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5345490 No.5345490 [Reply] [Original]

Do the games have a timeline?

>> No.5346360
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>posting a BoF thread on this shithole of a board
The brave man of the dragon. Have a (you).

>> No.5346363
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>> No.5346409

Which BOF is this?

>> No.5346413


>> No.5346690

Oh Deis

>> No.5346784

Well the shit games came first and the two good ones came last.

>> No.5346803

Dragon Quarter and 6? Hmmm...

>> No.5346901

There is no official one but there is a fanon one that suggest this: V > IV > I > II > III

IIRC logic here is the following:
In Dragon Quarter you escape the underground society to get to the desolate world above.
IV's world is mostly desert based and still has some poisonous ares in it that may be leftovers of whatever forced people to go underground before the event of BoF V.
Notice how the southwest area of both BOF IV and I are the domains of bad guys in their respective games? This suggests that the dark dragon clan in BoF I are the descendants of Fou-Lu's empire.
Given that you find Bleu/Deis, Bo and Karn from BoF I in BoF II means it has to happen relatively soon after the first game however I can't think of a good explanation on how the world has changed so much in such a short time even if the overall shape of the world maps in both games are pretty similar.
BoF III's place at the end is mostly given by the mural of BoF I characters at Dragnier >implying that BoF I's characters fight against Tyr has became a legend from long, long time ago. Speaking of Tyr/Myria she is the final boss of both BoF I and BoF III and BoF II's final boss Deathevan is supposedly her spawn.

Still this only fanon shit, should not be taken seriously and I don't know anything or even give a fuck about BoF VI so if you want to place it somewhere be my guest.

>> No.5346937

?? It's 4>1>2>3>5

after the events of 3 myria station is no longer around to control the environment and the world is claimed by the desert. It takes thousands of years for the environment to recover while humanoid races hide out underground

You can loosely trace the chronology of the games by the degree of interbreeding effecting the characteristics of the characters. Mixing races ends up making them look more like ordinary humans with less distinct animal features.

>> No.5346939

>my dudes
what did he mean by this?

>> No.5347579

Come on ryubro, you don't really think BOF6 is an actual part of the series do you?

>> No.5347679

I don't, but you seem to do. Even if we disregard that, your opinion is horrendous and is the reason why we don't have BoF games anymore.

>> No.5347693

There's no official chronology outside of 1->2->3, stop making up shit retard. Even then, 1/2/3 are pretty much self-contained. Capcom purposely made the games this way.

>> No.5347947
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I-III are a sort of trilogy of games that are loosely tied by their antagonists. IV and V are thought to be their own separate universes though there exist theories of how they connect to the first three games. Really though they're able to all stand on their own and playing them in any kind of order isn't necessary.

IV is the best game by the way.

>> No.5347961

>IV is the best game by the way
Most people don't think so

>> No.5347975
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Most people are wrong

>> No.5347982

The sole faggot who thinks he's a hot shit for liking a special thing and everyone else around to be retarded is also more likely to be retarded himself.

>> No.5348493

Most people have shit for brains, and calling BOF1-3 good games is the no.1 proof of that.

>> No.5348506

Most people who prefer 1-3 are more talented and worthy than you ever will be.

>> No.5348516

I think 1-4 are fine, 5 is where they drop it and it turns spaghetti

>> No.5348565

Series sales have peaked with 3. It was all downhill from there with Dragon Shit barely scrapping by.

>Dragon Shit
That game isn't even good on its own. At least not with:
>horrendous artstyle
>corridor maps
>tedious gameplay where you'll suffer unless you use dragon forms, effectively nullifying other characters' usefulness (bosses are HP sponges with regen and, unless you grind for the ultimate weapons, you'll have to use only Ryu's dragon form)
>horrendous and overcomplicated save/restore system
If some subhuman zoomeroid will tell you the opposite, you can easily disregard its output.

>> No.5348914

Imagine being this Low D

>> No.5350504

>sales have peaked with 3
Alright guys, Wii Sports confirmed one of the greatest games ever made.

BoFIII has it's problems. The pacing is slow, combat is easy, and the gene system is interesting but doesn't really matter as you will only ever transform for boss fights, in which case you won't want to experiment.

>> No.5350589

Sounds like a brainlet who hasn't even finished 5.

>> No.5350724

I don't know if anything official came out, but I always assumed they were all in order, except 4 was first.

Four starts in a setting somewhat like ancient China, it's somewhat advanced, but mostly archaic. I'm assuming with the creation of Tyr/Myra, an eventual catastrophe befell the world, probably with her at the core, though hubris is just as likely. One has a setting somewhat like Mesopotamia in architecture and feel, with a few surviving relics like the giant and Tyr's place that seem to have technical or magical machines to power it. Two has even fewer relics from the past, but overall the world seems like its moved on, where Three sees most of the world moving towards the industrial revolution with real world similar machines, sometimes enhanced by magic, taking the stage, and Myra's station as what we assume to be the last bastion of a lot technological era. DQ just seems mostly near futuristic.

One other thing of note is what happens to demi-humans over the course of the series. The further back in time, the more populous they are, and the more non-human features they take on for some of them. It's unknown why they're dying out, either due to interbreeding with each other which cause regression towards a more basic "human" form, or some other thing that's seeing humans outpace them and their lineages die out. I've speculated that the dragon clan might've originally been actual dragons that assumed a human form due to a similar process -- as the dragon's bloodline became more and more impure, dragon clan humans started to become the norm, with their dragon forms becoming something they could only maintain for a short time.

>> No.5351379

Some people think that V is the best.
I don't know if they have a few screws loose on their head or they are trolling.

>> No.5351512

I see it as a toss up on which BOF is the best. It always falls between 2, 3 and 4. I am partial to 3 honestly, but it is also the most somber and "dull" of the three, taking more time to build a slow pace attitude then be actiony. There was more urgency in BOF4 from what I remember.And the mystery was more present.

Never played 2. I need to go back and play it.

But one thing is certain. Fuck capcom for BOF6 and when will we get a new one/remake of an old one/ just something BOF related that is not in an archie comic.

>> No.5351513

why you sound mad you fat little hairy manlet

>> No.5351515

get a load of this actual moron who can't even figure out the gameplay of a jrpg

>> No.5351517


Fan theories you idiot. They are everywhere. And official or not, this shit happens. Look what happened to the damn zelda franchise. No official timeline for eons until the fans pushed one out their asses and Nintendo had to do something about it.

Let people have some fun.

>> No.5352110

Breath of Fire 1 is alluded to in 3.
2 might as well not exist

It doesn't matter that you beat off to Kat, the game was the worst trash.

>> No.5352187

BoF2 takes place 500 years after BoF1:


BoF3 shows a mural of BoF1's final battle, so we can assume that it's a sequel to both games unless you want to be anal and say that BoF3 disregards BoF2 (and that's a perfectly fair argument to make IMO).

>> No.5352559 [DELETED] 

the Nina of 1 makes an appearance in 2 as Nina's ancestor

>> No.5352576
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the Nina of 1 makes an appearance in 2 as Nina's ancestor. Also, 2 is the best of the series, regardless of furries. It has the best characters and the best story.

>> No.5352603

>2 is the best of the series

>> No.5352614
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Back to /v/, trash.

>> No.5352629

You are replying the shitposter I've been seeing for quite some time now. You can easily spot him by how he types and how he always hates on either BoF as a whole, or BoF2/Katt. The best way to deal with him is to ignore him.

Several of his posts:

>> No.5352653
File: 3.85 MB, 480x360, kaiser.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire 1, 2 and 3 are all part of a trilogy with a continuous story about the Dragon Clan. After that, Capcom started to ape the Final Fantasy model and had the rest of the entries be standalone games that had no connection to one another other than recurring names and themes.

Fans of part 4 and 5 desperately try to find some connection with their one-shot titles to the trilogy to tie them in, so you get nonsense like >>5346901 and >>5346937 , but it's all just fan theory bullshit. The "series" ended with 3, and has gradually sold less and less since then with Capcom waiting longer and longer between releases to where the entire franchise is basically dead now.

You can blame 4 for that. What's worse, you can blame the handful of blithering retards here who insist on how great 4 is for not realizing it was the death knell of a promising JRPG series.

>> No.5352656

kek, I got more (You)s than the guy you actually responded to.

But people defending BOF1-3 are just nostalgiafags that should take that cancer off /vr/

>> No.5352659

Well, trashposters are pretty much all relegating to /vg/, but even there it's just all of them posting trash, so they're spreading outward to other boards because they get modded off interest boards.

I guess troll successful, if he got all those (You)s in one post? They seem to be the upvote of 4chan judging by how thirsty people get for them.

Is there anything really that bad about BoF1-4 that it could be objectively considered this bad, or did it just touch this kid inappropriately when he was young?

>> No.5352660

>on the nostalgiafag board
I entered a thread full of things I do not like and now I am frustrated. How could this happen to me?

>> No.5352679

Never played bof1 or bof2. But bof3 is my favorite rpg. And i respect bof4. Hell even 5 has its few moments.

It is not the best rpg series out there, but it has charm. Fuck you guys that cannor understand shit that simple.

>> No.5352687

>deis in 4
>lol yeah I got pulled into this world from a different universe by ryu's yuge dragon cock.
>? People still try to say 4 is the same world.

I am one of the 5 -> 1 2 3 guys though

>> No.5352706

>nostalgiafags that should take that cancer off /vr/
I think it's pretty obvious you're the parasite

>> No.5352769

2 is several hundred years after 1 iirc

>> No.5352774


Ah yes. That time old tradition of being an idiot on the internet. To bad you added nothing to the conversation

>> No.5353263
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Nina on suicide watch.

>> No.5353570

if you like charm, soul and touching characters then you should definitely play the first 2. especially 2 i think

>> No.5353771


Thanks for the recommendation.

I hope to get to them at sone point.