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File: 177 KB, 1280x720, streetsofr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5332840 No.5332840 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best console Beat Em Ups? This was my favorite as a kid, but outside of it and Golden Axe and a little bit of Turtles In Time I realize I actually never played too many others

>> No.5332859

I'm not going to get into what's "the best," but I've always enjoyed Final Fight 2 & 3. FF2 (in my opinion) has more interesting stages, but FF3 added dashing and super moves. Skip FF1 on SNES, as it's missing an entire stage and is single-player only. There are better ways to play FF1. Either Final Fight One for the Game Boy Advance or Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle on all current-gen consoles.

>> No.5332870

You missed the Sega CD version of Final Fight. Had the stuff that was cut from the SNES version afaik.

>> No.5332875

That's true, but I was just trying to bring up the more accessible versions. While we're at it, there's also the Capcom Classics Collection on the PS2.

>> No.5332939

River city Ransom has a nice updated port on PC Engine CD (16-bit graphics and redbook audio)

>> No.5332953
File: 47 KB, 497x491, NekketsuOyako_Saturn_JP_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I've played so far.

RIP Teknosoft.

>> No.5332960
File: 30 KB, 768x448, Cadillacs-Dinosaurs-game-pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was a forgettable cartoon but the beat 'em up was awesome.

>> No.5332969
File: 175 KB, 256x361, 256px-Night_Slashers_arcadeflyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of punching the living? How 'bout Night Slashers?

>> No.5333069

Are Double Dragon games good?

>> No.5333609

Do you fight dinosaurs?

>> No.5334639

Hell yeah, nigger.

>> No.5334648

on sega genesis the only beat em ups worthwhile are dragon axe and ninja turtles, but the snes have so many good games like the best version of ninja turtles, captain commando, final fight 3, it just renders the sega genesis worthless.
also the beat em ups on snes plays smoothly, whyle on genesis they are all clunky and unappealing.

>> No.5334680

SoR3 > SoR2

This is objective fact

>> No.5334701

You are a fgt
This is a factual fact

>> No.5334948

>Final Fight 2 & 3
I concur

>> No.5335295

Die Hard Arcade and Dynamite Cop.

>> No.5335507 [DELETED] 

I would definitely say Streets Of Rage 2 is the better game than Final Fight 3, to me anyway. I just played about 80 percent of both on single player and I would say Final Fight 3 offers more stock/boring enemies who are much more repetitive from stage to stage, who you have to fight for a longer period of time in a less satisfying way. And funny you mention the smoothness, because I found the control to be pretty annoying mainly because of how limited you are in terms of movement....yeah there's a dash and you walk faster which is nice, but ultimately still feels way more stiff since you can only move in one direction at a time while in Streets Of Rage 2 you can actually walk in diagonal lines, very important to this kind of game IMO. The game definitely looks great, visually it's far more impressive than Streets Of Rage 2, but that ultimately doesn't mean much when you're playing a game and not watching a playthrough or something.>>5334648
I would definitely say Streets Of Rage 2 is the better game than Final Fight 3, to me anyway. I just played about 80 percent of both on single player and I would say Final Fight 3 offers more stock/boring enemies who are much more repetitive from stage to stage, who you have to fight for a longer period of time in a less satisfying way. And funny you mention the smoothness, because I found the control to be pretty annoying mainly because of how limited you are in terms of movement....yeah there's a dash and you walk faster which is nice, but ultimately still feels way more stiff since you can only move in one direction at a time while in Streets Of Rage 2 you can actually walk in diagonal lines, very important to this kind of game IMO. The game definitely looks great, visually it's far more impressive than Streets Of Rage 2, but that ultimately doesn't mean much when you're playing a game and not watching a playthrough or something.

>> No.5335510

I would definitely say Streets Of Rage 2 is the better game than Final Fight 3, to me anyway. I just played about 80 percent of both on single player and I would say Final Fight 3 offers more stock/boring enemies who are much more repetitive from stage to stage, who you have to fight for a longer period of time in a less satisfying way. And funny you mention the smoothness, because I found the control to be pretty annoying mainly because of how limited you are in terms of movement....yeah there's a dash and you walk faster which is nice, but ultimately still feels way more stiff since you can only move in one direction at a time while in Streets Of Rage 2 you can actually walk in diagonal lines, very important to this kind of game IMO. The game definitely looks great, visually it's far more impressive than Streets Of Rage 2, but that ultimately doesn't mean much when you're playing a game and not watching a playthrough or something.

>> No.5335618

I should like that one, but I find it remarkably full for some reason. Also muscle man is drawn wierdly

>> No.5335630

River City Ransom
Mighty Final Fight

The Ninja Warriors Again
Batman Returns
(b-but muh multiplayer. fuck yo multiplayer)

Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 1 (for the music and atmosphere)

>> No.5335764

cpt commando on snes is a fucking joke, terrible port, final fight 3 is shite, all the snes ones are riddled with fucking slowdown and sprite limitations that hurt every game, none of them are anywhere near as smooth as streets of rage 3

yeah 3's miles better honestly, just a shame they fucked up the borders and gave bosses 7 life bars on hard lmao aside from that its play and function is miles better.

why put for music and atmosphere when you're obviously a pleb cunt shit player so every fucking one of your picks is based on music and atmosphere because thats all you know.

>> No.5335783

Is it true only the Japanese version of Streets Of Rage 3 is good, or are people just being babies about the difficulty?

>> No.5335802
File: 110 KB, 640x640, 3250_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5336242

Battletoads/Double Dragon is one of the only beat-'em-ups I even like.

>> No.5336504

babies, it has the better story if you give a fuck about that which i don't but the difficulty is just so fucking easy, on hardest it's still easier than u.s normal

>> No.5336812

Don't forget Streets of Rage 3 is censored. You don't get to see Electra and her clones walk around with their ass hanging out....

>> No.5336818

>What are the best console Beat Em Ups?
don't really have to qualify it that one, console bmups are almost always better than arcade ones (see: turtles in time or compare streets of rage to final fight), but my favorite is Alien Storm

>> No.5336824


1 and 2 on NES are great

>> No.5336826

Why do people keep lying to themselves? How are ruined controls good? DD2 is a piece of shit.

>> No.5336841

>compare streets of rage to final fight
But Final Fight is clearly much better?

>> No.5336881


Yes especially with two players. 1 and 2 are good on NES but they're awful on Genesis. Battletoads and Double Dragon is great on Genesis though with many thinking it's the best version of that game.

>> No.5337612

Not at all.

>> No.5339575


>> No.5339659

Bare Knuckle 3 is the king of them all. Final Fight 3 is alright, much better than the first 2.
Double Dragon 2 on NES is heaps of fun
That's incredibly slow, repetitive and mediocre.
Reddit. The post.

>> No.5339663


>> No.5339683
File: 120 KB, 557x800, mighty_final_fight_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great NES game