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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 77 KB, 351x500, streetsor2_l1600_1__42650.1460575112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5360221 No.5360221 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best home console beat 'em up of the 16 bit era. Other games might have better visual/audio aesthetics or more interesting settings/characters, but all of that is irrelevant to what truly rules the day, gameplay.

>> No.5360250

why do you hate this game?

>> No.5360253

SOR3 was way better.

>> No.5360760

>best home console beat 'em up of the 16 bit era
it's the best belt scroller of any era

>> No.5361010

I can't think of a single jog n' jab with better audio aesthetics.

>> No.5361018
File: 179 KB, 800x1142, street-smart-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously superior

>> No.5361021
File: 194 KB, 492x552, sneeze-smart-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5361714

Nice try, reddit.
>but all of that is irrelevant to what truly rules the day, gameplay.
>I never played bare knuckle 3

>> No.5362070

Bullshit, the way God intended was to play belt'em ups with friends, take a shot of vodka everytime one of you use a continue.

>> No.5362073

>people who take their 1cc's seriously

>> No.5362078
File: 753 KB, 953x1282, 1531807080000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've never gotten a co-op 1cc

>> No.5362817

Wow, one of the most overused baits in the /vr/ world gets used yet again.

>> No.5362834

I bet you think I play games online too!

>> No.5362957
File: 140 KB, 220x289, ninjagaidenarcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja Gaiden Arcade is the best beat em up.

>> No.5362962

Technically that would have been a 2cc

>> No.5362979

beat em ups on genesis always felt cluncky.
final fight, capatain commando, turtles in time play much smoother.

>> No.5365831

>can only move in four directions

>> No.5365863

I loved this game until I tried Final Fight

>> No.5365865

I tried to play Final Fight recently, it's not good in terms of gameplay. It has good graphics, but that's it.

>> No.5365887

What the fuck? You can move in all 8 directions in all of those games, did you play ANY of them?
>tried to play
In other words you flailed around without learning the game, got spanked into a game over, kept credit feeding like a scrub and ragequit blaming the game instead of your own lack of skill.

>> No.5365906

I got to the final level of Final Fight on my first playthrough, I didn't even get a game over I just gave up cause I felt fatigued.

You can only move in one direction at a time, no diagonal movement, which is annoying and stiff. The special moves are not well thought out, the enemies are incredibly stock/generic and take far too long to kill with how boring they are to fight. The game looks good, but that's all it has going for it over SoR

>> No.5365927

You never played Final Fight, everything you said is wrong. I mean I get how you could have a retarded opinion on the enemies and the special move (which is amazing btw and has to be used constantly if you wanna git gud) but thinking it has no diagonal movement is absolutely pants on head retarded since even the garbage SNES port has it. What the fuck are you talking about? You want poorly thought out special moves? Check out Axel's grand upper which can be liberally spammed to cheese out fucking everything, or how about the piss easy stunlocking? Shifting at least requires technique to perform in comparison. It's also a slow as fuck game which feels even slower than it is by how small the sprites are, Final Fight may be slower movement wise but the sprites are bigger so it's always intense and close up.

>> No.5365949

I should specify that I played Final Fight 3 only, there is definitely only four directions you can move in, no diagonal walking.

>> No.5365968

FF3 has diagonal movement, you haven't played shit. Though talking about Final Fight while only having played 3 which is baby console crap is retarded, the first game on the arcade is where it's at

>> No.5365987

Just checked to be sure, it has no diagonal movement. When you press diagonal, the character doesn't move, you can only move straight up down left and right

>> No.5365992
File: 66 KB, 250x445, Ninja_Warriors_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say best 16-bit beat 'em up for home consoles?

>> No.5365993
File: 872 KB, 1002x642, ff3 diagonals.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call this then? Wtf are you playing exactly

>> No.5366001

The remake they're working on looks really good, also titty ninja is good shit

>> No.5366584

3 improves on the original in all kinds of ways, what are you even talking about? Final Fight 1 sucks

>> No.5366602

lolno don't even start. Go at least TRY to seriously 1cc both games before you share your thoughts else you'll be like the "FF has diagonals" guy

>> No.5366605

FF has no diagonals*

>> No.5366606

no one cares

>> No.5366625

Yeah except people who actually like and play the genre beyond doing a couple of button mashing runs

>> No.5367537

I've played all FFs and I've always thought FF2 was the best of them.
FF3 has some nice things but it's just too damn easy.

>> No.5367560

there is 16bits beat em up that can top turtles in time or final fight and the best 16bits machine for beat em up is the snes, the games have better color pallet with a lot more simultaneous colors and the games just run right, while on genesis they are way too laggy.

>> No.5367565

>Can't even play 2-player games on SNES without the entire game slowing down to a crawl due to too many sprites

>> No.5367567

This. It's autism.

>> No.5367582


.... and the game play sucks too. Go home and take your glorified turd with you OP.

>> No.5367606
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, Its fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just checked to be sure

>> No.5367715

2nd Best. Turtles In Time says otherwise.

>> No.5367821

Hyperstone Heist was better.

>> No.5368248

Both are nice(though BK3 is obviously better)

>> No.5368254

OP said console,idiot

>> No.5368257

You mean lifeless game addicts like you

>> No.5368460

The only bad things about this game is that it was 1 player only.

>> No.5368475

It's a really fucking good game but I still think Final Fight 3 was better. SoR 2 has one big dick difficulty spike while the progression on FF3 is smoother and even allows you to go for harder shit if you are a returning player.
I feel SoR2 is a masterpiece that fans of the genre need to get over, if that makes sense. It's existence does not make it the ur-beat'em'up.

>> No.5368495 [DELETED] 

I don't know what you're doing here if youre going to accuse him of being that

>> No.5368728
File: 26 KB, 499x499, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean lifeless game addicts like you

>> No.5368802

desu I probably play less per week than you do, only difference is I don't have gaming ADHD and can stick to a game I enjoy long enough to actually beat it

>> No.5369470

>FF has no diagonals
yeah, that's one of the things I dislike about it

>> No.5369519

Me too.

>> No.5369528

>can stick to a game I enjoy
everyone can do that, stupid

>> No.5369558

Yeah that's what I thought too but dipshits here seem to struggle

>> No.5370446

Not shit, retard. I'm just derailing the thread to talk about Ninja Gaiden: Arcade. Also, space after using commas and put periods after the end of your sentences, halfwit. After all of that kill yourself, thanks.

>> No.5370823

streets of rage was a mediocre game and still was the best sega had going on.

>> No.5370869

dont you get tired of making anti-sega posts, we know its you samefag. Delete your shitty sega threads now.

>> No.5370896
File: 148 KB, 680x661, download_20190209_153009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of what you think about the game play, the soundtrack is the tits man.

>> No.5370913


>> No.5371428

Without a doubt. SOR2/BK2 is Yuzo Koshiro's magnum opus

>> No.5371473

I like that game but I'm bad at it, even trying to walk up to any random dude and throw a punch feels risky compared to other bmup-scrollers

>> No.5371479

>SNES final fight
okay you can argue the other 2 but SNES final fight is a steaming pile of shit that does not play "smoothly" in any way.

>> No.5373326

This is true

>> No.5374168

People move on from games when their levels of enjoyment drop off. You have to be a lifeless autistic faggot to keep playing something after you've stopped enjoying it just to say you beat it.

News flash kiddo-- nobody gives a fuck how many games you beat or how much time you spent on them.

Why? Because you're wasting your fucking life on this shit. Go out and contribute to society. Stop being a fucking leech.

>> No.5374285

Who are you talking to, speedrunners or pro players?

>> No.5374287

both & more

>> No.5375630

Hey, it is just a hobby for me really, but you're kind of wrong saying it is a waste. People are making lots of money off of it, sorry. Lol, if I could sit on my butt all day and play video games for money I would.

>> No.5375680
File: 21 KB, 320x240, Streets_of_Rage_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here end up liking the first game better?

I personally prefer the more minimalistic sprite designs, the (more consistent) sprite proportions, the characters, and the soundtrack of SoR.

Sure, the movesets are a bit more limited, but I find myself having fun trying to do more with less, and less moves != easier to learn.

>> No.5375691

The first one looks really ugly.