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5364140 No.5364140 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5364160
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An arcade stick in general? Absolutely. Get some seimitsu parts in there and shmup away.

>> No.5364209

Why not sanwa?

>> No.5364264

Stick is too loose for shmups, and buttons are too loose for any form of hammering.

>> No.5364271

how do you hold this the proper way? im used to the american big top thing.

>> No.5364338

Usually the shaft is placed between middle and ring finger, but whether the hand go on top, on the side or straight below the ball varies from person to person (or what type of game you're playing).

>> No.5365963

I prefer bat type sticks.

>> No.5365969 [SPOILER] 
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Hey me too anon!

>> No.5366234
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>> No.5366264

You can play all digital input games on stick so it's definitely worth it. If you're asking about the Obsidian in particular it's a pretty good stick but it could use a little more weight and hiding the start button in that tiny row of buttons up on the top gets old.

>> No.5366589
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I used to really enjoy using this with MAME back in the day. I prefer Sanwa buttons, but Seimitsu stick. I like the buttons in the Sega Astro City layout (as pictured) but would rather have the stick spaced out further away like like more odern Hori sticks.

That said, I am still a pad player for fighting games. I just use the stick to experience playing the arcade games as they were like but I've never been able to transition well enough for my execution.

>> No.5367378
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Seems like an appropriate thread.
I'm starting to plan out exactly what I want for a MAME cabinet build. Is this button layout for Player 1 and Player 2 suitable for most Stick and Button games? Is there any game that uses just a stick and buttons that I could not play well with this layout?

>> No.5367396

Hammering? Is this a shmup term? I play fighting games so sanwa is ideal.

>> No.5368262

I have a neo geo layout and beside mk and sf, you can play almost everything. Most games use 1-2 buttons outside of neogeo games. I just did a search for 8 button games and there's not much (assuming this spreadsheet i got off a forum is somewhat up to date)
Grand Cross 1994
Ruleta RE-900 1993
Double Cheese 1993
Sega Rally 2 DX 1998
Daytona USA 2 (Revision A) 1998
Daytona USA 2 Power Edition 1998
Sega Rally 2 1998
LeMans 24 1997
Scud Race Plus (Revision A) 1997
Scud Race (Export) 1996
Scud Race (Australia) 1996
Scud Race (Japan) 1996
Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24) 1995
Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/04/04) 1995
Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA (95/05/18) 1995
Virtua Formula 1993
Virtua Racing 1992
Yukon (version 1.0) 1989
Yukon (version 2.0) 1989
Parent Jack 1989
Showdown (version 5.0) 1988
Full Throttle (Japan) 1987
Top Speed (US) 1987
Top Speed (World) 1987
Baby Dado 1987
Video Dado 1987
Stompin' 1986
Top Secret (Exidy) (version 1.0) 1986
Little Casino (newer) 1984
Mini Vegas 4in1 1983
Little Casino (older) 1982
PlayMan Poker (german) 1981
Night Driver 1976

>> No.5368286

What's the cheapest supergun I could get?

>> No.5369217

Oh wow, thanks for that search. I'll consider my layout more, but the most I'd probably change is putting one extra button at the top-right. But I can always use buttons from both P1 and P2 if I need to. We'll see.

>> No.5370237

Is there such a thing as a relatively universal arcade stick? I'm quite a fan of schmups but playing with a D-pad in some instances can kinda suck. Analog stick is fine but I'd prefer to have the choice, and I've always enjoyed using sticks in arcades.

>> No.5370670

A larger actuator on a Sanwa stick to restrict the movement makes it much better for shmups.

>> No.5370674

They're great, but your setup should be determined by what you're playing. check out the new stick thread at Shoryuken if you want to salivate over them. Old school platformers are great, DKC is amazing with a stick.

>> No.5371158

Issues arise though, like the distribution of cardinals/diagonals change weirdly if you go big enough.

>> No.5371182

Yes 100%. Keep in mind though that it's an 8 way stick you'll be getting, so old arcade games that used 4 way sticks will be harder to control. Examples that come to mind are pac man, donkey kong, frogger. It'll be difficult not to accidentally hit diagonals with an 8 way stick in those games. Other than that it'll be perfect for most arcade games.

>> No.5371232

This is true. It becomes harder to hit just the cardinals compared to diagonals the with larger actuators. But of course in turn it becomes easier hitting diagonals (as in 2 switches).

I'd just go with an 8 button layout as shown in the OP honestly, as it'll cover everything. For MAME I have set up my buttons like this:


This way you get a normal layout for NeoGeo with a full 4 button row, as well as any 6 button fighting game (e.g. all the Street Fighters). Didn't have to go in an mess with anything ever since.

Oh and I recommend setting up a custom input remapper cfg based on controller hardware id. Anything else is just annoying and time consuming in the long run.

>> No.5371245 [DELETED] 

Well every Sanwa JLF comes with the 4-way / 8-way switch feature - at least as long as you're using the default square restrictor gate. So if you're really into those types of games, that's easily set up. Switching back and forth would require easy access to the bottom of the stick though of course.

>> No.5371246

Well every Sanwa JLF comes with the 4-way / 8-way switch feature - at least as long as you're using the default square restrictor gate. So if you're really into those types of games, that's easily set up. Switching back and forth would require quick access to the bottom of the stick though of course.

>> No.5371376

>setting up a custom input remapper cfg based on controller hardware id

Guess I'll just expound a bit on this. Nothing better to do right now and maybe someone will find the info useful.

The basic problem is this: MAME resets all your custom button mapping configuration if you every disconnect your controller while MAME is still running. It's not a bug, it's a feature. It's actually intentional and useful in certain rare scenarios I guess. Like when the controller breaks inside a cabinet for example. But it is really annoying for the regular PC user. I happened to me constantly many times as I accidentally disconnected my stick while MAME was still running, or I forgot to switch my stick's mode from X360 back to PS3/PC before booting the emulator. Which would also cause the config to reset.

But there's a way to stop this form happening. A custom remapper file that uses the PID of your controller. Through this method MAME will alway 100% reliably recognize a controller correctly and remember the correspoding buttons assignments. It doesn't matter if you have another controller connected as player 1 or disconnect your stick for a second during gameplay. It'll still work as just as expected and I'll tell you how.

>> No.5371381
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How to do it:
1. Connect your controller or stick to your PC. Go to Control Panel > Device Manager > Input Devices (Human Interface Devices) > HID Conform Game Controller > Details > Drop down menu > Select Hardware IDs > Copy your controller's PID (Mine looks like this: HID\VID_0F30&PID_1012&REV_0211)
2. Create a txt file with a name of your own choosing - mine is called 'qanba' like the stick I am using. Set it up like shown in pic related, replacing the PID with that of your own controller and desired button layout. You might need to look at your current mapping file for the correct button codes.
3. Save this file as a cfg-file.
4. Place the custom cfg-file inside a directory called 'ctrlr' located in your MAME root directory. If it does not exist, create a new one and rename it 'ctrlr'.
5. Finally, also inside your MAME root directory, open and edit 'mame.ini' to point to the new remapper file: In mame.ini, under the section 'core input options' find the ctrlr' entry and change it to the file name of your custom remapper file WITHOUT the file extension. Again, in my case that's qanba but not qanba.cfg

Congratulations, MAME will never again discard and reset your button mapping for this controller. Please note, that MAME still respects button mapping done for specific titles over this remapper, if you want them.

>> No.5371396

Oh, the Windows Device Manager might likely list your controller under an entry that's different from mine. Might be the actual name of your stick for example. And again, PID will of course be different, as will be the names of the buttons. But you should at least have seen those before when messing with the mappings inside MAME previously.

>> No.5373173
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Are there any good converters for modern sticks to be used with old consoles? If so, are there any decent all purpose arcade sticks that you would recommend?

>> No.5373304

Brook PS4-to-PS2 adapter combined with Tototek PS2-to-system adapters. That will cover most systems but not quite all of them. Unfortunately the Brook adapters don't work with Qanba Dragon or Obsidian sticks. As for all-purpose it comes down to what's comfortable for you.

>> No.5373557

according to srk forum just set the obsidian to ps3 mode.

>> No.5373616

Shit, seriously? That's necessary for the HRAP N but I didn't think it fixed the problem on the Obsidian. I'll check when I get home later.

>> No.5373651

The vast majority of those aren't games you'd play without a wheel and shiftier, anyway. There are also some mahjong games that use a million buttons, but I doubt anyone cares about those.

>> No.5373676
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quick reminder that noir > vewlix

>> No.5373706

report back because im going to order the converter if it works.

>> No.5374436
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Hot damn it worked fine with the Brook->Tototek->SNES which I have currently set up. I can check other systems if you'd like but if it works with that it should work with all of them. I don't know if it didn't work initially and they patched it in with an update or I just fucked up my initial test and never retested it properly.

>> No.5374450
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can you test for og xbox? i was thinking about getting this.

>> No.5374485

Sorry anon that's one of the only big systems I don't currently own.