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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5295469 No.5295469 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5295471

I want the Sega Nintendo mom!

>> No.5295476

Nintendo System

>> No.5295490

>"Nintendo" is an adjective

>> No.5295492
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>imagine being this much of an autistic sperg cooperation

>> No.5295515

They don't want some shitty plug and play or LCD system being associated with their brand.

>> No.5295528

They didn't want to risk their trademark getting genericized.

>> No.5295562

This, they were afraid of becoming the new Xerox.

But Nintendo being autistic about inane shit is a thing (like using the wrong grammatical gender in France).

>> No.5295573

Google was putting out similar press releases insisting that "to google means to use Google to preform an online search, it does not mean to search the Internet in general. They have to do this shit, otherwise we'd be having systems called the Microsoft Nintendo X-One or whatever

>> No.5295587

Lawyers are so amusing, latching on to successful people and brands while producing nothing of genuine value, and then just making everything shittier in the process.

>> No.5295592 [DELETED] 

Even back then Bing Bing Wahoo was arrogant jackasses

>> No.5295610

Lawyers do what they're paid for. They're just cogs working for a society where big corporations can do whatever they want as long as they make money.

>> No.5295612


>> No.5295667

>like using the wrong grammatical gender in France
What is Nintendo's preferred pronoun?

>> No.5295692


>I like Nintendo, xe makes good systems. Xir consoles are especially fun.

>> No.5295693

moms btfo

>> No.5295720

Fuckin japs and their brand nazis

>> No.5295736

It's a thing for the Game Boy and the GameCube. They use masculine pronouns officialy despite feminine pronouns being the normal usage (consoles are feminine in French, while computers are masculine). It'e
obviously not an important thing, but what's funny is that they're still very stubborn about this. Since a guy at Nintendo called it "le Game Boy" 30 years ago they're still doing it despite everyone else calling it "la Game Boy". Nintendo is fucking weird.

>> No.5296049 [DELETED] 


No you lil fucker, you get the atari plebstation -_-

>> No.5296074

The babys making strange noises again. Do you think it's sick?

>> No.5296083

> Nintendo isn't a noun
What about the company Nintendo

>> No.5296118

I enjoy playing with a Nintendo while playing with legos.

>> No.5296127
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>> No.5296265
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>> No.5296273

Good to know Nintendo were always pieces of shit

>> No.5296292

Trademark dilution. If something gets overused to the point that it becomes a generic word or phrase it's no longer a trademark.

Nintendo loves to stick with their terminology because they want to differentiate themselves from competitors. It helped a lot back in the NES days.

You want to see some real shit that can't be defended? Read their thoughts on emulation.


>> No.5296313

an adjective modifies or describes a noun.

What kind of entertainment system? A Nintendo Entertainment System.

What kind of game software? Nintendo Game Software.

What kind of faggot manchild? A Nintendo Faggot Manchild.

>> No.5296336

>pls advertise our stuff for us properly

>> No.5296351


Nintendo didn't want to join this list.

>> No.5296404


>> No.5296418

It's a thing in Romance languages like French and Spanish, every single noun in the language is gendered (even inanimate objects and abstract concepts) and words like "the" or "an" that wouldn't be gendered in English come in gendered forms that have to match the gender of the corresponding noun; Nintendo was being autistic and insisting that people break from the normal convention for referring to consoles in French just for their particular consoles

>> No.5296442

>5. Scrambled graphics at the edges of the screen when the screen scrolls in any direction.
I can't name a single NES platformer that would not have been rejected under this rule, did they just let it slide or did the overscan on most TV's of the time usually hide it?

>> No.5296478

Fuck off, Mario. Get back into my Nintendo.

>> No.5296504

it seems to be a guideline for SNES not NES

>> No.5296695

What an absolutely retarded ad. Literally the most pointless video game ad I've ever seen.

>> No.5296720

To be fair most of those names had been published as a trademark a very long time ago or weren't trademarked before they went to court.

>> No.5296737

It's a company not a noun retard

>> No.5296739

Languages with grammatical genders are fucking weird.


>> No.5296754


>> No.5296764

It's not an ad, so much as it is a document sent out to retail workers that sell video games.

>> No.5296784

Hidden by overscan. There's a lot of glitches (or intentional tricks) involving the screen edges that I only ever saw once I started running emulators on PC.

>> No.5296836

No vowels in passwords? Is that to stop kids from spelling curse words, like FCK, BTCH, or CNT? Cert's fuckin weird, man.

>> No.5296847

I loved legos as a kid.

>> No.5297051

Many games that used passwords had the passwords generated, rather than being specifically chosen by the programmers, which meant that a lot of games DID end up with legitimate passwords that contained such words. Metal Gear for the NES has a bunch.

>> No.5297083

to stop passwords like "ENGAGE RIDLEY MOTHER FUCKER" in metroid 1 being legit, working passwords.

>> No.5297094

either that or they were worried that O and 0 would look too similar

>> No.5297095

One that wrecks your cartridge, anyway.

>> No.5297123


>> No.5297151
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>> No.5297206

>Languages with grammatical genders are fucking weird.
Not really since genders are just grammatical tools. It's not like a German consider an apple a man while a Spanish man thinks it's a girl. It's something you use for conjugation.

>> No.5299139

So, they were massively egotistical? Nintendo didn't popularize video games, nor were they only video game company or system out at the time. The Genesis was a thing already.

>> No.5299150

>consoles are feminine in French, while computers are masculine
haha consoletards fuckin owned by frogs

>> No.5299161

they probably heard old people calling sega products nintendos or something and got scared

>> No.5299232



>> No.5300035

Its a verb, as in "I'm going to Nintendo your mom"

>> No.5300618

It's a proper noun you foolish peasant.

>> No.5300724

Because the NES was such a widely popular console in the late 80s, when the 90s rolled around and the Genesis rivaled it in popularity, it turned out that a LOT of parents thought "Nintendo" was a generic term for video game consoles. It was extremely common for the older generation to call the Genesis, and even the Playstation, a "nintendo".

>> No.5301221

You mean the Nintendo System?

>> No.5301225

That's very nintendo of you.

>> No.5301291

haha old people are fucking retards

>> No.5301296

Not them, but old people know more than you'll ever know probably and can't be bothered with video games when they have most of the money and land. Heck, if I had lots of money and land I'd probably not play games as much if at all and also be blissfully ignorant on current tech. You confuse harmless ignorance with stupidity.

I had a great aunt (such a nice lady) who called Nintendo "Nintenda". Miss her.

>> No.5301301

I can attest to this.
My mom, dad, aunts and uncles all called my PSP a "Nintendo" at the annual christmas party the year it came out.
Hell, my dad still calls DVDs and Blu-rays "tapes".

>> No.5301303 [DELETED] 

your great aunt was a piece of shit and i'm glad she's dead

>> No.5301317 [DELETED] 

Oh man....what the fuck? How could someone online say something bad about someone's dead relatives? Fuck, getting so depressed. Breathe...breathe...this is so unforeseen.

>> No.5301328

I always thought it was weird that people refer to the Super NES as the "Super Nintendo." It's like Sony making a game console called the Super Sony.

>> No.5301337

um the analogy would be to call it the super playstation

>> No.5301338 [DELETED] 

well i see i got under your skin ;)

>> No.5301342

I remember when I first heard what SNES stood for I was like "oh man, that's so complicated and elaborate", I was like 6.

>> No.5301365

You think it's weird that people don't want to say "Let's play the Super Nintendo Entertainment System." every single time? Really?

>> No.5301374

You mean the SNEZ?

>> No.5301376



>> No.5301384

I call it the Super NES.
Like the NES, but ya know


>> No.5302616

Sony system

>> No.5302621
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>Game BOY is feminine

>> No.5302691

it's because game boy is a console.
console is femenine

>> No.5302706


There are some interesting conventions in languages regarding grammatical genders inanimate things. For example in German even though there exists a grammatical neutrum ships are ALWAYS feminine.

>> No.5302710

well ships are feminine in english too

>> No.5302712

lol some pussy mod deleted my post making fun of your great aunt. when did 4chan become so gay?

>> No.5302719


>> No.5302721

Are you some kind of 9 year old retard? Just go away, you obviously belong in /v/.

>> No.5302723

Good idea about others not using the general logo. But don't title it "there's no such thing as a Nintendo" it made me laugh my balls off

>> No.5302727

You mean, Lego® building blocks.

>> No.5302736

i've been here for 15 years buddy. i know what 4chan is all about. if making fun of people's dead relatives isn't allowed any more than 4chan has fucking changed.

>> No.5302757

I guess even 4chan has abandoned you.

>> No.5302840

This is 4channel, mate.

>> No.5302981

unironically kys ultra retard

>> No.5302985

I've been here 30 years and you in fact do not know the true spirit and heart of 4chan like i do

you faggot

>> No.5303031
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where to find more old manual pages like this? it's very interesting

though, there are definitely characters out there you can hit without them taking damage, what gives?

>> No.5303047

how is it not? nouns are used to name things, and a company is a thing as long as it actually exists.

>> No.5303081

>Nintendo were so far up their own arse in 1990 they actually thought 'video game' would be replaced by 'nintendo'

>> No.5303093

I think it more refers to "play test that shit".

>> No.5303275

Unpopular opinion, but i agree with this guy

>> No.5303291

This. Older folks called EVERYTHING "Nintendo". Any game, any system. It was all a "Nintendo" to them.

>> No.5303341

a dev manual yeah, my bad

>> No.5303369
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Top kek, that's ridiculous.

>> No.5303407

feels replaced edge here years ago, bud

if you want an edgy chan try 8ch

>> No.5303461
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>> No.5304231

Hello ESL

>> No.5304238

LEGO did the exact same thing.

>> No.5304250
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Revisionist cokcsuckers. Haha the bitch is dead, I said it.

>> No.5304264

Mind explaining to an ESL how "Nintendo" is not a proper noun/proper name?

>> No.5304715

That and to prevent a password from generating them.

>> No.5304762

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as "Nintendo", is in fact, a Nintendo Entertainment System™, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NES. "Nintendo" is not a noun unto itself, but rather an adjective, trademarked to identify the high quality products marketed and licensed by Nintendo of America Inc.

>> No.5305071
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You know, at this point I should have seen it coming, but the laughter was genuine.

>> No.5305647

>6. Vowels in the passwords or password-entry system.

Why is this supposed to be bad? All the others are understandable, but on this one I have no idea.

>> No.5305656

Dont ever, EVER do that on my 4chinnels again. You got that faggot? Just leave. Go slit your wrists, get face fucked in the ass with a knife!

>> No.5306485

e, a, o can look similar on a poor screen, i and l are a classic case, and it prevents a generated password from spelling out something offensive

>> No.5306521

>not LEGO®
You've clearly never dealt with Lego autism.

>> No.5306672
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>i've been here for 15 years buddy. i know what 4chan is all about

>> No.5308408

I know that grammatical gender actually influences how people describe certain things in real life, just based on words. For example, in spanish the word for "bridge" is masculine and they are more likely to describe it as towering or strong. Whereas in french it is feminine and they are more likely to focus on its decorative qualities.

>> No.5309506

Nope in french it's also masculine.

>> No.5309512

So who decides this? Did the dictionary writers in the 1980's say oh damn what gender should vide games be? Let's make them chicks

>> No.5309552
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I never Nintendo were such autistic spazzes.

>> No.5309557


>> No.5309558

In all honesty it was slightly annoying to hear every adult at the time refer to every console as a Nintendo.

>> No.5309565

It was my aunt, and I agree, this place has changed. It didn't hurt my feelings, mods.

>> No.5309573

>confusing a PSA with a sales ad

>> No.5309821

Hello, Tom Scott.

>> No.5309834

My mum called everything a "Sony" after I got a PS1.

>> No.5310717
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tell that to your mom

>> No.5312118

Dude ur mom is hawt