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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 413 KB, 600x901, video-game-controller-storage-with-lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5225215 No.5225215 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/

Not a question about collecting. More so a question about storage. How do you guys keep your controllers or /vr/ items you have in your home neat or presentable if you avoid tossing them in a huge bin?

Generally curios to some ideas people have. Even if you only have a handful of controllers or /vr/ stuff. I know plenty that have huge rubber storage containers but that isn't really what I am looking for in a discussion.

>> No.5225234
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, black-sterilite-utility-carts-28309002-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have them in something like pic related, one drawer for PS1 and 2, one for Nes, Snes and genesis, other drawer for N64 and another for Gamecube.

AC and video cords in anither.

That works for me because im an adult and i dont need to have my living room covered in childrens toys so everyone can see how big of a manchild i am, i only have one controller for each console out and ready for playing just on a small drawer next to my CRT.

>> No.5225246

But, you are a manchild. You have to hide away a part of your life because of fear of what others will think, resorting to calling them toys. Even more telling you are confined to a small spot in your living room, most likely what your parent/owner tells you is acceptable.

Good job manchild, posting a storage container completely missing the point. Try reading next time.

>> No.5225256

>what others will think

Actually its because i have a lot of other miscellaneous electronics lying around, Dj equipment and laptops PCs im fixing, i dont need to shout out loud how OMG IM SUCH A NERD LOL LOOK AT ALL THESE RETRO GAMES I HAVE HERE LOL.

I have 4 consoles in full sight, the ones i play the most, plus my PS3 games collection. Theres nothing being hidden you mong, just that im not the kind of guy who will get a tatoo in the forearm, my tatoos are in my back and chest, i dont need to scream HEY LOOK AT ME PLEASE I NEED ATTENTION PLEASE.

>> No.5225254
File: 157 KB, 765x449, Pad_MD_Wireless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep the important ones on a table next to the couch. Everything that's either Mega Drive or newer has either official or third party wireless controllers that are good enough.

>> No.5225264

I don't think you get it. You seem to have lots of toys ("dj equipment") and broken laptops you hoard. You already are exclaiming what you are hiding to visitors, more so failing to read the initial question. Also, you got tatoos. lol, stop being a bitch and admit you are a manchild that wants attention. For those of us that are not locked to a tiny space in our home, that don't toss them in a storage bin, that is who I was asking.

>> No.5225267
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, consoles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 ways: One is I have my consoles all on a shelf, with all required hookups and my go-to controller for easy access.

The other way is I have all my extra controllers in a huge ass tub thats under my CRT on my AV cart. I've put dividers in the tub, and individually bagged every controller.

So I pull out a big ass bag, that has all my spare controllers for that console in it, and those individual controllers are also bagged to avoid tangles.

Was a lot of bags, but keeps it all clean, neat, and easy to access. I don't ever worry about cables or anything like that anymore. Things don't ever get dirty, or dusty either so everything comes out as clean as when I put it in.

>> No.5225278

>broken laptops you hoard

I fix them for other people on my free time, i work in IT, as in, i get paid for fixing these things. I bet you havent worked fulltime in your entire life, thats why you are projecting so much about landlords or parents not allowing me, a 30yo adult that lives on his own, to have whatever i want in my place.

Im not your usual v or vr shitposter.

>> No.5225285

>to have whatever i want in my place

To hide you mean. Because you are a child that doesn't read well or understand questions. That cares about what others think. That has to pretend to be IT to cover for having toys like dj equipment and hoarded laptops. Pathetic.

>> No.5225292

I considered this. I like easy access too. I have a room next to my projector room for games, after I put the controllers next to their console I realized I have too many controllers and it looked messy. A huge room with one area that is a mess doesn't make sense. Maybe I can just leave out a few controllers per console and store the rest like you though. Good idea.

>> No.5225295

I'm not displaying my collection, I have an extra room for that. I sometimes want to sit in my living room with other "normal" people, not surrounded by games.

>> No.5225302

aesthetics innit,

i have had to cut back on my man-childish displays after the gf and i began cohabiting as the gf "doesnt understand", she doesnt care for gaming in general, and basically keeping things out the reach of the younger kids, but 1 day.. 1 day my friend i shall have my man cave and i shall revel in nostalgia, whisky and rock and roll

>> No.5225687

Nice display, very nice. I just set my stuff down somewhere it won't get kicked.
Floor: the biggest shelf.

>> No.5225797
File: 30 KB, 360x360, canadian_hol_food_container_smaller_w_powder_no_milk_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When onions got banned in Canada last year, I switch to Hol Food. I don't subscribe to it anymore (switched again to Queal) but I did think to save two of the ice cream bins the powder comes in.

I have one for modern controllers (gen 7 and newer), and the other is for my retro-ish pads.

>> No.5225808


Right, of course I'm talking about soja-lent.

>> No.5225881

I prefer to have my consoles in the same place as my workbench, sometimes i have to wait for shit to install or download an i can play a few rounds of SF2 Tubo in the meantime.

>> No.5225902

My consoles are all set up and ready to play thanks to a large entertainment center. I try to keep my cartridge and CD collection lean so it's not a horrible mess of rotting plastic. I use flash carts for games I don't have and might want to play once in a while. Controllers are stored in a couple of those el cheapo plastic drawers on wheels like people would use in a college dorm. They are hidden in a closet so they don't look like shit.

To me, looking at walls of cartridges and peripherals isn't impressive. The "pawn shop chique" isn't a look I want nor is it a look any well adjusted adult would want. Put that shit in a drawer and if you have to have a display, make it only the top favorites of your collection or something really unique.

>> No.5226403

So, what you are saying is you don't have an answer? The goal clearly isn't about displaying it, it is about usable storage that isn't a bin. You can do that in any room you want if you are an adult with adult people that visit.

>> No.5226410

You are thinking small. In a smaller/medium sized home you can have parts of your home for regular use and parts for vidya. No reason to act like people that come over should reign on your choices of whatever you display.

>> No.5226446
File: 1.24 MB, 1343x1007, 20180905_205300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a finished basement and a room upstairs for retro. For me personally, it's not about having the space, I just don't like the look of shelves upon shelves of carts/cds. I don't really have anyone come over other than family and most of them play games here. I'm not really shitting on people who like displaying, it's just not for me. Attached is a pic of my setup, though it's changed since then. I took this pic just after getting my entertainment center put up. There are a few posters now and a few small changes. it's nothing fancy but for me it's comfy and feels nostalgic.

I guess I would rather have a room that gives a feeling of nostalgia rather than displaying stuff. Again, I'm not shitting on how people display or collect, just I prefer something that looks like a home setup that could have existed in the 90s rather than walking through a museum or retro store.

>> No.5226447

I use these as well, got two of them and I separate my stuff between /v/ and /vr/ era consoles as well as lineage. I was thinking of getting some of those box shelves you see in ikea and target with the drawer inlays as replacements, that way I can also use them as tv stands to display my consoles as well, but when I think about stuff like the CRT and A/V Receiver I'm not so sure it'd be able to handle the type of load I'd end up putting on.

>> No.5226454
File: 1.22 MB, 3020x2525, 20180803_210701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front room setup. Spare bedroom has arcade machines in it but it's a crammed mess with boxes now so no pics.

>> No.5226625
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x2330, Battlestation 2018-11-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you guys keep your controllers or /vr/ items you have
In the container to the right of the tv.

>> No.5226739

>special edition mcdonalds happy meal boxes
>5 TVs
>funco pop and a switch hiding silently in the shadows
>metal jesus playing on a fucking CRT
Get help.

>> No.5226768

Is this a meme setup photo? No way that is a legit setup.

>> No.5226998

I make adapters so I only need a few controllers to cover a bunch of consoles. The rest I need go in drawers at each setup. I keep some spares in stuff like >>5225234 and the rest are packed away in boxes.

>> No.5227187

That looks so dumb. Those giant speakers are a bit of an overkill for that tiny-ass screen.

>> No.5227196

I put them right next to the console itself.

>> No.5227269
File: 773 KB, 2016x1267, 1521960162408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my photo, but OP reminded me of this anon who once made a controller display out of k'nex which you might find interesting.

>> No.5227279

Why not? I also have a console CRT

>> No.5227284

>Younger kids
Your wife's sons?

>> No.5227289

imagine spending this much money on a bunch of vidya game consoles, accessories, and controllers so you can just showcase them to you and all your neet friends, ffs.

>> No.5227291
File: 1.80 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20181104_222601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All over the damn house, I've got games in my bedroom and the garage, computer in the living room

>> No.5227301

I'll do you one better, I don't even have friends

>> No.5227314

Nice alligator pet.

>> No.5227748

what the fuck is the point in being with a woman who doesn't share or at least tolerate your interests? I have my autistic obsessions and my wife has hers. We talk about them to each other and enjoy being a part of it

>> No.5228285

How is it a meme? It's just a tv with a built in stand and a set of drawers.

>> No.5228459


>all over the corner of my moms attic

To provide for her and her bulls children.
It'd be nice to think that autism+autism means true love but it doesn't. Odds are your wife is an anime pillow and if not you both just like how autism is an unquantifiable way to be special and get drugs.

>> No.5228548

Looks comfy as fuck...
...but could also pass for a rape room

>> No.5229224

More like those cost like 20 dollars and your fancy glass cases and 10 foot high bookcases cost hundreds to thousands. That's shit rich ass collectors do with their anime figures.

>> No.5229240

20$ in wood and a little know how can make floating shelving that can hold 30-50 pounds easy. If you were not a kid you would know this.

>> No.5229282

>Odds are your wife is an anime pillow and if not you both just like how autism is an unquantifiable way to be special and get drugs.
Why not both?
But no, we are just a pair of autists. It isn't that unfeasible.

>> No.5229424

>Why not both?
Because anime pillows are just pillows. But at least you don't need to worry about autism. You're just a batshit crazy fuck.

>> No.5229426 [DELETED] 

Crazy Happenings

>> No.5229443

The "why not both" was clearly a joke, are you sure you aren't a retard?

>> No.5229612

How are console CRTs cringe? Please explain.

>> No.5230217

A desperate attempt at uberhipsterism

>> No.5230229

Next time don’t respond to the obvious trolls. This thread got ruined.

>> No.5230237

You forgot to get your bean bag chair in the pic. I mean if that's what you were going for. Then you fucking nailed it my dude. Not bad.

>> No.5230241

Zenith used to make top tier shit. No meme here. It's nice.

>> No.5230243

MJR... really? But what do you have around and on top of your PVM? Those speakers look really nice with it and I have no idea what's on top of the set.

>> No.5230246

I have stuff in three different houses and a Storefront.

>> No.5230265 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2560, Battlestation 2018-10-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this a meme setup photo? No way that is a legit setup.
OP again.

It is 100% legit setup. Here is what it looked like before the brown plastic storage drawers. I still had room for all of the OG XB controllers (3+ Duke).

>> No.5230270

Console TV guy again.

It is 100% legit setup. Here is what it looked like before the brown plastic storage drawers. I still had room for all of the OG XB controllers (3+ Duke).

>> No.5230271
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2560, Battlestation 2018-10-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is what it looked like before the brown plastic storage drawers.
Forgot to add photo

>> No.5230296
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpg....................................................................................................................................................jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You forgot to get your bean bag chair in the pic.

Thanks, I do have one of those "big joe" beanbag chairs. The setup looks like it would be really odd, but it's made for those chairs.

MJR was me just having a little troll fun. The thing on top is like a power strip. I'm not sure what it's called, but they used them on old computers, lets you turn off whichever components you're not using. It's handy if you have switchers and various crap that has to plug in. I like keeping a lot of the stuff at a dead state when not in use. I found it at a pawn shop for $8 and figured it would be useful.