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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 495x343, ffmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
523109 No.523109 [Reply] [Original]

What's /vr/ opinion on this game ? I think it receives WAY too much hate. It's light-hearted pure fun, real gem of my youth.

Also, it has a better OST than every single other FF that came out on the SNES.

>> No.523125

for every good game there's at least one hater

for every shit game there's least one idiot that likes it

probably even for big rigs

>> No.523127

dat OST

otherwise, games a shit

>> No.523132


Great battle theme, extremely meh game

>> No.523151


What makes you think it's so shitty ?

>> No.523168


If you compare it to its predecessors on NES, it is sub-par to all except FF2 in terms of gameplay. It is like Final Fantasy: Skeleton Version.

>> No.523172

Final Fantasy lite, developed by a company that had no idea what the western market wanted at the time, thus decided to dumb down the formula in order to see if there were any takers for it as an entry point.

That said, great soundtrack.

>> No.523187

I'm a fan, sometimes I just want to play a dumb game that's pretty easy instead of a huge 100+ hour grindfest with a really complex story. Sure, it's not a great Final Fantasy game, but if it had just been called MYSTIC QUEST or something I have a feeling it would be more well liked.

If you enjoy it OP check out 4 Heroes of Light on the DS, it's basically the spiritual sequel to Mystic Quest and improves on it in nearly every way (soundtrack is better in Mystic Quest)

>> No.523196

Nice box art too, it's increasing the flow of blood to my member.

>> No.523207
File: 38 KB, 544x300, Mystic_Quest_Japan_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523214


Not sure if i'll like it though. I like the simplicity of it all. I like Cure-nuking the last boss for 5 digits damage.

The game is full of little quirks that makes it so enjoyable... Goddamn jump button. Why does no other FF game ever had a jump button ?

>> No.523234

I think a lot of the loathing stems from the fact that Western FF fans were psyched for FF5 and we ended up getting Mystic Quest instead.

>> No.523253

FF4 already IS lighthearted fun. And a super easy game that any idiot could get through.

Mystic Quest is entirely unnecessary. A game who's target are people who are literally retarded.

>> No.523281 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 850x1182, sample_a94c53f229f36e4f1192a5c90bb9f0d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystic Quest was Square Japan literally saying, "Americans are too stupid to play RPGs." Even though we invented the fucking genre. We even lost FFV for it, for the same reason.

The only people like it nowadays is because it's old, and thus nostalgia~

>> No.523285
File: 63 KB, 480x640, hideki kamiya wants to be hardcore but his mom won't let him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying this game is bad because it's easy and doesn't have elaborate plot is retarded.

It's exactly what it's supposed to be and pretty good at that.
An introduction to jrpgs for people who are new to jrpgs.

Personally I think it has more charm than many other jrpgs
and the features like chopping trees or the grappling hook are quite unique.

The music is great as well.

Stop pretending to be hardcore.

>> No.523289


The FF2 version, maybe.

>> No.523291


This isn't /v/.

>> No.523305


I agree, just being able to Jump, Push, Stab, Chop, Bomb, Climb and Hookshot stuff gave it a lot of charm. Also, it actually had puzzles, something FFs usually never bothers with.

>> No.523361

>that fucking claw-looting asshole


>> No.523363

I didn't say it's shitty.

>> No.523365

If I hadn't played this game when I was 8, I'd have no idea it could even be fun to someone.

Mystic Quest was ahead of its time in comfiness. Its barebone mechanics and intuitive presentation is found in many casual games now. It also did away with save points and random battles. RPGs don't get any comfier than that.

>> No.523568

It was practically a Zelda and an FF game mashed together. Make it longer, harder, with way way more items, and you've fucking got something there.

>> No.523606


After replaying it when it dropped on Wii VC, here's my take on the hate:

The battles are a chore, especially when there isn't much driving you. If there was a little more technique to them or more interesting enemies, sure, but since it was built as a beginner's RPG using the art team for FFLegend 3, then no.

>> No.523923


I think the thing that irks me the most is that everything is automatically equipped. But finding and opening a big red treasure chest was always so goddamn satisfying.

Dat boing sound when you open chests

>> No.523986

As a guy who's first FF was IV, I want to give Mystic Quest a shot.

>> No.524048


Do it.

>> No.524120


I don't see how they're anything alike except for being ff cash ins.

And I'd rather play mystic quest than heroes of light. That game started cool and all, but once all four party members finally got together permanently the game dropped the ball bigtime.

>> No.524354


It's one of the few games that actually felt really adventurous to me.

>> No.524383

I love Mystic Quest.

Yes, it's simple. Yes, it's pretty easy. Yes, it's very linear. But you know what else it is? It's fun. It's bright and colorful, the music is genuinely wonderful and upbeat most of the time and even when the music slows down its pace it fits the scene. The story isn't exactly anything to write home about but it gets the job done. It isn't the height of gaming sophistication and it doesn't pretend to be. It is just a fun little RPG designed to introduce players new to the genre to the ins and outs of what to expect from JRPGs of the time and in that respect it has done its job well. I played this when it was new and loved it then and I can still pick this up now and enjoy a few hours tromping around Focus Tower and the surrounding areas and have fun with it. If you have never played FF:MQ you owe it to yourself to sit down with it for a few hours and have a laugh, even if that laugh is at its expense. You're not going to hurt anyone's feelings doing so and you'll still have a good time.

>> No.524390

I personally like this game. It's simple, it's easy, it's fun, it's got a stock fantasy story, and the music is great.

>> No.524419

That was the point though.

>> No.524480

Only 12 peices of equipment in the game and you start with 3 of them? You should be thanking them from saving you those 9 extra trips to the menu.

>> No.524492

My apologies, I forgot the weapons, there are like 16 weapons... maybe? and you can just hit the shoulders to switch between them so whatever.

>> No.524514

3 Swords
3 Axes
3 Claws
3 Bombs

Unless you're counting Phoebe's bow, Tristam's Ninja Stars, and Reuben's Morningstar, but that's still 15.

>> No.524556

No, I was just thinking 4 of each type instead of 3. To anyone that plays this I would suggest an emulator so you can frame skip past most of the boring battlefields and other boring fights.

>> No.524562

Any version.

FF2 isn't the "easy type", it just has some removed content.

>> No.524618


I get that.

The question was if it is considered to be a bad game, and I think it is based on how cliche and dumbed down it is.

It serves its purpose as babby's 1st RPG, but there are so many other entries I would expose to someone new to RPGs instead of MQ

>> No.524649


I'll just leave this here.

>> No.524663


>Super Easy

No. I don't care how much of an internet badass you think you are, relative to other JRPGs, it's a killer.

>> No.524710

That dude is kind of an annoying faggot.

>> No.524930
File: 195 KB, 500x280, im picasso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystic Quest was to prime young kids for the RPG experience, not just anyone new to RPGs, and it was successful doing that.

However, it gets a bad rap because it makes no attempt to please older gamers. Think of Toy Story when Mr. Potato Head rearranges his face and says, "Look, I'm Picasso!" Kids laugh at the silly face and adults laugh at its resemblance to Picasso's works. MQ just makes the silly face.

>> No.524948


I'm a longtime member.

>> No.525094

Adults don't watch Toy Story.

>> No.525120

Yes, because children are allowed to walk into movie theaters unsupervised.

>> No.525139

Fuck you, 3 almost made me shed a tear.

>> No.525150

>Kids laugh at the silly face and adults laugh at its resemblance to Picasso's works
I think you're underestimating children's sense of humor. When I was a kid I got the Picasso part.

>> No.525157


I love it. Awesome music. No grinding needed- easy simple fun.

>> No.525164


What universe do you live in, exactly?

>> No.525173


But did you know what it really was?

All I knew about Picasso at the time was HE DRAWS SILLY FACES

>> No.525231

>be interested in movies
>haven't had time to keep informed
>browse the internet for info on recent movies
>even on imdb and rotten tomatoes
>1st on Top-10 lists everywhere
What the hell happened? Was there a virus that changed everyone mentally into 10 year olds?
And I though that whole Shrek stuff was bad.

Not if where talking american kids, perhaps.

>> No.525254

Probably rather silly to discuss it on a board dedicated to old childrens' toys, but yes, people are getting dumber and tastes more shallower. Because lowest common dominator has effectively been reached by television and movies, when a well made Children's movie like Toy Story comes out, suddenly its the next Citizen Kane.

>> No.525390

I want hipsters to leave

>> No.525418

>I watch mature movies for mature audiences such as myself

>> No.525482

>says mystic quest is a shitty game for kids
>thinks toy story 3 is the best movie of the decade

>> No.527671

Am i the only person who actuall found this game hard??
I in no means suck at video games either, ive beaten countless rpgs without ever losing a battle once. This game.... I died plenty of times.
Japanese people made this the easy version rpg for westerners back in the day.
Game difficulty is a thing of the past i guess and the japanese must have been pretty fuckin good at games back in the day

>> No.527676

I don't watch movies at all, pleb. They are bad for your brain.

>> No.527707

>Final Fantasy USA
It's hilarious how Japan names easy-mode stuff after the United States

>> No.527743
File: 244 KB, 1920x1200, 8-bit-vivi-black-mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely disgusting letdown of a game, I remember being so hyped up for this when it came out, wanted to go to Japan and beat everyone to death after I played it

>> No.527753

>It's light-hearted pure fun

I like you, OP. You're mah nigga.

>better OST than every single other FF that came out on the SNES
>better OST than VI

You are a swine and you are not mah nigga anymore.

>> No.527763

I could've sworn he always said "potasso".

>> No.528307

Can't hate on the game. It was my first ever RPG and the reason I found out I enjoyed the genre. With out FF MQ I'd probably never have played half the games I have.

>> No.528353

I liked this game. It was simple stupid fun. One of those titles you can stick in, play for an hour, put it down, and startup again later. This would be like one of the perfect phone games in modern times.

>> No.528361

And he doesn't even really do that anyway.

That shit is his later period. His most famous works have nothing to do with the silly faces. Makes me wonder how he got that association in the first place.

>> No.529116

Mystic Quest is way too easy and very predictable - I liked it when i was a kid but nowadays it's just a boring game with a great soundtrack.

>> No.529560

very linear game with great music good story and good atmosphere

it was designed as a gateway RPG and I was the target audience at the time and it worked on me

personal note:
honestly I never enjoyed stat min-maxing as a game mechanic in any of the many rpgs ive enjoyed over the years usually are there a 2-3 viable builds and all choices are no-brainers after deciding what the character is going to be

>> No.529694

Got my grandfather into videogames and RPGs, so it's pretty ok in my book.