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5357007 No.5357007 [Reply] [Original]

Is he not grossly OP in any game he's in?

>> No.5357010


>> No.5357014

That is a grossly uninformed opinion, OP. Every outsider thinks he's OP because of projectile spam, but everyone knows none of the SFII top tiers use projectiles.

Blanka and Balrog

>> No.5357021

The top tier will always be Sagat from Super. And Blanka is way below almost everyone else.

>> No.5357027

Akshully Ken is consistently stronger than him in most games they've been in which is ironic because canonically Ryu is supposed to be the serious disciplined pupil while Ken doesn't give a fuck about training.

>> No.5357032

He's not stronger in any version of SF2 or Alpha.

>> No.5357048

>when you throw a puke with all 3 buttons

>> No.5357057

shotos get nerfed bigtime

>> No.5357186

Hyper Fighting is the only game where Ryu could be considered top tier.

>> No.5357226

in Street Fighter 2 he is.

>> No.5357254

Ken is stronger than Ryu in the original Street Fighter 2: World Warrior

thats because in that game both characters are completely identical in moves and special attacks.

The ONLY difference being that Ken had a rolling kick throw animation that was longer and was more likely to throw the opponent into the corner.

THUS making Ken the superior character. But both of them were low tier in the original SF2, only higher than Zangief.

not true, he was Top Tier in Championship edition, and remained unchanged in Hyper Fighting. So he remained top tier.

You can even debate he was top tier in Super, but that game was never largely played competatively.

>but everyone knows none of the SFII top tiers use projectiles

Top Tier: Guile, Dhalsim

Mid Tier: Chun-li, Blanka, E.Honda

Low Tier: Ken, Ryu, Zangief

>Championship Edition
Top Tier: Guile, Dictator, Ryu, Sagat

Mid Tier: Blanka, Dhalsim, Ken, Claw

Low Tier: Boxer, Chun-li, E.Honda, Zangief

>Hyper Fighting

Top Tier: Ryu, Guile, Sagat

Upper Mid Tier: Ken, Blanka, Zangief

Lower Mid Tier: Chun-li, E.Honda, Dhalsim, Boxer

Low Tier: Claw, Dictator


Top Tier: Sagat, Ryu, Chun-li, Dhalsim

Upper Mid Tier: E.Honda, Dictator, Claw

Lower Mid Tier: Ken, Guile, Cammy, T.Hawk

Low Tier: Dee Jay, Fei Long, Balrog, Blanka, Zangief

>Super Turbo
Banned: Akuma

Top: O.Sagat, Claw, Dhalsim, Boxer

Upper Mid: Chun-li, Dee Jay, Ryu, O.Ryu, O.Ken

Lower Mid: Guile, O.T.Hawk, Dictator, Honda, Ken, Sagat, Fei Long

Low: T.Hawk, Blanka, Cammy, Zangief

>> No.5358201
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The tier lists given here by this anon are about 99.99% accurate. Only few oddities is SF2:WW Zangief should be mid-tier or at least above Ken and Ryu on the basis that SPD would always land them next to Gief and with no reversals in this version he would always get the tick SPD loops, he kinda stands in a tier of his own here. Also for Super Turbo thanks to new tick throw option selects Old T.Hawk is actually about Upper Mid tier now these days.

>> No.5358206

I think tier lists are hardly ever objective so if a tier list is 99,99% accurate then whatever you're postulating here comes down to differently interpreting the presented facts, especially considering that your suggestions don't really present an outrageous view of the meta (you're not suggesting a Low Tier is actually a Top Tier, for example), so it's all reasonable either way. Wouldn't really say Zangief or O.T-Hawk's positions in the list are "oddities" in that light.

>> No.5358212

Out of all the games he's ever been in, he's been OP in maybe 2 or 3.

>> No.5358223

All I said was that there's only two oddities because of very specific things that function at the top level of play. The SF2WW list can actually vary tremendously based on specific older build versions of world warrior that aren't based on the common arcade romset that people play on especially with old obscure JP build versions, for instance in one specific build it's actually possible for Zangief to grab E.Honda in an SPD right at the start of the round and there's zero escape for Honda.

T.Hawk's positioning jump in tier list is actually fairly recent(ish) like about 6 years ago when ST hype was still going strong and was the result of the discovery of the Sako tick improving so many matchups that would have been either even or slightly disadvantaged to O.Hawk.

Trust me when I say that anon's tier list is very very accurate, the only discrepancies being certain very specific key techniques and options that changed how that list is represented at top level play.

>> No.5359040

Why is Zangief better in Hyper Fighting than all the others?

>> No.5359085

I believe the addition of his double lariat allowed him to better deal with a lot of crouching opponents. Fireballs in ST and other SF2 games are pretty good which makes characters without one struggle. Though while some (Fei and E. Honda) can destroy characters once they get in others (Zangeif and Cammy) can basically never approach the opponent so long as they are throwing fireballs. It's no surprise the bottom tier characters of ST are Cammy, Zangief, and Blanka.

>> No.5359157

What does the O. in front of some characters mean? O.Sagat for example, are there two versions of him in ST?

>> No.5359207

In ST characters were altered for this game. When you select your character inputing a certain button combination allows you to play the original version of the character, hence the "O.". In some cases, like Sagat, the O. version is much stronger so even though he doesn't get access to some of the additions of ST people still prefer him over his new or "regular" version. In most cases either the original or new version of a character is better but there are cases where it is debatable. Chun-Li for example is said to be a character that sees use using both versions in Japan.

>> No.5359231

no you're just some casual fag who is confusing the 3s tier list with every street fighter game.

>> No.5360625

Zangief is better in HF because his kick lariat(3K buttons pressed simultaneously) is completely invulnerable during the entire duration to low attacks which makes using the K lariat version to get in closer a bit easier.

>> No.5361045

No self respecting top tier whore will ever touch RYU. First of all he never is anywhere near top tier. And second since RYU's game plan is so transparent it takes herculean effort to win with him. Often it's an uphill battle, depending on the top tier whore you are fighting. The only reason why Ryu is top tier in CE and HF is because Thomas Osaki dominated with RYU back in the day. And that guy could have picked a spoon to kill you OP.

>> No.5361643

>grossly OP


>> No.5361774
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Ryu is a fucking tryhard. He spends all of his life on improving his skills but still can't outmatch Ken who trains far less and gets to enjoy life.

>> No.5362159

>(Zangeif and Cammy) can basically never approach the opponent so long as they are throwing fireballs.
What? As a Gief player I can tell you that he can very easily approach the person if they're throwing fireballs. Green hand and lariat gets him in and closes distance, he's low tier in ST but that has nothing to do with how he approaches fireball characters, like the only two fireball characters that give him hell are Dhalsim and O.Sagat and even those two matchups are preferable to fighting Honda as Gief. In fact Ryu is one of Gief's better matchups in the game.

>> No.5362204

I have never met anyone with an opinion worth hearing who subscribes to tier lists.

>> No.5362302

I always forget about the barf thing until I clock Chun-Li in the gut and feel awful

>> No.5362340


I played the snes version. Was there barfing in that? I don't remember. SFII has a way more violent feel to it.

>> No.5362358

There's deffinitely something to be said about putting too much stock in tier lists but completely ignoring them is retarded too.

>> No.5362360

Specific matchups is much more useful than overall tiers as well.

>> No.5362374

Tier lists in fighting games are just generally rough guidelines. Like for instance while Gief is low tier in ST he can absolutely dominate a Balrog(US)/Boxer(JP) character. So yes generally character specific matchups are better but a rough tier guideline is still valuable as a sort of general estimate.

And then you have situations like this where a low tier character completely destroys a top tier character despite the matchup being worse for them.
Take note that both Valle and Kuni are old time SF players, they're not just no-name scrubs who showed up.

>> No.5362541

Not OP in any game he was in.
I dont think he even ever was toptier in any game he was in. SF4 vanilla maybe?

>> No.5362764

He's M. Bison in Japan you dummy, Boxer is the name used both in a d outside of Japan to refer to him, not gis actual character name.

>> No.5362859

I'm aware of that but not everyone is familiar with the vernacular of SF bosses names unless they're really into the FG scene. Because there's always one person who asks "Why do they keep calling him Boxer? Isn't he just Balrog?" so it's easier to just say it this way otherwise that question is going to posit itself somewhere at some point.

>> No.5363820

everyone knows who mike tyson is kid

>> No.5364090

>Everyone knows who mike tyson is kid
The irony here is that kids are the least likely to know who mike tyson is son.

>> No.5365289

When you refer to them as Boxer, Claw and Dictator it's clear to anyone who you mean regardless of version.

>> No.5365374
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>When you refer to them as Boxer, Claw and Dictator it's clear to anyone who you mean regardless of version.
You'd be surprised, I've had anons get confused before with Boxer/Claw/Dictator and complain why we don't call them Balrog/Vega/M.Bison instead.

>> No.5365380

Sounds like you got troll, dummbo

>> No.5365390

This was like a decade and a half ago, they were genuinely confused and angry.

>> No.5368636

Sure 15 years ago.