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File: 38 KB, 1080x600, resident-evil-social-media-logo-tease.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5305489 No.5305489 [Reply] [Original]

Of all names they had to pick "Resident Evil" to replace "Biohazard" for western release?

>> No.5305495

yes, good choice. its iconic

>> No.5305494

Its abstract-ish and 90s edgy. You had to be alive in the 90s to get that it was a fuckin awesome title. Biohazard is also pretty awesome but it didnt stick out enough like resident evil does.

>> No.5305680

Well, they also couldn't use the name Biohazard because of some band at the time from what I heard.

>> No.5305840
File: 303 KB, 956x1280, 1536771680436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to play Resident Evil 1.

>> No.5305847

Resident Evil was the better title because Biohazard spoiled the premise of the game.

>> No.5305878

Starting my first playthrough of Resi 3 today, any tips? I almost want to use a guide because I hear there a lot of variable events and missables regarding the nemesis fights

>> No.5305910

Learn how to dodge, then not use it because you have no iframes.

>> No.5305915


If you fight nemesis you will be low on ammo and have to avoid enemies all the time. Might be too stressfull for a first playthrough.

>> No.5305946


There's no such thing. Dodging is random as fuck.

>> No.5305948

From what I gathered, Capcom didn't even try to release it as Biohazard in the west. They were just being overly cautious and changed the name before anything came of it.

>> No.5305957

Try it, it's pretty fun. And also not scary at all because of all the hammy dialogue.
Just make sure not to play Director's Cut because holy shit the music is hot garbage in that version.

>> No.5305968

You have to learn the timing which is perhaps non-obvious, but once you've got the timing down it's 100% consistent.
Well, 100% consistent on the dodge. If you don't manage your positioning jill might dodge INTO the scenery and Nemesis will bitch slap you for your impertenence.

>> No.5305978

Because it's about something evil residing in a human body, but also it's about something evil residing in a literal residence.

>> No.5305984

>zombies were made by evil science fuckery
Wow, good job spoiling the game entire previous 30 years of zombie media

>> No.5306019

Biohazard kind of gives away the game before you even open it up. Plus a game called BIOHAZARD can be almost anything. It doesn't really scream horror, ya dig.

>> No.5306092

Fight nemesis, he drops cool items. Handgun is the best weapon against him, It deals little damage but its rate of fire is high. Watch for his dominant arm and run pass the opposite side so that he cannot grab you. It's okay if you struggle, he is a challenging boss even when you know the game like the back of your hand.

Enjoy what is probably the absolute peak of tank controls, the game is slick and plays like a dream.

>> No.5306172

I think the name is great. What's cheesy is the "RESIDENT EVIL" voice at the start of the game. And the font is pretty shitty.

>> No.5306176


Nigga the title screen narrator gets me hype as fuck every damn time, especially in 2

>> No.5306242

>What's cheesy is the "RESIDENT EVIL" voice at the start of the game.
wow, how can somebody we SO wrong.
Resident... ....EVIL....... (two)

>> No.5306320

The voice sounds like it's straight from a fighting or action game. It's not really what I associate with "horror".

>> No.5306343

It's a game where you control a couple of glorified police officers blowing up zombies with shotguns. Resident Evil was hardly nuanced.

>> No.5307371
File: 3.99 MB, 2016x1512, i_sleepunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Newfag here going to try out the first Resident Evil for PSX. I've only played the HD remaster (or remake?) but I don't remember shit. Should I follow a guide or something? The only thing I remember from this game is it being a puzzle hunt or something.

>> No.5307395 [DELETED] 


Go play fornite instead you nigger.

>> No.5307410

Is there any way I can skip these horrible cutscenes? Also, couldn't they have come up with WORSE placement for the cameras?

>> No.5307417

It was named Resident Evil because it takes place in a mansion. It made less sense in later games with more varied environments, but the name had stuck by then.

>> No.5307431

>Should I follow a guide or something?
Nah men. You will run the fun. Play the game blind like me. Just look up the PSX manual to know the controls.

>> No.5307472

I've never been so bored playing a game before.

>> No.5307925

>run next to his right side

>> No.5307929

plot twist, theres a key in her bathtub

>> No.5307972

What would you have suggested? Let's hear your great idea for a title.

Everyone be QUIET, OP's going to tell us his brilliant idea.

Go on, OP. The floor is yours. Wow us.

>> No.5307989

This series went to shit after Code Veronica

>> No.5308014


>> No.5308086

Nemesis is left-handed. And contrary to the first encounter's escape option would imply; he is not stopped by doors that open inwards.

>> No.5308108 [DELETED] 


I hate niggers and I'd still smash that.

>> No.5308109

did a quick replay of re2 claire a the other day. had alot of fun. not too excited for the remake but im getting it regardless

>> No.5308195
File: 16 KB, 326x326, 7b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing REmake
>kill a couple of zombies because I couldn't wiggle my way past them
>come back to the room later and it's up and running at me

>> No.5308213

I couldn't get anywhere without a guide, the game just boiled down to running around in circles trying every key in every door to find the next morsel of progress. RE1 is so overrated, are the rest of the games before Re4 like that?

>> No.5308420

This is why I hate RE1 Remake, burning zombies was such a retarded addition to Resident Evil, it made the remake unplayable for me.

>> No.5308691
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, jill_candle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best titles in gaming don't be such a contrarian fag

>> No.5308745


Some would argue it made it more strategic to either avoid killing certain zombies where you can slip by, conserving ammo in the process.

Or by clearing the area and never returning, such as the right quarter of the mansion on the ground floor with the shotgun room. Once you got what you need theres no reason to return other than to have the enemies you killed turn crimson or have it repopulated after the guard house, either one is enough to make you avoid that area entirely.

So, in a realistic aspect, you're avoiding areas where triggering dead enemies would drain ammo and you're also thinking more about closest shortcuts around the mansion. You're entitled to your opinion though.

>> No.5308775

Also, they can't turn into crimson heads if you blow their heads off, so if you can't get past them, aim high.

>> No.5308829


That too. But the zombie headpop with the shotty has gotta be dead on with them being right up in your grill and the shotgun pointing up fully.

Then again try that in the Plant corridor or the Lab for too long and it's almost guaranteed gangbang territory. Especially with Jill

>> No.5309949

This is my first time playing any RE titles so I wouldn't be able to tell you. But so far I'm really enjoying it. The puzzles are fairly easy though, I don't think I would call them puzzles so far.
>the game just boiled down to running around in circles trying every key in every door to find the next morsel of progress.
I recommend making a map. I will be doing that myself for the locked doors.

I'm really enjoying this game. Like, a lot. It has two things I really like about two other games I really like:

1. The backtracking to unlock new areas, something I loved about Vagrant Story (and Metroidvanias in general).
2. The rush of going to unknown territory hoping to find ink ribbons, much like finding a Bonfire in Dark Souls. And the satisfaction of finding said ribbons and being finally able to save your hard-earned progress.

I also blew a zombie's head clean off with a shotgun, felt really nice. I've still got to get used to the tank controls (or maybe I've gotten used already and I just find them annoying).

>> No.5310098

daily reminder you're a bitch if you play with auto-aim on

>> No.5310157

When you check the locked doors, the character gets a description of what is carved in the lock itself, which is a big hint on what key it needs to be opened. Similarly, if you examine the keys you get via the 'Check' option in the inventory, you get a description of the key and "old key" suddenly chnages its name to "desk key" or "sword key".

I would advice to be stingy with the shotgun ammunition. It has a higher destructive power than the handgun and you may want to always keep 4 or 5 shotgun bullets with you at the very least just in case.

>> No.5310639
File: 283 KB, 830x535, re2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to emulate Resident Evil 2 on PC (preferably the PSX version)?
I'd like to do a playthrough before the remake comes out, but I've heard that the various PSX emulators have problems running Resident Evil games.

>> No.5310725


Play the PC version, its exactly the same except you can skip door animations.

>> No.5310735


What does it feel like to be so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid you are?

>> No.5310743

I often forget that a lot of these games had PC releases.

>> No.5310810


I've heard there are some changes actually.
Can I use a controller with it?

>> No.5310841

Getting it set up now with the new patches, hope I can do a full playthrough without any issues.

>> No.5310872


Just use fast forward feature in emulator.

>> No.5310973

>But the zombie headpop with the shotty has gotta be dead on with them being right up in your grill and the shotgun pointing up fully.
Which is a great use of risk vs reward.

>> No.5310979

Biohazard is forgettable as fuck and Resident Evil is memorable.

>> No.5311130


>> No.5311190

I see no cleft chin in that pic.

>> No.5311217

zombie zazzler

>> No.5311224

Why change at all? Bio Hazard is perfect english.

>> No.5312060
File: 899 KB, 2048x1536, AB9B0623-F1EA-461D-9918-9C56480BEAD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like resident evil.

>> No.5312119

How did the timer work in 1-3. Did it stop when you were in the inventory. Could never figure it out.

>> No.5312136

Biohazard is extremely generic and says too much about the series. Resident Evil is unique and leaves more to the imagination.

>> No.5312239
File: 312 KB, 1453x801, Sem título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It literally never stops in any of the first 3, and I'm pretty sure CV as well, never tried a no save A rank of CV.

Sourcenext with Rebirth patch. http://appleofeden.de-doc.com/index.php/downloads/resident-evil-2-classic-rebirth/

>> No.5313050
File: 307 KB, 800x533, GP080-TM-1L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no replica Samurai Edge

>> No.5313063
File: 132 KB, 800x800, resident-evil-4-collector-s-tin-edition-nintendo-gamecube[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, did anyone get the metal case for RE4? I remember pre-ordering RE4 and then when I went to pick it up, it came in a collector's tin with a little prologue pamphlet and a laser cel of Leon at the church

>> No.5313281

Finnished ClaireA on hard mode yesterday, first time trying hard mode. Final boss gave me a challenge for sure. LeonB is gonna be a bitch in the opening hour or so.

>> No.5314242

Abstract-ish my ass

It's real classy name and it fit the theme of the setting entirely. Fag.