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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5212518 No.5212518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is RPG your favorite genre?

>> No.5212537

Because I’m autistic and seeing numbers go up and down stims me.

>> No.5212553

Because they're easy and thus chill. I play many kinds of games, but they're usually a change of pace between rpgs before diving into the next. Out of the 70 games I've cleared this year, 20 have been rpgs. Thats not a bad rpg to not-rpg ratio.

>> No.5212570

There are many easy games that aren't RPG though, so there must be something else

>> No.5212602

I generally like the story and slow pace. Definitely not my favorite genre though

>> No.5212617

So what do you prefer? Adventure games? VNs?

>> No.5212624

Maybe because they're lengthier and easier to get invested in because of that? I can easily blow through a Mega Man game in under 2 hours but then what's left? Just bounce to some other game. Marvel vs Capcom 2, Animal Crossing, Burnout Paradise, and Splenuky are non-rpgs that have kept me hooked for far longer than any individual playthrough of an rpg have. But those special kinds of games are few and far between.

>> No.5212635

Not a fan of replaying very hard single player games or scoring I guess?

>> No.5212656

I've never been a fan of hard games but as an on again, off again, completionist I've done some pretty hard shit. At first it gives me a sense of satisfaction, then it gives me the "why the fuck did you waste so much time and effort doing that" feeling.

Considering I grew up in the 80's with arcades and early consoles, I like chasing personal best high scores and topping them if even by only a little. Until it gets to a point where I'm at with DK Jr. that my best feels like it had to be a fluke I can never reach again much less surpass. Still plugging away months later in WarioWare Gold surpassing the scores the game sets for you to clear.

>> No.5212658

I like getting into a world and story that let's me explore.

>> No.5212660

Castlevania Symphony of the Night is one of my fave RPG

>> No.5212682

What did you play in the 80's if you weren't a fan of hard games?
Also, why would you say it only feels like time is wasted when the game is hard? It's all a hobby in the end.

>> No.5212728

>What did you play in the 80's if you weren't a fan of hard games?
Pong, Pole Position, Mario, Mega Man, Tetris, and many others. Tons of games I gave a couple quarters to in arcades or short rentals that I never stuck with due to difficulty or lack of interest. I ran into my fair share of harder than I cared for games and those went unpurchased. shmups/1-hit kill games being big ones I went out of my way to avoid.

>Also, why would you say it only feels like time is wasted when the game is hard? It's all a hobby in the end.
Its not that the, like, base games are hard. Optional completionist challenges within them however, most of the time I really don't know why I bother because they're more often than not unfun. Beating the dev ghost times in MotorStorm Pacific Rift is an example of one. Those were not lenient and not fun to do and there was no cool unlock for doing so. But I did it, then never played the game again. That counts as wasted time to me because I could've spent that time playing something that was fun.

>> No.5212742

I get you better now. There are easy shmups out there though (this is disregarding infinite credit feeding), even if they have their reputation for a reason.

>> No.5212780

It used to be because I was poor and felt better about paying money for a 60+ hour game than on something that could be completed in less than fifteen.

>> No.5213069

for the most people it's:
>your character gets better at killing shit without you having to get better at the game

>> No.5213090
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They aren't. I'm over story-heavy games.

>> No.5213197

Used to hate them, recently came to appreciate them, mainly because they tend to last for some time, and are relatively "comfy" to play, as you pretty much do everything at your own pace and never have a high blood pressure moment like you do in action oriented games which cause you to punch your walls in adrenaline fueled rage

>> No.5213198

Jarpigs are great way to pick up a new language.

>> No.5213201

Ain’t this guy a massive kid diddler?

>> No.5213202

I'm really shit at video games so i like to play things even women and children have no trouble with

>> No.5213203

GayRPGs are not true RPGs. You like GayRPGs because you are a zoomer faggot and the endless grinding to pad out the game is similar to the games you play these days.

>> No.5213204

Too transparent.

>> No.5213205

I love this shmup vs jarpig war as I personally enjoy both genres.

>> No.5213207

It’s really sad that grown men post shit like this.

>> No.5213210

Those are neets autistically grinding points in obscure 20 year old arcade games that were designed to rip the player off of their money, they are only acting according to their mental age.

>> No.5213217

Beyond seething

>> No.5213219

Stick to garbage like Dragon Age, champ. Or pray that necromancy brings back the corpse of shitty crpgs.

>> No.5213229

Have no argument, reply with seething. Typical, don't you have a repetitive boss fight to milk you unemployed geezer?

>> No.5213232

Sorry, I don't play GayRPGs

>> No.5213239

>I don't play grindy games!
>resets first boss 30 times in a row for score

>> No.5213243


>> No.5213505

for fantasy RPGs it's because i'd rather experience a fantasy story than read about it. that said i tend to like non-traditional fantasy RPGs like mass effect, shadowrun, fallout & VTMB more.

i'm not a big fan of JRPGs though.

>> No.5213730

>this board boogeymans shmup fans so hard they confuse a CRPG fan hating on JRPGs for a shmup fan

>> No.5213737

Because it doesn't need skill like fighting games. It just need patience and grinding your level up.

>> No.5213739

They aren't.

But I do like playing some RPGs for the same reason some people like watching TV or movies. They are relaxing time wasters.

>> No.5213889
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Because it offers me something my other favorite genre can't and does it better than other genres.

>> No.5214429

You don't need skill to play fighting games. I buy them all the time to dunk on dumbass CPU and what laughably bad "story" they cook up next.

>> No.5214443

Read that as
>I don't play fighting games

>> No.5215032

Something about putting in the time and seeing your characters become stronger just scratches an itch for me. I always loved grinding for hours so the bosses are a cakewalk. My invested time was rewarded.

>> No.5215052

He just wants to fuck a 15-year-old witch, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5215172
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>mentally ill kid that killed his parents and shot up a school was also a jarpig
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.5215230
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>Paper Mario

>> No.5215231

Jarpigs chad vs Shmucks virgin

>> No.5215248

Based taste.


>> No.5215265
File: 206 KB, 1131x572, shmup virgin chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5215286

You idiots realize that these games are like, all the same shit? If you played one you played them all.
Play Sengeki Striker

>> No.5215307

Just like how all jarpigs are the same turn-based number-crunching shit about having to save the world as a group of kids?

>> No.5215310

Oh hey it's the same trolls bringing up the pointless JRPG vs Shmup war again for no reason

>> No.5215313
File: 156 KB, 800x761, MV5BMDliN2JmNmYtN2Y5Mi00MTUwLTgwNzQtYTdlOTNmZWQ0Mzc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all jarpigs are turn based

>> No.5215315

Seriously play Sengeki Striker

>> No.5215318

Shienryu is better.

>> No.5215319

You're mom riding my dick is better

>> No.5215320

Implying that wasn't what OP was trying to instigate in the first place.

>> No.5215325

They're easy and put some emphasis on the atmosphere (art direction and music) and story. So it's a bit more effort than watching a series but less than watching a book.

>> No.5215329

>muh boogeyman

>> No.5215330

that man looks like a cheeseburger

>> No.5215331

You mean less than reading a book? How? Possibly because, usually, you don't have to read as much and the other activities are easier?

>> No.5215337
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>> No.5215587

I like cRPGs because they actually bother to use the interactivity and facilitate the player's agency. They might be unbalanced, clunky and have broken mechanics, but so do a lot of popular tabletop games that they try to emulate. And when cRPGs really manage to capture that freedom and excitement of tabletop sessions (At least to the degree that is possible), then they really become a one of a kind experience.

Not a big fan of jRPGs, though. I tried to keep an open mind and played a lot of them, but I found most of them rather simplistic and linear, and the overuse of anime tropes, cliches, and stereotypes really drives me nuts (I watch anime for a really long time, and mediocre anime writing just irritates me at this point). I really appreciate the art direction and music, some of them are also quite addicting, but the only ones I really liked were Chrono Trigger and series like Mother or Nier, but they mostly represent an antithesis or subversion of jRPG tropes. I still want to try Suikoden II and FF:T, though, and I also generally enjoy Japanese sRPGs and Wizardry clones.

>> No.5216590

That's not a jarpig, that's a bump simulator.

>> No.5216645

He has the colour scheme of a hamburger. Before I opened the image, I thought that it was going to be a Hamburger man

>> No.5216657

Imagine being so fat...

>> No.5216703

Am I the only one who has played a bunch of SMW rom hacks but never finished the original SMW?

>> No.5216706

It's hard to go back to the generic levels with nothing clever in them after playing hacks for so long.

>> No.5216710

oh fuck wrong thread. but yeah, that's true

>> No.5218594


>> No.5218609

Ys 1 and 2 are lawn mower simulators which is probably why me and my fellow boomers love those two so much.

>> No.5219502

It's how the games make me feel. I like pretty pictures, sweet songs and sad stories. RPGs are often beautiful in ways other games aren't.

>> No.5219505


>> No.5219539

I like RPGs and Fighting games most. Quick bursts of intense competitive action, followed by lazy laid-back exploration. Works for me.

>> No.5220198

I also have ended up only favoring RPG and Fighting games these days, although for different reasons
I like other genres too but they are dead as far as this industry is concerned.