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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5238320 No.5238320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's it like having a retro gamer gf?

>> No.5238324

I have no clue. My girl plays the fucking sims

>> No.5238327

Its great! I get respect from thousands of strangers online

>> No.5238328

That GBC is older than she is.

>> No.5238337

too young for me

>> No.5238340

>inb4 everyone larps having a gamer gf

>> No.5238353

No you don't faggot.

>> No.5238357

Ok, this is epic

>> No.5238358

>everyone happy is larping!

Sucks to be you, Cheetus
It's great. My wife took over soldering of RGB mods and region free chips. She's still bad at fighting games and gets blocked in RPGs with meaningful inventory management once in a while. It's really comfy to have a live-in buddy and a wife in one person, though.
But, aside from that, it gets normal pretty fast. Makes you realize having a wife you like spending your hobby time with is normal and not some grand achievement. That being lonely and not having nearly all interests in common with your significant other is for people whose personality is too foul to be really loved and that way of being is sadly too common. It's harsh, but true.

>> No.5238361 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, nesmini_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, unless she tries too hard like the girl in OP

>> No.5238367

Pretty gud.
She's really picky though, always plays the same few games over and over.
Mostly Lemmings and the Tomb Raider series.
Strangely enough she doesn't like Zelda either. I thought it was a given for gamer girls. She finds it boring.

>> No.5238440

It's nice, though we don't have the most overlap with retro things. She likes a lot of roguelikes that I don't care for that much. At least we both like id games.

>> No.5238458

Girls don't play old games where I'm from...or games at all for that matter

>> No.5238464



Anyone who still fondly remembers the NES, SNES, Genesis or anything before N64 as a part of their childhood is too much of an old fart to date pic-related and that's assuming you don't creep her out at first.Only Zoomer Chads can date her. Just a harsh reality we have to accept.

t. a self-aware boomer

>> No.5238468

A girl I dated years ago asked if she could borrow FF7 so I let her. When she complained about the difficulty I came over and noticed she was still using all the starting equipment a good ways in. She had somehow never figured out the equip menu.

>> No.5238513

nut retro

>> No.5238527

How much time do you really spend modding your consoles?
Just play the games fgt

>> No.5238529

>Single player games
Your girls a hoe

>> No.5238536
File: 79 KB, 500x504, spyro shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strangely enough she doesn't like Zelda either I thought it was a given for gamer girls She finds it boring

That's a common complain against one of the dullest series of all time. Seriously each episode following the boy "adventurer" and his pals from Hyrule as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the cartoonish imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of repetitive puzzles, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Nintendo vetoed the idea of a third party producing the games; Miyanoto made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody- just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for their annual "party games". The Zelda series might be antiSony (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Spyro series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement.

>a-at least the platforming elements were good though


The writing is dreadful; the exploration was nonexistent. As I played, I noticed that every time Link went to "explore" a largely empty world, Nintendo shoehorned in some repetitive puzzles to pad out the game. I began marking on the back of a Nintendo Power magazine every time I came to the same rehashed box pushing/lever pulling puzzles. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Nintendo's team is so governed by cliches and milking tired franchises ad nauseum that they have no other style of development. Later I watched a lavish, loving Let's Play of The Ocarina of Time by some YouTube manchild. He said something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Ocarina of Time at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to owning a Nintendo Switch." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play The Ocarina of Time you are, in fact, trained to play the same dull Nintendo rehashes decade after decade

>> No.5238538

Like putting the wrong cartridge in the slot.

>> No.5238540

What will she do with her Dad's VHS'?

>> No.5238546

Gamer girls are hoes, so is any girl who says she's into traditionally male hobbies

>> No.5238550

>girls are hoes

>> No.5238556

She looks like...I dunno...16-17? Meaning those games are older than her. Women are hilarious when it comes to attention whoring.

>> No.5238558

My GF still has her N64, occasionally plays Podracer on it, in which she fucking owns, also she is a huge Star Wars Geek. Other than that, we mostly play last gen.
Relationship wise she's very easy to handle, we never had a real fight, she enjoys the sex and we also share the /tg/ and /tv/ interest.

>> No.5238574

You have the preassumption that people only play old videogames nowadays because they were a part of their childhood. That is not the case.

>> No.5238591

That's actually a pretty cool collection VHS tapes

>> No.5238601
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I knew a girl that said she played pokemon. She proceeded to get tattoos and fucked every nigger in town. Video games and anime are not healthy hobbies and lead to mental illness and being a slut. western women are a mess they only play games for attention. you ever seen a girl wear one of these pokemon outfits? shes the town whore.

>> No.5238606

those are vhs tapes
she probably stole those anime tapes from her older brothers or dads cuckshed to post on facebook.

>> No.5238610

>tfw no gf but instead I have a wife who looks like a child
It's really nice.
My wife loves playing retro games, we share many similar tastes and she mostly plays action-adventure games and JRPGs.

We finally have a daughter.

>> No.5238613
File: 217 KB, 841x949, tomoko___watamote_by_vector_chan-d6lzr0s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obligatory "all "nerd" girls and western women are coalburning degenerate whores post
>inb4 I just want an azn waifu who respects "muh traditions" because anime said so

I'm there's an irl Tomoko waiting for you anon.

>> No.5238615
File: 25 KB, 250x241, 1545324921050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a woman with an agreeable disposition in general - not just one who agrees with your hobbies.

>> No.5238616
File: 48 KB, 640x479, H_lDSXmHlVLU3fAExIa8jY6zu1XGwXYz6a4oQGuv3jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl isn't a gamer, she's a selfie tramp. Hear me out, if she were a gamer, the gameboy would be facing the other way so she could play it and see the screen, not pose with it like a necklace.

A true retro gamer gf has actual gaming skills like pic related.

>> No.5238618

Personally, I don't see appeal of having nerdy gf.

>> No.5238619

Still a nice set of tapes.

>> No.5238621
File: 97 KB, 700x708, walrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to tell you this anon, but you gf may be a lesbian. She just likes looking at Lara's ass. You might get her into Zelda titles by showing her Link's crossdressing section in BOTW.

>> No.5238623


And another "this". The frog speaks the truth. Just cause a girl shares your hobbies doesn't she was meant to be with you or that she will be a good g/f

>> No.5238628

I don't know but I think only here I can read this kind of post, were it on any other forum, you would have been unanimously made fun of for being a tryhard retarded underage.

>> No.5238632

You don't have all wrongs tho.
>Animes and vgs are not healthy for an adult
Quite true.

>> No.5238643

No girlfriend, no wife, no children. I'm dying, Hawk. ;_;

>> No.5238645

western azn women act just like slutty spoiled whites and most are mutts anyways. No girl wants to be with a manchild thats only hobby is video games and he still lives with his parents in his 30s. But its also hard to find a gf thats not a crazy soul sucking bitch thats hit the wall.
congrats but you probably should stay away from children.

>> No.5238650

Why should I stay away from children.

>> No.5238656


>> No.5238680

>come home from work
>girlfriend is sitting there naked on the couch playing Chrono Trigger in the same spot she was when I left that morning
>dirty dishes and empty drink cans all over the table
>whole condo smells like weed
>dog needs to go out
>kiss her hello
>she says "will you take the dog out and maybe pick up something for dinner? I don't want to put clothes on"
>I do because she works hard and deserves to enjoy her days off and I know she'd do the same for me