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5296284 No.5296284 [Reply] [Original]

why does this play like absolute ass?

the pan is slow as hell to come out, the copter tail is maybe 2 seconds long, and the game runs at like 20 FPS tops

>> No.5296295
File: 73 KB, 477x703, 1518746119188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pan is slow
the pan is only required for a few instances like the corns or the cheeses, those aren't hard to get in any way.
At best the cogs are annoying but you need to catch them in a different way than just running to them.
>copter lasts 2 secs
get better at jumping and make sure you get a good angle for the jump, i have never failed a jump in conker, even on bat's towers or the rope part in windy
welcome to N64 games

>> No.5296302

It's a game known for its '90s 'tude and toilet humor, not for actually being good.

>> No.5296307

Im just in the area with the bees and I cant hit those fucking worms coming out of the ground

>> No.5296320

lmao you're not supposed to be doing that.
Conker is a great game tho.

>> No.5296326

I don’t usually make this kind of argument, but I think honestly Conker is supposed be a bit sluggish/lame essentially for characterization/story reasons.

>> No.5296379
File: 357 KB, 937x1331, conker-live-and-re-4e26443c69f07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to play not donkey ass looking version.

>> No.5296394

>Posts N64 game
>Asks why it's shit


>> No.5297769

It was made for people who didn't grow up on fortnite and designed to run on a $99 toy made before you were born

>> No.5297803

L&R has worse art-style though

>> No.5297805

Bad taste. Objectively inferior art style.

>> No.5297814

That's not where you are supposed to go just yet. They're also stationary so you can remember what spot they come out to attack you.

>> No.5297946

I had an n64 as a kid, and usually low fps doesnt bother me that much, but in games like this when it sometimes drops to slideshow tier its annoying

>> No.5298828

I was kind of disappointed with this. Only bought it for xbox live play and it was pretty mediocre
played fine for me when I played it when it released

>> No.5298832

wtf the framerate is not even that bad in conker compared to some other 5th gen games

>> No.5298853

Runs nice on emu though

>> No.5298863

Why are you not playing at high resolution and normal framerate? Are you an "original hardware cuck"? E M U L A T E

>> No.5298868

Yeah with half of the graphical effects broken

>> No.5298893

it's not 2004 buddy. game runs perfectly in emulation. you do have to be smart enough to set it up properly though, so yes, for you there's probably a lot broken.

>> No.5298912

>game runs perfectly in emulation
this is something who doesn't know how the game is supposed on the N64 to run would say

>> No.5298924

"how the game is supposed on the n64" First, learn some english before posting.
Second, I own a legitimate copy. I played it for the first time the year it came out. It's very unlikely you've spent as many hours playing this game as I have. There are a lot of video plugins you can use inside an emulator, you know, including mupen64plus, gliden64, etc.
Try doing some basic research, and then come back with non-broken english.
(by the way, not only can the game run 99.99%-100% accurately in emulation, it can even run better with increased resolution, framerate, and more visual improvements)
If you can mention one single thing about the game that doesn't show up in properly-setup emulation, let us all know. But you can't.

>> No.5298931

>First, learn some english before posting.
how mad do you have to be to post something like this
>If you can mention one single thing about the game that doesn't show up in properly-setup emulation, let us all know
shadows at the edges of walls and floors which fail to partially cast on the floor and partially cast on the wall at the same time

multiple colored light sources which blend their colors together

>> No.5298935

there's the .01% I referenced, a visual nitpick one github push away from being fixed. I doubt these glitches even exist using mupen64plus but i don't care enough to check on some minor problem that will be fixed in a few years if it's not already

>> No.5298937

here's conker 60fps/widescreen/mupen64plus
i don't think the glitches you're trying to reference even exist anymore, sorry. emulation wins again.

>> No.5298947

admittedly, those dialogue bubbles look stretched, but i think the benefit of playing in widescreen outweighs this detriment. maybe a widescreen example wasn't the best example to post when arguing about superior visuals, however.

>> No.5299089

the effects which are the most impressive tend to be the ones that N64 emulators don't do properly

so sorry, i'll reject the high-res janky soulless emulation for real hardware

lighting looks totally off and this is obvious when conker is fighting the bats

>> No.5299187

The multiplayer was quite fun.

>> No.5299191


Mods delete this shit thread

>> No.5299356

I'll tell you something that shows up that isn't supposed to show up - hard crashes.

>> No.5300387

First time playing a Rare game, huh?

>> No.5300404

You actually think 64 is anywhere near even 90% proper? Jesus what are you trying to make up for in your life right now?

>> No.5300417


>> No.5300418

Literally all of the framebuffer readback stuff, every bit of it in all games. Alpha graphics. Interlacing bugs in most games. VI buffer overlay (either wrongly translated or missing). About 1/10 combiner features. Subscreen errors in games like Zelda oot/mm. You want me to go on or are you satisfied, fucking retard.

>> No.5301357


Blast corps runs great, Banjo runs pretty well for the most part, KI as far as I remember was a solid framerate. Dk64 was ass for more then just framerate

>> No.5301397

>listing off minor graphical glitches which no one normal cares about, and will be fixed in time if not already
You reseller/collector fags are sweating harder and harder lately about how much better emulation is getting