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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5281071 No.5281071 [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever get a translation patch in our lifetime?

>> No.5281076

Just learn Japanese anon, it's easier than you think

>> No.5281095

I hope so.

>> No.5281105

The translation project was such a shitshow, you could unironically learn Japanese quicker than the time it'll take for someone else to pick this up and do it all over.

>> No.5281150


There are other games you know anon.

>> No.5281180
File: 279 KB, 898x790, smart wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand not wanting to invest time into learning an entire language just to consume low brow pop culture. that seems perfeclty sensible.
what I don't understand is when the same people invest even more time into waiting for and discussing translation projects that will never deliver anyway.

imagine if, instead of making this thread, you took an hour off to study the hiragana table.
next time you want to make a thread, you take an hour to study the katakana table.
next, say three times after that, you take an hour off to study the word order, the particles and the verb conjugations.
the next five times, you take an hour off to study the most basic/common vocabulary including the kanji (learning the radicals might take an extra one hour lesson).

by following this advice, instead of making 10 shitty threads, you would have learned basic japanese.

>> No.5281185
File: 317 KB, 1000x563, twin-peaks-returning-to-tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK? I'd like to play this one.

>> No.5281203

not retro, but play deadly premonition if you haven't. it's basically the spiritual successor. despite it's shitty graphics (by gen 7 standards) and voice overs, it's pretty good. the combat sections are also kinda shit, but they're only a marginal part of the game.

>> No.5281209

Based and intellectpilled

>> No.5281224

>do it all over
But why? Isn't the script fully translated? Someone just needs to hack the game and put it in.

>> No.5282448

It's not a robot wars/gundam/banpresto license so probably not.
>Someone just needs to hack the game and put it in.
That's the hardest part and many projects fail because it can be that difficult.

>> No.5282861

>play deadly premonition if you haven't
I started on it a few nights ago, I was enjoying it. Got to chapter 9 and was really getting into the side missions, but it froze, I lost 4 hours of progress and dropped it.

>> No.5282875

That’s what you get for olaying the PC port.

>> No.5282904
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, ss_ca3b19c969f283be5c2aa2d805fc1d49e62d0cbd.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing the PS3 version.

>> No.5282928

>srw asspain guy
Just learn japanese already fag you clearly have time since you lurk enough to post this in every single thread

>> No.5283495

Why did the hacker dip out of this?

>> No.5283629

Replacing the text is doable, properly translating a text is impossible.

>> No.5283640

>properly translating a text is impossible.
Depends upon your definition of properly. There's only so much that can be done given the way language works. Which I guess is your point, but leaving things up to a translator's interpretation and calling it a day seems far less difficult than actually implementing that translation.

>> No.5283645

I'm not against people improving themselves but you seem to think waiting for someone else to do something for you is an investment of your time, which is wrong. I'm also fairly sure it's quicker to make 10 different threads than it is to learn an asian language. Thanks for your time.

>> No.5283646

It's because even when people think they've evolved beyond caring what other people think, they're still not there yet. They think about what will happen when people know that they invested time into learning Japanese, and how self-conscious that makes them feel. So instead of facing those fears, they do nothing.

>> No.5284215

Soon, hopefully.

>> No.5284807
File: 52 KB, 500x708, 44050100_10155807009122267_3485034032746463232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoda thunk the mazanu falls fag would be a peaks freak

>> No.5284856

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.5285580
File: 55 KB, 720x563, twinpeaks02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twin Peaks inspired game

>> No.5285637

If another hacker picks it up.

>> No.5285717

How would a complete beginner get into hacking for translations? Theres a million resources for learning japanese for a complete beginner.

>> No.5285769

Never gemini only lives of his castlevania and persona fame for the past 7 years!

>> No.5286475

Clean your room.

>> No.5286693

Where do you even start with something like this?
I've considered taking a single class at my local college since they do offer Japanese classes. I've always figured that'd be one of the easier ways to learn.

>> No.5286804


See you in Japan, anon!

>> No.5286839

I'm >>5281076. Yes, take actual classes if you can get them. That's how I started learning Japanese. Once you have the fundamentals, you can do self-stufy much easier.

>> No.5286850

Classes spend weeks on things like Hiragana that can be learned in a few hours.

>> No.5286857

Not if you get good classes or communicate with your teacher or look up the schedule first, like I did. Take the initiative.