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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 222x316, 1541954285999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232610 No.5232610 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best beat'em up of all time.

>> No.5232662


>> No.5232681

Its no KoV2 but pretty good for a non-IGS game

>> No.5232761

Played this game for a long time, but still learning new things. For instance, Jack is actually really good. Definitely better than Hannah without a doubt, but obviously not as good as Mustapha and Mess. For example, Jack's jump travels the perfect distance (literally pixel perfect) so that his punch hits an enemy at the safest possible distance after a throw. This lets you beat Morgan really easily with a punch-throw-jump loop, as long as you keep Morgan on screen. Morgan is normally a really easy boss, even with Hannah because she can just flying knee over his bullets. Jack is the only character who has trouble against Morgan (a normally easy boss), or so I had thought, before I learned that Jack can just throw loop him with his pixel-perfect jump and trivialize the fight. Subtle things like that makes me think that the game designers really put a lot of thought into the game. For instance, at the beginning of the last part of stage 4, there's a random coin that the game designers put on the ground that is the perfect spot for a dynamite to toast 6 fatties at once. There are so many subtle but brilliantly designed things like that in this game.

Anyway, once you know the boss patterns, the game winds down to how well a character performs against (a) crowds of normal enemies, and (b) the slisaurs. The other bosses aren't really an issue. Hannah does the worst against both (a) and (b), because her bugged punch-throw combo and flying knee can leave her vulnerable to get hit. Getting hit is bad.

Mess > Mustapha > Jack > Hannah

>> No.5232827

sup pasky

>> No.5232861

Hannah does the worst against all other bosses too except the little midget because she can't combo throw bosses from the bottom so that limits your positioning. She's probably the best against the midget if you want to do nothing but running attacks. That's literally the only part of the game she's the best at.

>> No.5232880

That's not River City Ransom

>> No.5232986

The cartoon sucked

>> No.5233007
File: 52 KB, 704x528, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - 05 - Wild Child.mkv_snapshot_04.47_[2018.12.08_05.53.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was okay. A bit much on the heavy handed side and they couldn't have Jack and Hannah merc as many people but it was better than a lot of it's contemporaries. Shame the comic on indefinite hiatus though, Id like to see a revival.

>> No.5233018


So that Hannah would be fat and pink haired and boss everyone around, one of the characters would be black, and the only white man in the group would be weak and passive?

>> No.5233027
File: 51 KB, 704x528, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - 01 - Rogue.mkv_snapshot_11.50_[2018.12.20_00.55.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the characters would be black

You mean Mustafa? He was cool. Reminded me of the black dude from Predator.

>> No.5233270

>one of the characters would be black
You mean like the black dude who is in the OP image?

I can't tell if you're poking fun at hyper-reactive racist fuckwits or if you are one. Either way, you need to stop right now.

>> No.5233280 [DELETED] 


You smell like a nigger. Don't post on this board anymore.

>> No.5233379 [DELETED] 
File: 658 KB, 260x226, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using made-up words to shame people into silence

>> No.5233391

Thanks for ruining a nice thread, /v/! You are the best for it!

>> No.5233401

Considering both era standards and the fact source material isn't exactly kid-friendly, it was still pretty good. Nothing special, but also nothing bad.

Yeah, it's still a shame Schultz suspended it. At least his Prince Valiant strips are pretty good, if completely different.

>> No.5233404

I hear Dark Horse still pays him royalties, which is cool but if he's not gonna write anything I wish he'd let some one else take the helm. It's a neat setting.

>> No.5233407
File: 58 KB, 704x528, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - 07 - Survival.mkv_snapshot_21.46_[2018.12.08_17.12.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also goddamn the cartoon did not skimp on Hannah's tits.

>> No.5233415

Honestly? I can see tons of way anyone else would fuck it up. MAYBE (ant that's a big maybe) TopCow could pull it off in terms of style and atmosphere, but that's about it.
And they are paying him precisely for not working on the title. You are new to alt-comics, aren't you? If any of them is successful, any publisher will hire the guy(s) who made them and give them a glorified distraction in form of working on some "more prestigeous" task, while the original work is suspended/cancelled/side-tracked. Eventually the title is forgotten and the publisher can safely produce more crap.

>> No.5233424

>You are new to alt-comics, aren't you?
Not new, but I really should be reading more than I do.

>> No.5233430

Get into literature book then. And I mean this serious, not to be condescending

>> No.5233437

>Get into literature book then.
Who am I? Gumby? But nah, it's good advice. I used to read a lot more in high school but other things have since distracted me. I actually got a mountain of books I've never finished so It might be a good time to get on that.

>> No.5234191

Yeah, Jack is good. Somebody even beat the game with Jack on the hardest difficulty with no deaths, no food, no weapons, and no A+B move. No deaths with those limitations would be practically impossible with Hannah because she needs the A+B move for invincibility to do knees against Slice and the Slisaurs.


>> No.5235274


>> No.5235312
File: 26 KB, 350x187, sorremake12349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, as good as this is, Streets of Rage Remake is the goat.

>> No.5236669


>> No.5236734

KoV2? You mean Tenchi Wo Kurau II's rip off? It would be nice if wasn't slow like all late 90s-2000 beat em ups

>> No.5236745
File: 616 KB, 1692x1194, 1363373227-dungeons-and-dragons-shadow-over-mystara-flyer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the Dungeons & Dragons beat 'em ups are a yearly playthrough for my group of pals.

>> No.5236782

Boring and slow as fuck

>> No.5236826

If you say so. I always thought it was nice and had a varied cast of characters. It had fun boss fights. I don't think I'm a beat 'em up connoisseur, but beating shit up with swords and magic is just nice.

>> No.5236850

The dashing is horrible and the attacks are weak,also blocking is hard

>> No.5236864

Also you can't grab in this game

>> No.5236873

>Boring and slow as fuck
The first game is methodical and "realistic". Even normal enemies put up a decent fight. The second game is fast and you can cleave your way through hordes of enemies in seconds.

>The dashing is horrible and the attacks are weak,also blocking is hard
The dashing and blocking are fine to me.


>> No.5236875

Oh. Okay. I guess I just really liked it for the aesthetics.

>> No.5236921

A beat em up without grab is a bad beat em up.
The first game is ridiculously slow,the enemies jump run and do combos but the chars are almost inutile,because their attacks do low damage(when they work) and have shit blocking

>> No.5236931

>A beat em up without grab is a bad beat em up.
Wrong. When there are no grabs and the combat is weapon-based, it's a hack'n slash.

>The first game is ridiculously slow,the enemies jump run and do combos but the chars are almost inutile,because their attacks do low damage(when they work) and have shit blocking
Looks like you just suck at the game. Get good.

>> No.5236939

Golden Axe is a hack n slash but has grabbing.And the first d&d gameplay sucks,even KOD plays better

>> No.5236946

Golden Axe has throws, not "grabbing". There's a difference. With grabbing you walk into an enemy and hold them, making them immobile. BTW, the throws in Golden Axe are poorly designed and don't even knock down enemies that come into contact with thrown enemies.

Tower of Doom is a skill-based game that requires patience, so it's probably not for you. King of Dragons is great though and is pure hack'n slash.

>> No.5236965

Who cares about patience in an beat em up,the only thing that matters is not getting swarmed

>> No.5236968

Okay, kid.

>> No.5236970

Wrong,Gaia Crusaders is an beat em up but it hasn't grabbing

>> No.5236971

>Gaia Crusaders
Is the combat weapon-based?

>> No.5236991

No they aren't, in other games of the genre when you dash and and stop pressing the buttons your character imediatly stops,but in this game your char skids.Also blocking is hard because some dumbass thought that pressing down+ attack was a better idea than having a block button

>> No.5236998


>> No.5237002

>No they aren't, in other games of the genre when you dash and and stop pressing the buttons your character imediatly stops,but in this game your char skids.
In Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, you continue running after you press forward, forward. Problem?

>Also blocking is hard because some dumbass thought that pressing down+ attack was a better idea than having a block button
Looks like you barely even played the game. You'll probably hate Knights of the Round, another fantastic hack'n slash.

>> No.5237054

>KoV2? You mean Tenchi Wo Kurau II's rip off?
what? both are based on romance of the three kingdoms and KOV2 is nothing at all like warriors of fate, kov2 featuresa ll the generals, bumloads of secrets, multi paths, secret collectibles, dnd style items etcetc.

if you haven't 1cc'd it you aren't even a basic in the genre let alone connoisseur.

credit feed scum or you actually know how to play?

none of this is accurate and just boils downs to you sucking to adapt to it, if you want to criticize dnd it's the annoying as fuck story cutscenes and the RNG damage, yes you read that right.

now you're going full retard, you want every fucking game to be the same we get it, twat donkey.

lmao tell me how i know you're a retard shit player who has no 1 credit clears or idea how to play?

lmfao thats not the input for block you dumb cunt

>You'll probably hate Knights of the Round,
one of my favs of all time, i regularly go for hardest dips no miss attempts with all chars with ever more efficient strats, never gets old. I'm working on hardest dips shaeffer clear in avp atm (lost 2 1ccs to last boss), so so much harder than clearing with the preds, almost like a diff game.

>> No.5237094

It's mediocre or good at best.You might be illiterate i said that the character skids,not runs

>> No.5237103

Play the game and see,fucker. Who cares,its a bad input anyway

>> No.5237107

What an idiot,cant argue so he starts swearing,the average channer

>> No.5237116

i have played it, it's got it's own thing and feel for sure but you will get used to it.

>> No.5237125

i'm an actual player unlike 95% of you rpg playing spastic collector dadshits. I bet you can't even clear a basic game like punisher on default dips, absolute state of the scum shitters.

>> No.5237130

KoV2 is a chinese copycat,the character designs are similar,the enemiy types are the same,even the bosses lifebars are the same

>> No.5237145

idk why are you so mad; I'm the one who originally brought up the D&D beat 'em ups but no, my friends never 1cc'd them and don't consider ourselves good. I legitimately didn't know so many people had this many grievances about this game, I just thought it was fun to play. It'd be nice if I was really good and really understood what makes it worse than other games in its genre, but I honestly just really like the fact that the D&D license was used for this sorta adventure.

>> No.5237148

It has nice graphics and soundrack but only these are good

>> No.5237150

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs has the best stage clear theme of all time


>> No.5237175

It's because the characters are slow and weak,dashing and jumping are almost inutile and the block input is hard to do without getting attacked

>> No.5237183

Ma niqqa

>> No.5237205

It's not better than this.

>> No.5237215

No, you're just shit at the game.

>> No.5237217

The second is better

>> No.5237225

Fuck off

>> No.5237241

>It's because the characters are slow and weak,dashing and jumping are almost inutile and the block input is hard to do without getting attacked

Yes, you suck at the game.

>> No.5237251


Did you forget to take your meds today spergboi?

>> No.5237518


>> No.5237597

Play the game and take your conclusions,fucker

>> No.5237682

There's nothing wrong with the blocking it's very simple you can even go from doing normal attacks to blocking quickly. There's SOME execution involved but it's necessary to balance it otherwise you could just tap block when you see an attack with no risk or downsides like walking backwards. Dashing similarly isn't a problem especially since you can cancel the little slide when turning around with an attack. The real problem with blocking is that it's inconsistent shit both because of the huge amount of unblockable attacks and the rng element of it with some characters like elf, unlike KoTR which is 100% consistent. If you want to talk about annoying inputs then talk about the slides and dashing attack which are a pain to pull off in the heat of the moment due to a lack of input buffering. Or how about the overlap between heavy attack and just attacking and walking forwards (which again KoTR mostly avoided) which is made worse by the retarded damage RNG making spamming the first of your combo the most effective strategy. Or how about the absurd amount of iframes enemies and bosses have that makes them annoying as fuck to fight on top of them being generally very evasive and random damage. Shadow of Mystara seemed to have improved some aspects but made the whole game a mindless exploitable clusterfuck.

>> No.5237816

That’s not FF3

>> No.5237828

Git gud kiddo.

>> No.5238289

ff3? lmfao, you're as bad as the anthopants no good at any arcade bmups gang thinking sor2 is the best because it's all they know how to play.

and here they come the sor retards with their muhhh ost nostalgia and absolute ignorance to the actual genre and the players out there who stomp them in jap,china and the west, who can't no miss any arcade bmups on hardest dips, could never figure out an igs game and think that dumbed down clunky sor2 shit is the best with it's scripted enemy behaviour, clunky controls, poor pace and overrated difficulty. Lets see you learn oriental legend 2 you fucking faggots.

>I just thought it was fun to play
if that was true you flaming hemorrhoid you'd actually learn how to play it.

you thick fucking cunt, they are BOTH from ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS so of course they have the same fucking character designs you feral dense cunt. It's also taiwanese not chinese and no it's not a knock off the system and game are FAR deeper.

>idk why are you so mad
because i hate you no effort low skill no brain worthless dad cunts who just twat buttons and never ever try to larn the game then spread ignorance about a genre you don't have any idea about.

i mean he is right, you couldn't master the mechanics... i'd say that qualifies as sucking.

>> No.5238523

>spread ignorance
I just said the game was fun and that it's nice they made it on the D&D license.
Jesus, I'm sorry, man. Merry Christmas.

>> No.5238758

Lmao,fuck off you addicted faggot who cares if some lifeless jap plays better

>> No.5238829

>hurrrr who cares about knowing anything or actually being good

>hurrr we should all be dumb low skill no effort scum shit marxists and never appreciate nor aspire to improve at anything bro

feral dumb cunt, go play sor2 with fucking candy lives and retard a.i for muh nostalgia you bitch made hyper queer

>> No.5239474

shup up weeb faggot, KoV2 is literally Mystara done right and better in every way.

>> No.5239496 [DELETED] 

As matter of fact, yeah, who cares as long as it's fun. Grinding endlessly repetitive games for some 1cc less than 1% of the population even understands let alone cares about is dumb.

>> No.5239525

It's just a fucking game,you waste of sperm

>> No.5239534


>> No.5239540

That is some quality midriff there.

>> No.5239740

sor remake is the most poorly designed SOR game released, as far as game mechanics go.

>> No.5240142


>> No.5240887

t. team pants triggered the game didn't have the dumb braindead boss loop strats of the originals

It does have some flaws though i agree but the first is worst by miles and 2 is dumb shit scripted until the retard elevator and then just becomes pray you don't get trolled.

It's funny how streets of rage players are always complete shit as the genre as a whole, i had the same thing coming from a sor youth when i finally bit the bullet and started getting no miss hardest clears in arcade bmups you realize they teach you so many fucking bad habits because of all the scripted garbage, you never have to think half the time when you have a route as the enemies are so fucking predictable and always let you get hits in from every possible attack whilst all capcom you have to think and readjust constantly and actually watch the enemies because of the things they can do, the a.i is much more intelligent to. Then you get igs which is another level up again with nigh on fighting game mechanics, dnd but deeper items, multi paths, secrets up the ass and very hard bosses that require a ton of skill and knowledge.

Sor is fucking dumbshit and i cringed so hard when anthopants believed no missing 2 was the hardest gaming achievement lmfao, never heard of dodonpachi doj death label? it took 7 years to clear, how about gradius 3 counterstop? it took 2 decades. It's very hard for sure but no even in the same ballpark as high level shmup or beatmania etc stuff.

here's some of the hardest gaming achievements out there for those who know fucking anything (not console faggots apparently).


this was for a long time thought impossible with this char, took years.


>> No.5240919

Imagine being this butt hurt. It's actually painful to read, I can't imagine how it must have felt to type.

>> No.5241402

>no rebuttal
>nothing to say
>hurrr le butthurt

No lad i'm zen, it's you and our rehearsed assmbly line le chan replies that show butthurt because you know precisely fuck all about anything, stuck in your silly deluded little circle jerk completely oblivious to whats really out there.

>> No.5241471


Imagine taking videogames this seriously. Kek

>> No.5241829

Golden Axe:The Revenge of Death Adder had this in 1992.
Igs games are just chink copycats of much better and old games

>> No.5241889

anthopants is just a naive normalfag don't take him too seriously.

>> No.5242718

Which version of Knights of Valour should I play? There seems to be the original, "plus" and "super heroes". Which one is the definitive version? Also, which character is easy to play and strong?

Same question for Knights of Valour 2 as well.

>> No.5242976

Original and Zhang Fei for both, I think KoV1 has some good revisions but it's best to start with vanilla one.

>> No.5243091
File: 27 KB, 512x683, 2789424_1_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no me

>> No.5243094

That's a weird picture of Punch Out.

>> No.5243295

taiwanese not chinese and as for better how? the art in shen jian and orientallegend 2 are some of the best in the genre, the fighting mechanics are deep as fuck, they are super tough maybe the hardest in the genre for the right reasons and have lots of everything. Theres a reason kov2 is the most popular bmup in asia.


for reference because theres no way you'll figure everything out on your own here's pasky's channel with all his clears of igs games
and loads of others with diff chars on hardest etc and you can get some idea yourself, he's a really good bmup player.

>> No.5243301

oops forgot link


>> No.5243310

punishers way too easy though, how it plays on hardest should of been default, it's a great game on hardest still aside from the yawn fest robots.

>> No.5243331

Nah, some of the bosses are fucking bullshit. As a beat 'em up, considering the variety and options it provides, it's gold.

>> No.5243337

>Nah, some of the bosses are fucking bullshit.

no they fucking aren't you're just shit, which bosses? punisher has barely any iframes and you can attack aggressively, there's basic as fuck patterns for the robots ie few punches and walk away and the wheelchair guy just abuse jump kicks dashing your firearm and you get a LOAD of bombs to route in to. It's fucking easy as fuck, took me barely 9 hrs to clear from scratch and a couple more on hardest. Use your fucking brain and learn how to actually play.

>> No.5243340

Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.5243354

He's right though Punisher bosses are easy and some of the most fair in the genre. Only Kingpin is annoying because of random blocking but there are so many ways to cheese him it doesn't matter.

>> No.5243383



>> No.5243497

no i don't have a problem, you're the one too stupid to figure out basic strats to beat them, it's literally the easiest bmup out in the arcade maybe not quite as much as king of dragons.

So again which bosses are you struggling with and i'll tell you how to beat them with relative ease.

yeah you can pick kingpin up off the floor and just loop it and even if not you can dive kick, throw shit and if you've routed well have a ton of grenades to.

>> No.5243623

Taiwan,china;who cares? Taiwan isn't independent

>> No.5243709

it has it's own language for a start, ignoramus.

>> No.5243735

>jump and trivialize the fight. Subtle things like that makes me think that the game designers really put a lot of thought into the game.

You say this like it's a good thing, but I guess exploiting shitty AI is the bread and butter of those games.

>> No.5243741

>but I guess exploiting shitty AI is the bread and butter of those games.

It's called learning a strategy that works you mong, it's not bad anything.

>> No.5243798

But it isn't independent,it's a chinese territory in the same way that NZ or Australia are british territories

>> No.5243809

and? are you suggesting products from australia and new zealand are referred to as "british"? no they're kiwi and australian respectively, christ how is this even up for discussion? you're thick as fuck.

>> No.5244372

Look at this faggot. You sound like a child who can’t get their way.

>> No.5246226

what way is it im not getting?i destroy these games on the regs, sorry low skill ignoramus shite hawk you can't get away with your plebian routine here.

>> No.5246563

The little black midgets who jump around and shoulder charge you are fucking annoying during boss fights.

>> No.5247862

Guardians (Denjin Makai II) on MAME finally has working stage select graphics. It's not completed yet but glad to see that the devs are working on it.

>> No.5247868

is this an update in the latest mame? it's one game i've never really played but should, the mega combos sound kinda fun.

>> No.5247880

Yeah, it's in the new MAME version that came out today.

>> No.5247886

So what are the hardest beat em ups?

>> No.5248259

for the right reasons and on defaults i'd say final fight, armored warriors if you dont use the cheese flying add on, warriors of fate and shen jian + oriental legend 2

if on hardest and going for no misses then many get plenty hard, knights of the round hardest no miss is super tough, cads n dinos gets SUPER hard for no miss because of that fucking doppelganger troll boss, cpt commando has that dire doppelganger duel fight to and AvP with shaeffer is a really hard last stage and final boss (i've cleared 1cc it but 1 death ), no missing the last boss is tough. igs games then have like secret difficulty modes which are hardest +4 etc, there's plenty of challenge to be had in the genre and even after clear you can play to get more and more aggressive and efficient.

>> No.5250216

Holy shit, I forgot all about that game. I used to play it all the time in high school.

>> No.5251487


>> No.5252352
File: 42 KB, 460x500, be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we haven't been told enough, right?

>> No.5252696
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>> No.5253647
File: 760 KB, 1317x1080, Double Dragon (U) [!]-181025-190334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]