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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5226091 No.5226091 [Reply] [Original]

pic related

>> No.5226098

Brandon, your mother called. Tendies are done.

>> No.5226187
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>> No.5226276


...is absolute shit.

>> No.5226283
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Oh snap, I love tendies!

>> No.5226571

We get it.

>> No.5226575

It's just your daily reminder.

>> No.5226592

Reminder that some tragic event in your life must have somehow involved Xenogears — the only reasonable explanation for such an incessant fixation?

>> No.5226781
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I love Xenogears, it's one of my favorite games. I have an urge to replay it someday, but no time to start a long RPG. Been listening to the OST and watching scenes on youtube at least.

>> No.5226847

My biggest complaint about Xenogears is that it was released before the doujinshi industry matured, and the number of decent vanilla scanned doujins out there about Elly is literally zero.

My second biggest complaint is because of copyright bullshit and corporate greed, there will probably never be a reboot and we'll never get to fap to good Elly doujins.

>> No.5226904

>level Fei to level 80 on the final disc to learn yamikei
>can only use gears in the final dungeon
>can only use gears in the sole optional sidequest location

>> No.5226920

I pray for the day this will receive a proper remake with all the cut parts reinserted as it should be.

>> No.5226952

since Mochi made a million doujinshi with Emeralda and she's hotter anyway, your complaint is moot.

>> No.5226964

Someone made him eat people meat.

>> No.5226975
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You were suppose to be level 80 when you get Weltall ID so you can use his ultimate attack.

>> No.5226985

>current year
>a narrative-driven game that isn't communist propaganda being released

Yeah, ain't happening.

>> No.5226987

>I play only US videogames

>> No.5227000
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>and she's hotter anyway
wew lad

>> No.5227104
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My waifu

>> No.5227119

The most important part is that we're not 13 anymore so we'd just cringe at a script like that before shutting the silly "game" off after a few hours. At least I would.

>> No.5227120

I still hope that one day I will see the Nintendo, Monolith Soft, and Square-Enix logo appear at E3 or whatever and then see Fei and Weltall appear on screen with Takahashi directing it again. This would be my most anticipated remake outside of FFVIIR

>> No.5227131

>games are communist propaganda
I hate communists as much as the next guy, but this is such an asinine statement that I'll have to ask you to elaborate on how did you reach such a conclusion.

>> No.5227135

He was told so by an older boy on /pol/.

>> No.5227137


>> No.5227138

Marxism is everywhere now, you'd have to close your eyes really hard not to see.

>> No.5227139


Swap communist with X, X being diversity, miscegenation, promiscuity, atheism, drug use in a positive light. Depends on the game, but the endgame is the same.

>> No.5227141

massive fucking faggot

>> No.5227150


Cry me a river soiboi

>> No.5227153

seems like you're the one crying, bitch, you're fucking offended by videogames lol

>> No.5227158


But I'm not, son. I'm merely making observations, you're the one that got very easily triggered once your safespace got violated.

>> No.5227185

The script is better than you remember as far as cringe goes, for the most part.
Problem is the gameplay isn't, so it's a massive slog to get through it all.

>> No.5227217

Ashton was such a goofball, it's probably my favourite RPG character.
Even his fetish is fun.

>> No.5227223

Why does the dialog box look like that?

>> No.5227226

The game feels unfinished, even besides the literally unfinished second disc. The backgrounds often look tacked on or are missing. I've always imagined the game would have been much better if they'd just made it in the classic 2D style.

>> No.5227235

>there's only one guy that dislikes this game
>every negative post is by the same guy

>> No.5227236

you're right man, like, fuck that guy

>> No.5227853
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>> No.5228286
File: 75 KB, 640x480, maria_balthasar xenogears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rides her gear into battle unlike the other cowardly faggots who hide in them
>her attack spells are just literally telling her gear to punch and kick shit

>> No.5228294
File: 90 KB, 461x640, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows riding it old-school is the way to go

>> No.5228295


Too bad she became useless to the plot the moment you got into Solaris.

>> No.5228327
File: 323 KB, 822x1476, AOaBl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrap Maria's omnigear
>Rico the useless cunt gets one

>> No.5228546
File: 143 KB, 910x1200, 83194f8299e4a432421f6cba5de16f9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Elly would look like if XG got a reboot today

>> No.5228557

I always wondered if they made Seibzehn a monster early on as an apology for cutting her Omnigear out (as well as Crescens being ridiculously agile), or if that was just coincidental lazy balancing.

I don't even feel like Seibzehn would really align with a relic anyway because it's kind of a different sort of experimental gear. Like could it really handle having its architecture changed that much? Same with a gear that is apparently composed of nanites.

>> No.5228609

>he doesn't love Blanka and Zangeif's babychild (Blanka is the girl)

>> No.5228616

Elly's space uniform looks so comfy

>> No.5228735

It has impressive cushioning >>5228546

>> No.5228756
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I prefer this. Cowtits are dumb.

>> No.5228840

Cultural Marxism and Biological Leninism is being injected into even Japanese games now.
It's revolting.

>> No.5228854

Imagine being offended by videogames

>> No.5228898

What games?

>> No.5228921


I know, right? Degenerates get offended by anything that isn't in that list you just quoted.

>> No.5228946


No...no, you NEVER will.


There is more than one of us.


For you.

>> No.5229171

That's not Xenogears.

>> No.5229296
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>> No.5229362
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>> No.5230934
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>Blanka and Zangeif's babychild

No wonder he's retarded

>> No.5231108
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>> No.5231152
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>> No.5231246
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>> No.5231356

And what do we call someone who repeatedly attempts the impossible?

>> No.5231397

Fucking normie

>> No.5232705

I need to play this every end year.
If I don't, you mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply: DOST THOU DESIRE THE POWER?

>> No.5232785


Tetsuya Takahashi

>> No.5232953

I wish the gameplay lived up to the story. I can take a slow paced JRPG, but I'd at least like for it to be consistently slow, not full of bumps along the road.