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File: 15 KB, 220x218, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5263952 No.5263952 [Reply] [Original]

It's good, but not that good.

>> No.5263957

Yes I agree with that evaluation.

>> No.5263962

I rank it as the 4th best Final Fantasy
I rank Final Fantasy as a "Pretty good." series.

>> No.5263967


Oh shit, OP btfo!

>> No.5263971
File: 152 KB, 720x720, 1532721828219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5263973

Hot damn now there's some Internet 1.0 quality. I don't think I've seen an angelfire site in 15 years.

>> No.5264062

Of course it isn't. No game is ever "THAT" good. But it stirred a crazy amount of passion back in it's day.

>> No.5264085


Why did everyone center their text then.

>> No.5264089

birth of a god > one winged angel

>> No.5264114
File: 76 KB, 288x402, akko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PSX games have shit graphics and pacing compared to the SNES games.

>> No.5264121

Dancing Mad is better than both.

>> No.5264230
File: 63 KB, 1024x651, 1546396188491m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, sorceress from the future > all

>> No.5264345

thats not loss of me

>> No.5264368

Battle with the Four fiends

>> No.5264453
File: 265 KB, 1000x1452, elly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


7 and Tactics are the best in the series for sure, but Xenogears is better than both.

>> No.5264469
File: 139 KB, 959x348, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenogears disc 2 is shit.
Fei sitting on a chair telling stories.
Elly sitting on a chair telling stories. Repeat.

>> No.5264481

I'm sorry, but it's not that good.

>> No.5264491
File: 70 KB, 500x375, 1447017053282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah it's definitely not for kids desu

>> No.5264510

that's all FFs tho

>> No.5264679

This shit was amazing back in 97

>> No.5264684

kinda got sick of people going on about how it was "the greatest game of all time" (and that's a direct quote) back in the day

admittedly, I've also seen the counter-reaction, where people will go on about how it's shit
and it really, honestly isn't, it's definitely a good game

>> No.5264695

I really tried to play this game and got to the seaside resort, but just couldn't get past how shitty and ridiculous the models look. Compare this to MGS which looks waay fucking better and mostly holds up even today.
This game has aged like dogshit.

>> No.5264702

MGS does not look "way better" and does not "hold up today".

You may like it better, which is fine. But no, the 100% serious dramatic cutscenes with MGS' in game graphics do not "hold up".

>> No.5264705

The tone that MGS tries to set at least comes through in the presentation of the game.
FF7 tries to come across as extremely serious and it's just jarring when the out-of-battle models look literally like lego versions of the characters.

>> No.5264715

Development on FF7 began roughly a year prior to MGS, so you can’t really fault it for that when the capabilities were changing so rapidly back then. When you compare it to PS1 games from a year earlier than that even, it looks decent.

>> No.5264717

It's not good, nor are any other console games good, especially not japanese ones. Games like this, Metal Gear Solid, Ocarina of Time etc. are not even 1/10th as deep, original nor challenging as Western PC games released around the same time or even prior.

>> No.5264729

a macho guy shooting monsters is very deep

>> No.5264732

>every 90s PC game is DOOM

>> No.5264734

Western games just weren’t flamboyant enough. I don’t think that makes them flat-out better, but it’s a factor in them being memorable or not for me.

>> No.5264745
File: 109 KB, 448x796, IMG_4096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5264747

5th gen babby's first jarpig.

>> No.5264760
File: 794 KB, 2000x2456, 121932450404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a macho guy shooting monsters is very deep
Wouldn't that apply more to Japanese games?

>> No.5264762

That post is brought to you by an anthropomorphic fedora.

>> No.5264763


>> No.5264820

> No One Lives Forever
> iconic

It's a great game but I can't consider it iconic when it's so fucking dead all the companies that MIGHT own parts of it can't be arsed to confirm whether they do or not.

>> No.5264825

Also lol@retarded diversity of the west
We (S. Korea) here are so much more homogeneous and successful

>> No.5264865

>retarded diversity

>> No.5264924

>let's describe backstory of the western protags and only the looks of the eastern ones, that'll fool them

>> No.5265563

I agree. with all the hype I was expecting something amazing but was sadly let down a touch when i actually played it. FF8 on the other hand was pretty rad. then again that was my first Final Fantasy

>> No.5265569

Fuck you, I love random encounters with loading times!

>> No.5265572


Japan is BASED as fuck.

>> No.5265623

I agree about the graphics outside of backgrounds, but VII's pacing is usually better than the rest of the PS1 games IMO.

>> No.5265628

The graphics are great

>> No.5265630

they're shit outside of the prerendered backgrounds
2D spritework > janky 3D models.
But go and fap to Squall's squished face if you want.

>> No.5265638

I like them, but there's a consistency issue in VII. Not nearly as bad as Square's V/VI mobile ports mind you, just the 3D sticks out a lot from the 2D. Worse than in other PS1 3D/2D hybrids.

No denying that they worked hard on both though, we all know the tales of how they made the graphics. It's just a side effect of an early PS1 thing.

>> No.5265798

this post

>> No.5265828

>This shit was amazing back in 97
This right here

For 1997 it was pretty fantastic - even if the graphics haven't aged well it still is a fun game

>Just bought it again for PC during the Steam sale

>> No.5265832
File: 233 KB, 500x500, reactor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the graphics haven't aged well.

I do not understand this meme.

>> No.5265845

>I do not understand this meme.
That's definitely not a screen shot unless it's been modded or something.

Besides that though - the backgrounds are pretty OK, but the characters have aged terribly. Worse than pixel characters

>> No.5265852
File: 99 KB, 320x223, ff7-cloud-train_scale_800_700[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only real gripe about the game are the random encounters - I still love this game after 20 years and it's one of the few I keep coming back to.

>> No.5265856
File: 82 KB, 640x480, com.abarbazi.VagrantStory2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ps1 games cheated to their benefit by using a lot of pre rendered image background that are not really in 3d but give the illusion of being so. It's a dated technique but I can't help but find myself nostalgic for dated pre rendered 3d graphics. But I think it should be worth noting that games like MGS and Vagrant Story didn't rely on such technique to look good.

>> No.5265862

My main gripe is that the game is ridiculously easy even by Final Fantasy standards. FF6 has bosses that can be quite tricky if you haven't memorized everything there is to know, and encounters that can be absolutely brutal to the point you'll want to run. FF7 has like 1 hard boss (the 3 headed ice hydra) and the encounters are, as you say, a waste of time.

The only bad graphics are the field models, which are usually (unfortunately not always) zoomed out. The backgrounds are the best on the Playstation, every single one is distinct and iconic. The in-battle graphics are good. The characters all look like themselves and the enemies are all crazy, imaginative shit that actually takes advantage of polygons to create some weird stuff.

>> No.5265864

NURBS modelling, lots procedural textures and shadow-mapped lighting. Love it. :3 Done in ALIAS PowerAnimator 7.0 btw

>> No.5265870

>My main gripe is that the game is ridiculously easy even by Final Fantasy standards. FF6 has bosses that can be quite tricky if you haven't memorized everything there is to know, and encounters that can be absolutely brutal to the point you'll want to run. FF7 has like 1 hard boss (the 3 headed ice hydra) and the encounters are, as you say, a waste of time.
FF6 is just as easy. What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.5265885

No it isn't. It is an easy game, but random encounters in the floating continent, several of the cave dungeons, the tower of the magi, and other locations will absolutely cause problems if you fight them all out.

>> No.5266380


>yeah it's definitely not for anybody desu


>> No.5266971

the combat, item and materia system in ff7 was the most logical of any rpg
>ok I'm just trying to mask my nostalgic favoritism

>> No.5266973


>> No.5266995

You're right.

>> No.5267008

I always beat Kefka before it gets to the good part, so no.

>> No.5267105

Blood is THAT good.

>> No.5267214

It's one of the few games always called overrated that actually is "that good." I actually just played it first time over the summer, was expecting some run of the mill "muh story and lore" type game, and I was shocked by the sheer amount of secrets and fun shit to do outside of the main quest. Made the other FFs I played seem very bland by comparison. It's one of the few JRPGs I was able to run around the world map and revisit towns exploring for hours and there was always something new to find, especially being able to explore the ocean and find the craziest fucking battle in the game down there.

Great experience, I didn't expect to love it so much after how hard it always gets shit on.

>> No.5267232

It is literally peak Square. Its an actual next gen experience that takes their amazing SNES games to new hardware and full advantage of what that allows (pre-rendered backgrounds, use of FMV as actual game backgrounds, very detailed animations).

>> No.5267250

The backgrounds and environments really were gorgeous, the towns too. One of the most diverse looking games I've ever played, it was like jumping from one dreamy looking painting to the next and the music heightens the feeling. Really blown away, can't believe it gets so much hate, I think a lot of it was from people who never played it because I had negative feelings for it before I played it just because I had the idea that it was "overrated" drummed into my head so many times every time I see it mentioned online.

>> No.5267274

I didn't get on the hype train at all, either, not being a Playstation owner. I picked it up in the early 2000s for PC, having played the SNES games prior. And its the same high quality 90s Square product. Haters are retarded. And I mean specifically people who hate on this game while claiming to love other Square games.

>> No.5267278

I mean, it's good... for a jarpiggie.

>> No.5269152


>> No.5269178

I would say it's "pretty good" rather than "good."

Maybe 6/10

>> No.5269215

this was the worst game i ever played. i got about 3 hours in and gave up cos it was shit and i vowed to never ever play a jrpg again.

>> No.5269235

Fight me, kid.

>> No.5269303


Well thats a shit opinion. Ff7 had a huge amount of innovation. The art and music, the more edgy 90s anime theme and dialogue, the first and best ff 3d overwold. It has one of the best equipment systems with materia, something like that had never been done and remains one of the best equipment mechanics in jrpgs. It has numerous mini games and side quests that are mostly optional, but add to the lore and content of the game. The characters are fairly well developed and (regardless of what dipshits say)do have specific traits to be used for combat. Its not an anybody can be a good magic user, certain characters are better at certain things. Its also dark. It gets nearly as dark as resident evil at certain points, like in the video i linked

>> No.5269432

entirely on visuals...
FF7 is kinda ugly here and there, with kinda nasty 1996-era plastic-y lighting in its backgrounds. It had that "SGI look" that plagued shit like DKC. Some bits look stellar, but they're held back a bunch.
The overworld models are definitely ugly, but do their job.
In-battle visuals are pretty nice for PS1 other than the framerate. No real complaints -- cool effects, nice animations, it all looks and feels nice. The heavy use of vertex colors certainly seems to hold up better than emphasizing the low-resolution textures, too. Definite step up from on SNES, period.
Still, I'd say it's definitely less pleasing to look at overall now that the "wow factor" of 3D has worn off. I can't quite say it's quite better looking than say, FF6, despite the greater detail level. It looks more advanced for sure, but FF6 looks a lot more consistent.

FF8 has fantastic backgrounds, and the game looks great. Totally doesn't look as timeless as clean pixel art does, but I'd say it's still prettier. It's amazing what two years did in 3D graphics back then.
Everything more resembles the in-battle graphics, and although I'm not sure if it's exactly a step up as a whole (the chibi-like overworld models in 7 are a lot more visually readable than the properly proportioned ones shown at hilariously low resolution in 8), it's certainly nicer.
FF8's in-battle visuals are excellent, but a bit grainy. The shift in focus to more detailed textures seems like a side-grade too.
Still, I'd say FF8 is a beautiful game and looks better than the SNES stuff to me. I think it's kinda junk as a game, but god damn I love how it looks.
Maybe it's just me.

can't say much about FF9, having not really played it, but it's about as good looking as FF8 from a quick youtube view

>> No.5269454

>It had that "SGI look" that plagued shit like DKC
That's peak gaming aesthetics, it's been downhill ever since