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5224982 No.5224982 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about? No one seems to know.

>> No.5224991

The monsters are trying to get him, but he tries to eat the pucks and the monsters

>> No.5225007

Arcade games from that era rarely had plots. Home ports of them sometimes tacked one on, but those plots weren't always the same. There's like 5 different "official plots" for Centipede found in various manuals for various home releases.

>> No.5225018

Yars' Revenge had deepest lore

>> No.5225026

Yar's Revenge isn't an arcade game, though. Console games usually had plots.

>> No.5225029
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Don't mind me, just dumping Asteroids: The Official Novelization

>> No.5225031
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>> No.5225034

games do not need stories, you just want to press buttons for a few hours and rot your brain.
also, writing in so called "AAA" games is still on par with your average B-movie.

>> No.5225032
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>> No.5225035
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>> No.5225036
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>> No.5225038
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>> No.5225042
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>> No.5225045
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>> No.5225047
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>> No.5225048
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>> No.5225049
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>> No.5225050
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>> No.5225053
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The end.

It fascinates me that this actually exists.

>> No.5225056 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 368x356, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Strohmeyer is a name of German-Jewish descent"

The prophecy is true

>> No.5225062

It's about a living Pizza stuck in a haunted Pizza Hut

>> No.5225078

It's about a bunch of weird flesh-colored creatures pulling a Scooby Doo and putting on shitty ghost costumes to scare Pac-man. The reason they appear as eyes is because you're eating their costume, but the maze is too dark to make out their true forms. The costume falls off in one of the cutscenes, though.

>> No.5225154

I actually really like the look of that ship.

>> No.5225157


>> No.5225296 [DELETED] 

Shit bitch. Jews are so fucking fragile.

>> No.5225335

You are a gluttonous yellow ball person that unwittingly breaks into an abandoned mansion, occupied by the dead spirits of some blobby creatures who wear sheets with sleeves in order to interact with things that they couldn't otherwise. The red one has a short temper and bosses the others around, the pink one is a sneaky degenerate with a fetish for spherical objects, the cyan one is a cowardly spaz who idolizes the red one, and the orange one is a total dipshit who's main purpose is just to do heavy lifting. You break in and eat all their food, particularly their fruit, which they have because they need to consume living matter in order to avoid evaporating for good, because they're not meant to exist outside of the Spectral Realm. You eating their food understandably pisses them off, especially the red one, and they attempt to catch you and consume your life force in retaliation. Not understanding why they give a shit about some old fruit, you consume some nutrient-rich energy pastry balls that allow you to overpower them and eat their sheets (and some of their ectoplasm), forcing them to go get new ones in order for them to actually hold you down and feast on your essence. Out of spite, you also end up also eating all the keys to their doors, some old, valuable looking bells, and a pair of downed alien spaceships they found in their backyard one day and kept because they looked cool. You keep doing this until they catch you, suck out your life force, and boot you out of their mansion. You can also somehow keep avoiding them until the apocalypse happens, which slowly consumes everything.

That is Pac-Man.

>> No.5225367

>>5222710 #
See this for a good analysis

>> No.5225515

how fucking long did it take you to write that

>> No.5225519

Dear Diary,
Today Anon delivered something cool.

>> No.5225534

Too long.

>> No.5225557
File: 448 KB, 1275x687, breakout3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want more?

I give you Breakout: The Official Novelization

>> No.5225558
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>> No.5225559
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>> No.5225560
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>> No.5225561
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>> No.5225564
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>> No.5225567
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>> No.5225578

Okay, I could buy the existence of a backstory for Asteroids.
But fucking BREAKOU- oh wait that's right Arkanoid exists never mind

>> No.5225580

How does he know there's multiple layers if each layer extends so far in every direction he can't fly his ship around them?

>> No.5225591
File: 158 KB, 600x842, super_breakout_color_i_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually based on the backstory found in the manual for the 2600 port of Super Breakout. A lot of the text in >>5225558 is pretty much lifted straight from the manual.

>> No.5225596
File: 164 KB, 600x853, super_breakout_color_i_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5225603

I like how the Breakout novelization is actually recognizably Breakout. The Asteroids one is just a generic sci-fi story that has a couple asteroids in them.

>> No.5225609

I didn't even notice any flying saucers.

>> No.5225724

You put way too much thought into this.

>> No.5225749 [DELETED] 

If you can't stand the heat get out of the oven

>> No.5225804

The cops are coming, pacman has to take all the drugs before they nab him. Sees ghosts and shit because he is tripping balls, can take down ghosts when he eats his PCP.

>> No.5226231

I hope Namco reads this shit to create a spin-off horror Pac game.

>> No.5226293


The Truth...

Pac Man is the traditional Japanese Oni.

The pellets are Speed

The power pills are Cocaine

The Ghosts are the Christian Holy Spirit as viewed by the Japanese

The bonus items are clues to pull Pac Man back to reality.

The games plot is the life of a Japanese salary man.

>> No.5228248

le ebig cringe