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File: 105 KB, 419x337, Dorrie_SM64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5319945 No.5319945 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5319951

needs more 34

>> No.5319956

If you mess with her long enough she can cause you damage. Nintendo says so, but zoomer babbys like to give up before work pays off.

>> No.5319973

super cute!

>> No.5321501

Helpful and cute. I was happy to see her again in Mario Odyssey.

>> No.5321518
File: 207 KB, 824x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge you to find a better example of soul versus soulless.

>> No.5321532
File: 67 KB, 1024x596, UnderwaterDorrie-1024x596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin' real dapper

>> No.5321540

that remake... ugh, the additional playable characters didn't make up for the changes they made to the game along with there being NO FUCKING ANALOG JOYSTICK!!!

>> No.5321547

I always wanted to play mario 64 as Luigi, so it at least gave me the chance to do so (even though he broke the game with his abilities) otherwise yeah it's not the best. The extra content is all it has going for it. Has anyone tried to hack mario 64 to add the new areas and the 30 extra stars or at least the ones that wouldn't require the other characters? I'd play the shit out of that

>> No.5321610

Someone should make a ROM hack where if you pound Dorrie 10 times she eats you like the Big Blubba fish in Tiny Huge Island

>> No.5321637

I bet the original Dorrie would look even better in a tophat

>> No.5321658

She does attack, but you have to bother her for a long time.

>> No.5321679

This seems like some my dad works at Nintendo bullshit.

>> No.5321723

Nintendo is the source, faggot, from the official Super Mario 64 Player's Guide. Screencaps of it have been posted multiple times for months.

>> No.5321729

Haven't seen any myself and I lurk these SM64 threads often. The guide doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5321736

>Haven't seen any myself a
Lurk more

>The guide doesn't mean shit.
OK, I'll just ignore Nintendo's word and take yours, then. Plus I've seen her do it. You zoomers just have no patience. None. At. All.

>> No.5321754

Burden of proof is now on you sugartits. Let's see it. But I know you won't do anything, you're gonna reply with more limp excuses and continue shitposting with this meme.
If you're really actually telling the truth and you're so patient, surely it's a simple matter of doing this yourself and proving me wrong with some screenshots.

So instead of actually doing that, how about you reply with more mental gymnastics and keep the shitposting loop going with more zoomer memes? Be a good little predictable /v/ poster and prove me right, cunt.

>> No.5321763

No, faggot, the authority on the subject says it's possible, the burden is now on YOU to do it. That is how the world really works.

>> No.5321764

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.5321768

You lost, idiot. Nintendo published a motherfucking print magazine during its heyday with Super Mario 64 saying it's true, you're just assblasted.

>> No.5321773

will you fags just make out already?

>> No.5321778

It's weird how many things in SM64 felt like they didn't belong in a Mario game. Dorrie at least somewhat looked fitting.

>Scared some kids
Dorrie is nothing compared to that fucking eel.

>> No.5321786

or the fucking piano

>> No.5321795

Man why the fuck was SM64 so spooky

>> No.5321821

Playing as Wario was a trip but after a few stars the novelty wore off, seems like the same happened for you with Luigi.

>> No.5321889
File: 8 KB, 92x100, 1534703082543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super high jumping can scale several things mario never could
>Longjump is rediculous
>has his floaty legs so can semi hover
>Backflip turns into the helicopter spin

it was literally cheating

>> No.5321923
File: 5 KB, 176x176, NinjaGaidenStage5BloodyMalth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sad state of affairs when a company can publish millions of copies of a magazine saying something is possible, but so many zoomers just say "nah, it's fake" because they suck at games. The reason they suck it because they started on games that held their hands, while previous generations started on hardcore arcade titles, then onto the still hard if not harder Atari 2600 to finally reach its apex of difficulty of the NES.

And get this, now Nintendo is selling Babby's First Zelda (and others) that are pre-hacked ROMs that start them out with full stats or even near the end. They will never have the patience to do the old games the old way and unlocked their full potential because gens 5-8 have held their hands.

Pic-related can be beaten without taking a hit. That's another example of something many a zoomer touts as impossible, but they just expose how little they know firsthand.

>> No.5321925

nowadays luigi either plays exactly like mario or plays like he does in lost levels, I miss OP luigi.

>> No.5321928

Luigi operates differently in Super Mario Bros. USA (Japan) too.

>> No.5321936

It sucks Wario didn't have his shoulder charge, he was honestly the worst character in SM64DS.

>> No.5322446

Yoshi. At least Dorrie still looks like a dinosaur and isnt a fucking pokemon.

>> No.5322517


Aside from the retarded googles, it looks better.

>> No.5322603


>> No.5322612

Dumb as a rock

>> No.5322636

I preferred when she looked like an actual Plesiosaurus I don't like when they Yoshify everything

>> No.5322707

>practical goggles for swimming
>no weird neck lines that make her look like a blow up doll
>friendly, silly facial expression instead of down syndrome drool mouth
why is the remake "lame" again?

>> No.5323524
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x1080, Super Mario 64 (USA)-190122-210350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its more that it takes the uncanny valley out of mario 64 that makes it so special even to this day

the entire game is like a dream you would have as a toddler its great