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File: 302 KB, 583x600, 583px-Big_SA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5344247 No.5344247 [Reply] [Original]

What the actual fuck was Sega thinking?

>> No.5344249

Probably they wanted to add character visually different form other characters.

Replaying Sonic Adventure and beating his stages is actually not bad, takes like 30min to finish his campaign, 45mins tops

>> No.5344250

> Sega
> Thinking

>> No.5344257

we have to sell fishing controllers

>> No.5344280

...by giving fishermen a big retarded cat as their mascot?

>> No.5344305

Sega needed a character that appealed to overweight autistic kids like how knuckles was made for niglets.

>> No.5344368

>have fishing controller
>add fishing to SA
>need a fishing character
>cats like fish right?
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.5344371

Big the cat did nothing wrong

>> No.5344380

He exists.

>> No.5344382

Well, did you like him? Was Sega correct?

>> No.5344391

You like this shit?


That's hilariously the most ignorant thing I've ever read.

>> No.5344672

I always use japanese voice

>> No.5344683

>That's hilariously the most ignorant thing I've ever read.
Yeah, overweight autistic kids see themselves as Sonic or Tails, they have an unrealistic self-image, so obviously making the character fat was unnecessary

>> No.5344705 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 326x278, 1493420749536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niglet-plays rap loudly on his phone
knuckles-rap plays naturally from his environment

niglet-abandoned by father
knuckles-abandoned by entire race

niglet-stupid name, violent
knuckles-stupid name based on violence

>> No.5344709
File: 126 KB, 420x413, Beeg the Yoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5344712

Seething redditor should ironically an hero

>> No.5344880

>Nin made a Mario variant who was fatter and yellow/purple
>We’ll make a Sonic variant who is fatter and yellow/purple

>> No.5344892

>Replaying Sonic Adventure and beating his stages is actually not bad, takes like 30min to finish his campaign, 45mins tops
Sonic Adventure doesn't support Dreamcast Fishing Controller though.

>> No.5344895

Big is fucking great.

>> No.5344898

Except Wario was top shelf and Big the Cat is cancer

>> No.5344914

I mean every Sonic game added a new character. 2 was Tails, 3 Knuckles, CD Amy (yes she was in Manga but most people would have first seen her in CD or Adventure) and so they decided to add a new character. And wanted to make him play different then every other character. Japan is crazy for fishing and wanted to add a fishing controller. One of the developers most likely had a cat who loved fish and they talked and thought Big was a funny name for a giant cat and there we go. It's not really hard to understand their reasoning for it. Did it feel off compare to the other characters? Sure but so does a lot of games of that time.

>> No.5344917

Wrong, Big played great in Heroes. It sucks that Sega dropped the character from newer games.

>> No.5344935
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they needed a character to whom the american audience could relate

>> No.5344939

he's not that bad. literally ever non sonic/shadow in SA2 was ten times worse than big or anyone else's story in SA1x

>> No.5345398

But that's not Shadow?

>> No.5345992

>Sonic Adventure doesn't support Dreamcast Fishing Controller though.
Well now you know why Sega ended up bleeding money

>> No.5346041

Oh, it's a windy and sunny day!

>> No.5346048

I always thought he was a subliminal advertisement for Sega Bass Fishing

>> No.5346112
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>> No.5346691

I thought it was because they were brainstorming ideas for another character and someone went "you know, the Dreamcast has a fishing controller coming out...", so they decided to include a character who could work with the controller. Then at some point they forgot why they included him in the first place and never added the functionality.

>> No.5346716

To be honest, when I was a kid the Big stages were sort of a relaxing change of pace. I mean the character was stupid, but the exercise itself was sort of unique. I mean the sheer novelty of it being in a Sonic game was amusing, even though it was obviously inferior to any normal stage.

With that said, Ice Cap fucking sucks as Big. Also, replaying the game as an adult, I couldn’t just relax and do the levels leisurely. I powered through them hard because I don’t know how to play games any other way anymore.