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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 323 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5246039 No.5246039 [Reply] [Original]

whats the point of dosbox in this day and age? most games you would want to play on it have better dedicated ports youb can install and add the original game files to is there anything gaming related its still useful for?

>> No.5246049

nope, absolutely nothing. dosbox is pure cancer and should die already. dosbox faggots are the worst

>> No.5246050

>most games
But not all. Thus, DOSBox.

>> No.5246056

DOS games that don't have dedicated ports you can install and add the original games files to, primarily.

>> No.5246058

The majority of dos games don't have any ports and whether the ports are better is highly debatable.

>> No.5246059

and honestly what games are those? even blood has a port thats better than running in dosbox

>> No.5246068

How is bloodgdx better than running it in dosbox?

>> No.5246069

OP is a retard

>> No.5246071

Neck yourself Zoomer

t. vogons dor org & DOSBox contributor

>> No.5246074

What board do you think this is?

>> No.5246075

in every possible way? better controls looks nicer can actually control resolution in a sane way can be easily and non obstructively ran in a window and doesnt require manually modifying a config file to change things

>> No.5246087

>better controls
You can freely choose the control scheme in the original if you wanted too
>looks nicer
Looking at the screenshots it looks far worse.
>can actually control resolution
Why would you want to play it in a non-default resolution?
>non obstructively ran in a window
So does the DOSBOX version
>doesnt require manually modifying a config file to change things
There is no reason to change the config file since the default Blood is already the perfect 10/10 game. Every change would only make it worse.

Also the Bloodwiki admits that Bloodgdx has an inaccurate colour palette which is an absolute no-go.

>> No.5246096

excuse after excuse bloodGDX comes setup pretty much the way i would play any shooter to mer it comes better setup than GZdoom which i need to turn off filters and other shit to make playable

>> No.5246108

>most games you would want to play on it have better dedicated ports

But not Comanche

>> No.5246116

>and honestly what games are those?
Literally hundreds of them besides entrylevel "TOP 10 MOST POPULAR DOS GAMES" usuals.

>> No.5246117

even ultima fucking 7 has a source port

>> No.5246119

>most games OP would want to play on it
there is a gorillion games that do not have ports

playing on real hardware is still better but dosbox is a nice convenience

>> No.5246120

Can you please fuck off? Far off, preferably.

>> No.5246124

>entrylevel "TOP 10 MOST POPULAR DOS GAMES" usuals

>> No.5246126

honestly i would love to play on real hardware but for classic machines everyone wants 2-300 dollars and freedos is a giant turd

>> No.5246135

>source port

i don't think you know what that word means.jpg

>> No.5246137

ok not source port but you get what i mean it has something that made for playing it on modern machines

>> No.5246138

Betrayal at Krondor
Alpha Storm
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Crazy Cars III/Lamborghini American Challenge (though they are better if played on Amiga in my opinion)
Pizza tycoon
Red Baron
Here, just from the top of my head. I didn't even went to obscure stuff.

>> No.5246142

betrayal at crendor? since when does a podcast host have a classic game?

>> No.5246156

>Big Red Racing
>Operation Carnage
>Dyna Blaster
>Grand Theft Auto
>Jazz Jackrabbit
>Lotus 3
>Megarace 2
>Seek and Destory
>Acclaim Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics
>SU-27 Flanker
feel free to waste time on looking for ports when stuff just werks in dosbox

>> No.5246163
File: 25 KB, 256x303, Master of Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a port for pic related OP. It's much better than any of the games that do have ports.

>> No.5246167

its shit

>> No.5246175

Where's Avoid The Noid?

>> No.5246178

in the garbage bin where it belongs

>> No.5246186

that game is actually p. fun though

>> No.5246190

>and honestly what games are those?
Do you really need a list? There's a niche wolf simulation game simply titled
"Wolf." As far as I'm aware, there is no port or reverse engineering of it. Yes, lots of FPS games have tons of ports, but there are tons of niche things which don't. Please attempt to make higher quality posts in the future.

>even blood has a port thats better than running in dosbox
There is more to dos games than "muh blood."

>> No.5246195

>Avoid The Noid
>Burger Time
>Yo Noid
>MC Kids
>California Raisins
>that XBox Burger King Sneak King game
Why are Amerifats so obsessed with making games based around food/burger chains?

>> No.5246204

Funny you should mention that considering all those Euro computer ports of MC Kids (it was sold as McDonaldland over there).

>> No.5246216


>> No.5246372

It's not an RTS you imbecile.

>> No.5246378

>top down view

its SHIT garbage trash SHIT bad horrible terrible and fucking SHIT

>> No.5246379

I was unaware someone ported every dos game :(

Where can I find this guys site?

>> No.5246383

>Avoid The Noid
>Yo Noid
>MC Kids
>that XBox Burger King Sneak King game
All of those were sponsored by the companies as marketing. Just like the Pepsiman game.
>California Raisins
This was part of a weird marketing push by the state of California in order to help out raisin farmers. Google the name. They had these creepy animations of singing raisins. It actually got popular enough to win a fucking Emmy.
>Burger Time
That was a japanese game you retard. It just got renamed from "Hamburger" since the VP of marketing for Data East in the US was worried about McDonalds or Burger King attempting to sue over the name.

>> No.5246385
File: 276 KB, 295x424, McDonaldland_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up. You're not innocent of this either.

>> No.5246391

>whats the point of dosbox in this day and age?
Dosbox is an emulator for people who are too lazy or stupid to setup their own PCem/86box DOS6.2/Win3.11 VM. It handles most things alright, but there's still a number of DOS and Win3.x games that just don't work right with it.

>> No.5246417

>too stupid
you can literally buy one for 300 dollars and setting up dos is easy as fuck especially with a floppy disk emulation

>> No.5246437

I highly doubt anyone unable to install DOS on a VM will find installing it on real hardware to be any easier.

>> No.5246445

such terrible trolling should be a bannable offense on /vr/

>> No.5246454

I once looked at the source code of DosBox.
The scalers are done in a completely batshit way. Major case of pre-processor abuse.

>> No.5246603

>most games you would want to play on it have better dedicated ports
You don't know enough about DOS games. If you seriously have to ask what the point of dosbox is on a retro gaming forum you perhaps shouldn't be on the forum in the first place.

>> No.5246609

And Ultima 5 doesn't.

>> No.5246653

>whats the point of dosbox in this day and age?

I don't know? You tell me why I can't run my win95 copy of Mechwarrior 2 on my modern pc that's not using either winxp or win7 or a vm.

>> No.5246682

Have you tried Wine?

>> No.5246724

It doesn't work on Wine. Lots of older stuff doesn't because Wine only attempts to implement the win32 api and not any of the hacky windows/dos synergy that a lot of early win95 games relied on.

>> No.5246735

It's not the real game

>> No.5246798

Is this a really veiled pls recommend some gaems thread OP? We're not fucking /v/, just ask directly.

>> No.5246818

I'm using windows 10, isn't wine a non-windows thing?

>> No.5246827
File: 16 KB, 640x480, windows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some good DOS games that don't (as far as I know) have accurate modern Windows source ports.
>Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
>Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
>Star Wars: Dark Forces
>Duke Nukem original trilogy, Duke Nukem II
>Dune and Dune 2
>Epic Pinball
>Jill of the Jungle
>Commander Keen series
>Mechwarrior 2
>Megaman 1 and Megaman 3
>Vinyl Goddess from Mars
>Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny

Not to mention the countless Windows 3.1 games (Tong-Nou, Exile series, Windows Entertainment Pack series etc. etc. etc.) that are a pain in the tush to get running in Windows 10... DosBox might not be perfect, but in most cases it's a very convenient and reliable "just works" option for any older PC games you want to play in 2018.

>> No.5246828

The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki

>> No.5246847
File: 196 KB, 1190x767, faith_close_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use PCem. I can tell you the benefit is I can actually play the PC games I still own.

When will GOG get Discworld Noir or Callahan's Crosstime Saloon? I don't have to wait for an answer as I own these games already.

>> No.5246863

One of the games I use dosbox for.
It also might be in my top 3 games of all time, and I didn't even play it until 2011.
Warcraft 3 custom games were just too good so it can't get to #1.

I've also played warcraft 1, 2 and warlords 2 through dosbox, but I don't think I have to play wc1 and 2 through dosbox. It was just more convenient that way.

>> No.5246876
File: 129 KB, 639x337, larry (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People talk about playing video games as they were "intended" on CRT monitors.

Well, with PCem you can play video games as they were intended using the right CPU speeds. On a 486 machine, you can actually make out animations and other details that would just fly by in a port.

>> No.5246907

I like DOSBox. It gives more people access to great old games without too much of a hassle. I also use it to run some old 2D/3D software for shits n giggles.

>> No.5246909

>Not to mention the countless Windows 3.1 games (Tong-Nou, Exile series, Windows Entertainment Pack series etc. etc. etc.) that are a pain in the tush to get running in Windows 10
Garfield: Caught in the Act

>> No.5246914

Oh wow, even Blood? No way, you mean one of the most popular titles for an engine that people jerk off nonstop received a source port? Next you will tell me Doom or System Shock got one too!

I love Blood, but there are tons of games out there that will never see the light of day if not for people using DOSbox. I like pushing "Escape from Hell" because it is so original, but there are plenty of other cool titles.

>> No.5246917

>whats the point of dosbox in this day and age?
To run ancient PC games on new computers?

>> No.5247872

Isn't xu4 able to play Ultima V too?

Just emulate CD32 version. Better music plus quality of life features - way better controller & remapping support, save states if you want them, etc.
>Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny
They have proper source ports.
>Duke Nukem original trilogy
reDuke is reverse engineered but the save states and high scores are compatible with original so i say it's pretty accurate.
>Dune 2
Isn't OpenDUNE2 accurate?
I heard there is a port too. Not much else i know about this.

>Not to mention the countless Windows 3.1 games
Yep. That's the only way to play some Cyberflyx quests, for example.

>When will GOG get Discworld Noir or Callahan's Crosstime Saloon?
More like - when will Scumm/ResidualVM have it. Redpill me on PCem - can you play isos with it?


>> No.5247885

No. xu4 can't even play Ultima 3 even though the engine is nearly identical.
Covering 1-3 and possibly 5 was a goal after the 1.0 release but the program hasn't advanced beyond beta stage for the past decade

>> No.5247921


>> No.5247923


PCem supports ISOs and the CUE/BIN format.

>> No.5248061

That's just MC Kids, they changed the name in Europe for some reason.

>> No.5248064
File: 53 KB, 496x602, dld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman 1 and Megaman 3

>> No.5248079

>honestly i would love to play on real hardware but for classic machines everyone wants 2-300 dollars
I got a 386 shitbox at the local flea market for my 14th birthday. This was back in the early 2000s. It was $25 or something.

>> No.5248081

DOSBox has a lot of fucked mistakes that the devs refuse to fix.

>> No.5248089

The market's changed a lot. Even a shitty adlib clone now runs $80 on ebay. That and most thrift store chains in the US no longer bother with old PCs.

>> No.5248090

Thrift stores haven't taken PCs since the 90s as far as I know.

>> No.5248104

What were its specs?

>> No.5248106

20Mhz 386SX, 1MB of memory (upgraded to 16MB), 70MB hard disk and some Oak VGA card. The OS was DOS 5.0/Windows 3.1.

>> No.5248117

That's a shitbox. You can't run anything good on that. By "good" I mean VGA/Soundblaster DOS games which is what 90% of people mean when they say "DOS" games.

Enjoy your 15 fps EGA games with bleeper sound.

>> No.5248127
File: 11 KB, 358x292, 11 black 4 life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Master of Magic have a port??
Serious question because that would be pretty cool.

>> No.5248129

Yeah I should have clarified. Not all retro PCs are valuable, just the ones that can run Doom.

>> No.5248149

Cool. How about controller support? I have some cheap USB Saturn gamepad knockoff and just want to try it with some DOS stuff sometime.

>> No.5248153

so is JRPG

>> No.5248169

>most games youtube told me to like

>> No.5248209

God no, that's from the dark ages when PCs were only useful for running WordPerfect and Amiga ruled all.

>> No.5248216

Just play Dominions 5. Not retro but it's pretty good. If you like a perpetual learning curve anyway.

>> No.5248242

Half that list is nothing but racing games.

>> No.5248258
File: 330 KB, 800x600, 1545595079478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lost my chance to nab TWO perfect dos/win98 machines for 30$ because I was worried about having anything to eat

and now the prices exploded because old PC nostalgia finally hit my country. at least I still have a Pentium 4 shitbox for stuff that doesn't run good on Win10 anymore

>> No.5248327

And your point is?..

>> No.5248349

>Although popular with the public, the California Raisin campaign eventually failed because its production cost the raisin growers almost twice their earnings. CALRAB, the organization who made the campaign, was also closed on July 31, 1994 due to disagreements with raisin producers over the fairness of required payments to the organization.

>> No.5248350

Why? Sometimes I have no access to my retro machines, so I use DOESBawks.

>> No.5248363

Capcom developed a California Raisins game for the NES, but it was cancelled. There was also the completely different California Raisins PC game made by Box Office Software.

>> No.5248393

i love typing in

>> No.5248445

>Not knowing you can simpy put a dosbox shortcut into your doomfolder and then drag the doom exe into it

>> No.5248452

>most games
when this is "all games", then you might have a point

>> No.5248625

>4 out of 16 is half

on the other hand, could probably add enough racing games to make it actual half

>> No.5248724

But who really gaf about racing games anyway.

>> No.5248729
File: 9 KB, 363x455, dos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5248735

In 1997, the game was ported to PlayStation with various graphical improvements, retitled Civizard: Majutsu no Keifu (シヴィザード 魔術の系譜). This was a Japan-only release by Asmik (developed by Opera House)

>> No.5248737

see >>5248735

>> No.5248743

For Ultima 7? It's a DOSBox package where the shortcut launches DOSBox in the background and does all the mounting commands, etc. If you look in the program's file location, take note of the subdirectory titled DOSBox as well as the file titled dosbox.config (or something to that effect).

>> No.5248748

Ultima 7 has SNES port but it's shit because censorship.

>> No.5248751

Why were Nintendo such faggots?

>> No.5248757

Don't ask me. Nintendo censorship was retarded in the 90s.

>> No.5248793

>Not knowing the beauty of moving through your perfectly sorted game directories in DOS

>> No.5248849

Deathtrack was the shit

>> No.5248854

>whats the point
>most games

>> No.5248865

>go on Vogons
>guy innocently asks about help running some old application and that DOSBox doesn't support printing
>gets rudely told "Hurr DOSBox is for games we don't support printing unless it's a third party/custom build"
Can we have a little more civility, please?

>> No.5248867

>someone is rude on the internet

>> No.5248882

>t. casual who never beat Sharkman's stage

Let's not forget splitscreen multiplayer classics like Liero, Triplane Turmoil, Cyberdogz, etc. etc.

>> No.5248945
File: 217 KB, 1066x600, 1533968932692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. zoomer sped

>> No.5249037

Wouldn't PCem work better for that?

>> No.5249140

That isn't the point, the point is that they responded like 12 year olds.

>> No.5249209

PCem does not forward serial and parallel to real ports
A lot of time questions like that are being asked by commercial entities trying to use Dosbox as a drop in solution for their lath, POS system, CNC machine, etc, etc. In the past they've had to push back on IT departments pressuring them for features and support when it was never designed to be in a production environment.
Besides, DOSBox-X DOES actively support these things.

>> No.5249219
File: 2.03 MB, 1335x1000, ULTIMA6-181219-221557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can run DOSBox through RetroArch and slap cool shaders on it
Feels good man.
>mfw typing and hotkeys conflict with RetroArch's own keys
Feels bad man.

>> No.5249220

Maybe these guys should upgrade their CNC setups instead of using programs written in 1985.

>> No.5249436

So? Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

>> No.5249439

I can see that butthurt Vogons admins are here.

>> No.5249456

>go on Vogons
>except anything except ubergodtier autism

Maybe you should check out how much that would cost.

>> No.5249587
File: 216 KB, 1368x768, Clipboarder.2017.12.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention the countless Windows 3.1 games that are a pain in the tush to get running in Windows 10...
Most Win3.1 games will still run reasonably well on Win10 assuming you're one of the 8 people still running 32-bit Windows.

>> No.5249592

>Just emulate CD32 version.
Setting up an Amiga emulator is an even bigger pain than setting a DOS emu.

>> No.5249652

>whats the point of dosbox in this day and age? most games you would want to play on it have better dedicated ports youb can install and add the original game files to
I don't know, would I rather install one piece of software that can run all my DOS games, or dozens of sketchy third-party source ports? Sounds like you answered your own question.

>> No.5249670

Setting up FS-UAE is just dropping the bioses in the directory of choice, selecting what machine you are emulating and running the floppy image or virtual hard drive. And setting up DOS emulation is drag&drop .exe on the DOSBox icon.

>> No.5249926

>changing one directory at a time
>using 'cd ..' ever
>typing file extensions
Let me show you how it's done, laddie.

Two commands are all you need for any game.

>> No.5249951

The real pros have all the cd shenanigans setup in the autoexec file.

>> No.5250021

>not having a PCem/86box VM setup with 6.2 with doshell
>not having every installed and configured game ready to go through a menu entry
Step it up son.

>> No.5250091

It's not even a port. Ultima VII was spread over eight 1.2 MB high density floppies and the games files were compressed on the disks. An actual install was around 25 MB.

The largest super Nintendo carts, on the other hand, were Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean which used special chips to uncompress data on the fly. Star Ocean is still only ~10 MB uncompressed.

There's no way to fit Ultima VII on a SNES cart even if Nintendo weren't babies about blood. It's a dumb spin-off, nothing more.

>> No.5250104

you need to be careful, you know why we lost underground gamer.

>> No.5250414

The PC code is probably more bloated than SNES code though. For one thing, it would have been written in C++ while SNES games are usually assembly language. Another thing to consider is that the PC would have used full 32-bit 386 code which also takes more space than the 16-bit code on the SNES.

>> No.5250429

The code is not even remotely the largest part of Ultima VII. Also, the game used an unconventional memory manager and took advantage of undocumented behavior in the 286 and 386 processors (unreal mode). It's unlikely that C++ was used as no toolchain supported the Voodoo Memory Manager.

>> No.5250449


This seems to suggest C++ was definitely used.

>> No.5250452

>a single header file
>.h extension
So it's written in C then, not C++.

>> No.5250457

Whatever was used, it was definitely an HLL and not assembly like SNES games.

>> No.5250464

It was likely a mixture of both.

>> No.5250517

Maybe I'm a brainlet then but I couldn't get Neuromancer running on FS-UAE at a decent framerate even though I tried several different bioses. The most daunting emulator (and, I guess, system) I have encountered.

>> No.5250519

Amiga emulation is a bitch because it's a complicated system to emulate and there's a lot of different models and configurations.

>> No.5250529

BARIS and GP Manager come to mind.

>> No.5250530

plenty of lesser known games from that era don't have source ports so it still has its uses

but i bet that's been stated 20 times in this thread already so i dunno why i bothered

>> No.5250551

the file extension tells you nothing about whether it's c or c++. there's no actual standard for these extensions and .h is actually more popular than .hpp for c++ projects.

like the other anon said, it was probably both. you can just plop assembly into the middle of your c/c++ code and a lot of old games did it for performance-critical code.

>> No.5250552
File: 3.96 MB, 4337x4762, 1407642905441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread shows that maybe a small source port overview for dos games would be useful?
We can limit ourselves to the /vr/ recommendations.

>> No.5250554

>List of Worthwhile DOS Games
According to whom? A lot of that is stuff I wouldn't play and quite a few games are better played on the Amiga.

>> No.5250557

1) C++ compilers were not common in this period for DOS and few developers knew the language. Pascal, C, and Assembly were more common.

2) The Serpent Isle prototype outright refers to a main.c file.

>> No.5250558

Ultima VII is a typical late era 32-bit protected mode DOS game, it probably uses DOS4GW which was supplied free with a C++ compiler to write your software in.

>> No.5250560

It's not protected mode - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultima_VII:_The_Black_Gate#Compatibility_with_modern_systems_and_fan_projects

>> No.5250565

I remember setting up a special config.sys for Ultima 7. It uses XMS instead of EMS memory manager. Fortunately MS-DOS 6 is capable of providing a boot menu that uses different configuration of autoexec.bat and config.sys.

>> No.5250570

The link says U7 used a hack where it puts the CPU into protected mode and then drops back into real mode without clearing some registers which then allows access of extended memory from real mode.

>> No.5250576

There are a lot of a weird hacky tricks you could do on x86 CPUs including the high memory trick used to access 64k of extended memory from real mode. Windows 3.x also used a hax trick to put the CPU back into real mode when you exited out of it since it was designed for a 286 which normally didn't provide any provisions for that (induce deliberate segment fault and the CPU will fall back into real mode).

>> No.5250605
File: 2.72 MB, 2094x3881, 1420526996928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people's tastes differ
Why, I never ever heard of something so shocking before!

>> No.5250621

>Ultima 8
Are you kidding?

>> No.5250628

In that case, it was cheap to pass off that chart as if it were objective truth.

>> No.5250645

>pass off that chart as if it were objective truth
What are you smoking? Where does it say that? These are old /vr/ recommendation charts. They have been around for a while and are useful as an indicators for stuff that has been talked about often. If you wanna discuss sourceports vs dosbox this is as good of a list to make an overview out of as any.
Objective truth? Are you delusional?

>> No.5250649

And fuck LGR.

>> No.5250668

>corporate shill comes onto 4channel to insult people hanging onto free/old stuff instead of buying whatever new Chinese-made shit is being shoveled out

> Probably the same anon I saw on /v/ calling CRTs "smelly"

>> No.5250952

ROFL did Princess Sevenleaf seriously just defend MegaMan DOS?

>> No.5251189

It's a tripfag. What honestly did you expect?

>> No.5251202

Well they're not gonna remake Scorched Earth.

So yeah I'll keep my dosbox

>> No.5251203


>> No.5251206

Fuck LGR and his shitty hipster tastes and his hording and his nails on a chalkboard voice and his smug little face you want to punch.

>> No.5251289

To each his own?

>> No.5251308
File: 251 KB, 1272x654, dosbox_crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just use dosbox fork with shader support.
It has probably newer versions but haven't checked in for ages.

>> No.5251309

Why so angry though?

>> No.5251358

Wing Commander 3 and IV on windows is better than DOS, mainly due to Directx support
Wing Commander 1 on DOS HATES fast machines, the Windows Version has fixed frame-rates via patch WC2 on DOS is still better, thogh Wing Commander CIC is fixing that on PC
Need for Speed SE hates DOS, it was made with Windows in Mind.

>> No.5251382

Wow, if you hat LGR you most really loathe MJR.

>> No.5251395

ait 1st i though that this thread wasn't bait.
now i have the proof that this was made by a resetera /v/irgin wants some (you)

so please, go back to your containment board with your tranny bowsettes anon

>> No.5252179

>most games you would want to play on it have better dedicated ports youb

Most? Most games work on DOSBox default setting. Other games get ignored because unpopular. Even for those that do get ports, they have worse performance than DOSBox, which has low sys req, and works on any Windows OS from Win 98 onwards. e.g. SDL port of Blake Stone is a resource hog for no damn reason.

>> No.5252181

>MOM is a JRPG
/v/ invaded?

>> No.5252183

I just type out a batch file and click on it.

>> No.5252189

That looks like the built in RGB2x and TV filter for vanilla Dosbox. You don't need retroarch or whatever.

>> No.5252193

>I want DOSBOX and vogons to support my accounting department with outdated software I pirated as from my dad.

Is this a meme or are businesses really this retarded?

>> No.5252270

Lotta pointless work to avoid typing two simple commands, fellas. My way is best. Two effortless lines but no automation needed. Just enough to stop you getting lazy.

u wot? That's great if you want to set your OS up to play one single game and nothing else, I guess.

>> No.5252336

>lotta pointless work to avoid doing pointless work every time you wanna play

Back in 88, some company hired a programmer to write them a DOS program to run their packing machinery from 1982 over a RS232 port. Worked fucking great. 10 years later, they haven't seen as much profit as they thought they would, and it's time to upgrade. They run out, buy the cheapest machine they can, then try to shove the program on there. Doesn't work. They hire someone to come in and make it work. It works now. So now they are using some program made back in 88 on a PC from 98 to run hardware they bought back in 82. Come 2008, in order to upgrade from here they would need to buy a new machine, new computer, then new software to run that machine. That ain't gonna happen. Instead the head IT guy will get tasked with creating a working DOS environment on modern hardware.

This happens across all industries. This is why 6502's, Z80's, and 68000's are still being manufactured and used by the "embedded" crowd. Hell, fucking Weather Channel was using SGI Indy machines to do their overlays and graphics up until about 2010 or so. Amiga's with Video Toaster were still in widespread use by TV stations and movie studios in the 90's, despite being painfully outdated by then.

It gets worse when you bring in specialized hardware. I did some work for a college once, they had some high-tech bio lab setup. Four of the computers were WinXP machines running on old Core 2 Duo's, since the software they used for the special machines they had only had drivers for WinXP and older, and newer machines don't have drivers for anything besides Win10. The IT department actually had to keep a reserve of old WinXP machines for when one went down. The company that made the hardware and software apparently doesn't even exist anymore, and the college didn't want to re-do the entire program to remove the machines, or spend tons of money on new machines and software.

>> No.5252346

>work in telecom
>special tools no one else uses

>best multimeter is from 2002. No sooner or later

>best otdr for field use still costs $5000, is from 2004-8, runs wince, and is awesome

>9/10 central offices still run a GTD5 switch, which is ancient big iron shit.

>> No.5252348

Nobody still makes 68000s. The other two are still used in some embedded stuff, yes.

>> No.5252370

>Nobody still makes 68000s
NXP still makes them: https://www.mouser.com/Semiconductors/Integrated-Circuits-ICs/Embedded-Processors-Controllers/Microprocessors-MPU/M68000-Core/_/N-a86qz?P=1yzrsew

>> No.5252383

>9/10 central offices still run a GTD5 switch, which is ancient big iron shit
Not really surprised. From what I've seen Telecom as a whole is a giant experiment on seeing if you can run a communications network with sections made out of duct tape.

>> No.5252521

Kennedy-era computers with 5.25" floppy drives are still being used to control our nuclear launch systems, it's fucking crazy.

>> No.5252529

>most games you would want to play on it have better dedicated ports youb can install and add the original game files to
Ok OP just because all you played was Doom / Wolf / Duke3D doesn't mean the rest of us have such limited taste.
I reached the point where I installed windows 3.1 inside of dosbox to play some win3.1 exclusives.
i feel safer with that than if they were some bullshit internet connected made in china intel management engine backdoor pc

>> No.5252697

I recall trying Windows 3.1 inside Dosbox a few times and it only took a few minutes for the desktop graphics to get corrupted and turn into a garbled mess just from normal usage, have they improved that now?

>> No.5252918

>Things are super-durable and work
>They are also near impossible to influence from afar in any way
I fear the day when flight control computers are going to go beyon Win 3.1, because some moron will decide you need to "upgrade" them since they are "too old".

>> No.5252928

I'm pretty sure Mechwarrior 2 doesn't have a source port yet, so checkmate, fag. Hell, half the old shit that GoG has is just running through dosbox because there isn't a very large percentage of games that actually got source ports compared to the entire library.

>> No.5252946

That's security through obscurity and I bet nobody else uses these computers which makes them safe.

>> No.5253181

>Mechwarrior 2 doesn't have a source port yet,
You can always emulate PSX version for le ARCADE immersion.... again emulation.

>> No.5253194

>security through obscurity
isnt that considered a very bad idea from all security experts? and don't the USA military actually have a budget to spend on their own specialised hardware/software instead of running stuff on DOSBox for shits and giggles? from what i read, they were at least on the forefront of virtualised machines for their desktop computers, which are suppose to be totally failsafe against hacking.

>> No.5253208

The console ports belong into the trash

>> No.5253220

I've been using DOSBox/Win3 for 2 years - installed over 30 games - no graphics problems
If you follow the "Windows 3.1x DOSBox Guide" forum post, you shouldn't have any problems

>> No.5253225

>5.25" floppy drives
>Kennedy era

>> No.5253245

UG was my favorite site on the internet ever. RIP.

>> No.5253248

Apparently, the venerable floppy disk drive was invented in 1967 by IBM and those were 8 inch floppy disks. They were commercialized in 1971 and made writable in 1973. 5.25 inch disks were developed in the late 70's.


>> No.5253253

The 5.25" disk was developed by Shugart in 1976 to cater to the nascent microcomputer industry as 8" drives were too unwieldy and expensive. That said, I'm very certain that when Kennedy was president, the only storage methods in use were magnetic tapes.

>> No.5253264

Hard disks were invented in the 50s and you still used punched tape and cards.

>> No.5253531 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 200x200, 1546017790871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us on that doll where did LGR touch you.

>> No.5253557

This, exactly.

>> No.5254517

I didn't say which Kennedy.

>> No.5254526


i don't speak japanese

>> No.5254561

A translation is in the works...or already available...I don't remember

>> No.5254564

LGR isn't the best, but this also isn't the best bait, jew.

>> No.5254591

you have to spell out that an opinion is an opinion.
i don't know why, but that's how it is

>> No.5254609

>he doesn't know about winevdm

>> No.5254615

i don't see anything online relating to a translation

>> No.5254682

the need for speed

>> No.5254686

>most games
Most ports I've seen of games I want to play use a DOSBox wrapper.

>> No.5255228
File: 97 KB, 700x819, IBM HDD 5MB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5255272

by "most" you mean normie stuff like Doom and Wolf3D? thats nice and all, but its still missing hundreds upon hundreds of titles you never even heard of and lots of which can be a true hidden gem, Dosbox is far from unneeded

>> No.5255453

>who are you not quoting

>> No.5255625

Tried Dosbox on RA, the mouse lag was unbearable.

>> No.5255629

>but its still missing hundreds upon hundreds of titles you never even heard of and lots of which can be a true hidden gem, Dosbox is far from unneeded
It's also a bit dodgy with the really early PC stuff from 82-85.

>> No.5255963
File: 9 KB, 640x349, EGA-Trek-Mongol-Battleship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well how else am I going to play EGA Trek?

>> No.5256257

On your great grandfathers PC with a booster seat?

>> No.5258156

Who really cares about that shit though? It's fine for about 80% of the games normal, sane non-autists want to play.

>> No.5258219

That aspect ratio is way off.

>> No.5258229

Yeah, 16 color EGA 640x350 should have pixel aspect ratio of 1:1.37, so the image should be stretched to 4:3 "640x480" for display.

>> No.5258276

The aspect ratio is correct for a VGA monitor. If you had used a real EGA card and monitor, it would be 4:3. Since this game came out in the 90s however, it was probably written and tested on a machine with VGA and almost everyone who played it same.

>> No.5258362

Not many people had the 350 line EGA monitors in the 80s, they were expensive and only supported by business software. Usually you just used them with a 200 line CGA monitor.

>> No.5258437

Someone on VCFED tested one of the Commander Keen games with a real EGA card and it produced a screen full of garbage. He found out that the game expected 256k of video memory. Since like EGA Trek, the Keen games were released in the 90s, I doubt John Carmack ever tested them on a real EGA card.

The other thing they found out is that VGA cards are _much_ faster than EGA and the game ran at a snail's pace.

>> No.5258601

Fix the aspect ratio by setting aspect=true in the config file.

>> No.5259521

>>lotta pointless work to avoid doing pointless work every time you wanna play
Two commands, m8. Literally quicker & easier than navigating your file manager to a batch file and double clicking it.

>> No.5259562

EGA Mode F on VGA monitors looks like >>5255963 and there's black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. If you used a real EGA monitor, it would be 4:3 and fill the entire screen.

>> No.5259993

I know. aspect=true fixes this.

>> No.5260009

I need DOSBOX to play ports of NHL games that were better than what was on SNES/Genesis.

>> No.5260948

It would also refresh at 60Hz on a real EGA monitor while VGA uses 70Hz refresh.

>> No.5261376

Look up Scorched3D on github.

>> No.5261383

However, the vast majority of people will have played EGA Trek on a VGA card and monitor especially since it came out in the 90s and so the >>5255963 aspect ratio can be considered more accurate.

>> No.5261418

Also why the fetish for using outdated graphics modes like these for games made in the 90s?

>> No.5261445

They wanted higher resolution than VGA Mode 13 but EGA graphics were a bit lower calorie and ran faster than VGA hi-res.

>> No.5262857


>> No.5262950
File: 55 KB, 1024x683, IBM 7534+Tandy 1000SL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of EGA Mode F on a real monitor at 4:3 aspect ratio. This is actually an IBM 7534 which is an industrial model monitor built to much higher specs than the 5154 (which was also not known for its outstanding reliability).

>> No.5263019
File: 2.70 MB, 854x480, watchv=9Cgi7N-RJMU-[00.23.800-00.34.933].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He must be this rock.

>> No.5263037

I don't know what if anything LGR was expecting to find at a Goodwill in this day and age except old keyboards and cell phone chargers.

>> No.5263040

way better shit then I ever find.

>> No.5263054

Where's the list of /vr/ approved DOS videogames?

>> No.5263065

I encountered a C64 in its original box a few months ago and I wanted it for myself, but wasn't sure it would work or not (with breadbin C64s it's always iffy). So I went on /g/ and mentioned it and said if anyone in my area was interested and would like to go and get the thing. Some guy claimed he would check it out, so I don't know whatever did happen, but I went back a few days later and it was gone.

If I found it a home, then I'm satisfied. :^)

>> No.5263375

There's a game called capitalism? Lmao

>> No.5263410

They sell new LCD monitors that accept EGA signals for legacy CNC equipment.

>> No.5263413
File: 134 KB, 640x480, capmain_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5263420
File: 55 KB, 474x296, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm...How about the literal best classic game ever?

>> No.5263519

It's damn good you pleb.