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5230075 No.5230075 [Reply] [Original]

It was a mercy kill. Okay? We did him(or her) a favor. It was the only way. OKAY?

>> No.5230086


>> No.5230110


>> No.5230136

C-c-c-combo breaker.

>> No.5230170

woah is that megaman?!

>> No.5230174

No, that's Metroid. He's pretty cool. eh fights the space pirates and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.5230223

SOS at the screamshot.

Will everyone seriously gone long equally so determined facilitating equally travel desire accomplishing seem increasingly similar?

>> No.5230250

Why didn't Samus just ask it nicely to help her break down the wall?

No, that's Crocomire.

>> No.5230609

Because there's spikes on your side. Crocs has to swim through the fiery death to get to the non spike side to break it down.
You need to "convince" him to do this by shooting him in the face with super missiles. Which he honestly doesn't mind. as you can technically do it forever and he won't die.
The only thing that'll kill him is that fucking lava, and he knows it.
Why do you think he resists your requests?

>> No.5230742

Acid or exploding planet, it doesn't really matter in the end.

>> No.5230752

>Will everyone seriously gone long equally so determined facilitating equally travel desire accomplishing seem increasingly similar?
Was this post translated in the 80s?

>> No.5230758

He's clearly already melting in that picture so why not

>> No.5230761

Not an argument. What if I killed your mom and said "she was gonna die anyway when the universe collapses :D"

Crocomire never attacks you unless you shoot him first.
He kindly asks you to leave, repeatedly. You can ignore this and shoot instead, but then you are a murderer.

Crocomire did nothing wrong and any aggression by him was done in self-defense.

>> No.5230763

Fun fact: Crocomire doesn't have HP and can't die from ammo damage. However, Crocomire's *tongue* does have HP, and is vulnerable to power bombs. So if you hit it with enough power bombs, you can eventually "kill" his tongue. If you decide to attempt this, prepare to be there for quite a while: it takes about 90 power bombs, and the maximum you can have going into the fight without major glitch abuse is 45. Crocomire's projectiles have a 4% power bomb drop rate. Good luck.

>> No.5230769

Does a vid exist?

>> No.5230778

It even has it's own wildly unpopular speedrun category:

>> No.5230784

Other mysterious Zebesian creatures such as Shaktool are far more worthy of interest than Crocomire, https://youtu.be/qzb9HCtNK68 .

>> No.5230821

>Be one of the biggest, baddest critters on Zebes.
>Can stomp, scratch, and spit any damn where it pleases.
>Still, be vulnerable to lava.
>Live right next to a whole lake of it.
Someone nominate that feller for a Darwin Award.

>> No.5230842

Monsters need to die, no exceptions . Applying """"morality"""" to the wrong situation leads to things like the 2018 real world.

>> No.5231583
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>> No.5231595
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>there's plenty of room on your gunship, right?

>> No.5231598

But what if, what if, YOU are the monster?

>> No.5231624
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>> No.5231636

this fucking game

>> No.5231650


>> No.5231656
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>> No.5231658
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He looks like a jew nose

>> No.5231662
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>> No.5231678
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>> No.5231776
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>> No.5231784

he melted in an underground lake of acid. he was just chillin in his lair when some yellow thin can suit start shooting nukes in his face, like the fuck bro

>> No.5231786


>> No.5231857
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>> No.5231863

WTF I hate Crocomire now!

>> No.5231960
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>> No.5231990
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>> No.5232130
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>> No.5232140

That's strangely funny.

>> No.5232342


Then we'll fight. And that's what ended up happening with Crocmire.

>> No.5232626

Look at every other enemy in Norfair. They all have a resistance to acid and lava. Now Crocomire is literally melting and boiling. He didn't belong, he was placed there against his will.

>> No.5233502
File: 25 KB, 212x234, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude's lair had one of the best themes in the game, but ends up being a letdown for all the tension it built.

>> No.5233521

This guy played Axiom Verge

>> No.5233535

Samus x Croc happy doujin when?

>> No.5233634

What? No. You son of a bitch...

>> No.5234181

That game promised a lot a delivered on none of it.

>> No.5234334

LOL at the greenhorn.

>> No.5234358

sometimes i feel like I'm having a stroke when reading things on the internet