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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 93 KB, 800x583, zelda0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5361349 No.5361349 [Reply] [Original]

Did you play it? If yes: which version? 1.0 the hardcore one, or the later pussy versions?

If you never heard of it and love ALTTP, play it. Now.
I suggest you to try the later versions, 1.0 is hardcore. I mean really hardcore. Like you'd want to rip your eyes out hardcore.

I managed to beat 1.1, but never managed to beat 1.0

>> No.5361359

I don't remember what version I played but it was very hard for me. I think I died in two hits from the birds near your house. I was able to make it to the dark world and to the entrance of the lava dungeon but couldn't get much farther than that and kept dying and if I died while traveling between entrances to the dungeon I went back to the dark world entrance and it just got too frustrating. I probably put 5 hours into this game and it was okay exploring the map and getting good at the combat but rarely did hearts drop from enemies and I didn't want to sink anymore time into something that hard.

Even with the easy version you are talking about I don't want to go back and play this.

>> No.5361464

This is a bad hack.
No one should play it. Not the original version, not the remodel version. They're awful.
The story is bad, the dungeons are bad, the bosses are bad. It's all bad.

>> No.5361479

I tried it and it was completely unintuitive bullshit, basically the opposite of LTTP game design.

>> No.5361538

1.0 is not hardcore, it's just a bad game.

>> No.5361583

Both were too tryhard but did not understood the basics of level design, such a shame cause it had some good concepts and remade assets.

>> No.5361789
File: 561 KB, 605x431, romhack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> play it. Now.


>> No.5361929

This is almost word-for-word what I was gonna say.
Even with difficulty aside, it's not a fun hack. I code searched an infinite hearts code for it just to see if it would be fun without the constant dying and, for a variety of reasons, it's just not.

>> No.5361945

The remodel version is a bit better. If you are going to play this, use that patch.

>> No.5362052

not retro

>> No.5362096

Romhacks are a good creative vehicle you sperg

>> No.5362126

Looks like they made the hack to stroke their own egos and not to create something fun for the general Zelda audience.

>> No.5362138

This hack is really enjoyable if you aren't bad at video games. The overworld is way better than the original game, and the dungeons are much more challenging. Climbing the Parallel Tower 3 times was a lot of fun and so was clearing the Guardhouse without the sword.

The difficulty wasn't that bad if you've played a Zelda game before.

>> No.5362419

I'm not bad at video games but I'm not an autistic speedrunner of ALTTP so I wasn't able to avoid every enemy and do glitches to make the game easier. This is essentially a Kaizo hack and after dying multiple times trying to beat the second dungeon you just get frustrated and want to play something fun. This is a well made hack in the same sense that Kaizo mario is well made but nobody but a select few people will enjoy it.

>> No.5362841

It's borderline Kaizoshit. Not fun.
It's just the only notable ALTTP Romhack there is because the game is apparantly really hard to hack, so people put it up on a pedestal.

>> No.5363412

>hacking alttp
>trying to improve perfection

>> No.5363419

Zelda Classic and the various custom quests are better.

>> No.5363706

This is the worst video game board online

>> No.5364161

I'll give you that there's really not much to improve on with ALTTP but there are already two improvements people have made, like cycling through your items with the previously useless L and R buttons and allowing Link to turn without stopping when using the pegasus boots.

Also it's a matter of personal taste but there's at least one hack that changes his pink hair to the correct color.

In any case I don't want ALTTP to be hacked in an attempt to improve on it, I just want there to be more ALTTP to play that isn't retarded kaizo shit.

There are plenty of Super Mario World Romhacks that are fun, not really better than SMW or the original Trilogy, but still well made enough to be worth playing. I just wanted that for Zelda too.

>> No.5364661

I would highly suggest you play the Randomizer for Link to the Past. It's really fun, even on easy mode. You get items out of order and it can be frustrating at first if you don't know where all the treasure chests are but after a few attempts you can probably finish a run in one sitting (Around 2 hours)

>> No.5364831

I tried it, and I didn't really have a ton of fun with it. Couldn't finish it because I never located the Book of Mudora and I spent six hours probing every part of the game for it. I just gave up.

Zelda 1 randomizer was pretty good though.

>> No.5365971

Why are people itt acting like romhacks are made by assholes who try to make a point by "fixing" the game? How do you even get this idea? As far as I can tell the people who release these are so desperate to play more of a game they love that they'll go through the trouble of editing it to give a brand new spin on it. It's a noble labor of love and it's crazy to expect professional quality out of this sort of project

>> No.5366604

Because everyone on 4chan is extra combative and /vr/ in particular is a special brand of gatekeeping purist.

Anyway some romhackers are out there to "fix" retro games and I say good on em for doing it. There's no reason the grey rectangle in the upper left of the original legend of Zelda shouldn't be a fuinctional map, or that Metroid should't have a save feature, or that you should equip a card key in metal gear in order for a door to open. If they want to de-wart a retro game, then fine. as long as they give you options and don't force new graphics or difficulty on you in the process.

>> No.5366987

I would suggest playing your first couple rounds using a 'tracker' to keep track of where the chests are and which ones you have found. Until you get really good at remembering where they are this is the best way to have fun. It's still a real big challenge beating the dungeons with specific items you don't normally have for those dungeons in a regular playthrough.

It's not that I think they are made by people trying to fix a game but 99% of RomHacks I have played are people who are so good at a game that they decided to make a really difficult version for other elite players and speedrunners who know all the glitches in the game. The other problem is people inserting some stupid humour from their fanfiction into the hack that only appeals to themselves.

There are a lot of well done hacks but for a game like Super Mario World you have three great hacks and thousands of garbage ones, and this is the same for most games. An exception to the rule might be Super Metroid because it has a lot of decent hacks but I am also really good at that game so they could be very hard but it doesn't affect me.

>> No.5367136

Where can i find a guide for this game

>> No.5367179


>> No.5367182

Were can i find google

>> No.5367192


>> No.5368246

The thing with SMW is it's probably the easiest game out there to hack due to all the tools you get to use and how accessible they are, it's really an outlier in that respect

>> No.5368924

1.1 and i love it

>> No.5369132

I played and beat both remodel and 1.1 with no savestates and frankly loved it as someone who adores alttp. Much better alternative than albw. Though I do understand where people come from with it's bullshit. It has it's problems that shouldn't be ignored as much as I can put up with it.

10/10 for it's overworld and exploration. Better than even alttp but drops like a rock in dungeon design. Remodel tries to fix its bullshit but decides to do the opposite by making dungeons bare bones which I consider worse.

I hear 1.3 is on it's way and is more bearable to which extent I don't know.