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5367321 No.5367321 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Metal Gear Solid?

>> No.5367328 [DELETED] 

The elevator scenes pretty funny. I think the first area of the game is very iconic. The game feels fresh with its characters, bosses and boss fights, and areas until after you face the Indian with the rattling gun

>> No.5367343

Really solid (kakaka) utilization of limited technical capability of the PSX.

>> No.5367367

>>that filename
you didnt make this thread wanting discussion right faggot?

>> No.5367390

A fun game that had one great sequel, one good sequel, and then some okay games.

>> No.5367431
File: 28 KB, 312x421, metalgear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere near as good as its predecessor.
Even the GBC game is better than PSX Solid.

>> No.5367474

One of the best PSX games. Honestly underrated nowadays in comparison to the later games. It holds up great.

>> No.5367490

Ah'm agin it.

>> No.5367524

It's a Solid title

>> No.5367587


Great marketing. Mediocre game. Also kojima is a hype surfing faggot.

>> No.5367596

>>muh circlejerk mgs hate thread
Kys op

>> No.5367634

sorry this $50 game wasnt the most amazing experience in life

>> No.5367662

Careful now you'll draw out the Thieffag. They say if you turn off all the lights and say "metal geaer metroid prime" three times fast he'll appear out of your mirror and take a shit on the floor.

>> No.5367814 [DELETED] 

this pic makes me want to play it again.
the sound design of the footsteps was great in that area, especially on the metal stairs. i went up and down just to listen to them

>> No.5368051

>being this contrarian
MGS is better than MG in literally every conceivable way.

>> No.5368053

Twin Snakes was better but Sony fans will never admit it.

>> No.5368065

>but le maps were not le designed with le first person shooting in mind!!
>plays and feels exactly like mgs2
>le first person breaks le game!!
God these niggers are so fucking stupid.

>> No.5368083
File: 132 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Mattak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Sony as a company, but Twin Snakes is a terrible remake.

MGS isn't perfect, but it was a damn amazing game for it's day.

>> No.5368085

Look, it's that guy again. MGS is amazing, and it gets even better everytime this thread is spammed.

>> No.5368097

Good gameplay, decent story with some fun twists, but waaaaaayyyyyyy too much fucking dialogue. 75% of your playtime is spent just sitting back and listening to characters talk.

>> No.5368102

>Twin Snakes is a terrible remake.
It's a great remake if you're not on the autism spectrum.

>> No.5368114

It's only good if you're a Nintendo manchild thats eats anything that has Nintendo written on it.

>> No.5368128

I'm a Sony manchild who switched to 100% PC gaming by the PS3 era (still own my ps1/2 and GC though). TTS has music issues, but desu the original should have had first person aiming in it but it didn't due to tech limitations. I don't buy the argument that first person aiming trivializes sneaking because the levels were not "designed" with first person in mind. In MGS2 you can literally walk into a room and put everyone to sleep with the tranq pistol and it's an absolute joke on anything other than extreme...and the exact same thing can be said for TTS.

>> No.5368130

I don't know how anyone can say they like MGS1 but think Twin Snakes is a decent remake unless they're only talking about graphics. On the one hand gameplay is objectively worse because 2/3 of the game was designed knowing you couldn't look in first person so even on hard difficulty flies out the window. And then if you're playing for story the re-recorded dialogue is nowhere near as good and they took out most of the fun lines like Raven being a terror in the muktuk eating contest.

It's still a good game because it's MGS but the remake is worse in just about every way besides just the graphical fidelity.

>> No.5368136

>I'm a Sony manchild who switched to 100% PC gaming by the PS3 era (still own my ps1/2 and GC though). TTS has music issues, but desu the original should have had first person aiming in it but it didn't due to tech limitations. I don't buy the argument that first person aiming trivializes sneaking because the levels were not "designed" with first person in mind. In MGS2 you can literally walk into a room and put everyone to sleep with the tranq pistol and it's an absolute joke on anything other than extreme...and the exact same thing can be said for TTS.
>I'm a Sony manchild who switched to 100% PC gaming by the PS3 era (still own my ps1/2 and GC though). TTS has music issues, but desu the original should have had first person aiming in it but it didn't due to tech limitations. I don't buy the argument that first person aiming trivializes sneaking because the levels were not "designed" with first person in mind. In MGS2 you can literally walk into a room and put everyone to sleep with the tranq pistol and it's an absolute joke on anything other than extreme...and the exact same thing can be said for TTS.

>> No.5368139

oops, fucked that up. Haven't had the morning tea yet, my bad.

>> No.5368148

>but desu the original should have had first person aiming in it but it didn't due to tech limitations

That's not true though. You can aim in first person once you get the sniper rifle, and there's also the binoculars. It was never a tech issue, it was a consious design choice. Giving you that ability for the whole game but not re-designing the early levels with it in mind was a massive blunder and makes big parts of the game a huge joke.

>> No.5368182
File: 29 KB, 640x480, Metal-Gear-Solid-2-Sons-of-Liberty-small-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a good point, it is early and I completely forgot about those lol. In that case, I still maintain that it is a good remake because it accomplishes exactly what it was meant to do: updated graphics and first person aiming with weapons other than the sniper rifle. I still disagree that it trivializes areas because you can literally do the exact same thing in MGS2 which was "designed" with first person aiming in mind. If you want the pure MGS1 experience, play the original obviously. If you're tired of that and want better graphics and first person aiming, play TTS...it is a fine remake.
Strut D of the Big Shell is a fine example of walking into a room of 1 tapping everyone in the head and walking away, despite being "designed" with first person in mind.

>> No.5368189

This desu. I played them all in order last year for the first time, and of the /vr/ games MG2 was by far the strongest of the bunch. Still yet to play the GBC game.

>> No.5368204

And personally I think the fact that you can tranq everyone in MGS2 so easily is also a good example of why having first person aim all the time sucks.

>> No.5368221

One of the most important games of my life.

MGS1 holds up great. And playing it in Extreme is hella fun.

>> No.5368351


>> No.5368356

I agree, it is ridiculous. That said though, it's only really viable from maybe hard and below. On extreme you could maybe do it, but the guards wake up too quickly and you need your precious tranq rounds for other parts of the game.

>> No.5369102
File: 226 KB, 1200x1730, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit

>> No.5369114

It's shit.

>> No.5369162

He said MG2, not MG1.

>> No.5369193

it did break the game dumbass.
>muh mgs2
If you aren't playing 2 or 3 at the hardest difficulty, you're a casual. those two games were made with the first person aiming in mind, especially with the bosses. Not only is every guard trivialized in TTS, so did every boss.

On that note here are other things TTS did worse:
>music and voice acting were worse
>literal translation
>retarded matrix style cutscenes
>visual style makes things look plastic instead of the industrial feel of the psx

You faggots act as if anyone who shits on the TTS is a sonyfag. They rightly shit on it because it was a mediocre remake of a great game. It should have deserved better. Notice how no sonyfag shit on the resident evil remake? Because it was actually good and faithful to the original. There is no console war agenda with the hate of TTS.

>> No.5369427

>In MGS2 you can literally walk into a room and put everyone to sleep with the tranq pistol and it's an absolute joke on anything other than extreme...and the exact same thing can be said for TTS.
>Describes why MGS2 sucks and is a joke on any difficulty other than extreme
>Defends it happening to MGS1 as if that was a good thing

>> No.5371283

Look at this dumb gook

>> No.5371293


>> No.5371391
File: 43 KB, 580x504, 1549661951645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGS does not suck on any difficulty other than extreme, it just plays the best on extreme, which is what the autists of /vr/ want, myself included.

>> No.5371451

I only got into the series with 5 but I finally played the OG MGS recently and let me tell you fellas: WOW. I'm definitely going to sell my PissShit Classic and finish this on an emulator.

>> No.5371459

overrated shit game, like all modern games
play them once, then they go into the trash

>> No.5371487

You're supposed to force yourself not to use the guns

>> No.5371591

>>modern game

>> No.5371868

Does Meryl ever wear the Sneaking Suit?

>> No.5371876

In MGS Integral, which is the jap version with extra content and all VR Missions included. They kept the suit for Twin Snakes, too. It's an unlockable.

>> No.5372020

That's a terrible excuse and you know it.

>> No.5372486

>thoughts on Metal Gear Solid?

The granddaddy of all hype games. Over-hyped and ultimately it under-delivered.

>> No.5372657

It really didn't get that much hype before release. Some of course, but nothing close to the level of FFVII, Tomb Raider or the like. It was after it came out that it became the phenomenon it is.

>> No.5372663

>It really didn't get that much hype before release
zoom zoom

>> No.5372670

why are you all like this, seek professional help

>> No.5372735

I was there. That's how I can tell you weren't. Post release is when the game really blew up. Zoom zoom meme all you want, the game became the phenomenon it is because it blew people's minds when they played it.

>> No.5372739

>I was there. That's how I can tell you weren't. Post release is when the game really blew up
Fuck off LARPing zoomer. MGS was being massively hyped in C&VG for like a year before it came out.

>> No.5372741 [DELETED] 



>> No.5372867

No where near FF or Tomb Raider. Sure it was in magazines but it never got that kind of hype. It blew up because it was incredible at the time. You trying to deny that is a joke.

>> No.5372892
File: 80 KB, 502x488, 1549505995077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That much hype before release

You're kidding right? The voice acting alone sold this game for people. This game sold millions and a sequel that's hype was literally so massive that people purchased Zone of the Enders just to play a demo of it.

>> No.5372918 [DELETED] 

wahhhhhhhh the gwaphics havent aged well, wahhhhhhhhh

>> No.5372931

Here we go again

>> No.5372938

the only zoomer here are people hating mgs.
back to /v/.

>> No.5372965

It's good but the anime factor is retarded.

>> No.5373018

Yeah because by the time MGS2 was coming out it had become the phenomenon it is. You people are jokes, keep on using your millennial memes all you want.

>> No.5373020

It is definitely a game

>> No.5373102

Well, guess I better play the first game.

Any tips?

>> No.5373185
File: 239 KB, 918x1200, large.gallery_8_115424.jpg.cc67c7e627f3f96e3983c46b308743ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I only had a Nintendo 64 by 1998, but I was very interested in the PSX library as well. I also had an Electronic Gaming Monthly subscription (starting with pic related), and I first heard about Metal Gear Solid when EGM gave it all 10/10s, a first for that magazine.

>> No.5373190

Avoid the NES version

>> No.5373197

This is true

MGS as a big hype phenomenon pretty much started and ended with MGS2. The others were popular but never on that level.

>> No.5373220
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x1760, mgs_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the totally unhyped Metal Gear Solid 1.

They only did fucking SIX PAGE PREVIEWS of the game before release in magazines.

>> No.5373224

What are you trying to prove? The game is great, your the irrelevant garbage that you play is irrelevant for a reason.

>> No.5373250

was just going to start a thread about it. I played it when it first came out, played Twin Snakes about 5-6 years ago. just started MGS1 again the other night and it's fucking fantastic. holds up well, and is so fucking fun. I don't know if video games are art, but within the genre of games it certainly is.

>> No.5373369

There are articles like that for every game good and bad. If you think that's crazy hype you're even dumber than I thought at first.

It's certainly nowhere near the "grandaddy of all hype games". Stop trying to defend your weak trolling by pretending you remembered what it was like pre-release.

>> No.5373374
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1506656526143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listed first under 1998's hottest new games even above OoT
>six page previews
>not crazy hype

>> No.5373398

Yeah and you remember what it was like when FFVII and Tomb Raider were about to come out? We both know you don't. You already showed your hand when you started throwing the zoomer word around.
>inb4 cherry picked magazine scans from google searches
Nice meme pic btw

>> No.5373402

I feel like it was really only enjoyable as a product of its time.

It relies quite heavily on interesting gimmicks, tricks, and twists, which I'm sure made it cool as fuck to play at the time, but years later, with every facet of the game being so ingrained in videogame pop-culture (that it's impossible not to have most of the game spoiled for you) and with several of the gimmicks (most notably the Psycho Mantis fight) falling flat on their face when played on any modern device, it sucks out a lot of the enjoyment factor I'm sure people had with the game when it was first released. Outside of that, it's an okay stealth game with an okay story.

>> No.5373427
File: 288 KB, 1200x1730, 094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like it was really only enjoyable as a product of its time.

I agree somewhat, but I also think it's *specifically* enjoyable as a product of its time. It's one of the GOAT examples of that old kind of "cinematic" game that was about pulling together a coherent world and story out of various different modes and art styles: gameplay, in-engine cutscenes, Shinkawa theater scenes, live action footage, the animated talking head codecs, the little CCTV briefing scenes with Snake on the submarine, even the inventory and menus contribute. I think there are rewards to that style that'll never stop being worth it, and MGS1 is one of the best.

>> No.5373460

Yeah, that's a fair assessment. I shouldn't have used the word "only". I still enjoyed it when I played it for all of the reasons you describe, but I do really feel like I missed out having not played it when it was released. I can tell Kojima went for some really crazy and ambitious stuff for the time, but through no particular fault of his own, a lot of it just doesn't translate over to playing the game in the modern day. I think the Psycho Mantis fight probably encapsulates this the best: at the time I'm sure people thought it was the coolest shit, but nearly every element of it just doesn't work out nowadays.

>> No.5373484

Why would there be more hype for the original Tomb Raider than Metal Gear Solid? At least Metal Gear was a follow-up to something. Your zoomer fantasies don't even make sense. That's not to say the hype for Tomb Raider wasn't significant of course.

Tomb Raider 2 on the other hand, yes there was a metric fuckton of hype for that.

>> No.5373490

>On the one hand gameplay is objectively worse because 2/3 of the game was designed knowing you couldn't look in first person so even on hard
You can look in first person in the original. Did you mean aiming in first person?

>> No.5373506

My take isn't popular, because autistic bastards can't handle people having their own opinions, but here it is:

It's a great game when taken in as a whole. As in, watch all the briefing tapes, do all vr missions (play through the VR missions side game, if you have it too), read both previous operations files ,watch all in game movies and codec calls, make extra codec calls for more exposition and world building and of course, the actual gameplay. The totality of the game is one of a kind and unbeatable. Even among similar games on modern hardware. It is a rare instance of what I would call a 10/10, when taken as a whole.

If you skip all that plot and just experience the gameplay alone, it feels short, rushed and underwelming (speaking as someone who's been playing MGS for 20 years and beaten it countless times). It feels like a boss rush mode, more than a complete game.

With that said, when I was a teen, I beat the game after school every single day, in one sitting, for a month (or maybe two). So I have tons of experience with rushing through the game. And on that note, I have done everything there is to do in it dozens of times over. So that's undoubtedly a huge part of why I feel the way I do.

But that said, I rwplay it a lot less now, and always try and experience the full game every time. It's like being the main character in a 90's hollywood action thriller, and I fucking love it for that.

>> No.5373589
File: 437 KB, 487x750, meryl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good posts

>> No.5373596

never heard of it

>> No.5373609

>5367431 (Bait)

>> No.5373925

It was more enjoyable, but MGS1 was already perfect to begin with so the remake couldn't improve much aside from the obvious (fp mode).

>> No.5374397

>Why would there be more hype for the original Tomb Raider than Metal Gear Solid?

That you have to ask says it all lol