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525749 No.525749 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people sometimes say this game is among the "black sheep" of the Zelda series and one of its least popular games? Didn't it get rave reviews when it came out?

>> No.525760

It was different so the casuals didn't gravitate to it.

>> No.525773

Nobody I know calls it the black sheep. Everyone I know loves that game.

>> No.525782

I think it's only really a "black sheep" because it's competition is OoT, which is Teh Bez Gaem Evar, as you know.

>> No.525778

compare it to oot
there ya go

>> No.525779
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This kinda mentality that I kind of have. That being said LoZ II seems much more like the black sheep of the group.

>> No.525794
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The magazines I owned gave it nothing but solid reviews. It's my favorite game and in my opinion the best Zelda, just a few minor details away form being the perfect action-adventure title. People get a little ticked off with MM fans though because it's associated with being hipster, and there's probably an element of that, but I honestly think it's better than Ocarina.

>> No.525795

Ocarine of Time is severely overrated.

It's the classic case of nostalgia goggles.

I played it for the first time like 3 years ago and it was hyped up so much that I found the whole game completely underwhelming and boring.

Not to mention the controls were absolute ass, like most N64 controls.

>> No.525797

So being better than its predecessor makes it a black sheep?

>> No.525798

I personally liked OoT better, but I loved both.

I don't consider either one to be the best LoZ game, though.

My favorites are the Oracle games and Skyward Sword, mostly because I have a crush on its Zelda.

>> No.525803

Because people are idiots.

Thing is: MM is a really good game, that was very anticipated and delivered. Back then everyone was fine with this, a good game that made up to its promises.

But now everybody seems to spend more time finding "flaws" in games than actually playing them. And you'll spot guys here and there talking about how "MM is a shitty game because of this tiny detail".

This is why /vr/ exists, so we can live away from those guys.

>> No.525836

It's the black sheep because a lot of people didn't play it, and some of those who did hated it because it wasn't exactly like OoT.

It required the expansion pack which cut down the potential audience considerably.

>> No.525845

because it was a Zelda game with a time limit

>> No.525884

He is speaking for himself.

>> No.525879


Speak for yourself. A lot of people played it for the first time recently and thought it was amazing.

>> No.525881

This was my first Zelda game, actually, and I loved it.

>> No.525894


I have no problem with people who like MM more than OoT. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I love both games. However, a lot of MM fans seem to think that they're more intelligent for preferring MM, which is kind of obnoxious. As if the only way you could like OoT more is if you're blinded by nostalgia goggles or just ignorant.

>> No.525932

>a lot of MM fans seem to think that they're more intelligent for preferring MM,

Or is that just you projecting your insecurities on them?

>> No.525974

i think the whole time setup in this game automatically alienates itself from the rest of the series

>mfw i used the term black sheep to spice up my brother's eBay listing of this game

>> No.525990

I tried Majora's Mask right after beating Ocarina of Time. I stopped playing because, after the intro areas, the game as a whole felt like too much of a rehash of OoT, and the parts that weren't rehashes were fetch quests, which I hate. I might give it a try later, since it's been a couple years since I've played a Zelda game, and I'm definitely not going to call it a bad game just because of my personal feelings, but the reasons why I didn't like it were from actually playing it.

>> No.526003

It is not a rehash.
Play it.

>> No.526010

There's definitely a lot of similarities to OoT in MM, which is sort of the point given the whole "parallel world" thing, but part of what makes MM interesting is how they twist stuff set up by OoT.

>> No.526019

The time limit is what made it great, though. Because the 3 day played out the same way each time, you could have time-specific events that happened whether or not you were there to witness them. It made it feel like Termina continued to exist even when you had your back turned, which is very important in an adventure title. As bizarre as the synopsis, or the characters, or the environment was, it really did feel like you were in an actual world that you could explore.

>> No.526021

I just wish I could have an opinion of it.
> tfw you weren't able to play it until it was released for the Gamecube.
> tfw both discs you tried failed at theexact same spot, and only on MM.
I'm still disappointed...

>> No.526016

Exploration and a whimsical adventure are major themes in all of the Zelda games, and they are mostly absent in Majora's Mask. The time limit and looming threat above makes players feel uncomfortable. You aren't able to deviate and relax as you normally would in any other Zelda game. The side quests play a more pivotal role in Link's quest and urge the player to properly manage their time otherwise they would be forced to play the Song of Time and start all over again. The NPCs all have fairly grim struggles to deal with and you are forced to see them again and again every time you start the clock over. All these things are very unfamiliar things coming from a Zelda game, and that's probably why it could be considered the black sheep of the series. Maybe even more so than Zelda 2.

>> No.526026

MM is on the Virtual Console. Alternatively, just emulate it; Project64 does a decent job of that from what I recall.

>> No.526028

Shit son, emulate it.
If I'm not mistaken, it emulates damn well on pj64. Or dolphin if you want the gamecube one

>> No.526032

I'm not huge on the game, but what pisses me off are people who bitch about the time/save system and who think it's confusing. It's not, at all, it's perfectly understandable and easy to grasp. I feel like people didn't even try and give it a chance.

>> No.526039


I don't think it was that uncomfortable or made it unable to relax. if you played the inverted song of time, it gave you LOTS of time, there was really no stress related to time at all. the time is just there to play into sidequests and the world and stuff.

>> No.526050

Reviews and popularity are different things. It was unpopular because people couldn't handle its splendor. The reviewers weren't absolutely raving about it either. They said it was pretty good, but not as good as OoT. The fans didn't bother with it because they were were too busy whining.

>> No.526064

People only think Zelda Ii is a black sheep because they started with the series at Ocarina or later. Up until OoT, Zelda II was a widely loved game.

Also, Majora's Mask is considered a black sheep because that's exactly what it is. It's a Zelda for people who hate Zelda. It's the Anti-Zelda. The game actively discourages you from exploring and there are only a few dungeons.

>> No.526060

Literally all you need to cheat the time system are the bunny hood and the Inverted Song of Time, so I get the feeling most people who complain about it didn't really get too far in.

Pretty much this. I never really felt all that concerned about the Looming Threat once I got competent.

Although Kafei's Quest was still a bit hectic.

>> No.526073

If you're gonna emulate it, you need Jabo 1.6.1, at least.

>> No.526074

>It's a Zelda for people who hate Zelda.
I love the Zelda series, and consider Majora's Mask my favorite console Zelda game. What does that make me?

Also, lol at post-OoT Zelda games being about exploration.

>> No.526075

Mainly the time limit. I think a lot of people are put off by it, and don't want to give it a chance. When really, it's easy to manipulate the time to do as you like. Just designate a 3-day cycle to doing things, like getting a few masks, or some item upgrades, then going back in time, or designating it to beat a dungeon. It's easy to manage, really, but people seem to think they need to be stressed out and pressured over it. If you ration your time and designate cycles for things, you're never really pressed for time.

>> No.526078

It's the darkest Zelda and black is the darkest color.

>> No.526089

Inb4 the usual Z2fags trying to say Zelda 2 was the darkest.

>> No.526084

It's not a black sheep at all.

I think MM fans love to think of it that way, though.

>> No.526113

I think MM's non-standard story, and leaving behind everything people expected from an OoT 'sequel' is another reason a lot of people dislike it. Myself, I was really intrigued by the time thing and I've dedicated much time to doing an apparently-impossible 'three day do everything' run.

I have had limited success so far.

>> No.526131

>Myself, I was really intrigued by the time thing and I've dedicated much time to doing an apparently-impossible 'three day do everything' run.
There is actually someone who has done that.

Technically speaking you /have/ to not do at least one sidequest, but from what I remember it's not anything important, so it's close enough.

>> No.526132

>discourages you from exploring
In what way? With the time limit that in no way limits you?

>> No.526124

If a game is able to make you feel uncomfortable or slightly pressured, then isn't that a good thing? Very few games I know tug at my emotional strings like Majora's Mask, and it's not even my favorite Zelda game. I guess I only think it's amazing cause I get so enveloped in the world that I forget I am even playing a video game.

>> No.526138

I'm planning on doing a "beat the game in three days" run. Not do everything, just beat the game.

Sounds pretty easy, only part that sounds like a bitch is getting all the eggs, because you need to get some bottles for that to not be a total pain in the ass. beating twinmold can also be tough without full magic

>> No.526143

I wish we could have anther one of these, and not just a bunch of disney 4kids sunshine and rainbows zeldas for the rest of forever. I feel like the guys who made this plumbed some kind of dark ass part of the human psyche. Like they were inspired by mental illness. Something like this would never happen today.
Maybe I'm just making it up.

>> No.526146

Well, I like Zelda, and I love MM. I don't think it actively discourages you from exploring: like others have said, the time limit isn't really a worry, especially after you use the inverted song of time. It does require you to plan your actions more carefully once you have explored and know what to do. Plus, the style of gameplay allows you to explore the game in different ways, like coming back to certain areas at different times, and seeing what effect doing something different this run does.

>> No.526153

The six-day run is the super challenge everyone's heard about. Being that you have to go through at least one cycle to acquire the ocarina, I would think that if there was such thing as a 3-day run it would be heavily reliant on glitches

>> No.526170

I mean a 'three day do everything' without doing any time resets other than that.

>> No.526179

>I love the Zelda series, and consider Majora's Mask my favorite console Zelda game.
This guy>>526064
is talking out of his ass.

>> No.526182

It is amazing, but it isnt the best zelda game, nor the best N64 game, nor anything along those lines.

>> No.526184

I got an N64 quite late and never bought OoT, but got MM on its release. I prefer MM over OoT, and until recently I had no idea MM was in development for a much shorter time. The first time I seriously played OoT was when I got it with Wind Waker and I was really put off by how ugly the graphics looked in that version so that could be a reason why I don't like it as much.

>> No.526185

I wasn't a huge fan of the game's emphasis on sidequests and mini-games. I didn't really find the sidequests that exciting. People were really hyping up the Anju/Kafei story a lot but it kind of let me down. I liked the stuff with the zora band, and all the different stuff in clock town, but I just thought it was alright.

The dungeons were fine, I just didn't like the stuff before the dungeon. Deku Palace was fun, but the stuff before Snowhead and Great Bay temples I found very tedious.

>> No.526204

Not that guy, but MM doesn't really have much of any exploration to begin with. It has like 50 something heart pieces and only a handful of them are found in the overworld. The rest of them and pretty much all of the masks are just found by talking to someone at the right time. The overworld itself is also pretty darn linear in its design. Sure you could argue Hyrule Field is also linear, but in MM everything is literally just moving in a straight line to get to the four regions. I feel like all these design choices were made to accommodate the time limit, even though you technically do have infinite time with the Song of Time.

>> No.526196

Compare Majora's Mask to Twilight Princess. Majora's Mask was a game limited by hardware, used bright colours and had a whimsical cast. Twilight Princess had detailed textures, dark colours and characters that were, for the most part, more realistic in nature. And yet MM was still "darker," at least in my opinion. What Nintendo managed in MM I don't think they've ever pulled off since.

>> No.526202

>I guess I'll go east!
>nope wall
>I guess I'll go west!
>nope wall
>I guess I'll go north!
>nope ice
>I guess I'll go south west
>nope rock
>only way left to go is south...

>> No.526219

That run is possible, but you have to use a different route.
Swamp till bow, mountain till fire arrows, get the powder keg then get Epona before nighttime. Song of storms when its night. It may sound simple but its hard as fuck.

>> No.526223

Exactly. MM is like a black velvet painting. It's gaudy and carnevalesque, but it WORKS. I can see how people who are super into the sword and sworcery side of Zelda might hate MM for breaking the mood, but the mood was perfect for me. It had the same mood as Bradbury's Something Wicked this Way Comes. Eerie in a Halloween way - i.e. not genuinely survival-horror-creepy, but weird and awesome. Worth a second playthrough.

>> No.526237


i think oot and mm treat exploring very differently. as soon as you step into hyrule field you can explore gerudo valley, lake hylia, zora's river...after meeting zelda you can go in zora's domain and death mountain. so pretty much most of the world is available right from the start, while in MM each one is sectioned off..

not a huge problem because it works for MM, but i think it made it feel a bit too linear, just a bit though

>> No.526241

It's possible to do everything in 3 days. I did it. Difficult, though. The Bomber's notebook is of critical importance for timing.

>> No.526250

I really wish MM had an option to speed up time. Not the song of double time, which changes from day/night, but a song to actually make time go FASTER, basically a reverse inverted song of time

Waiting around for the right time often was really annoying.

>> No.526279
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The game really looks lazy to me, with the entire game looking like a OoT romhack, and it put me off at first, but when I actually got around to playing it on Wii VC, it was alright and I liked to visuals

I liked how creative they got with the 3 day reset, like being able to lose any item, being able to do things by knowing they'll happen ahead of time, REFIGHTING BOSSES WHY ISNT THIS IN EVERY GAME, but it felt like a big ole' timed mission. I couldn't enjoy dungeons because my eyes were always on the clock

I probably won't replay it because I didn't care too much for it, it was just alright, but I do see the things that make this other people's favorite zelda

Goht stands to be my 3rd favorite boss in the series, Behind Stallord and Ghirahim, rolling as a goron is seriously the best thing ever

>> No.526313


But did they have a completely uninformed view coming into it?

You will hear about Ocarina of Time in great detail just through osmosis nowadays.

It's really good, but it's not the best game of all time.

>> No.526308

I'd say it works for MM because it lends itself to the time limit. I think the developers expected the average player to use up all 3 days just completing one area of the game. The game never actually tells you about the Inverted Song of Time. You would have to find that out by talking to the Scarecrow, so it is fairly possible for the average player to miss that entirely. At the normal speed, I think 3 days is just enough to do everything that is expected of you in all the areas, like collecting the Zora eggs or doing the Gibdo quest. They were also probably trying to avoid having you screw around doing something else in the overworld and then getting halfway through a quest in one of the regions only to be forced to play the Song of Time and start over.

>> No.526318

First thing that came to mind while doing the Kafei sidequest for the first time.

>> No.526327

>It's really good, but it's not the best game of all time.
I agree with the first half of that sentence and I respect your right to your opinion on the second half.

>> No.526336

I like the way the game constrains you and makes you feel slightly helpless. Making you able to go slow AND fast AND fast-forward would feel too much like a godmode to me, and against the spirit of the game.

>> No.526348


That's your opinion. Don't assume that people only like OoT a lot just because they feel they should. It's just as bad as assuming people only like MM just to be different.

>> No.526363


You mean don't assume everyone does that, because I can assure you there are plenty of people who do exactly that.

>> No.526385

oh you mean just like
>Time to explore the land of Hyrule!
>nope dude in my way
>Now go to Deku Tree. No really, that's all you can do
>Now go to Hyrule Castle. No really, that's all you can do
>Now go to Death Mountain. No really, that's all you can do.

>> No.526390


And I can assure you plenty of people gobble MM's cock because they think it's cool to hate on OoT.

>> No.526379


Well sure. But don't assume EVERYONE does that. Who cares if SOME people do it?

>> No.526403


You are just blatantly wrong. After getting into Hyrule Field you can pretty much go anywhere.

And you can ever do the first three, and last two, adult dungeons in any order.

>> No.526407


I don't.

I'm just saying that it's way harder to go into Ocarina of Time blind like you could when it came out.

Everyone is most likely going to tell you exactly everything about it, and how amazing it is.

>> No.526436

I think a lot of normalfags just played OoT in their childhood and herald as the best because of that. They also have the way critics raved about the game back when it was released to back up their feelings I guess. It's kind of disappointing when all these people overhype a video game and then when new people play them they find it to be extremely overrated. I think Final Fantasy VII is in the same boat.

>> No.526432

>After getting into Hyrule Field you can pretty much go anywhere.
All the places you can go are empty, or you can barely go in. The zora´s river is blocked off by rocks, cant go to death mountain, cant go to haunted wastelands, nothing to do in Lon Lon Ranch, nothing to do in the lake except fish.

>> No.526446

>I think Final Fantasy VII is in the same boat.
It is. I wonder if the same will happen with some PS2/Gamecube game?

>> No.526463


That is true. But I'm a huge gaming fan and always have been, and I still consider OoT one of the best games ever. It's like people aren't even allowed to think so anymore on here else they be accused of nostalgia or not knowing anything.

>> No.526506

Truthfully that's just a fault of the games when Zelda was brought into 3D. None of them gave you the same amount of freedom as say, Zelda 1 or LttP. But still, OoT managed to preserve at least the slightest hint of non-linearity in its design.

>> No.526515

I prefer Majora's Mask because I like doing side quests and helping out NPCs and don't actually enjoy dungeons that much

>> No.526528
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 0051_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, remember how in OoT after beating the first dungeon there were no barriers to stop you from adventuring?

>> No.526529

I don't know what the broader fanbase is like, but for me that's laughable. OoT sets MM up. How could you possibly hate it? It would be like loving Pokemon Snap specifically to hate on Pokemon. It's nonsense. OoT is the sensible partner - the straight man. It plays an invaluable role when partnered with its companion piece, MM. The two go together like fine wine and cellar aged cheese. As a duo, I think they rank among the best games of all time.

>> No.526545


OoT has been one of the most resented games on /v/ for a long time. Haven't been on there as much since /vr/ was created, but most of /v/ totally hated OoT.

>> No.526560

Whatever! So what if Ocarina hid it better. You can get the masks in Majora's Mask in any number of orders and you could complete the fourth temple before the third. They're as linear as each other.

>> No.526579

MM is actually a great deal harder than OoT. The combat is much more dangerous and harder to survive.

>> No.526580

Yeah well 4chan has always had some pretty questionable taste. A lot of it is influenced by trolls convincing children that their fake views are edgy.

>> No.526581

First Zelda is best Zelda.

>> No.526585

>After getting into Hyrule Field you can pretty much go anywhere.

I don't think I've played OoT in about 13 years, and even I know that's wrong.

>> No.526587


>> No.526606

No you can't. You can't enter Ikana Canyon without the Ice Arrows from the Great Bay Borefest.

>> No.526607

Never understood the point of that. There is still an order you are "supposed" to do the areas in. I rather like the system used in Link's Awakening where you absolutely need certain items to pass barriers. That way you won't end up in an area where you are too weak to be, like happened easily in LoZ.

>> No.526608

>You could complete the fourth temple before the third
but you need the ice arrows to get there

>> No.526603


Doing that several times for the different items, like the postmans hat and the other bottle, was such a bitch. Felt like it took forever

>> No.526620

Just started playing this for the first time today, I don't get the hype. Is it just a slow start?

>> No.526628


You don't have to beat the temple, you can just take the ice arrows and go to stone tower

>> No.526646

I think the only real "black sheep" is Zelda II, and it really only became one retroactively; years afterwards when more conventional Zelda games came out.

>> No.526647

MM has a great atmosphere and world but its main quest is just dogshit awful. You feel like you just have to get it out of the way in order to see what you really want to

>> No.526636


Ocarina of Time has a rather slow start, but once you turn into an adult I think it's one of the best experiences in gaming

>> No.526641

All you needed was hookshot and Zora's mask. There's a tree you can hookshot to get to Ikana Canyon. As a Zora you can jump out of the water on to any higher ledges on water-based regions. There's no need for the Ice Arrows.

>> No.526658

>if you just do the 3rd Dungeon halfway and run away, you don't need to beat the third dungeon to progress!

>> No.526653

Not the owls fault. It's the fault of the dialog layout. Keep pushing the skip button and the last question is
>Do you want me to repeat all that?
so you go right on to another repeated 5 minute dialog.

>> No.526679

And the thing is, I don't think there's any real story or gameplay reason why you should have to do Death Mountain/Dodongo's cavern before Zora's domain. Maybe there's a part in Jabu's belly that requires bombs, but I don't recall any. It would've been sweet to give you the choice at this early stage in the game.

>> No.526682

See, I feel like stumbling into a temple you're unprepared for is a nifty feature of the original Zelda. There was no barriers, you were just thrown into this world that exists. I remember when I accidentally came across the 8th dungeon, and the game was like, 'Fuck, man - you can attempt this shit if you want, but you're gonna get wrecked.' And I did. But it was cool that I could experience that instead of the game telling me I'm not ready.

>> No.526692

See >>526641

>> No.526719

No, the owl was pointless and didn't even belong in the game


>> No.526709


I think that was still sort of the tutorial stage of the game. They deliberately wanted you to do Dodongo's first because they were still trying to get you to learn the game.I always felt like Jabu-Jabu was the first "real" dungeon in which they kind of took the training wheels off.

>> No.526728

Majora's Mask is the black sheep? Sure you don't mean Zelda II or Spirit Tracks?

>> No.526731

What evidence is there in either dungeon's design that suggests that this is the case?

>> No.526747


it just feels that way. dodongo is really easy and straightforward.

>> No.526758

>Not the owls fault.
I think it was partly. A lot of the information it tells you is pretty redundant if I recall.

I suppose. But both dungeons always felt equally "basic" to me though.

>> No.526751

That doesn't make it non-linear.

>> No.526752

Well, Barinade is a kick ass boss fight and is also pretty threatening, quite unlike King Dodongo.

>> No.526754

>Zelda II or Spirit Tracks?
You sure you don't mean Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon?

>> No.526761

He wasn't terribly important, but as a tool to allude towards your future awesomeness and steer you in the right direction he did just fine.

>> No.526763

>Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon?
You sure you don't mean Zelda's Adventure?

>> No.526770

Haha. Check mate, good sir. We've reached the bottom.

>> No.526771

>Maybe there's a part in Jabu's belly that requires bombs
Im currently replaying the game, and there is none of that. If you bypass those rocks by using the early golden zora scale bug, you can complete the entire area just fine. They could had omitted those rocks and allowed the player to pick either dungeon first.

>> No.526779

no disinfo agent, my school and area was obviously different to yours. it was everyones least favourite same with mario 2

>> No.526781

This game gets constant circlejerking for a reason Anon.

>> No.526793

>in a Zelda game


>> No.526794

No, what I was arguing is that Majora's Mask isn't any more linear than Ocarina.

>> No.526785

It came out during a weird time for the N64, so its lesser known?

Casuals probably see it as OoT 2, so they dont care about it.

>> No.526802

Its like the first 3 dungeons are one big tutorial.

>> No.526819

OoT is not a game you should 'play through' expecting it to get good. Explore the game at your own pace without expecting anything and you will be rewarded.

>> No.526826

Dodongo caves is the most straightforward dungeon in the game. Its nearly a corridor.

>> No.526837

Zelda's Adventure? Sure you don't mean Skyward Sword?

>> No.526838

Did you actually play those games so you could decide which one is shittier?

>> No.526840

It's been a long time since I played it, but isn't it sectioned off into two halves? Just like Fire Temple is?

>> No.526862

You have to take a right at the first room(which is the only direction you can head towards) to hit a switch which opens the left portion of the dungeon, and from there on it goes full corridor explorer.

>> No.526868

>Half of all Zelda games are bad

>> No.526878

Yes. Now you understand. In fact, golden rule: If Link rides a horse or if there's an owl anywhere in the game, it's shit.

>> No.526897

>If it's different it's automatically bad

>> No.526913

Via emulation yes. Zelda's Adventure is the worst crap ever created. The other 2 CDi games are at least just sorry platformers based on the Zelda II model, but Zelda's adventure looks like a half-completed RPG Maker quest. It really wasn't a finished product. The majority of the inventory had no function. They were just decorative objects.

>> No.526930

I remember hating it because A) it has a time limit, B) the overworld seems smaller than the one in Ocarina, and C) I didn't care for any of the town stuff at all.

>> No.526931


Every Zelda game post Zelda 2 steers you the entire game

>> No.526935


I feel this this is the most disappointing waste of opportunity for non-linearity in the game. The rocks are just a waste. I love the fact that:

a) The lens of truth is ENTIERLY optional and can be gotten pretty much any time.

b) The Gerudo Fortress can be beaten first thing as soon as you become an adult and get the hookshot, but only if you free Epona (who is also completely optional).

c) The ice arrows can be used to freeze Bongo-Bongo's hands, which have a specific animation state used specifically for breaking out of it.

>> No.526943


Holy shit, I never knew you could freeze Bongo-Bongo's hands

>> No.526967

>and can be gotten pretty much any time
Wait, I thought you could only get them after becoming adult link to get the song of storms. Is there a way to skip that?

>> No.526956


I'm not sure I would say the lens of truth is optional. technically you don't need it, but isn't it almost impossible to find the way to desert colluses unless you know the exact route? I can't imagine someone finding it out on their own without a guide/video to steer them

>> No.526969

>And you'll spot guys here and there talking about how "MM is a shitty game because of this tiny detail".

But it wasn't. It was a potentially great game that was hugely flawed because of how tedious it was.

>> No.526979

If you get caught by the Gerudo guards you're completely fucked and have to reset your game because the hookshot isn't long enough to escape.

>> No.526983


Something I always wondered: isn't the Hylian Shield not necessary as a kid? Sure you need it to get up death mountain, but you dont actually need magic at all as a child.

what happens if you dont have the hylain shield, and you pull the master sword? i assume you just get the hylian shield anyway

>> No.526987

Or just reset your N64 to go to the temple of time.

>> No.526990

Not true. The Wooden plank you use to get out is within regular hookshot range.

>> No.527002

You have to play without a shield. They probably placed one so close to the hookshot for this reason.

>> No.526998


Is that intentional? Clearly they must have considered the possibility of entering with Epona right away. If they forgot that it's a pretty huge oversight.

>> No.527006

You don't need it to get up Death Mountain, you just need it to get up there without taking damage. If you get the Master Sword without having a shield, then that's exactly what happens, you have the Master Sword without a shield.

>> No.527013


its not a big deal because you can just save and it will take you back to the temple of time. so you can still keep the progress o everything you did

>> No.527016

You can get up death mountain by walking backwards. The rocks miss you this way.

>> No.527032

Well, I just unequip it when I'm not in Dodongo's Cavern/somewhere with a lot of fire enemies; but the guard won't let you go up the mountain unless you have it if I recall (or maybe he just heavily reccomends it, I dunno). But based on how the game works, I infer that you'll probably just start as an adult with no shield equipped at all.

>> No.527030


When IS magic required in the game at all, anyway? The only time I can think of is to use Din's Fire to enter the shadow temple, and to use the lens of truth (although that's not even totally required)

>> No.527038

Or side hopping, or just rolling if you're a bit lucky.

>> No.527047

Yeah, running back to other side of Hyrule every mistake totally isn't tedious.

>> No.527063

A lot of people think OoT love is all nostalgia goggles, but I don't think that's true because even when it was brand spanking new, people were already touting OoT as an incredible 11/10 masterpiece and have been ever since. I don't want to sound insulting, but it feels like there's a lot of people here too young to really remember what a phenomenon Ocarina of Time was when it was new.

Something like Wind Waker is a more straight example of nostalgia goggles within the Zelda series.

>> No.527052

Tedious for you maybe. It was a total rush for me. Time was constantly ticking. No time to just sit and twiddle your thumbs. The whole place was buzzing with potential quests to be completed.

>> No.527074

Yeah, and /a/ thinks Madoka is better than Nanoha. 4chan has notoriously shitty taste.

>> No.527086

>OoT is Overrated
So, MM is the hipster response. It's the Mega Man 2 of Zelda games.

It's a great game, there really aren't but a couple bad Zelda titles, but I think it gets a little too much attention on gaming sites because people who like Zelda don't want to associate themselves with those who like OoT, which is still the better of the two.

In Mega Man's case, 3 is the best. Introduction of Rush, Protoman and sliding, the latter of which will be something very important in future games.

>> No.527078


You've got to be kidding me. Its not like you can get stuck in any other area of the game. And if you don't have the longshot it should be pretty clear you don't want to go into gerudo fortress again until you're properly equipped. Why the fuck would you go again?

>> No.527090

Didnt /a/ start hating Madoka when it started to get spammed too much?

>> No.527101

Just have to say that in all my time playing OoT and even going through the Gerudo fortress with only the basic hookshot I've never been put in a situation that was impassable, not even being captured.

>> No.527096


THANK YOU, I totally agree with that about Wind Waker. It's funny how it's so often hailed as amazing and one of the best in the series. It's good, but I don't think people realize the nostalgia they have for it.

>> No.527110

Yeah, but it got spammed because they loved it.

>> No.527106


Wind Waker was hailed as a masterpiece when it came out and received amazing reviews across the board.

>> No.527108

ITT: Majora's Mask fans are analravaged that their game hasn't received that much praise since OoT and Link's Awakening.

>> No.527115

Wind Waker at least has freedom and discovery.

>> No.527117

I can only speak for myself but I was 16 at the time and I do remember the hype all too well. To me it has always felt like it was more because it was the first 3D Zelda and less about how good the game is. Also Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game and one of my favorite games of all time (but not retro obviously).

>> No.527123

I always thought WW handled the open ended style well.
The first half of the story was pretty on-rails, but you were able to start the Triforce quest as early as Windfall. And by the time you get the third orb you can visit any island you want and do whatever sidequests you feel like before heading to anything else.

By the time you lock Zelda in Hyrule Castle the entire ocean is your playground and you can do the rest of the sidequests, triforce pieces and dungeons in any order you wanted.

It takes a little bit longer to open up than LttP and Zelda 1, but I'd say it's almost on par with the rest of the 2D games and certainly better than OoT, MM, TP and SS in that regard.

>> No.527136

The problem lies in the fact that while LoZ's overworld, for instance, was a treacherous landscape, WW's overworld for the most part is completely devoid of ANYTHING noteworthy or even mildly threatening.

>> No.527150

Frankly as a diehard MM fan, I'm totally fine with it being an exclusive members only club who consider MM the greatest. It's a good litmus test for me to see how compatible our views on Zelda will be.

>> No.527153

I actually liked the quiet ocean. It was relaxing and a nice change of pace from the frantic dungeons.

I can see why most people hated it, but I loved to take time between dungeon crawls to just sail around for goodies, chart out the map and take in the atmosphere.

>> No.527158

It got the typical "10/10" treatment from magazines like a lot of major Nintendo releases get standard from publications, but the fanbase itself was totally split on it because of not only the art-style, but the feel that it was a step back from the N64 entries.

OoT was worshiped from the word go. WW had to wait 10 years until the people who played it when they were kids finally grew up and started nostalgically gushing over it. Well, that and the emergence of hipsters.

>> No.527195

>WW had to wait 10 years until the people who played it when they were kids finally grew up and started nostalgically gushing over it. Well, that and the emergence of hipsters.
Both wrong. I played MM when I was in college when it came out. This was several years before I even heard the word hipster.

>> No.527185

What the fuck are you talking about?
Wind Wakers fanbase started getting vocal when TP was first revealed at E3 2004.

>> No.527230

LoZ1 had a cool world, but I wish there was more to it sometimes. I always envisioned it as kind of a wasteland after Ganon tore shit up.

Back before the official timeline was released, there was a novel thought that Wind Waker lead in to Legend of Zelda 1, because of the idea that the high waters had finally receded, but the people of Hyrule hadn't rebuilt yet and recovered from their shit getting washed away. Hence the city-less world of LoZ1. I always really liked that idea of LoZ1 having kind of a light post-apocalyptic feel.

>> No.527267


Wind Waker has always been in OoT's shadow. Like anything, it had its fanbase and even received some hype, but the hate surrounding it had always been bigger than its fandom until it started becoming old enough to qualify for nostalgia. At best, WW was poorly received by all but a relative minority compared to OoT, but it's currently enjoying some nostalgia love because it's 10 years old at this point.

>> No.527285

Didnt it get alot of flak due to the graphics?

>> No.527297

Thats the case for all the 3D zeldas except SS, which has no overworld and it just another dungeon.

>> No.527305

>LoZ1 had a cool world, but I wish there was more to it sometimes
You could say that given when it was released that much of it was due to the NES' limitations and if Nintendo stuck to the formula established by the original game we'd see much more fleshed out but still extremely dangerous worlds. Unfortunately it seems Nintendo has decided to run as far away from LoZ as possible with more linearity, more nonsensical puzzles, more items that serve no practical purpose outside of being glorified keys, more dialog, more cutscenes, and more bloat.

It feels really awkward when I play a game like Dark Souls or even STALKER and they wind up feeling more like LoZ than current Zelda games.

>> No.527310


A ton. Especially after that one GameCube tech demo that showed a more realistic Zelda.

The toony art style was really controversial at the time, and it's why the Zelda community was so divided over it.

>> No.527330

Back at its release, almost all the controversy came from the art style and the more realistically styled Space World teaser.
Since then it still retained that status thanks to the Triforce Quest and ocean, but it's fanbase has grown a lot more now that people are used to seeing the art style from Zelda.

>> No.527351


I think the overworld in the first Zelda may have been more of an afterthought because it wasn't even supposed to have an overworld at first. Only dungeons.

It was just supposed to be a deal where you would go directly in to a dungeon and have to find an item. And when you did, you would proceed to the next level, which was another dungeon where you had to find another item. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.527385

It may have been an afterthought, but really the overworld is what makes LoZ what it is, and it's a real shame that Nintendo has never tried to go back to the style that the original had when it came to an overworld. I don't get the same sense of exploration, danger, or discovery when traversing any other Zelda game's overworld, except maybe Zelda II.

>> No.527407


I liked LA's world. No real danger, but I had more fun exploring Link's Awakening than any other Zelda game.

>> No.527434
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The time limit.

Most people just hate the idea of any sort of time limit on a game. Even though the "Time Limit" in this game is done in a unique way, in which the player can restart the 3 day counter, people just get the wrong idea about it.

I didn't end up playing majoras mask until I was 16, that was YEARS after it came out, and the reason was because I heard that it had a "time limit". Even though people tried to explain to me that it wasn't a conventional time limit, I just didn't bother. Glad I did end up playing it though, it's such a great game.

Love them metaphors

>> No.527465


I always thought that describing it as a "time limit" was misguided. It never felt like a time limit. As others have said, there was no time related stress or pressure. The time system more felt like it was there to give the world a sense of time, if that makes sense.

>> No.527482

Have you uh... have you played DK64?

>> No.527486
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LA is the best Zelda, man.

The plot, the characters, the overworld. Everything is just so awesome.

>> No.527494

Oh I know what you're saying. Majora's Mask was really deep.

Also, just noticed the clock town theme matches up with the ticking of an analog clock. Just like Time by Pink Floyd

>> No.527512

I get the other four, but how does Ikana valley relate to acceptance?

>> No.527519

Everyone has been dead for a while.

>> No.527531

Because everything is dead, and people typically use the 5 stages of grief in relation to death.

>> No.527547


I always thought this 5 stages of grief metaphor was a huge, huge stretch. I seriously doubt the creators had that in mind at all.

>> No.527553


i still dont get how snowhead is bargaining.

>> No.527574

I think it is Darmani´s dialogue.

>> No.527576

I remember hearing about the time limit and immediately freaked out.

>3 days? That's how long it took me just to get past the Water Temple!

>> No.527590

I know that, and I think I have a pretty good idea about how the other areas relate to those stages. I'm asking specifically about Ikana Valley and acceptance.

I think it's cause the gorons are wishfully hoping that their leader (Darmani) will come back and save them. And the baby wants his dad back too.

>> No.527640

Er yeah. I was being retarded and talking about MM, not WW.

>> No.527751

Whenever you look in to the older titles, there's so many interesting things that are never revisited and so many questions despite the older games having such thin stories. Instead of constantly building up OoT's lore, I want to see stuff from the other older games explored.

>what the fuck was the deal with the Wind Fish? Where did it come from? Where did it go?
>how exactly did Hyrule become the desolate wasteland it was in Zelda 1?
>is there more to the events of Princess Zelda I being put to sleep?
>what happens now that there are TWO Zeldas are walking around at the end of LoZ2?
>and did Link really give one of them the dick at the end of LoZ2?
>is there some reason that Hyrule radically reorganizes between games?
>what's up with the Magical Sword from Zelda 1 and where was the Master Sword?
>what of Labrynna and Holodrum?
>was that truly the end of Ganon after LoZ2?
>is my waifu Marin really gone

>> No.527797

You know what sucks about OoT? replaying it is an absolute bitch. the beginning to dodongo's cavern seems to take fucking forever.

>> No.527798

speaking of zelda games that the "fans" didn't enjoy upon release, Wind Waker!
>they did the newer zelda games with "realistic" graphics because they attributed the low sells of WW to the cell shaded graphics.
it wasn't a black sheep when it came out. Nobody knew the direction they would go with the Zelda series so they ate it up and loved the ever loving shit out of it. It's only OOT babbies (and some LttP fags) that give it shit.

>> No.527972

Nobody loved Zelda II when it came out. At least not where I was living. It was definitely considered inferior to Zelda I.

>> No.527980


OK, to clarify some things.


a) The lens can be gotten any time once you've become an adult and can go back. Speed-runners do everything my memory.

b) You also don't even need the hookshot. If you have no way to escape from the fortress, the game is programmed so that the guards kick you out in front of the carpenters' tent. Yes, the game had that much thought put into its structure.

c) http://zeldawiki.org/Bongo_Bongo

>> No.528017

>You also don't even need the hookshot. If you have no way to escape from the fortress, the game is programmed so that the guards kick you out in front of the carpenters' tent. Yes, the game had that much thought put into its structure.

That's fucking amazing.

>> No.528101

You see I disagree with this. I went into OoT knowing barely anything about it and what I experienced is barely describable, I has no idea it was even possible for anything to be that immersive because I had no prior way to imagine anything that felt like that. It had nothing to do with the technical quality of the graphics or even the size of the world, and everything to do with how every element of the game interplays with everything else and suggests boundlessness that can't quite be comprehended.

>> No.528135


That's not Zelda 2.

Majora's Mask is at least still a Zelda game.. it's a bit different and I'm fairly neutral about it but it was enjoyable.

>> No.528171

Oh, GOD! Don't remind me of that. I want to pretend that I live in an alternate world where Banjo Threeie was released and this never happened. I've seen so many people who consider it the greatest game ever though (though I've yet to see one who played Banjo first).

>> No.528383


No, even Zelda 2 steers you. You need the candle from Dungeon 1 (unless you memorized the cave layouts and enemy positions) to get to Dungeon 2, you need the glove from that to beat Dungeon 3, so you can get the raft you need to get to Dungeon 4, where you find the boots that let you access Dungeon 5, which holds the flute that unlocks Dungeon 6.

Zelda 1 is literally the only "non-linear" Zelda game in existence. I don't know why so many people on /vr/ act like freeform movement is a staple of the series.

>> No.528417


I don't understand either. People say "exploring a world" is a big part of Zelda, but it really was. Pretty much all the games are linear and direct you where to go, and not much exploring or discovery is to be had because the secrets are always obvious (item-shaped locks, etc).

Zelda's overworlds are just there to give the sense of a grand adventure, and to provide all the sidequests and NPCs. Kind of like how JRPGs are laid-out except with Zelda style combat.

>> No.528425


*but it never really was

>> No.528441

Do you really not need the lens of truth at all in ocarina? dont you need it to open some chests in the shadow temple, or will they still open if you just press A next to them?

>> No.528460


>People say "exploring a world" is a big part of Zelda, but it never really was.

But it is. It's about the atmosphere and themes, not having an open world. When you play a zelda, it feels like you're discovering new and untouched places.

>> No.528470

LoZ was. You could go anywhere on the world map you wanted without the need for any extra items, and only some of the dungeons actually required a specific item to either enter or play through.

>> No.528483

Grew up with both games. To me, each had their pros and cons. OoT was actually one of the first games I ever played and I often refer to it as my favorite game for that reason. But that fucking bastard owl got me every damn time. Anyways, Oot had more of a relaxed feel to me, where, as a kid, MM felt like I actually had to get shit done due to the 3 days. For that reason, I was able to explore everything in OoT fuller than MM. After realizing that you can pretty much manipulate time to do whatever you want, I was finally able to explore MM and found it to be better for exploring than OoT strangely enough. Anyways, just my opinion.

>> No.528502
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>tfw you first learn you can slow time

>> No.528498

I actually liked it MORE than OOT because of the simple fact that it deviated from the formulaic Zelda game formula

beat 3 temples

get master sword

beat a few more temples

fight and beat gannon

rescue zelda

Beautiful, dark, original story

You actually gave a shit about the NPC's, they actually had lives

>> No.528579

It's because they're good at giving the illusion that they are completely open. The same way that Shadow of the Colossus does. Sure the bosses have to be beaten in order, but it doesn't seem like it when you're immersed in the game. That's the problem with you young kids today... You can only get fully immersed if it's 3D and High Def and 8th gen. Sad really.

>> No.528591

>Beautiful, dark, original story
>You actually gave a shit about the NPC's, they actually had lives
Exactly. It was even weirder that all of the characters had counterparts in OoT. And the art direction was out of this world.

>> No.528603


A Link to the Past has some sequence breaking. The first 3 dungeons are required to go in order but once you get the hammer in palace of darkness, you can do dungeons 2, 3 and 4 in any order, and after getting the titan mitts and hookshot you can do 5 and 6 in either order. If you're good you can do 6 and skip 5 and go right to Turtle Rock, and save dungeon 5 for last before Ganon's tower. I actually think you can save palace 3 for second to last as well, you just have to do it before the ice palace

You can do them in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 order, or 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 (usually what I do) or 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 or 1 4 2 6 7 3 5, or some other combinations.

>> No.528621


no nevermind, you have to have fire rod to complete dungeon 7 due to ranged torch lighting.

But you can still do 1 4 2 6 3 7 5

>> No.530561

Favorite characters: The guardians. So eeire and weird. I feel like they really set the tone for me regarding deku trees and the forest creatures. They explained so much.

>> No.530819

The day-night system is awful.
It serves no purpose but to make you tasks if you start them too late.
The first time you play the game you have no idea when the task begin or end. I remember some of the little side quests I had to attempt 5 times because, by chance, every time I attempted happened to be only a few minues before the event ended.

If you do not learn the song of half time and backwards time (which are easily missed) than the game gets even more tedious as you sit around doing NOTHING but waiting for time to pass.

Even after you have memorized the timings on everything (or look up a guide) the time system is still inconvenient.

Most of the side quests themself were not good, which is a major problem because they make up the bulk of the time you spend in game. Half of them don't involve any sort of puzzle or fight, just talking to them. Most of the masks are terrible rewards. Most of them do nothing but change a few lines of npc dialogue and are used to solve maybe 2 puzzles at most. Theres barely any interaction in this, which is an awful thing as video games are based around interaction.

The dungeons are few in number and very short so you go through them quickly and you end up actually spending more time running around doing talk quests than any other activity.

>> No.531065


I agree. I never understood why everyone thinks the sidequests are so amazing. They mostly involve just talking to someone and getting a useless mask, or playing a mini-game.

I actually might say Ocarina had more fun sidequests, like the fishing pond, gerudo training ground...

>> No.531125

The time complaint is a horrible one I hate when people use. One, it's the entire foundations of the game, if you can't get past that you're going to have a bad time.
Two, one playthrough of all three days takes about 9 hours with Song of Inverted Time, and about 3 hours without it. Whoever can't finish what they wanted to do in 9 hours should probably play a different game.

The only gripe I have is that first three days before you get the ocarina can be a bit tedious, and the bomber's notebook timescale is awful, I'll give you that.

>> No.531139



>i am 16 and just trying OoT for the first time, why arent there any ironsights? i am a huge faggot please rape my face

>> No.531165

>When IS magic required in the game at all, anyway?
To open the shadow temple. You need to use the fire magic to light all the torches. Fire arrow dont cut it.

>> No.531169

The first 3 days before you get the Ocarina, you can get a heart piece from giving Town Deed to ??? in Inn after midnight, from the Deku Scrub Playground, or just grind 200 rupees for deposit in the bank by running in and out of Laundry Pool.

There's plenty to do, besides just exploring the town and learning where people are and what they do on what day.

>> No.531194

More like the CD-I zeldas.

>> No.531191

>As others have said, there was no time related stress or pressure.
Unless you are in a temple and dont want to do it all over again and suddenly it is late on the 3rd day and you want to finish off the boss before everything goes to hell.

>> No.531205
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>being this bad at MM's dungeons

>> No.531217


what are you talking about? the NPCs in MM are just as cardboard as any other zelda.

if i wanted a dialogue-driven RPG id go play torment or something. i play zelda to beat dungeons and do puzzles. zelda dialogue is just a chore to bother with between the good stuff.

>> No.531218

>9 hours with the Inverted Song of Time
That doesn't sound right at all.

>> No.531229

>start game as deku
>no way to skip time (screw the scarecrow)
>three hours later it is finally time to get ocarina

>> No.531238

Shh, they don't exist. Those cut-scenes are made in MS Paint purely for YTP.

>> No.531251

I can't play Majora's Mask for 3 reasons:

1. I can't tell time on an anolog clock. (Retardation or autism, you decide!)
2. I'm afraid of dying so I hate how everyone in the game is afraid of dying too.
3. I panic with time limits

So basically I just run around panicing at everything. If I wanted to do that I'd probably do more things in real life.But it's not a bad game, I'm just retarded or something.

>> No.531262
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This pretty much answers your questions.

>> No.531269

Can you read a speedometer? Because the clock in-game is nothing like an analog clock.
It's a shame it goes off the 12hour clock, I admit, but it's not that terrible.

I hope you're able to play it someday, it's really fun trying to plan your schedule ahead of time to get as much done as you can.

>> No.531276

Black sheep? It's probably one of the best Zelda games around.

>> No.531282
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>1. I can't tell time on an anolog clock.
Wow, hahaha. Thanks for the laugh. You cant be serious? It is even easier to read the time than on a analog clock, it just goes from the left to the right.
>2. I'm afraid of dying so I hate how everyone in the game is afraid of dying too.
Accept it. Life is meaningless, and whether you die or not does not matter. Just try to have some fun along the journey.

>> No.531283
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The atmosphere in MM is way 2spooky4me. I could never gather up enough courage to play for longer than an hour.

>> No.531287

>three hours
No. I absolutely do not remember playing for three hours before the end of the first cycle.

>> No.531294

I think he meant in-game time, but I'm not sure.

>> No.531312

>Majora's Mask imposes a time limit of three days (72 hours) game-time, which is about 54 minutes in real time.

>> No.531316

Why is there a child era and an adult era if the hero suceeds?
Shouldn't there only be one timeline?

>> No.531317
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So where are you annon?

>> No.531328

I think the Adult Era is Link staying with Zelda at the end of OoT, and Child is him going back in time at the end of OoT. Don't quote me on that, though.

>> No.531334

Not only that, but the first cycle is artificially faster than normal.

>> No.531335

I think that even though you 'fixed' the timeline and defeated Ganondorf the timeline where he fucked the world up still exists.

>> No.531351

Was adult link a child trapped in a mans body?
Or was MM link a full grown man in a little kids body?

>> No.531353

Wait, is it? I never noticed, because I pretty much never played without slowing down time after the first cycle.


>> No.531357

Sorry yep, I picked the wrong number by accident. I timed it once and remembered the 3 hour mark roughly, turns out that's the inverted time limit for 3 days.

But I also discovered that first 3 days is a lot faster than any 3 days after it, who knew.

>The flow of time itself is not constant. In the initial three day cycle, it takes 27 seconds for each game hour, which is just over a half hour for the entire cycle. For every single cycle after that, each game hour takes 45 seconds; 54 minutes for the whole cycle
>Link can play the Inverted Song of Time to slow the flow of time which will slow it down to 150 seconds (two and a half minutes) for each game hour, exactly three hours for an entire cycle.

>> No.531436

I'd say Zelda 2 is the black sheep, in that it had a completely different gameplay.

Personally, I loved all the Zelda games and Majora's mask had one of the best concepts easily. However, I still slightly prefer OoT (this is not my nostalgia talking, I played it a few years ago and I was completely blown away by it).

>> No.531489
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The initial 3-days isn't tedious, it provides you with an opportunity to speak to the people and learn the timing of some key events, which becomes essential later in the game. And there IS stuff to do, as >>531169 pointed out. And it's faster than any other cycle. AND you can dance with the scarecrow and skip 12 hours forward at a time.

>> No.531691

So what, you missed it when it came out! You're a retard, that's all! Fuck you, it was the best game at the end of the XX century (inb4 half life!)

>> No.531904

>only 4 dungeons

I want a remake with at least 4 other additional dungeons
also, I devoured Wind Waker recently and that didn't have enough dungeons either but more than MM. and now I play TP and I'm pissed that there so many unnecessary cutscenes inbetween. who needs that shit?

>> No.531920

>also, I devoured Wind Waker recently and that didn't have enough dungeons either but more than MM.
From what I can remember, a lot got scrapped due to time constraints or something.

>> No.531942

that's a damn shame then. I really wanted more.
OoT seems to be the only 3D Zelda with the most content and temples.

not sure what TP will hold for me yet.

>> No.531946

>A lot of people think OoT love is all nostalgia goggles, but... remember what a phenomenon Ocarina of Time was when it was new
Isn't that exactly what nostalgia IS?

>> No.531941

There was supposed to be 7 days, too. Some of that shit is left in the final game but only viewable with a gameshark code.

Yet another reason to hate christmas - it ruins games because huge sections have to be cut because oh no our sales will be bad

>> No.531953

Has anyone, after beating the game, tried to complete every single side/quest/story thing in one cycle?

I'm talking about -
Saving the Witch
Freeing the Princess/Monkey
Calming the Baby
Saving the Cows
Moving the Milk
Retrieving the Eggs
Playing the Song for Lulu
Anju/Kafei sidequest
Saving the Gibdo-Father
Beating the Ikana Castle guys

As well as taking down all 4 temple bosses and then Skull Kid/Majora?

>I'm sure I missed a few

>> No.531956

giant hyrule field that's connected to fucking nothing and huge cannons or whatever retarded means of transport they threw together at the last second because muh coherence

>> No.531971

if that is such an issue, then Nintendo should make a KS account for "the greatest zelda gaem evar!!!!"
I bet they would raise 8 billion in 3 days or something (I'm exaggerating ofc but still...)

then time constraints are not a thing anymore. so I'm thankful for such opportunities.

>> No.531987

Nostalgia - remembering something greater than what it really was (because even you did not care for it that much at the time, as you believe you did, now)

Adjustment for Modern Experience - Remembering how the game might be bad by today's standards, but it was incredible and groundbreaking at the time

>> No.531983
File: 103 KB, 425x319, Zelda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Zelda II is my favorite of the series. It actually had challenge and depth to the combat.

>> No.532003

did you know it's possible to NOT give anju the pendant, but then spend the whole fucking 3 days doing his shit, get the mask and everything, so that when he shows up anju thinks he's dead? Nintendo allowed you to be that big of an asshole.


>her dress is so beautiful
>tfw she's literally in the same building and doesn't know he's there

>> No.532029

They all have to fit into the correct timeline. And they are independent of one another so getting them all to work out is like constructing a Swiss watch. It's really well designed.

>> No.532056

>the NPCs in MM are just as cardboard as any other zelda.
They are shadow versions of the OoT cast so they have at least double the character dev piled into them. And they all have unhappy lives that you have to work like a demon to unravel for them within the tight time constraints. Either that or you have to decide which ones to help and which ones to allow to remain suffering. I'm sorry you couldn't get into the spirit of the game, but that's your issue, not any problem with the game.

>> No.532072

When you've played the game before though and know what to do. All that stuff doesn't take too long and then you're left with half a day to kill. Probably 15 minutes real time or so but it does drag when you know what you're doing

I normally escape into the field early but even that's not got a lot to do in it

>> No.532081

I feel the same way. Also no nostalgia. I played MM when I was in college. The only thing I'd change is to say that I prefer MM slightly more than OoT. But they are definitely connected strongly in my mind and I love both.

>> No.532087

>I want a remake with at least 4 other additional dungeons

>> No.532117

>>A lot of people think OoT love is all nostalgia goggles, but... remember what a phenomenon Ocarina of Time was when it was new
>Isn't that exactly what nostalgia IS?
Oh boy... Chronology 101:
The phenomenon it caused was in reaction to a brand new game.
How could it be nostalgia if it was brand new?
A fresh reaction to a new game is not called nostalgia.
So the phenomenon it caused back in the day was not nostalgia. It was a fresh reaction to a new game.
See how time works now?

>> No.532126

Why dont devs ever make "directors cut" or something similar like movie does. If it is that popular, it does not take that much effort to finish the product and then sell it again.

>> No.532132

>If it is that popular, it does not take that much effort to finish the product and then sell it again.
Yes it does, when the product is a multi-hour 3D game released for a console that hasn't been used for about two generations.

>> No.532134

You'd probably really like the CDi games too then. They were very challenging and were based directly off of the Zelda 2 combat model. If you can ignore the stupid animation cutscenes, you'd probably really love the CDi games.

>> No.532137


>What is Sonic Adventure

>> No.532150

I want my flying dragon boss on the tornado levels!

but seriously, it was a good re-release.

>> No.532213

I was thinking of making it a little earlier though. Like release it 1 year later, but continue the production once the game is released. Then wait a few months, release it and boom.
In general, released a directors edition of a game 1-2 years after release seems cool. Valve for example could profit good from it. Making the games as they would have done it, with Portal 2, make it harder and not dumbed down as they did because of the testers.
And with big titles like Zelda and Mario, it could work if they fell they missed something.

>> No.532241

I'm sure Nintendo had the time and money around when Wind Waker was released to do that. And also that it seemed like it would work at the time, when WW was still getting a ton of flak for the artstyle.

>> No.532317

Even so. Release it in 5 years and fans will cum their pants after they put their attention to bitching about the last Zelda game.

>> No.532358

Light Arrows

>> No.534389
File: 18 KB, 299x383, Chimpanzee_thinking_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what the fuck was the deal with the Wind Fish? Where did it come from? Where did it go?

The wind fish, like Levias, is a race of giant air whales that fly around the highest parts of the sky in hyrule. It probably flew away after Link's Awakening, to other parts of the sky

>how exactly did Hyrule become the desolate wasteland it was in Zelda 1?

It was gradually destroyed by Gannon and his underlings when the hero of legend didn't show up in time

>is there more to the events of Princess Zelda I being put to sleep?

Just that she was put to sleep by a wizard who wanted to reach the triforce

>what happens now that there are TWO Zeldas are walking around at the end of LoZ2?
One was probably a queen and the younger one remained a princess, or they ruled jointly

>and did Link really give one of them the dick at the end of LoZ2?

Obviously yes, they kissed for sure but not sure what happened after that... Zelda 2 has the distinction of being one of the games at the end of the timeline so nothing is known of what happened afterwards

>is there some reason that Hyrule radically reorganizes between games?
Well just like in our real world the hyrule rearranges itself, lakes dry up and form, volcanoes erupt, forests die and flourish, etc. Keep in mind sometimes there is a span of thousands of years between games

>what's up with the Magical Sword from Zelda 1 and where was the Master Sword?
The magical sword may be a form of the tempered or master sword but this is unknown. As shown in the wind waker, the master sword has the tendency to lose its power over time

>what of Labrynna and Holodrum?
What of them? They're still there
>was that truly the end of Ganon after LoZ2?
so far...
>is my waifu Marin really gone
Yes. At the end of Link's Awakening, after saving a land our hero was faced with a terrible decision of destroying another one or living in a dream world forever

Hit me up with more questions if you want

>> No.534419

The cutscenes are the best part. At least you can laugh at them. And the soundtrack I guess.

>> No.534574

Did you try playing it with the controller's vibration turned off?
I got some issues with it too, most people did. I you search on the Internet, you'll that you're not the only one. Somehow the NGC port of MM frozed a lot.

But people said that the issues were greatly reduced when they turned off the vibration.

>> No.534975

I did this once. I still think Romani Ranch is the most beautifully constructed sidequest despite Kafei/Anju's quest tree and dialogue being more complex.


Fun Fact:

- If you defeat 'them' on the first night then on the second day Cremia will be sitting inside the barn milking the cows in preparation for the night.

- However, if you DO NOT defeat 'them', then the roof of the barn will be blown off as the cows are captured. Cremia will still be there, sitting in the same spot, crying for her sister under the open sky, while the rain is allowed to pour down onto her when it showers on the second day.

>> No.535046

that opening song DID make it the best game of all time though

seriously though, it was a pretty fun platformer dspite it's giant flaws like the 100 banana gold bananas and shit