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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 690x388, PlayStation2BootAnimation-690x388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5365072 No.5365072 [Reply] [Original]

Is the PS2-era retro yet?

The sticky post says it's not, but that was made over 5 years ago. Surely the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox are "retro" almost 20 years after their release.

>> No.5365095

If mods and the regulars here wanted it to be allowed they would have updated the sticky. Dumbass.

>> No.5365102

this board is so sparsely populated that I doubt any mods even give enough of a shit to update it

>> No.5365123

i've agreed for years. but whatever i hope it keeps the games cheaper

>> No.5365125

PS2 prices have been going up for a lot of titles. SH3 can easily go for $60+ now when you used to be able to get a mint complete copy for $30 a few years ago.

>> No.5365127

Xbox, GC and PS2 still get a lot of attention on /v/. Dreamcast is only talked here because it was dead there (its almost dead here too)

>> No.5365135

Personally, I think PS2, Xbox OG, GameCube and GBA should be added as retro systems.

>> No.5365137
File: 29 KB, 600x600, pacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll agree to 6th gen only if we restrict discussion to games that were released in the year 2000

>> No.5365139

I don't think there are any mods that even remember this board exists

>> No.5365141

The PS2 is difficult to handle because of how long it lasted. Nobody wants Persona 4 to be allowed here, but at the same time there's PS2 games that are old enough to vote.

>> No.5365151

There are at least jannies I get my (on comments deleted all the time. It'd be fun to have a retro gaming forum with complete free speech some day.

>> No.5365153

(on-topic but offensive to pussies) comments*

>> No.5365165

What the FUCK?!? I thought this board was created like 6 months ago. I remember a newspost for this and some board about alternative sports being added like last year. Oh my fucking god I'm losing all sense of time in my life.

>> No.5365169

>ps2 launched in 2000
>last ps2 official release was in 2014

>> No.5365171

It's not retro and it never will be retro on the board. Try >>>/v/ or >>>/vg/

>> No.5365172

retro is not "this shit is [x] years old"
retro qualifies more as an era before the new millenium, and that's what this board is for.
Only the dreamcast gets a pass because it was sega's last console and it did not last very much.

>> No.5365186


>> No.5365217

It isnt but it should be. The ps2 is almost 20 and is hardly discussed on /v/.

>> No.5365221

i think if we go beyond the retardation of using a set specific date and define it by what the gaming landscape is, 6th generation is kind of a strange transition period between Retro and Nu that makes it hard to place here or there (referring to v). its when games, for lack of a better word, "Got Normie" with shit like halo & gta, and the rise of online gaming. behind this was a continuation of traditions from the previous generation that were well and alive until seventh gen when they were really gone. So how do you classify it?

We should allow gba. nothing else for now

>> No.5365283

>What the FUCK?!? I thought this board was created like 6 months ago. I remember a newspost for this and some board about alternative sports being added like last year. Oh my fucking god I'm losing all sense of time in my life.

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro",

C'mon, were on the 9th generation now!

>> No.5365287

An idea I had was that 6th gen games were allowed on the condition that they were entries in series made in the /vr/ era. A thread about Final Fantasy X would be permitted, but Kingdom Hearts is off limits. You can do Pokemon Emerald, but not Golden Sun, etc.

>> No.5365290

This is biased but I feel like the idea of Xbox Live being retro is kinda screwed up. GBA however should 100% objectively be /vr/.

>> No.5365292

That could work. Maybe every 2-5 years we raise the cap by one year. That way the amount of games permitted is going up while never catching up to the present day, because the cap takes several years to go up one year.

>> No.5365307

We run out of things to discuss years ago. Expect a new "OoT is the best game / most overrated" any moment.

>> No.5365308

no. mods do your fucking job.

>> No.5365309

99% of gamers accept that "the retro era" means "BEFORE HD", i.e. 6th gen and before.

ONLY on /vr/ is 6th gen not considered "retro".

>> No.5365315

no, you are wrong. Stop making up things to fit your own wants for this board.

>> No.5365320

reasonable opinion on /vr/, what black magic is this

>> No.5365321

imo it's when secondhand shops stop getting a decent stock of them in. So Gamecube probably counts but ps2 definitely not, those games are still everywhere.

>> No.5365325

>100 years from now only games that are 50-80 years old are retro

>> No.5365329

oh lord what would this place even be like by then

>> No.5365334

A pre 2000 video game board needs to be preserved because real discussions on these games/systems are becoming hard to find on the net. In fact I couldn't even tell you another place like /vr/.

I guarantee if 6th gen is allowed this board will be overwhelmed with GBA pokemon/Melee/DMC/Halo/Kingdom hearts/Shadow of the colossus etc etc etc. Slowly but surely 80s/90s content will get rarer and rarer. The demographics will change and 5 years from the 6th gen decision this board will be unrecognizable.

I like 6th gen a lot there were a ton of great games but it would absolutely kill this board. I think the /vr2k/ idea is the best solution...I don't know why the admins won't do it.

>> No.5365336

or just raise it by one year every year since time does in fact pass

>> No.5365338

go to atariage then

>> No.5365340

>the sticky says its not
answered your own question mate, This crap is getting old.

>> No.5365341

>only pre-brain implant games are retro guys, stick to 10th generation and earlier please

>> No.5365347

if anything gens 1-4 should be grouped together then gens 5-6.

>> No.5365348

That's personally what I would go with, the extra years were just a compromise in case people were still unhappy

>> No.5365349

The retro cutoff should not, can not AND WILL NOT be changed EVER never _ever_

>> No.5365365

Then limit the 6th gen discussion to games released up to 2004 or 2005.
The sticky is outdated as fuck. The PS2, GameCube, Xbox, and Game Boy Advance are 19 and 18 years old now. The Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color were only 16 and 14 when /vr/ was created and were considered retro then.
So even in the year 2075 when the PlayStation 11 is out, 6th gen won't be considered retro?

>> No.5365367

sorry about that autism

>> No.5365369

If it wasn't for 3 games I'd be all for adjusting the cutoff date.

>Kingdom Hearts
>Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire

>> No.5365370

>mods listen to the regulars
>anonymous regulars

>> No.5365378

Pokemon already has a board so there's no need for it here. Smashfags should be banned everywhere because they're annoying as fuck.

>> No.5365379

You're not adding anything new to the discussion that hasn't been argued daily for the past few years. The rules won't change

>> No.5365385

They are not anonymous to the mods since they keep telemetrics on all users.

>> No.5365386

If this discussion is happening that often then maybe the fucking rules should change. It's not 2012 anymore. The PS2 is retro.

>> No.5365387

What about just not being a regular if you don't like the rules?

>> No.5365406

fuck off zoomer spastic

>> No.5365409


>> No.5365412

But that's my point, the regulars do like the rules and the mods know this.

>> No.5365456

Wait, this is the same generation as the Dreamcast right? So I guess early PS2 is cool. Same with Xbox.

>> No.5365457

I would call Gamecube retro for sure. Not Xbox or PS2.

>> No.5365464

> PS2 was released in march 4 2000 in japan
> GC was released in september 14 2001 in japan
Are you genuinely retarded or something?

>> No.5365467

I’m fine with it being discussed here.

Psp isn’t hardware made before 1999 either, yet we enjoy psp threads.

>> No.5365468

difference is the PS2 was produced for far longer and had games released until 2014

>> No.5365473

We could say that same shit about 5th gen games being released in 2001 - 2004, yet both the games and consoles themselves are accepted in this board.

>> No.5365481

2004 is not 5 years ago. The end of console's lifespan is more relevant here than when it was first released.

>> No.5365483

>nobody wants Persona 4 to be allowed here
Please explain

>> No.5365521


The only games made for PS2 after 2008/9 were basically cricket and soccer games for third-world Indians and South Americans who couldn't afford PS3's. Still retro.

>> No.5365523

>retro yet
it already is, people here are too dumb and autistic that they should have named it "retro games" instead of something else that makes a million times more sense.

>> No.5365524

That makes absolutely no difference. Dreamcast still has games being released for it today.

>> No.5365537


>> No.5365538

email hiro for /v2k/.
Also, why is it that 95% of the time kids come to bug us over the board's rules, it's with ps2? I don't see nearly as much begging for Gamecube or xbox, or even GBA.

>> No.5365540

How about strawpoll or some shit? Clearly, that's more useful than just arguing.

>> No.5365545

Maybe because PS2 sold 5 times the amount of Cubes and Xbox combined?

>> No.5365558

You can easily rig polls with proxy and shit.
Also, there's nothing to debate. The rules are set.
If we allow 6th gen here, then immediately the 7th gen kids will start demanding their stuff included too because "my childhood deserves to be retro, too".
I guess. What a plague.

>> No.5365559

Stop buying shit off the internet i have 2 seperate copies payed less than 15 for both of them

>> No.5365561

talking about official releases here

>> No.5365563

Barely anything came out for PS2 after 2009 and you know it.

>> No.5365568

No. Absolutely not. The "retro era" is not something that changes definition over time. It LITERALLY means "the CRT TV era". Meaning "6th gen and earlier". PERIOD.

>> No.5365569

>Also, there's nothing to debate. The rules are set.
Who the fuck do you think you are, fuckboy?

>If we allow 6th gen here, then immediately the 7th gen kids will start demanding their stuff included too
Nice arguments backed with a lot of evidence.

>> No.5365576

We can already discuss Dreamcast and it hasn't killed this board.

We can already discuss Pokémon and it hasn't killed this board.

Shadow of the Colossus was a MASSIVE FLOP, so you're delusional if you think anyone here will care about it.

>> No.5365578

>If we allow 6th gen here, then immediately the 7th gen kids will start demanding their stuff included too


>> No.5365579

>Who the fuck do you think you are, fuckboy?
I ask the same thing to entitled kids demanding their childhood to be included on the pre-2000 board.
>Nice arguments backed with a lot of evidence.
It's not that hard to figure out. The same sentiment of "not fair, my childhood is retro, too" is also shared by people younger than you. Think of it this way, guys who are now 20, were 10 when 7th gen started. They have the utmost nostalgia for it.
This is why /v2k/ is a good idea. Let older post-2000 stuff and non-current gen have a place, without disrupting /vr/'s set rules.

>> No.5365581

You fucking uneducated idiot.

retro adjective
ret·ro | \ ˈre-(ˌ)trō
Definition of retro: relating to, reviving, or being the styles and especially the fashions of the past; fashionably nostalgic or old-fashioned

It has nothing to do with dates.

>> No.5365582

Show me an official definition of retro that mentions that.
Pro tip: there isn't an official definition for retro.
Just accept the rules and move on. You're not forced to stay here if you don't like it.

>> No.5365583

>all these babies carrying on because they think they won't be allowed to have Pacman or jswine threads anymore when PS2 threads started getting allowed later this year.

Sorry, losers. PS2 threads are coming and they're coming real soon. Don't worry, nobody's going to stop you having you shitty little jprg or coleco threads.

>> No.5365584

>This is why /v2k/ is a good idea. Let older post-2000 stuff and non-current gen have a place, without disrupting /vr/'s set rules.
Why make ANOTHER half-dead board when you can roll them both up into a big healthy one?

>> No.5365585

Funny you make fun of jrpgs when you shill for the jarpig machine itself.
Also nah, it's not coming to /vr/. PS2 will never be /vr/.
Maybe if you're lucky, Hiro will make /v2k/.

>> No.5365586

Honestly i think were running out of shit to post about this would be good

>> No.5365592

>half-dead board
Nah, /vr/ is fine. Not all boards need to be as fast as /b/, you know.
/vr/, compared to majority of boards on 4chan, is middle-paced. Also faster doesn't mean healthier.
And yeah I mean, video games is a huge part of 4chan. It makes sense to have more boards dedicated to it. At least one more, /v2k/. So you kids finally shut up.

>> No.5365593

Here's a pro tip for all of you guys:

If you want PS2 to be a part of /vr/, then simply keep making threads about PS2 on /vr/. It's that simple.

>> No.5365597

no it doesn't, stop making things up. Was the N64 retro in 2001 then?

>> No.5365598

N64 always was retro. It was made retro, it was sold as retro, and now, decades later, it's still retro.

>> No.5365603

You have no idea how many retro games there are.
Just because people keep posting about the same ones all the time doesn't mean we'll run out of retro games. That's virtually impossible.
ALso, with 6th gen it will be the same, people will keep spamming the same 15 or 20 games most of the times.
Also, 6th gen console war. Yikes.

>> No.5365604

That will only make mods become more merciless when deleting them, since it'll be considered offtopic spam.

>> No.5365605

I vote for allowing Gamecube, GBA and Xbox but not PS2.

>> No.5365607

Shhh, you rat, don't tell them!

>> No.5365618

and the latest dreamcast game was last year

>> No.5365625

>dreamcast was launched in 1998
Seriously though, just ask hiro for /v2k/. Stop wasting time here.

>> No.5365626
File: 102 KB, 1200x630, ladytron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason why it'll never be allowed is that anons will spam /vr/ with shitty PS2 threads just to make Hiro regret it

>they'll get sick of it after a week

People have made it their life's mission to shit up a board for less.

>> No.5365627

Now you're just getting even more arbitrary. Sega Mega Drives still sell officially in Brazil today, 150k units per year.

>> No.5365628

and the playstation launched in 2000
you can't use both the age and life cycle arguments

>> No.5365639

You can already spam threads about recent consoles under the guise of retro emulation and nobody's bothered to do it yet.

>> No.5365643

I'd honestly be fine with /vr2k/ the only problem is Hiro is a dumb fuck and never does anything helpful

>> No.5365647

GBA or nothing.

>> No.5365651

just make a fucking general and be done with it.

>> No.5365658

What war lol
Ps2 is the only 6th gen console
>inb4 blurry graphics

>> No.5365664

>and the playstation launched in 2000
Right. Read the rules.
It has nothing to do with short or long life cycles. The Jaguar had a very short life cycle yet it's /vr/.

>> No.5365667

See? you niggers are ready to start spamming your post-millennial console war shit here.
Do not want.
Bring it to /v/ or /vg/ where it belongs.

>> No.5365669

6th gen will only get console wars when the drones inevitably surface and refuse to accept reality that the Gamecube was the worst 6th gen console. Still, they're not as obnoxious and unhinged as the N64 fangirls.

6th gen is in the middle of the HD transition. Almost all Dreamcast and Xbox games, 50% of Gamecube and 25% of PS2 games are in HD.

>> No.5365672

Zoomers don't understand that its not a matter of how many years have passed. 2000 will never be "retro". It was a specific period of time and it ended. None of the few remaining good anons on this board want 6th gen. We don't want zoomers, we don't want even more /v/ cancer, we don't want GTA, Kingdom Hearts, Persona, Smash, Halo, none of this nigger shit. Fuck off this board already.

>> No.5365673

PS2 is retro but that does not mean you can post about it here

>> No.5365678

>worst 6th gen console
That's an oxymoron.
Seriously, go to /v/. Your kind is not wanted here.

>> No.5365680

Have you guys seen the best-selling titles for 6th gen?
GTA, Call of Duty... it's sad.

>> No.5365682

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/2600817