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File: 28 KB, 465x420, secret.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
537172 No.537172 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some games that have lots of hidden stuff in them, like secret passages and hidden rooms, etc,

Stuff like DKC and Castlevania: SotN

Picture related.

>> No.537187

SMB3 first comes to mind, pretty crazy how much weird stuff like coin ships and secret mushroom houses they crammed in there.

>> No.537186
File: 4 KB, 320x180, gaben room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about The Gaben room?

>> No.537225

Chaos Engine. Lots of secrets, some of which I couldn't figure out even after about 8 playthroughs.

>> No.537265

wich game is this from?

>> No.537273

I found this room without hacks or cheats. I was playing this on one of those hotel emulator system things, jumped down a hole, and poof, there I was.

I didn't know what it was. I was just like "NEAT, RUPEES!" grabbed them, checked the box, and left. I went to jump in the hole again after I got back to the map but it didn't take me to that room again.

>> No.537287


>> No.537329

Super mario 64

>> No.537337

The other day I watched a TAS of DKC2. I had no idea there were so many shortcuts. I only knew about the one in the first water level

>> No.537725
File: 10 KB, 320x180, thestomach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese and US01 versions of Ecco the Dolphin have "The Stomach" in them. It's a level that was supposedly scrapped during earlier builds of the game, but was accidentally reincluded in the JPN/US01 versions of the game. It can be accessed by being eaten by the Vortex Queen during the final battle.

>> No.537743
File: 46 KB, 640x480, ecco_ue000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additional Secrets: when you visit the City of Forever(both times), you can fire a Sonar at this statue near the beginning to get a message that says "ACCESS GRANTED." This will open the Glyph that allows you to exit the level, effectively allowing you to bypass one of the hardest levels in the game.

>> No.537846

This one is quite common knowledge, or at least I think it is. It stuck out like a sore thumb to me, and found it oddly fascinating when I saw it, as well as slightly disturbed for what it was.

>> No.537849
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Err, forgot pic.

>> No.537853
File: 112 KB, 800x500, face1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this other one I did not know of, and only found out about when googling a screenshot for my previous pic. Never even seen it myself in-game.

Now I feel slightly more horrified.

>> No.537857
File: 13 KB, 256x223, FF4Moai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.537865


That wasn't nearly as creepy as a face that blended in with the entire environment, and that you could only see if you payed real close attention.

>> No.538552

Duck Tales

>> No.540202

Super Metroid is all you need, OP

>> No.540219

You can get Mew under the truck in Vermillion City where the SS Anne is in Pokemon Red/Blue/Green

>> No.540228

Go home, Charles.

>> No.540245

Those little pieces of cheese in Perfect Dark.

That game had lots of fun hidden stuff.

>> No.540262

How are you old enough to browse this site?

>> No.540279

Super Mario World is your friend, OP.

>> No.540290

Anything Metroid related obviously

>> No.540297

Erika to Satoru on Famicom has a weird message by one of the developers, the message was actually found in 2007 with an hex editor and a translation table. There's a way to see it in-game but its quite complicated.

Here is a translation of the message.

Mmm, that’s a nostalgic song playing. Those were good times. Meanwhile, who the hell are these people with this project? I’m so glad it’s over. You think it’s nothing but good memories? Hell no! Let’s use this space to give out some thanks.
First off, Kaoru Ogura, who ran off with some guy in the middle of the project. Yes, you, you bastard. Don’t show up at the office without showering after having sex 6 times the previous night. Next, Tatsuya Ōhashi.

>> No.540306

Yes, you, you bastard. Don’t give me your flippant shit — coming in late on the day we ship the ROM like nothing’s amiss. You can give me all the porn you want; I’m not forgetting that one. All that fucking weight you put on. No wonder you paid out 18,000 yen and still got nothing but a kiss out of it. Kenji Takano, Namco debugger. You are a part-timer; don’t dick around with the project planner. And finally, Kiyoharu Gotō, the biggest thorn to my side in this project. Yes, you, you bastard. Once I get a time machine, I’m sending you back to the Edo period. Go do your riddles over there.

Ahh, that’s a load off…wait, no it’s not. Kiyoharu Gotō — yes, you, you bastard. Aaaagh, just disappear already.

Come to think of it, some people were helpful to me, too. Mr. Okada, who took all the good stuff. I know all about your abnormal tendencies. Yamagishi, who swore off soaplands until the project was over. Go ahead, knock yourself out now. Iwata, who joined in midway and gave it all he had. Sorry I yelled at you. Keep hanging in there. Fujimura, Udopyu, you probably had it the worst of all. Thanks. I mean it. Gotō’s the one to hate here. Also, Takayama, Kudō, Suzuki, Makki, Kaneko, Aihara, Sato (the angel of my heart), Iga. Thanks, everyone.

Yoko-G, good work. This game is dedicated to your wife’s birthday.

>> No.540796

That's because that's the room the game sticks you in if you glitch entry to a hole, like dashing into one just right or being blown into one from a bomb. The game glitches and doesn't have the next room loaded, so it dumps you there. I used to think there was something very specific you had to do, but testing has shown it's just the catch-all room.

>> No.540817


i always knew about the one in the ocean, but I've played secret of mana and ff4 a zillion times and i never knew about the other faces.
