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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5342504 No.5342504 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the guilt of not doing anything "productive" when playing videogames? It kinda ruins it for me.

>> No.5342507

Delaying your inevitable shooting rampage does have value op

>> No.5342508

I do what I want. Fuck guilt.

>> No.5342510

Productivity is a lie
A lie told by a person because a person hates his life
So instead of saying "I hate my life" they say 'How do you deal with the guilt of not doing anything "productive"'
Such a sad anon

>> No.5342513

I'm productive when I'm at work.
why the fuck should I feel ashamed of using my free time for recreation?

>> No.5342521

Read the poem “Everything I ever needed to know I learned in Kindergarten.”
>Work and play some each day

>> No.5342524

The average normie wastes a lot of time on social media or reading celebrity gossip. I'll be fine.

>> No.5342556

Kinda good point.

>> No.5342567


You could listen a podcast in the meantime.

>> No.5342570

My life is a mountain of half finished projects and broken self promises and i proceed to bleach my brain daily with incoming streams of entertainment information until i don't feel the pain and the shame of the hundreds of thousands of massacred minutes doing nothing but mindlessly staring at glowing rectangles.

i dont know OP. i dont know.... i hear ya tho

>> No.5342583

Basically this. "All work and no play" isn't good for you. For a while, I always felt guilty when not thinking about my work, but I realized I work better in the end if I enjoy my free time without stressing over it.

>> No.5342608

Nothing I do is actually "productive." I work at a job among hundreds of other equally replaceable people and if I don't show up for work literally nothing changes. I live my life to enjoy it, not to attain some quota of "productivity." Why should I feel guilty about spending my limited time in this life how I please?

>> No.5342612

They actually take my mind off from these thoughts. Not having anything to play always puts me in a really dark place

>> No.5342679
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>doing nothing but mindlessly staring at glowing rectangles.

>> No.5342694


>watches hours and hours of goddamn shit TV a day

>> No.5342893

That or mindlessly browsing the internet.

>> No.5342923

Address what aspect in life gave you that guilt in the first place. Feeling guilty about trying to enjoy life (the only experience you'll ever have. this is it) is for religious nuts.

>> No.5342929

My mom yelled at me when I was playing instead of doing my homework.

>> No.5342931

I mainly play games at night when it's too late to start anything productive.

>> No.5342934

I do that too, the guilt is absent then.

>> No.5342939

>B-but others are wasting time too!
Doesn't make your lack of productivity and waste any smaller, you fucking cunts

>> No.5342947

>muh productivity
Go wageslave some more for Mr. Schlomo, cuck.
The reality is that vidya is a fairly sane form of entertainment.
Shitposting on video game boards is a far, far worse waste of time.

>> No.5342982


Sounds like someone is triggered...

>> No.5342994

I play video games when I'm feeling too depressed to go out and do stuff anyway, so it's not like I'm wasting valuable time...

>> No.5343019


This is the most jewish post I have seen on this websight.

>> No.5343023

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

>> No.5343040

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5343051

This is actually a productive discussion thread here op, ironically

>> No.5343080

who said im not being productive when playing videogames?
It helps me relaxing, releasing stress in a non-destructive way, and it literally recharges me for the next day of work.
If anything, is what makes me more productive, without it i'd be too stressed out all the time and i wouldnt be productive at all.

>> No.5343097

If I died right now my absence would not harm any function of the world at large. "Being productive" or "contributing to society" are fucking memes people cling to so they can ascribe some sense of purpose or meaning to their existence because they're afraid to face the fact that there is no inherent meaning to life and when they die they will be quickly forgotten as the world moves on without them and without skipping a beat.

I don't have a job to contribute to society or to be productive, I have a job so I can earn money that lets me continue living and affording the hobbies that keep me entertained, and maximizing my personal enjoyment and happiness in life is the only important thing.

>> No.5343102

>all this much self validation

>> No.5343103

play harder games so you don't have time for your mind to wander

I deal with the shame of enjoying anime as a grown man by drinking alcohol but that makes you shit at games so that doesn't work

>> No.5343112

or this taken to an even greater degree, why do you even want to be "prodictive" or contribute anything to people who despise you

if I could live without ever doing anything to benefit other people in any form shape or fashion I'd be very happy

>> No.5343114
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Do you people have depression or mental disorders or something? Who the fuck sits down to play a game and have fun and goes "oh my god I'm not being productive it's ruined"

Can you read? Watch movies? Have fun at all?

>> No.5343121

It's people buying into the productivity meme who are seeking self-validation. They need to feel like their actions are contributing to some greater whole so they don't feel as though their actions are meaningless even if they are. It's much better to accept that what you do at work and what you do in your free time are equally valid uses of time and that when it really comes down to it people actually have jobs to earn money and/or because they personally enjoy performing the work, not out of any pure sense of duty to society and contributing.

>> No.5343124

I allow myself ~4 hours of random shit every day.
So when I get over my productive shit, I get to play some vidya or shitpost on 4chan or whatever.

No worries. You can't just work all the time, you need some time off, but with a limit

>> No.5343149


Entertainment is satisfying and enjoyable, productivity is boring and monotonous.

>> No.5343152

It's more productive than watching youtube all day.

>> No.5343157

Being productive doesn't necessarily mean greatly contributing to society. I often make things for myself and I find more enjoyment from that then a gaming session.

>> No.5343186

stop buying into Silicon Valley "entrepreneur" self-help culture.

>> No.5343236

If you've already done something productive in a day it'll be much easier to enjoy video games or any leisurely activities. You're not supposed to be working 100% of your waking hours.

>> No.5343240

Dem shaders sexy as fuck my man

>> No.5343292

Having the time to just literally waste doing whatever we wanted was part of the reason we stopped wandering for food and started farming in the first place, it's part of what we are now

>> No.5343307

No most of my free time is spent escaping my own thoughts.

>> No.5343328

Our ancestors probably had much more free time than us. They did whatever work was necessary for the few days ahead but not beyond. Then agriculture appeared and they realized they could accumulate stock and trade it. The more you worked the more you accumulated wealth and so spending time doing nothing meant falling behind the other tribes in the race to wealth and power.

>> No.5343329

Vidya is Entertainment Media. You do that so you can unwind and then go back to your productivity period again. I think normie cocksuckers happen to call that "work". I don't know about you but playing vidya games is more fun than doing shit you don't exactly like all that much just to survive.

>> No.5343339

>I find more enjoyment from that then a gaming session.

um, good for you?
now you may leave. >>>/diy/ is that way btw.

>> No.5343341

But wouldn't life be easier if you worked more? If you studied to get a better job, if you did stuff to improve your life in the long term ?

That's the kind of guilt that runs through my head.

>> No.5343353
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I say only feel guilty if you want more. As long as you're maintaining a balance between school / gaming or working / gaming, keep doing what you're doing guilt free. Only feel guilty if you're setting yourself up for a situation where that balance can get fucked up. You have to be financially stable to game adequately anyway.

>> No.5343368

then clearly you're miscalculating the importance of games as opposed to the progress of your life.

your priority lies in dealing with advancing your own life to become more wealthy and fulfilled career-wise. that shit comes first. video games are for entertainment when you have your day-off so you can indulge in virtual escapism so you don't go insane. But the guilt only kicks in if you haven't done enough for whatever you're aiming for in real life. it wouldn't kick in if you had satisfied the desires that make you feel guilty. Vidya got nothing to do with that guilt unless you're obsessed with it and you're truly wasting time when you ought to do something else and more important.

>> No.5343404

You're literally mentally ill. Get help.

>> No.5343491
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I'm a failure and it's too late to do shit so I don't need to worry about anything like that.

>> No.5343989

>people still using my DMG shader for RA

The only thing of merit I ever programmed.

>> No.5344057

I stopped giving a fuck the moment I started seeing boomer family members excuse themselves from the table after dinner during the holidays and whip out their phone or tablet to play bejeweled

>> No.5344059

>your priority lies in dealing with advancing your own life to become more wealthy and fulfilled career-wise.
your priorities should stop at feeding yourself, clothing yourself, and finding shelter

>> No.5344062

If you do nothing but enjoy yourself you should learn to spend time productively. If all you have is free time, then free time is what you have to use.

Once you’re reoriented, you can enjoy things guilt free.

>> No.5344065

It's a pretty cool shader, thank you.

>> No.5344226

Every day is new day.
I try to do most productive stuff before playing games, otherwise I can't stop.
I love playing retro games, but that's addiction, but at least I can control it.

>> No.5344241

i only play textheavy games and i only play them in japanese

>> No.5344272

I actually feel productive when I play and finish videogames, since the rest of the time I'm in imageboards and masturbating.

>> No.5344273
File: 213 KB, 1280x720, progear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life is meaningful. I'm productive in other areas.
I play games that take skill and require focus/effort, and the feeling of improvement feels like good progress, not wasted time.

>> No.5344290

Unironically this, my thoughts haunt me every chance they get, makes me not able to sleep if there is no distraction while trying. Even then simple thought can spirale

>> No.5344302

Because I'm a wage cuck and someone has to provide enough reproduction carts and roms for my family. You'll understand one day clueless Anon.

>> No.5344313

Is it though? A day's worth of youtube will make you run across at least a handful of interesting/new things

>> No.5344386

It's an amazing shader, thank you !

>> No.5344405

Life is meaningless. Don't kid yourself thinking otherwise. Playing games is a great way to use your time alive.

>> No.5344409

My work is related to video games, so...

>> No.5344420

i didn't say i liked it or it was good cunt
looks like shit dumbass

Looks pretty cool though

>> No.5344474

the games I play make me think and organise shit as I play, no guilt on sending time on myself doing something I enjoy, and can do, either way.

>> No.5344491

>Shitposting on video game boards is a far, far worse waste of time.
You are doing both now.

>> No.5344576

I'm sure some people enjoy the work they do because they enjoy the idea that they contribute to society in their own little way.

I respect those people as much as I respect someone who works so that they can pay for their hobbies though. It's your life, it has whatever value you attribute to it.

>> No.5344637
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>> No.5344646

Everything you do is just a drop in the ocean anyway. So it in the end doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you are happy with it and still have enough money for to live.

>> No.5344651

>the idea that they contribute to society
fuck society
the world is full of retards, especially in the west

>> No.5344680

Does that change my point in the slightest?

>> No.5344715

I know you're joking, but if you've ever tried to do anything on top of an exercise bike, you'd know it doesn't work. After 40 or so minutes of exercise, your brain just wants you to get off the bike and go do something else. That's why gyms have those TVs in front of the bikes - otherwise people wouldn't last 15 minutes on them.

>> No.5344719

Getting tested for autism next month. I also have depression and anxiety. Don't feel guilty for not being productive (whatever that means, some jobs are actually meaningless). My partner will support me until I get therapy and a diagnosis. Enjoy your games without bad feelings 4chan.

>> No.5344750

>Getting tested for autism
>My partner

I think I can give you an answer for cheaper..

>> No.5344840

If you're reading this, you have autism. If you're writing this you also have autism.

>> No.5344864


>> No.5344874

Stop being a fag. That will help a lot. You’re welcome.

>> No.5344881

Can we just let this ridiculous thread die please. Sad to see how many people here can't understand the basic concept of work vs leisure time here.

>> No.5344919

I don't have to pay anything. Our mental health budget needs improving, but we get autism tests free on the NHS, in the UK.

My partner is female. Peace to you all.

>> No.5345002

I have a similar thing and it's quite nice, although it's true it's tough to exert effort on anything else. Those smaller under-the-desk bikes and ellipticals are fine for actual work, not such an intense workout, but still better than just sitting there.

>> No.5345154

I only play Super Nintendo for like 2 hrs a day max. I can't even deal with modern games which are all 500+ hour grind fests to get the top online rank or all the skins or whatever.

>> No.5345167

Good goyim, put more hours in at the office! Mr. sheklestien needs a new yatch and the tax man needs more dosh to hand out to single mothers and refugees.

>> No.5345170
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Imagine being a tranny shut in too scared to go outside for fear of boomers laughing at you and neighborhood kids shouting "ITS MA'AM".

No matter how bad life gets, you will NEVER sink to this level.

>> No.5345184

Have you seen the average Silicon Valley day to day life? None of these faggots are productive. I can't wait until all these people are replaced by H1B1 visas or these jobs are outsourced to India.



>> No.5345227

i try not to think about it

>> No.5345252

Why the hell did you link that? I only watched the first one for a few seconds and now I have eye, brain and oesophageal cancer, fuck sake. With the way you said it I thought there might be something interesting, wtf?

>> No.5345258

Sorry m8, but that's it. Why be a sucker busting your ass when other people's idea of work is eating clam pasta and jacking off puppies?

>> No.5345534

get over yourself
who are they to tell you what you can and cannot do?
if they don't like it then make me, bitch
tell them to go fuck themselves

>> No.5345559

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

>> No.5345717

Considering the bullshit most people spend their time on, I'm not about to feel one ounce of guilt for playing a lot of video games.

>> No.5345727

Sure, keep that mindset and you'll end up in an early grave. You're going to end up dead anyway so just find a balance.

>> No.5345854

Because I've already spent the last 15 years doing nothing productive. And I'm too busy worrying about how time keeps flying by so fast.

>> No.5345867

You think your work, if you have any, is bullshit most likely.

If you were satisfied with your work, you'd be satisfied with your leisure activities most likely.

>> No.5345885

sometimes I feel like I'm wasting time but then I remember that god cursed me with immortality so I literally have all the time in the world

>> No.5346437
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Same here. My mind is as quiet as the skies.

>> No.5346446

I do plenty of productive shit when I'm not gaming so no guilt really

>> No.5346532

Have a job and dont spend all of your free time playing when there are things that need to be taken care of. Then it feels earned. But then you also lose patience for shit like grinding and farming and other less rewarding things kids and neets have time for.

One day I'll practice what I preach, but for now its guilty gaming for me.

>> No.5346647
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NEETs are completely fucked up in the head. What did you expect? They are trying to validate their own parasitical lifestyle by saying that everything is pointless and everyone but themselves are stupid. They complain Jews, minorities, and what not, but I bet the majority of these NEETs are worst than the people they criticize.

>> No.5346660


>> No.5346665

Only play video games when you can allow it, OP. Set daily routine and stick with it. Peace will ensue.

>> No.5346673

Your wife will guilt trip you if she catches you playing games while ignoring social networks are a far more harmful addiction (such as 4channel, yes 4channel is just as much of a social network as facebook)

>> No.5346696

Only good way to get something out of games that’s somewhat productive is to use them as a language-learning supplement. Tends to be easier with newer games which have more seamless integration of language options, plus it’s more likely the game will have your target language as an option. Old games will sometimes have a weird selection of languages like French/German/Chinese and nothing else and even those options won’t be that well done.

>> No.5346713

You're gonna eat those words soon!

>> No.5346926

It's not "lost productivity" if I'm not doing anything else, anyway. It's either play video games or stare at a wall.

>> No.5347085
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>How do you deal with the guilt of not doing anything "productive" when playing videogames?
Easy. I play video games at work.

>> No.5347096

If by productive you mean as opposed to learning an art or mastering a sport or spending time with loved ones - that's an answer you have to find for yourself.

If by productive you mean (((work))) then congrats on being fooled into propping up a system that doesn't give a shit about you. If there was a way for me to slack any harder at work, I'd take it. Who gives a shit about putting in effort when the corporations are going to pocket most of your labor and big daddy gubmint is going to snatch up the rest to subsidize literal retards.

>> No.5347123

By having creative hobbies and playing vidya on the side for relaxation, instead of using it as escapism to cope with a lack of passions. Video games are unfortunate because they feel very satisfying short term, almost like youre accomplishing something and end up wasting energy you could be spending on more gratifying hobbies that wont feel meaningless after a while.

>> No.5347128

Shut up zoomers, you have no idea about life.

>> No.5347171

Cultural things for me are productive in a personal way, I don't feel wrong playing a game, watching a movie, reading,..

>> No.5347178

How do you deal with the fact that something you could have saved will die with every minute you spend procrastinating?
Kinda pointless thinking about stuff like that.

>> No.5347189

Don't try to fit in, it's embarrassing.

>> No.5347231

You must have an incredibly unfulfilling life to feel like that in your free time.

My days are very busy, so it's nice to blow off steam.
Growing up with this stuff, I just like the culture of old video games. The old box art, the history, the music, programming challenges at the time.

I don't spunk massive amounts of time into games, but I enjoy them for what they are.
I wish I could. I had a chest infection for 2 weeks which helped me to clear out some JRPGs on my backlog.

>> No.5347274

Great post, any other infections? Do you consider yourself an experienced gamer since you grew up with the stuff and spunked some time in?

>> No.5347529

Why would I eat those words? It's not like I don't have a job, I just recognize that it's ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things because I'm completely replaceable because there is nothing special about what I do compared to any other equally trained individual, so there's no need for me to ascribe any lofty meaning to my daily toils.

>> No.5347837

Just remember that in 100 years you'll be dead and nobody will know or remember who you were.
All you can do is enjoy your short time here, man.

>> No.5348065

listen to history stuff while playing, mainly some dan carlin

>> No.5348881

Good idea but can you really pay attention to 2 things at the same time?

>> No.5349069
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a-anon-kun, i think you would really like this book!