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5337598 No.5337598 [Reply] [Original]

Silent Hill 1 turns 20 today.

>> No.5337605

I'd rather play RE2 on N64.

>> No.5337629


n64 soibois are eternally seething.

>> No.5337649

The original Silent Hill is still my favorite game in the series. I actually prefer it over the Resident Evil games as well. Silent Hill actually had some tension and a feeling of not really knowing where you are going next. The game his the limitations of the PS1 really well by using them as gameplay choices. Like the heavy fog. The game has a nice isolated feel to it. The controls are a little clunky. But, this is still a great PS1 game IMO.

>> No.5337656

I guess I'm gonna piss of a lot of RE fans, but I always found Silent Hill to be a much more subtle and more high brow horror game than RE series. And infinately more scary - this game was psychodelic and mind rapey as fuck at times.

I love that the game isn't in your face with the scares - there are very little jumpscares, but a lot of buildup - it makes a random bloodied wheelchair scary because of out of place this image is.
And I like the first reveal of the air screamer is just a small glimpse of it in a window that the player may never notice, while the protagonist is busy with other things. There are no musical cues, just a random monster flying by in an otherwise unremarkable circumstances.
And the music is fucking great.

>> No.5337659

>shitty blog guy shows up and ruins thread per usual

>> No.5337672
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Why does Cybil's design suck so much in the later remakes?

>I guess I'm gonna piss of a lot of RE fans, but I always found Silent Hill to be a much more subtle and more high brow horror game than RE series. And infinately more scary - this game was psychodelic and mind rapey as fuck at times.

The RE games do rely more on jump scares and are easier to p0redict because they tend to follow many standard horror clieches. Silent Hill is more on the side of Steven King, or Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.

But I agree that Silent hill is more tension building. It has a fairly large (for PS1) open world hub, with random monsters that pop out of the fog. You can always hear them because of the static from the radio, but there is more tension because you don't really know where they are. The indoor environments use the flash light well. Also the Rust world was a nice way to shake up the environments.

>> No.5337683

Konami killed Silent Hill franchise.

>> No.5337694

Konami killed EVERYTHING.

>> No.5337706 [DELETED] 

Stupid question but how come nobody ever tried to recreate real-time graphics style of the PS1 FMVs? SH1, RE2/3 fmvs and the like. Fairly high poly models with smooth animations and not too advanced shading. Look creepy as fuck, perfect for horror games.

>> No.5337707

>Silent Hill
Anything else?

>> No.5337717

Metal Gear
Dance Dance Revolution
Bloody Roar

>> No.5337719

* some of those they were just publishers and there are other games they just published

>> No.5338282

The problem comes from "smooth animations". Many PS1 games, SH included, used motion capture for FMVs, which is hard to replicate with in-game animations. Moreover, it was that 90s kind of motion cap - amateur actors doing exaggerated movements, because small movements were hard to capture.

>> No.5338365

Silent Hill 1 is great, but the storyline of Silent Hill 2 is just so much better. In the first game a lot of the plot feels silly or poorly connected. In the second, it's all so serious and well executed. And it's got some serious fucking feels.

>> No.5338381

How did the combat get worse in Silent Hill 2 than in 1?

>> No.5338593
File: 163 KB, 640x2217, kindergardenhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silent Hill is more on the side of Steven King, or Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.

And don't forget Kindergarten Cop.

>> No.5338631

The bus and school could be coincidental but those posters are just weird.

>> No.5338641

>The bus and school could be coincidental but those posters are just weird.

The bus has the same number 7 on the side,and has a Ford logo with round headlights. I think it can be safe to say that the developers at Konami used Kindergarten Cop as a reference when trying to create an American grade school

>> No.5338643

>Konami released SH1 during Super Bowl Sunday.

For what purpose

>> No.5338650
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>> No.5338740

Oh, I didn't see the 7. You're totally right.

>> No.5338784

I usually don't give a shit about remakes but playing RE2 remake makes me really want the same treatment for SH but I know we'll never get it. In a way the crude lighting and geometry helps the atmosphere but try telling that to a zoomer.

I'd just like to see SH with the same level of sound design

>> No.5338835

did konami even acknowledge the anniversary?

>> No.5338961

Even Sony acknowledged it. https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1091005951686127616 Konami? Not a chance.

>> No.5338975
File: 187 KB, 728x1024, shattered_memories_ps2_esrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I usually don't give a shit about remakes but playing RE2 remake makes me really want the same treatment for SH but I know we'll never get it. In a way the crude lighting and geometry helps the atmosphere but try telling that to a zoomer.

The closest there ever was to a Silent Hill remake was Shattered Memories. Shattered Memories isn't the worst, it's OK. But I would prefer to see a straight up remake and not this re imagining. It's interesting that the original game never got ported to any other systems, or ever saw a remake/ remaster.

>> No.5339031


Have you seen a little girl around here?

>> No.5339129

I saw webms of a first person camera mod for Silent hill a while ago via emulator. Does anybody know anything about it?

>> No.5339268

>new SH game
>plays just like RE2 remake
>made by Japanese developers again that actually know what they are doing
>music by Yamoaka

Take all my money.

>> No.5339831

Here is my hot take
SH Origins feels like an arcade version of SH1.
I like it and idgaf about the story.

>> No.5339871

>I guess I'm gonna piss of a lot of RE fans, but I always found Silent Hill to be a much more subtle and more high brow horror game than RE series
Is this really a hot take? I always assumed everyone saw it like that.

>> No.5339991
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Happy Birthday! Still the best in the series!
>Many PS1 games, SH included, used motion capture for FMVs
i dont think so man. i thought sato did it all on computers...

>> No.5340495

I always thought the same regarding setting, story and whatnot but then again zombies in Resident Evil are, sometimes, an actual threat. Meanwhile the monsters in Silent Hill are piss easy to kill hence i'm not that scared anymore.

>> No.5340507

Yeah, because one-liner greentext jabs at each other are so much better

>> No.5340512
File: 48 KB, 480x272, Silent-Hill-Origins-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just emulate Silent Hill Origins, anon.

>> No.5340519
File: 101 KB, 1200x477, SF2_hard_times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back before the internet, devs had little access to reference pictures, so they had to find it were they could.
VHS movies were the logical choice, probably was the same with SFII and this Charles Bronson movie

>> No.5341206

>plays just like RE2 remake
You want the SH remake to be a tps with Pyramid Head chasing you during half of the game?

>> No.5341214

>i dont think so man. i thought sato did it all on computers...
Motion capture animation needs some hand polishing. It needed a LOT of polishing then.

Some games like tekken did motion capture, but it tended to be not that great.

>> No.5342283

>i dont think so man. i thought sato did it all on computers...

Wasn't that about in-game animations, not FMVs? I'm pretty sure I saw motion capture video of the last scene between Lisa and Harry.

>> No.5342472

I agree that SH1 should stick to its beat-em up origins rather than be a paced shooter, but you're right that gameplay would get in the way of Silent Hill storytelling.

>> No.5343095

To be fair they just killed Hudson in general

>> No.5343098


>> No.5343560

Worse enemy design.

>> No.5343568

>In a way the crude lighting and geometry helps the atmosphere but try telling that to a zoomer.
I said this in another thread, and was told I'm just a secondary zoomer only saying it for epic gamer cred or something.

>> No.5343575


Wouldn't SH have worked way better on the N64? It's a fully 3d game.

>> No.5343585
File: 24 KB, 460x276, RGA_conanbarbarian460[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back before the internet, devs had little access to reference pictures, so they had to find it were they could.
>VHS movies were the logical choice, probably was the same with SFII and this Charles Bronson movie

Just look at Castlevania. You could totally tell they put a bunch of 30's horror films on VHS and got ideas from that. Or that Simon Belmon's design is clearly taken from King Conan from the prolog of the Conan film.

Why does Simon Belmont have a little headband thingie? Because its derived from King Conan's crown!

>> No.5343587

Might suck playing on N64 and then trying to do a 180.

>> No.5345280

>wester SH

>> No.5346516
File: 1.29 MB, 770x588, sh1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5346604

I want to ravage a bubble-head nurse.

This series tends to turn me on more than it frightens me. Don’t really know what’s going on in my head that’s doing this, but it’s definitely a thing.

>> No.5346624


Nothing would've worked better on n64.

>> No.5346749

Well, the monsters in SH2 were supposed to represent different facets of James’s attraction to his wife, his mourning, and his guilt—both for her putting her out of her misery, as well as for his acknowledgement that he was sexually attracted to her (and blueballed while she was ill), and presumably tempted by other women who weren’t terminally ill. In short, he felt bad for his wife, but also felt bad for himself; and when she died, he hated himself for having that self-pity. It meant that, even if he killed her for the right reason, there was a secondary gain to be had—he no longer had to watch her suffer, and he was now single and free to fuck again.

So, yes, the bubblehead nurses in SH2 are meant to be partly sexy, in an uncanny valley sort of way; they represent James’s sexual thoughts/interests, as do about half of the other monsters from his version of the nightmare world. In SH1, the nurses were fairly plain, as they were real nurses (or reincarnations thereof) who either became ritually parasitized by the cult, or suffered Allessa’s wrath. From SH3 onwards, they were kept as fanservice (regardless of whether they were needed for the plot or for development of later characters).

I wouldn’t say there’s anything wrong with you, anon. You’re sexually attracted to sexy characters. If I wasn’t scared/depressed while playing SH1/3 or 2, respectively, I would probably find them hot too.

Seriously though, poor James and Mary; truly one of the greatest tragedies in fiction of our time.

>> No.5346931

>getting pissed over actual discussion

>> No.5347003

I agree about Silent Hill being more high brow, but it's far too easy to be scary. The amount of weapons and ammo the games supply you with is absurd.

>> No.5347027

> but it's far too easy to be scary. The amount of weapons and ammo the games supply you with is absurd.

That's a common issue with Japanese horror games in general, is that they do make the games a bit too easy. But I guess they also want as many people to play through the game to the end as well. Playing SH1 on hard does reduce the ammo and make the monsters harder to kill. But it is still a bit on the easy side IMO. It's still one of the best console based horror games from that generation, though.

>> No.5349737

Thats amazing. Its not even a reference, its just blatant copy/paste

>> No.5349921

The mise en scene composed from the fixed camera angles in Silent Hill are genuine kinography. A remake would lose this.