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5219394 No.5219394 [Reply] [Original]

I thought it meant "Demon Castle Dracula."
And what the fuck is a Castlevania anyway?

>> No.5219397

a castle that vanias

>> No.5219410

Combination of "Castle" and "Transylvania"

>> No.5219414

Even more than now, publishers in the eighties and ninties often changed titles and character names.

I imagine demon castle Dracula would have gone down poorly in the late eighties

>> No.5219415

A lot of localizes back then couldn't even speak Japanese and just made up their own names and dialogue. Look at SNK games as an example.

>> No.5219431

I'm pretty sure late-80's Nintendo would not have been okay with a game on their console having "Devil" in the title. Censorship with video game publishers was way more prevalent back then than it is today.

>> No.5219442

Most localized name changes were for the best. Including Castlevania. Not that Nintendo would have been okay with the original name. They never even localized Devil World for the USA and Nintendo developed that themselves.

>> No.5219498

they could've named it like "dracula's demonic castle" but that's a bit of a mouthful

>> No.5219526

Castlevania is also the name of the castle itself.

They did briefly make Castlevania the Japanese name once, but it didn't stick.

>> No.5219535

>Castlevania is also the name of the castle itself.

When was the first time this was mentioned? I know even the JP version of CV3 says "Castlevania" on the map screen, but I didn't know if any of the JP manuals used the name.

>> No.5219551

Demon, devil

This has been Japan for Zoomers 101

>> No.5219569
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How does Biohazard translate to Resident Evil?

>> No.5219589 [DELETED] 

Japanese people prefer getting to the point

>> No.5219592

Japanese people prefer getting to the point

>> No.5219664

Localization often means “naturalizing” a word or phrase. Japanese has a habit of agglutinating nouns or verbs together to form huge, dense compounds. “Devil’s Castle Dracula” isn’t huge or even a compound per se, but it is similarly clunky in English.

>> No.5219667

The arcade game was localized as Haunted Castle.

>> No.5219741

Look at how it's written in the logo. It's not "Devil's Castle Dracula", it's more like "The Devil Castle: Dracula".
If that still sounds too clunky, you could also translate it by swapping the title around, to "Dracula: The Demon Castle", or do something like "The Devil's Castle, Featuring Dracula", taking a page from "Mickey Mouse: Magical Adventure" getting changed to "The Magical Quest: Starring Mickey Mouse".

Still the same title, just different ways of arranging it.

>> No.5219756
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Thank these guys for that name change

>> No.5219757

How about just "Dracula's Castle"

>> No.5219764

Too bland.

>> No.5219768

Americn copyright law is retarded. How can a band have the right to a common word as a title?
Dragon Quest had to be renamed Dragon Warrior back in the day because of some similar bullshit too.

>> No.5219840

None of those are very good because they are almost forcibly prosaic. Mind you, I don’t think Castlevania sounds that good either because it’s kind of cartoonish, unless Konami was actually going for that with the original concept, in which case it’s actually a great title. What it does have going for it is that it’s a one-word title that doesn’t mean anything outside of the game. Any variant of the literal Japanese title makes it either sound like a literary or historical game rather than a fantasy one inspired by those things.

If I was asked to title it back when the series was new, I might have focused more on the Belmont name. Something like “Dracula — Belmont’s Legacy,” but with Dracula in small type.

>> No.5219842

i should, since resident evil sounds better anyway. meanwhile, biohazard in any context outside of a hospital sounds like the 80's version of edgelord.

>> No.5219856

Biohazard 2: Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2: Biohazard 3
Resident Evil: Operation Biohazard
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5: Wesker’s Revenge
Resident Evil: The Movie: The Game
Resident Evil (2006)
Resident Evi7
Resident Evil: The Barry Burton Chronicles
Biohazard Crossbow Training

>> No.5219868

Just my two cent but translated Castlevania would mean draining or emptying the castle and that is exactly what Simon does kill all the monsters that reside with Dracula.

>> No.5220062

That's deep

>> No.5220065

Biohazard are proto edge lords.

>> No.5220704

I'm not sure about Japan, but I know the opening text for SotN mentions it.

>Castlevania, the castle of Dracula said to appear once every 100 years

>> No.5220719


Konami America looked at the JP title, and tried to figure out how to localize it. A good literal translation would be "Dracula's Demonic Castle". They could have gone with "Demon Castle", or something along those lines. They instead went with a new name that is kinda silly if you think about it.


I think the "Demon" part would scare Nintendo. Though a few games had that. Also Ghost N' Goblins should have been called Demon Village instead.

>> No.5220738


I always thought that "Castlevania" was something created whole cloth by the American localizers. Are you saying it has some basis in Japan as well? It could be that it was made up by Konami of America, and then incorporated into later sequels. Or maybe the Japanese devs themselves made it up and the Americans turned that into the name of the entire game?

>> No.5220765

It'd be nice if they played up the "forest" aspect of the name a little more. "Transylvania" means "across the forest", "Castlevania" could be interpreted as "castle forest", and lot of games have you literally cross through a forest to reach the castle, but then there are games like Aria of Sorrow which take place entirely within the castle. I just think forests are really pretty.