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5293883 No.5293883 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that finds Diablo 2/3 overcomplicated regarding items? Lots and lots of figures. In D1 I could decide if an item was interesting for my build in 0.5 seconds...

>> No.5293896

D2 had the right balance I think. Items had enough diversity to keep things interesting without overcomplicating things.

D3 took things the full retard direction though with items having 60 bazillion stats and almost every single legendary having some crazy affect that changes how skills work and interact, requiring like 5 different layers of damage multipliers to make any kind of high end build work.

>> No.5293895

What build?

>> No.5293904

>What build?
Currently a monk in D3. A bit boring I'd say. Almost all skills feel the same...

>> No.5293906

I mean in D1.

>> No.5293945

>I mean in D1.
Warrior. Nothing fancy...

>> No.5293952

How is that a build? You just raise your stats until they hit maximum and buy equipment and spells when appropriate.
You don't specialize in anything, all D1 warriors end up the same.

>> No.5293962

>D2 had the right balance I think.
D2 also had an awesome amount of stats that were somewhat relevant unless you used certain skills etc. Certain skills really unlocked other abilities, and even things like hitting the next breakpoint for frames per attack could be a wonderful way to build a great character. Right after 1.10 came out, they really highlighted this, and made a number of small changes that made a big difference. By the time they did that, I was looking forward to changes, and had fallen in with only making paladins after doing every character through all 3 difficulties. I found that a Grizwald's set on a v/t pally did amazing damage with the right runes. It was ungodly expensive to find/trade for all of them. I spent a lot of time grinding out MF runs with a sorc to do it, and in the end it was worth it.

>> No.5293968

I agree with you since the excess of stats changes Diablo 2 from being an atmospheric action adventure game, like it's predecessor, to a pure skinner box.

>> No.5293980

>I agree with you since the excess of stats changes Diablo 2 from being an atmospheric action adventure game, like it's predecessor, to a pure skinner box.

>> No.5294058

Diablo 3 doesn't seem complicated to me...does it have a bunch of green arrows for damage? Then equip it. I only ever played it on 360, though.

Diablo 1 was great because it was simple, Diablo 2 was too complicated and inventory management sucked ass...then 3 on consoles just felt like a better version of Gauntlet Dark Legacy, so I loved it. If you think of it less like Diablo and more like Gauntlet, it's actually a great game, but of course everyone who wanted more of Diablo 2 got shafted because they wanted a spreadsheet simulator.

>> No.5294280

thinly veiled off-topic-post

>> No.5296547

number crunching is part of Diablo games appeal. if you want to play whacky-smacky game without thinking how single obscure attribute on your weapon greatly affects your damage output then that's fine but don't make it sound like you're the better guy.

>> No.5296573


I know many people will hate me for this, but Diablo 3 is actually closer to Diablo 1 than Diablo 2 is in terms of gameplay.

>> No.5296575

>Using spells
TP maybe,but anything else, lol.

>> No.5296587

No it's not, Diablo 1 is slow as a fuck and plays more like a VN, not to say it's bad but you're super limited and slow/clunky as fuck on any class you play as in D1, which was totally natural for a game of that era. Diablo 3 was just World of Warcraft gameplay wearing Diablo clothes.

>> No.5296624

This explanation of D3 is so wrong, I wish I was capable of turning off your internet.

>> No.5296628

Have you seen the "diablo killers" like Sacred or Torchlight?
The former could have anywhere from 9 up to 15 different attributes on EVERY equipment piece (protections and damage bonuses to 4 elements, requirements, stat and skill bonuses etc) and thats BEFORE actual magical bonuses, including which the list could go up to 20-25 various properties.
The later could have almost unlimited ammount of attributes attached to an item thanks to completely broken item upgrade system.

Diablo 1/2 are on the tame side in the realm of hack'n'slash RPGs.

>> No.5296638
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, staaaaaats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the examples why gemans cant make good games

>> No.5296643
File: 75 KB, 640x400, 1532790124449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon, that was a common complaint about D3 back when it came out it. It looks and plays a lot like WoW. I'm still mad the "real" D3 never saw the light of day

>> No.5296650
File: 110 KB, 705x440, 1537964715225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine what could have been

>> No.5296658
File: 371 KB, 1599x1181, 35ck80n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Diablo 3 still made by ex-Condor/Blizzard North, just some time after Diablo 2.
You can't expect completely different people who doesn't give a fuck to do something that feels "Diablo".

>> No.5296659

Still looks pretty bland desu. I think the entire company shot their creative load after that one-two punch of Starcraft and Diablo 2.

>> No.5296668

For all we know that's just 1 part of an act. In D3 A1 and 2 were kind of just reskins of D2's A1 and A2. A3 was the only really interesting area in D3 and the first expansion was okay, should have been a free patch, but I quit playing shortly after AH/trading got removed. I think more so nearly all of Blizzard's focus was being dumped into WoW when original D3 was first being worked on

>> No.5296880

If that ludo doesn't look kino, I don't know what does.

>> No.5297113

Diablo 1 has the best itemization in the series.

>> No.5297216

>2000 + 19
>still no double resolution diablo 2 with communal stashes / ez storage

>> No.5297231

>almost every single legendary having some crazy affect that changes how skills work and interact
That by itself isn't a problem. The problem is that there is no real choice between
>Change effect of skill X in interesting way A
>Change effect of skill X in interesting way B. Also, an 800% damage multiplier for that skill
unless you want to gimp yourself on purpose.
And you simply can't make every skill work because not all of them have items with crazy multipliers on them.

>> No.5297604

The makers of Diablo and Starcraft were basically two different studios. Only thing they really shared was battle.net which was made at Blizzard, not Blizzard North.

Also Diablo 1 is great.