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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 425x283, 51jaFbZhsaL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5219849 No.5219849 [Reply] [Original]

How come no ones made a chink knockoff of one of these yet?

>> No.5219852

That thing is practically an emulator wrapped around a DVD player.

>> No.5219882

You can't spell framemeister without meme

>> No.5219890

Heh. Why do people buy these? If you got a CRT, you're set; if you use modern monitors, using emulators you're set. How does buying a device that adds lag help? Is it for people who don't know how to set up a simply emulator?

>> No.5219909

To use old consoles with modern tv

>> No.5219915

Not sure honestly, I know that some of the internals are now deprecated, so going forward I understand why, but I don't understand why it didn't happen earlier. The best I can guess is that the price of manufacturing it would make it too expensive to produce, compared to the cheap chinese scart upscalers that are already on the market.

>> No.5219924
File: 41 KB, 300x270, 300x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to use old consoles with modern tv
*flinch* Ok, even if someone wanted to do such a thing, is there no other way to remove lag without adding some in and then having to remove that too? How is the Mememeister not partially self-defeating?

>> No.5219932

People usually get to because it outputs RGB with real hardware.

>> No.5219939

Why not just buy a modded (x) console? It's all about tech-peens, always. I mean, if it was cheaper it'd be a simple solution, yet instead it seems like an overkill product. Back in caveman days I'm sure that Ogg got more Ulgas when his firepit was adorned with more skulls then Tregg's.

>> No.5219956

Some people don't have CRTs and can't spare the room for one.

>> No.5219971

So get a modded system.

>and can't spare the room for one.
Even a big CRT is like an average dog in size. This coming spring or summer, just pick up a smaller 13-19" one by the side of a road for free.

>> No.5219984

>thinking its possible to remove lag by adding more hardware

only retards buy this crap

>> No.5220017

So usually NES memelets?

>> No.5220083

>All this talk about input lag
Man, I don't care. I just want something to make my old consoles look presentable on my new TV. You know how hard it is these days to find a CRT in Japan? Let alone having space for it and the cost of trashing it if it breaks.

>> No.5220182

of course it is, and an for the price of this thing you can get a pretty beefy pc that could emulate anything up to the wii.

wanna use original consoles? get a crt
wanna use a hdtv? get a pc that can emulate
wanna be a retard? get a framemeister

>> No.5220214

>to find a CRT in Japan?
very easy? I find them all the time. I got a JVC DTV19 with the RGB/Compo card for ¥30,000.

>> No.5220391

Are you implying that doing hdmi mods for every console is easier and cheaper than buying framemeister?

>> No.5220397


>> No.5220543

why are you opening a thread about a topic you obviously know nothing about?

>> No.5220706

they aren't, they're waiting for framemeister successor which is right around the corner, mitch

>> No.5220715

I likely won't look for another CRT after my 2003 Magnavox kicks the bucket. Hopefully by then issues with with resolution switching (240p->480i and vise versa) on these upscaler boxes has been minimized. I care more about that than lag.

>> No.5220716

Isn't this thing useful for streaming from RGB/s-video on CRT to an HD capture card?

>> No.5220773
File: 422 KB, 1123x611, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have, but why would anyone want China-quality anything?

The OSSC does everything that does better in every possible way.

>> No.5220827


Oh hey, Generic, my favourite brand! They do a lot of various products like washing powder so you know it's gonna be quality...

>> No.5220837
File: 105 KB, 890x606, aVanguard-890x606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% yes. Given that the Mememeister costs hundreds of dollars...yes.

>why are you opening a thread about a topic you obviously know nothing about?
Punk, I'm one of the guys who got the ball rolling on taking care of lag from old systems to modern TVs in the first place. If you ever see a newer TV that doesn't fuck up (upscale and thus introduce lag) it's because of guys like me.

>> No.5220843

All correct.

>> No.5220850

>Isn't this thing useful for streaming from RGB/s-video on CRT to an HD capture card?
You don't need an extra device to do that.

>> No.5220856

Phew, ok good. I was worried I was going to have to buy this thing to stream retro games off my CRT. Thanks!

>> No.5220859

No problem.

>> No.5220872


>> No.5220874

So you're calling me an idiot for only wanting to use my N64 and Jaguar CD on my flatscreen? Well fuck you buddy.

>> No.5220881

Not them, but flat screen CRTs exist and most of them are inexpensive.

>> No.5220907 [DELETED] 

Emulation isn't the same as native hardware, which you appear to acknowledge when you saying using original consoles is a reasonable choice. At least emulation-only tards can take a subjective judgement value, your logic doesn't even make sense you fucking fool.

>> No.5220908

Emulation isn't the same as native hardware, which you appear to acknowledge when you saying using original consoles is a reasonable choice. At least emulation-only tards are taking something that's subjective, a value judgement, your logic doesn't even make sense you fucking fool.

>> No.5220951

Not them, but it seems that you posted a bunch of words without meaning. There's nothing wrong with his logic and he's perfectly right. Why don't you point out specifically what is illogical if you're so smart?

>> No.5220963

>Punk, I'm one of the guys who got the ball rolling on taking care of lag from old systems to modern TVs in the first place. If you ever see a newer TV that doesn't fuck up (upscale and thus introduce lag) it's because of guys like me.

LOL nice larp newfag.

>> No.5220970

Why do so many of you fags insist that everyone is a know-nothing who also does nothing with their chosen hobby? You're welcome, by the way.

>> No.5220972

I just did explain it. It's him who has the fucking explaining to do, how what he's saying makes any fucking sense. Like I said at least emulation tards have some reasoning behind it, what he's saying is utter dogshit and makes no sense.

Like I could go into detail and speculate over what retarded thinking you and him have over what the point of a framemeister is but that would be rewarding and encouraging bad behaviour. If you don't understand what these devices do and are for that's your own problem and frankly your outlook on making any decent comment on anyone is pretty bleak.

>> No.5220979

He said there's no point in using a framemeister, since if you're going to use original hardware you should be using it with a CRT. That is a value judgment - and a correct one.

>> No.5220980

>I just did explain it.
No, you did not. Just admit you're wrong, or go away if you're going to be a total moron. Again, come up with a SPECIFIC TECHNICAL GRIPE, or STFU. :)

>Like I could go into detail, but that would expose my rank ignorance, so I won't and instead insist that others have problems and not me.

>> No.5220993

>since if you're going to use original hardware you should be using it with a CRT.

And why is that? He says that a HDTV is good enough for emulation, why isn't a HDTV good enough for original hardware? The Framemeister will practically eliminate input lag and other blemishes and yet you're using original hardware. It makes perfect sense.

>> No.5220998

>And why is that? He says that a HDTV is good enough for emulation, why isn't a HDTV good enough for original hardware?
Most HD TVs upscale the signals from primative systems to "help us out", but in doing so it introduces lag. Thus, if one avoids modern TVs, lag can usually be prevented. However if one wants to use a modern TV, then a quality emulation of classic system is an easy fix because the upscaling won't take place in that scenario and won't be an issue. The Framemeister makes sense for the technically illiterate.

>> No.5221008

>Most HD TVs upscale the signals from primative systems to "help us out", but in doing so it introduces lag.
Yeah and the framemeister eliminates that.

Where's the big fucking problem? How do you think that's "for the technically illiterate"?

I don't even own one and don't plan to, however it makes me cringe how pathetic you guys are to pretend that others are "technically illiterate" and laughing at them, as if to bully them. This idea of "framemeister is just a meme for the technical illiterate" is a fantasy you have and yes I'm going to call you out on it because it's bs.

>> No.5221010

Using original consoles with a CRT is easier, less expensive and looks better.

>> No.5221017

Dude you need to learn to backup your points, you gotta explain yourself and give examples instead of throwing a tantrum and calling people names if you want people to take you seriously.

>> No.5221018

What if someone likes to play all their consoles in a specific place with their specific chair etc.?

>> No.5221019

>Yeah and the framemeister eliminates that.
And introduces new lag. LOL! I love you.

>> No.5221021

>as if to bully them.
OH wow,are you for real? Telling the truth is not bullying, you mega SJW.

>> No.5221036

Why is the concept of wanting to use old consoles on modern monitors so hard to understand?

>> No.5221038

It adds one frame of lag to convert to HDMI. I'm not saying it's worth it for the ordinary person. I'm saying if you want to or need to use a HDTV but your console doesn't output that, the best possible way is with real hardware and a framemeister. That's what bugged me about the original post.

>> No.5221040

Cause its less effort and cheaper to emulate on a modern monitor

>> No.5221041

I have never read such a retarded comment before. He doesn't deserve the (you). Calling the framemeister an emulator is pure autism.

>> No.5221043

Who bothers talking about stuff they completely misunderstand? If you aren't here to be schooled, go away with the stupidity.

>> No.5221048

Holy shit. This post has to be bait. I can't even imagine what retardation made you think what you typed was intelligent.

>> No.5221051

OSSC fails in a few areas. Right now you need both for the best of the best.

She doesn't understand what a framemeister is. Stop replying to her.

>> No.5221053

>is there no other way to remove lag without adding some in and then having to remove that too?
That.... that's not how it works. It doesn't "remove lag" as you seem to think of it, it bypasses it. It works the same as the inbuilt one except is almost instant and not super slow.

>> No.5221054

>It adds one frame of lag to convert to HDMI.
Thank you for admitting that's it's a Rube Goldberg accessory at best, i.e., bringing further complications to address a simple task.

>I'm saying if you want to or need to use a HDTV but your console doesn't output that, the best possible way is with real hardware and a framemeister.

Look, you don't need the Framemeister. The ROM of the old NES game running on a competent emulator runs the same as an original NES with few exceptions. If you're going to add new hardware to address these issues, why even pretend that you're doing it all old school? Now here's what dooms devices like the Mememaster-new TVs aren't automatically upscaling the signals from old systems, so this anymore. You're pushing obsolete junk.

>> No.5221056

I guess that's a personal preference, but not one I'd spend $400 on

>> No.5221060

You boys sure have a love/hate relationship with lag, huh.

>> No.5221061

-that is to say, the newest of the new TVs are fixing the upscaling/lag issue so Framemeisters will be a novelty item soon, even moreso than they are now.

Imagine thinking you can fix lag...by adding more lag.

>> No.5221064

>It doesn't "remove lag" as you seem to think of it, it bypasses it. I
OK, but you know what I meant.

>> No.5221067

Care to elaborate?

>> No.5221068

They are totally right, though. Explain yourself.

>She doesn't understand what a framemeister is. Stop replying to her.
I'm a man, man.

>> No.5221070

No, frankly I don't think even you know what you meant "adds lag and then takes it away", wtf is this back to the future now?

>> No.5221072

Yeah right, you just want to argue. It's evident by your words choice you knew what I meat, but you like being a corrector, know-it-all.

>> No.5221082

They won't. They spent a of money on that scheister box and damnit they're going to believe in its power. So just so everyone knows:

The Framemeister guy says:
>picking up free CRTs that fully address classic gaming issues with old systems=stupid
>spending way too much on a scambox that breaks you even on the very issue you bought it for=genius

>> No.5221127

There are only a handful of people who insist on playing old games over HDMI and have money. RGB has been a common feature on Chinese TVs for a long time and even some recent LCDs have SCART. It's hard for a them to even comprehend what kind of person would need such a device.

>> No.5221142

>Why do so many of you fags insist that everyone is a know-nothing who also does nothing with their chosen hobby?

Punk, I'm one of the guys who got the ball rolling on taking care of lag from old systems to modern TVs in the first place. If you ever see a newer TV that doesn't fuck up (upscale and thus introduce lag) it's because of guys like me.

>> No.5221150

Consider getting an OSSC. They're arguably superior to the Framemeister in many ways, are about half the cost and unlike the former, it'll continue to receive official updates for a good while.

>> No.5221154

Nonsense. SCART has lag in converting to HDMI just as any SD-input does.

>> No.5221165

Here is a video of SCART to HDMI using a lesser known scaler, uploader recommends using OSSC or framemeister instead, and yes we don't know if he sells the things.

>> No.5221171

High-larious. Got a technical point to make?

>> No.5221286

>sist that everyone is a know-nothing who also does nothing with their

Desu it's because you sound like you have something to prove. A real old timer wouldn't be on 4chan trying to sound impressive. They go to neo geo forums for such things.

Seriously, it sounds like a larp just because of the way you presented yourself. If you did do things for the hobby, thanks for that, but trying to get epeen points on an anonymous message board seems kind of counterintuitive.

I get that you don't owe us anything, but what was this thing you did to get the ball rolling?

>> No.5221301

>They go to neo geo forums for such things.
Boards like that are long dead or consumed by autists who patrol the board 24/7 looking for something to be condescending about. Call them out on their bullshit and you're banned since they have become moderators by now.

/vr/ is one of the last places you can come and call it like you see it and not get banned.

>> No.5221339

>but what was this thing you did to get the ball rolling?
I definitively and publicly demonstrated old console to HD lag. Not saying where or when, but at the time it was considered a myth that us feeble aging gamers were making because we supposedly lost our touch. You have to keep in mind that in the mainstream, most gamers weren't investigating a problem that most of them thought were myths because it was rarely seen firsthand. Sure, you can have a 100 websites giving all the technical details on how many frames were added and the like, but buried dry information like that doesn't "pop" for folks and in that case it takes a while to catch on and correct.

>> No.5221357

bruh, stop, you are embarrassing us all. If you honestly think putting up a youtube video that got a bit of traction some time was anything notable then you seriously need to take a long hard look at your life.

>> No.5221360

Whatever helps you cope, anon.

>> No.5221381

>/vr/ is one of the last places you can come and call it like you see it and not get banned.

True enough, I sincerely know you are not a newfag now. I used to frequent several places dedicated to retro and that's why I too am on /vr/. The only place I ever go anymore is NESDev, and that's only for really oddball things since they are pretty knowledgeable. Also the arcade museum/KLOV since there are a lot of knowledgeable people there too.

I kept my collections but didn't try to play on modern screens til about 6 years ago, by that time I already benefited from the knowledge. I'm full on CRT again but am glad there are options to play on modern screens.

>> No.5221685 [DELETED] 

>only 30k
Wow what a steal. And I dunno where you live but I can't find shit around here. And that still doesn't change the fact that space is an issue for me.

>> No.5221689

>only 30k
Wow what a steal. And I dunno where you live but I can't find shit around here. And that still doesn't change the fact that space is an issue for me

>> No.5221749

>entire thread of retards
Upscaling input delay is under 1ms these days. The OSSC converts RGB>HDMI in under 2ms. The input lag comes from the TV doing the deinterlacing, which you cannot turn off.
Stop fucking posting if you're too god damn stupid to learn how technology works.

>> No.5221765

>calls us retards
>is a retard

>Upscaling input delay is under 1ms these days
Baloney. >>5221749
>The input lag comes from the TV doing the deinterlacing,
No, wrong. Bad poster. The TV is upscaling the primitive signal, thusly adding the lag.

>Stop fucking posting if you're too god damn stupid to learn how technology works.
Take your own advice.

>> No.5221780

Not him but what he said is entirely correct.

Deinterlacing by its very nature and as performed by a TV requires at least two half-frames to complete. Upscaling the resulting progressive image is trivial by comparison and can be achieved in next to no time.

>> No.5221785

>primitive signal
>literally too stupid to look up and understand how signals work
>still thinks he knows what he's talking about
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but there's absolutely no way you'd be able to succeed.

>> No.5221793

>>primitive signal
Yes, jackass.

>I'd tell you to kill yourself,
Save it for yourself, we all know it's coming; anyone who gets this worked up in an NES thread ain't got a prayer in the world.

>> No.5221794
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, such lag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5221798
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x768, crtvslcd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5221808

>implying that he will get me to believe that he was competent with his simultaneous stopwatch times
>implying that out of context pictures of numbers prove anything

>> No.5221810

I posted facts, you posted butthurt ramblings. I don't understand how you can be so pathetic, but that's 4chan for ya.

>> No.5221817

You posted some numbers that you pinky swear are totally relevant to the details of this topic in some shitty pics and expect to be taken seriously? You want me to believe that you accurately measured everything? lol

>> No.5221859

>Imagine thinking you can fix lag...by adding more lag.
Well, yes..you can. That's actually how most engines work.

>> No.5221867

>Well, yes..you can. That's actually how most engines work.
Imagine believing this.

>> No.5221924

Those two images are compatible. One frame is 0.016 and the first image is clearly a little stuck on the last frame (we don't know how long). The only difference is the second image has no ghost effect. Besides, the first image is probably using framemeister or ossc.

>> No.5221931

They did, they have like a gorillion of them on Amazon and eBay

>> No.5221982

>patrol the board 24/7 looking for something to be condescending about
Literal definition of imageboards.

>> No.5221984

>he thinks those monitors are 60hz

>> No.5221991

The difference here is you can tell those people they are fucking retards and make a counterpoint without it being deleted or getting banned.

>> No.5221992
File: 1.66 MB, 854x480, watchv=9J716rqAPCU-[19.00.339-19.18.240].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5222105

I already a heap of crts but I don't wanna think about the type of person who has kept a crt as their only tv all this time. Best to leave them outside for a bit before bringing it in.

>> No.5222217 [DELETED] 

He's 100% correct.


Jesus Christ, anon. You're not helping yourself here. Even when other anons post facts to back up their claims, which is true by the way if you bothered cross-referencing on google, you're still doubling down on your ignorance. If you're just going to hurl insults what are you even doing here?

>> No.5222224
File: 223 KB, 1500x1500, 81oll64nYuL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how good are these things?
i literally have no background

>> No.5222230

It's one of the standard Chinese chipsets. Doesn't handle 240p properly, adds a lot of lag. I think it's one of the ones that forces 16:9 as well.

>> No.5222326

This was upscaled using an OSSC, the original poster admitted it in an earlier thread.

It proves fuck all.

>> No.5222526

>triggered youropoor wants monitors to identify as non hertzian

>> No.5222528

>they're waiting for framemeister successor which is right around the corner

>> No.5222532

too bad it's not well-suited for 480i stuff.

>> No.5222716

I got mine from an old lady who hardly touched them, at least I'm sure it was an old lady by the cursive handwriting on the TVs (stickers on the TVs) literally labeled "Donate/Street"on the curb.. Two for one, a small TV and a mid-sized one that were put out about four summers ago and both work great. (One from 1980, and the larger one from 1987) Yeah, I wouldn't have bothered if the TVs had been rained on; etc, but it's clear that the TVs were there only a few hours at best because when I went by the day before there was nothing.

>> No.5222785

OSSC owner here and it's not a perfect device. Contemplating moving back to my CRT soon and storing the ossc away.
>line doubled 480p is forced 16:9
>nes/snes drop signal from time to time then come back
>gbp and nes look like shit on it
>240p->480i resolution switch still takes 1 or 2 seconds
>wavy lines

>> No.5222796

If your TV has full support, it has none of those issues, but few TVs actually support everything perfectly.

>> No.5222809

>wavy lines

>> No.5222814

>wavy lines
probably said that incorrectly. when I was playing casltevania 3 last night on my Famicom (TM) via the OSSC, I would see some of the platforms waving left and right.

>> No.5224120

because the scaler used is bespoke and not worth reverse engineering

found the bait, don't fall for it lads

junk, do not buy

you can really tell who is a poorfag by how salty they are about the framemeister. sorry you can't afford one, but maybe either

1) shut up
2) get a crt
3) get a job
4) get an ossc

there are plenty of ways to solve for being poor and not wanting to spend $300 for a framemeister

>> No.5224360

It's funny when kids try to use words they don't know the meaning of

>> No.5224706

>nes/snes drop signal from time to time then come back

>> No.5224749
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, 20181216_074221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine.

>> No.5224894

Well I guess you make some good points bu-

>asterisk action asterisk


>> No.5224914

There is nothing wrong with "asterisk action asterisk", on the other hand his post was utter dogshit as many people have confirmed and you'd have to be an idiot to not realize.

tl;dr please kill yourself.

>> No.5224959

What's the explanation for this? Why can't it just work?

>> No.5224968

punishment for forsaking superior display technology

>> No.5225002

>immature mod
>produces worse results
>thinking changing the original timing of a game is a good solution at all
you're just a retard if you think the dejitter mod is actually a good solution. OSSC needs to be patched to fix signal handling for the oddball refresh rates from SNES/NES

>> No.5225052

>immature mod
Ignorant post.
>produces worse results
No it doesn't. It doesn't touch the video signals at all, only the horizontal sync signal.
>thinking changing the original timing of a game is a good solution at all
It's a good solution because it works. Look up what the dejitter mod actually does, because it's probably not what you're thinking.
>OSSC needs to be patched to fix signal handling for the oddball refresh rates from SNES/NES
Refresh rate has nothing to do with it.

>> No.5225058

fuck off marqs

>> No.5225076
File: 58 KB, 1774x191, mlig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is retro rgb gaming a dog whistle for the alt-right or something?

>> No.5225623


Please accept me, senpai.

Oh look, another idiot who doesn't understand CRTs or modern TVs and their effects on old consoles.

>> No.5225637

>new system to new system no problem
>old system to old TV no problem
>old system to new TV=problem

Most modern TVs ADD LAG, you dense motherfuckers because it's upscaling the image so that it doens't look like shit, thus ruining classic gameplay on classic systems.

>> No.5226050

I thought OSSC was supposed to be low-latency video digitizer and scan conversion board. "patching" it to correct an inconsistency in a video signal would require adding latency. But fortunately it's open source so anyone can make changes. Guess it's time to hit the books and learn about electricity so you can satisfy your lag fetish.

>new system to new system no problem
Yeah. When you start off with stupid you end up with stupid.

>> No.5226059

>Yeah. When you start off with stupid you end up with stupid.
Everyone appreciates how you cannot refute me again and again. Framemeisters are for the technically un-savvy.

>> No.5226085

the only reason I want a framemeister is so my capture card can take lower rez signals

>> No.5226090

They make capture cards that do that, though. There is no real reason to use one unless someone's got money that they don't like.

>> No.5226097

This dude just don't give up. No matter how many times he gets btfo, it just keeps going. It's like when a rat gets caught in a trap but isn't quite dead yet and you have to go and get a shovel and you swing it at his head, but he still just stumbles around in confusion and blood going everywhere and you're like why, just fucking die please. Just die. You don't know absolute SHIT about input lag, such misunderstandings I wouldn't expect from someone in a dependent living area, you don't know shit about videogames and you don't know shit about life, the end.

>> No.5226106

>This dude just don't give up. No matter how many times he gets btfo,
LOL! YOU got BTFO. You have never and will never be able to refute what I've stated. Sorry you don't know what you're talking about. I'm an expert on this, kid.

>> No.5226118

>ITT Frametards think that adding lag is good for preventing lag

>> No.5226120

>muh input lag
Kys melee fag

>> No.5226135

They're not good enough to notice lag, so of course they're ok with the Mememeister adding frames of lag to their already lagged up game that they have connected in a comical manner.

>> No.5226137

what cards support low rez rgb?

>> No.5226148

Any of the good ones made within the last several years? I have to go back to 2008 to find ones that won't do what you're asking. Are you a time traveler?

>> No.5226392

>not being able to adjust to 2 frames of lag
You are old and need to stop playing games. Find a new hobby grandpa.

>> No.5226395

Most mediocre 4k tvs combined with a framemeister would barely hit 2 frames of delay.

I don't expect a person using the word meme or calling it lag to understand this.

>> No.5226413

>thinking two frames of lag doesn't matter

Sorry you'll never be at my level, anon. Not old, but whatever.

>> No.5226429

Everyone would appreciate if you'd just go back to whatever underage shitposters like you come from

>> No.5226437

It sucks to be wrong, but you'll get used to it.

>> No.5226757

Everyone is used to you being wrong. But everyone wants you to go back.

>> No.5226760

I would love for you to prove you can tell the difference between 30ms of delay. There are world class movie theaters with 30ms of desync between audio and video because of the double frame stop shit even low end theaters have.

>> No.5226794


>> No.5226828

He cant. Lag is just the go to excuse for when someone cant get good at a game these days.

>> No.5227260

>immature mod

>> No.5227276

Everyone is jealous of us Melee players.

>> No.5228194

Nah. Plenty of people use it as that but it's a reality. If you can't notice it then you literally can't git gud.

People who count frames or notice ms of lag seriously trigger emubabies

>> No.5228231

Don't ever use old as a pejorative.

>> No.5228782
File: 121 KB, 540x720, Jeff-Foxworthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were ever called old and a fag and took it as a complement you might be older than a /v/tarder

>> No.5230394

why are you trying to force this everywhere you deranged retard

>> No.5230629

Imagine thinking that no human react in that time and far less. Not all of us are sloths, anon.

>> No.5230903

but you are wrong.

>> No.5231306

Nope,you're just a hardheaded faggot who doesn't learn.

>> No.5231347

Whether you react in that time or not is besides the main point. Suppose you have to make a reaction in 210ms but due to lag you have to make it in 180ms. That can turn it from being very doable thing to uncomfortably hard. Your jump timing and coordination will always be that little bit off. 30ms certainly can and objectively does make a difference even if you can't tell it.

>> No.5231360

If one has fast reflexes and a setup that doesn't include conflicts, e.g., hooking an old console to a new TV, which forces the new TV to upscale which in turn causes lag, there's never a problem. Arcade games, PC games, whatever, it comes down to reaction time, that is why the Japanese are better-they know that secret because it's in their DNA. They play with less emotion and more pure reaction.

We play for fun, they play to play the best.

>> No.5231408

>that is why the Japanese are better-they know that secret because it's in their DNA. They play with less emotion and more pure reaction.
Man did this post turn into a fucken trainwreck fast.

>> No.5231412 [DELETED] 

Truth is too much for you huh? I suggest /pol/ for fantasy.

>> No.5231415 [DELETED] 

It's hilarious that people like you think everyone's alike even though the races are radically different in just about every aspect. You say you want "diversity" by bringing those that are different in, then you insist that we're all the same. lol

>> No.5231461 [DELETED] 

I can't tell whether this is trolling or you are genuinely this much of a psychopath but either way, leave this board.

>> No.5231468 [DELETED] 

Also fwiw I am as alt right and anti-immigration as you can imagine. Your post is still bullshit. Now go away, nobody wants you here. You don't know anything.

>> No.5231501 [DELETED] 

Get over yourself.

>Now go away, nobody wants you here. You don't know anything.
All untrue. Have your usual lousy day. anon.

>> No.5232372

>all humans are sloths

>> No.5233583

only trained humans get close to 150ms of reaction-time, common people are at around 200 to 250ms.
stop spreading lies-

>> No.5233685

>flat screen CRTs exist
I still have my old, cheap, fat, small CRT and no HD TV. Can you recommend any such models?

>> No.5233687

OK robot.

>> No.5233916

That's only for the extreme case of "see white square, press button" for which you've got to get test subjects to engage muscles they aren't using to push a button in response to stimulii. It goes way down in specialised cases. Like motion, your brain registers quick motion in single digits and if your fingers are already pressing buttons, they can react to changes considerably faster. This is documented science. Those korean starcraft players and their "APM" isn't just memery, it's an intuited application of something known about human physiology.

>> No.5234228

Only turbotards pull straw men out of their ass

>> No.5235090

A knock-off of a knock-off........China has standards!!!

>> No.5235106

The one sony that's still around anywhere has image processing you can't turn off so it won't have perfect response time. There's also a panasonic that's even rarer but tends to be cheaper, I don't know if it's good for gaming or not. Sharp and some other companies made widescreen HD CRTs but I've never seen one for sale.

>> No.5235337

There are tons of flat screen TVs. Whatcha smoking?

>> No.5235381

greentext story for you
>25 inch philips magnavox
>see LCD tech in public, looks like shit
>don't want LCD for a while
>finally get small LCD TV because HD becomes common
>games look horrifyingly bad
>check internet, it says to change tv settings
>nothing to change, input lag is like half a second
>keep googling why does my LCD look so bad
>nobody has any answers
>realize that I will have to keep my CRT
>start to hate cable TV, cancel subscription
>never buy another TV
>biggest screen I've ever owned is still my 25" CRT
>still works, tried estimating the hours it was used and got some huge figure like 50k hours

>> No.5235457

they did, it's called the OSSC.

>> No.5235653

kys rp fag furry shitfucker

>> No.5235680

You are making literally no fucking sense. It sounds like you read some random information by a 4channer and are repeating it. Yes, that 4channer is wrong as fuck too, obviously based off how fucked your comment is.

>> No.5235683

I feel bad you bought a shit tv and based all future tvs off that basis. Some people just love ignorance and confirming their bias.

>> No.5235990

>being this retarded

>> No.5236217

one is a scaler, the other isn't.

>> No.5236230

>can't spare the room for one.
Bull fucking shit and you know it. You have room for a CRT somewhere where you live and deep down you know it. Your stubbornness to rearrange your living situation and get a CRT of an appropriate size are not equivalent to "not having room." You have room, you just refuse to make it.

>> No.5236445

I have a CRT, anon.

>> No.5237463

I'm so happy your mom finally let you get one

>> No.5237472

I'm 30, dude. And I live on my own. What's your problem?

>> No.5237583

Not him, but riddle me this:
Are you retarded on purpose, or it is your natural state?

My flat consists of small bathroom, 4x2.5 room, minimalistic kitchen and a "hall" that connects all three. I had to resign from stationary PC just to get things together and you are talking shit about "always being a space there" and for CRT out of all things.

>> No.5237634

both scale the image for digital tvs to use. your argument is retarded.

>> No.5237654

It's always Amerifats with cheaply-built Big Mac size houses that say stupid shit like that.

>> No.5238452

I have this condition where I like to laugh at people making fools of themselves on the internet. Doctor says there's no cure.

>> No.5238459

Because good components cost a lot of money you faggot. Same reason no bootleg Shadow over Mystara cabs exist.

You can;t just fake good shit. You can try, but it'll be obvious when you do.

>> No.5238467

So you laugh at yourself a lot then?

>> No.5238476

you're right, it's hard to cope with how cringy you're being anon.

>> No.5238486

You have room even for a little 13" CRT TV, moron.

>> No.5238915

oh honey, why are you lying?

>> No.5239747

What is the best flat panel computer monitor with the least amount of input lag and great colors available on Amazon or Newegg for the OSSC?

>> No.5239840

>no u

>> No.5240469

What did he mean by this?

>> No.5240497

I mean I'm pretty smug with my CRTs, original games, and ROMs and emulators.

>> No.5240509

No, I mean the DVD part. Is there some sort of upscaling chipset on the inside that's similar to the upscaling technology that's found on some cheap DVD player?

>> No.5240514

I got my Retrotink today and I like it. PS2/SNES/DC all work great.

For some reason N64 keeps making farting sounds though. If I wanted that I'd just emulate or play Genesis. It's especially egregious everytime ant Starfox character speaks.

Any idea why this is?

>> No.5240516

I don't know, but probably; the FM adds lag and does upscale so it's already acting as a passthrough anyway.

>> No.5240524

No, it uses an FPGA for the scaling engine.

>> No.5241273 [DELETED] 

it's you who makes the sounds

>> No.5241667

I love that several people including fucking John from DFRetro jumped on him for this post. Even Reset has no patience for this level of bullshit.
It sucks that this place is worse on that front.

>> No.5241717

>be me
>make a dumb choice 20 years ago
>suffer minor consequences
>blame everyone but myself
>completely reject this topic for the rest of my life in order to prevent future butthurt
>stay mad forever
>fucking brag about it
fucker gave up television for almost two decades because his brain doesnt work.
i love it. this is the most 4chan story i have ever read.
never change you stupid crusty bastards.

>> No.5242443

>my dad works at silicon optix
>being that kid

>> No.5242840

I've been debating about getting one of these to become a losertube and tw(b)itch streamer and make more games expensive than they already are. Which is a better device(tool of evil) to use OSSC or Framiester? I don't have any plans to use an HDTV to play /vr/ since I have a great PC monitor and PVMeme I use.

>> No.5243160

Depends on what your actual goals and requirements are.

>> No.5243628

If your stupid stream is going to be as good as this shitty trolling-post, you will have dozens of fans, DOZENS.

>> No.5243637

Protip: don’t do that.

>> No.5243742

Some of the Elgatos you can get have s-video input, so you could just get one of those and have a capture/retro to hdmi input in one.

>> No.5243769


RetroTINK. Zero lag, and looks great. Highly recommend using S-Video if your system has it to get the best picture.

>> No.5244612
File: 112 KB, 333x251, 1530049417573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy cheapo no-brand 28" flat tv
>has scart input
>try bunch of my old consoles on it
>picture quality is acceptable with rgb scart
>input lag is not too bad
>even my picky 60hz modded pal mega drive works

>> No.5244997

We can't all have low standards

>> No.5245417

I mean it does look bad if you stare still image from 2cm away, but when you play normally, sitting at couch it does look good, not as sharp as emulator on PC would but its not bad.

>> No.5245561

Sorry. I didn't realize how low your standards were. Very for of us can have such low standards.

>> No.5246150

Given how many people here are content with shitty consumer CRTs and composite video, I think low standards are the norm.

>> No.5246495

sounds good, have ___fun___.

>> No.5247229
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