigued me. But knowing fuck-all about it or how it worked put me off buyong. Shoulda rented it. How did it play?

>> No.546215
File: 22 KB, 623x371, brainproblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>never learn how to type properly
>slowly plink out letters for years
>take piano lessons
>type between 86 - 98 wpm
>still can't use home keys

I guess I could probably do better if I actually bothered to learn how to not type like a chimp but I've just never been motivated to since my randomly flailing touch typing is still faster than most people I know.

>> No.546224

It's not that bad a game. It's quite fun

>> No.546239

But Milon's Secret Castle is fun if you have a guide

>> No.546241

Shit that's terrible box art

>> No.546248

Mario's Game Gallery isn't terrible, it's just pointless. Apart from (great, I'm-a-like-a...) Yacht, I don't think any of the games allow multiplayer with other people, so you're stuck with UNFLINCHING UNBLINKING Mario as your only friend, which sucks.

> I'd-a-like-a your

> Big-a boos.

>> No.546265

I type like a chimp as well. Can't really complain though. During a boring computer class at my old high school my teacher asked if I was typing using only two fingers (as I was just fucking around and didn't give a damn about the class) I told her yea and she look at me as if I was a god or something. I hate Runescape now but if nothing else it taught you the meaning of pointless grinding andhow to type fast while doing it.

To be fair the teacher shouldn't even taught the class. She acutally told us to use Google to find a site because she didn't know that https is different from http. How embarrassing and she try to call me out for "looking up video game cheats" when I am typing the site she gave us into the address bar. When you can only find a site with Google then that should be a red flag that you shouldn't be teaching about computers.

>> No.546527

you don't even need the https. What the fuck...

>> No.546689


That's what I mean. The ad is trying really hard not to claim it's an educational game because that would ensure its demise.

>> No.546728

It was a weird site. I was wondering about that too but it seem like it was two totally different sites.

>> No.546740

Ren and Stimpy Veediots was one of the games I had as a kid. My dad played it mostly, and we never got past that part. Considering the game had no saves or password system, I'm surprised people made it past that.

>> No.546838
File: 146 KB, 640x890, 586529_93646_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I myself have "the Terminator" on megadrive. It worst that everything that I have but it feels like actual game with stoyline and shit.

>> No.546845
File: 135 KB, 240x238, hudson-hawk-nes-boxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only game I barely played years ago, I had some other shitty games as well, but this one was too hard for me. I dont think I ever made past first level(and theres only three levels).

>> No.546879
File: 48 KB, 640x450, 1170035735-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got old after one day

>> No.550615

That's just how life is out here in the boonies. Are you assuming that all cities are mirrored versions of one another?

>> No.550647 [DELETED] 

You played U.N. Squadron, a LEGITIMATELY RARE AND EXPENSIVE game, yet never saw earthbound?