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File: 95 KB, 400x400, JXD-S7300-dual-core-game-console-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
520889 No.520889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

just ordered one of these babies. can anyone who's ordered one tell me about how long it takes to ship?

and maybe tell me what to expect from this tablet?

>> No.520897

Hey I just ordered one too. So we'll probably get ours about the same time.

I think the general consensus is that out of the box it's ass, but once you install custom firmware and configure it then it's great

>> No.520939

I'm posting from my S7300 right now, its a pretty nice device. Check out custom firmware, NCCE is what I use.

>> No.520952

rock on. i'll probably post about it when i get it.
awesome, i'll definitely do that, i've heard it's pretty shit without cfw. how well is the n64 emulation on it?

>> No.520954

>how well
hurr durr
*how good

>> No.520956

Sweet. How's wifi? I heard it worked inconsistently

>> No.521000

Haven't played much n64, but i did tests Golden Eye and Majora's Mask with no problems and great frame rates. Also plays through the first couple missions of Perfect Dark great.

It seems fine for my needs. Once in a while it'll disconnect steam t but that is about it. I mostly use the internet on it to lurk and chat, maybe s YouTube video once in a while and small downloads. It does lose WiFi when you put it to sleep, which I guess is annoying if you want it to download while it lays around or something.

>> No.523026

I was going to get one then I realized I have a Nexus 7... Are there any good gamepad/controller addons to the N7 out or coming out soon? I think its a waste to get teh JXD S7300 when I have a Nexus 7.

>> No.523183

Depends, do you need it attached to the tablet, or would you be ok with the tablet just laying on your lap/standing on a stand and you holding the controller? If you're ok with that, Wii and Dual Shock 3 Controllers can easily hook up through Bluetooth with the Nexus 7 and you can use those for real buttons.

However, for actual buttons that hook onto your tablet, there isn't really anything out on the market right now. The closest thing is the Wikipad, which is still not released, and made specifically for one tablet instead of being a universal docking station like an iControlpad tablet equivalent.

>> No.523212

10/10 review.

>> No.523473
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>finally shows us gameplay
>uses on screen buttons

>> No.523523

so i've heard that the d-pad and the analog stick right above it are completely connected, and there isn't any way to make it so they are able to be mapped separately. is this true?

>> No.523547

From what I've heard yes, they're connected on a hardware level and people are having a hell of a time finding a way to separate them without some hardware modding.

You won't really notice it in most games, but I do wish there was that capability.

>> No.523569

damn, I'm saving up for one. but it pisses me off that I can't pay it with Paypal anywhere when I order it.

I don't want to get some used ebay device.

>> No.523596

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I had to use Paypal when I bought it off Willgoo.

>> No.523627

Can I replace the OS with a real Linux distro?

>> No.523632


watch this. around 3:00 minutes. it depends on the game though. the samurai game you saw is pre-installed I think and uses touch screen controls only I guess. this guy emulates Mario 64 and uses the gamepad. runs pretty smooth

>> No.523636

oh boy. that would be a flaw for some games.

>> No.523639

I know willgoo takes it. but I sit in Europe so I have to get it from Amazon from a german seller.
and amazon are against paypal.

>> No.523641

The controls work fine with pretty much every emulator, for actual Android games there is a mapper you can use to bind on screen movements/buttons onto the physical controls, but I've never had to do that because it is actually all about the emulators.

>> No.523654

You sure? According to the Free DHL pack, they ship to Germany.


>> No.523665

that's not bad actually. thanks for the link. but I'll have to compare the costs between this offer and what amazon "hard2play" does.

>> No.523675

Keep in mind that package comes with all sorts of extras too, so it might be worth it even if it is a little more expensive than some other places.

>> No.523685

Really only noticeable on N64 games, since it would be nice if you could make one of the analogs the C Stick. It is a little annoying but not all games make full use of the Dpad, Analog, and C Stick anyways. I just put the C Stick controls on screen, not optimal but it works.

It might be a problem for Dual Analog games on PSX too, but I haven't played any of those yet.

>> No.523690

I just saw that. I'm in Austria so I'm only worried that I have to got to the damn "Zollamt" (customs office) to receive my package or pay stupid extra fees.

>> No.523698

wow, that really sucks ass.

>> No.523703

that's fucking gay though. I play a fuckton of N64 and I know games that need the cbuttons badly. like Shadowgate 64 or even Turok stuff.

maybe I'll pass on this one.

>> No.523706

Settings>WiFi>Advanced>keep WiFi on During Sleep

>> No.523715

I thought the custom rom fixed that?

>> No.523719

does it? if anybody has the device here, please elaborate if the firmware lifts that shit.

I'm really considering getting one myself.

>> No.523720

Yeah man, there has been discussion about it on the JXD forums, but nobody can seem to think of any way to separate them. The basic hardware just has them do the same inputs, and the community doesn't see any way to change it. Shit sucks, but I haven't been playing much N64 so I haven't noticed it.

That would be good to know, thanks.

Nah, previously there was a problem with the right analog stick not being bindable in emulators and stuff, which was a pain. However the custom firmware and I think more recent updates to the base firmware fixed it, so the right analog works fine in emulators. However, the D-Pad and left analog are still locked together.

>> No.523752

well, i guess for most n64 games you could just set your most frequently used c stick things to the x and y, or other stuff like that. i mean, there's plenty of buttons on the thing even without it, but it sure does annoy me that they did that.

>> No.523779

With the amount of buttons on it, you can bind every button on the N64 -if- you use the select button on the side for the last button.

You have 2 more shoulder buttons than the N64, 2 more face buttons, 2 volume buttons and 1 extra select button. Though because of the Z Trigger, one of the buttons will have to be put on the awkward select/volume buttons, which could be troublesome.

Honestly, it just seems a little too disorienting for me and so I just use C buttons on the right side of the screen, but for any game that uses the C Stick for something intensive it might not cut it.

>> No.523781

I think I can live with that issue as long as the right analog stick is open for C-button mapping which it must be.

I don't understand dpad and left analog being the same though and hardcoded on top of that. what were they thinking? it's a multi emulation device after all.

>> No.523795

doesn't the right stick get c buttons input normally? because then it would be almost a non-issue especially if it's true what >>523720 says and if only Dpad and left stick are tied together

>> No.523797

well, i was just barely thinking about it and i realized that zelda worked fantastically on the 3ds because of the touch screen, so really all you'd need for most games is just like you said, putting the c stick on the touch screen, perhaps even spread out if possible. i don't think any of the games i want to play will need it too badly. i'm more fond of turn based games or games of the zelda variety, so i think it'll work out fine for anything i want to do with it. it just baffles me that they would do that sort of thing.

>> No.523804

should be easy enough. you can just set an extra d pad onto the screen, right? a separate one from the physical buttons?

>> No.523818

Well the only game I've really played on my S7300 for N64 is perfect dark, and I bound the Analog and Dpad because that seemed logical for modern FPS. Though I actually think the C Stick in Perfect Dark also dictates movement, I've never had to use it.

Yeah you can put on screen controls on if you like, and can set transparency on them for most emulators so they won't be too intrusive.

>> No.523829

that must work from what I saw in the presentation videos. but it all depends on the N64 emulator after all and from what I realize it is that the N64 never used the Dpad excessively anyway. gamecube does more with it.

btw how far is GC and PS2 emulation for android?

>> No.523836

Apparently Dolphin is already building up an Android version, but I'm not sure if modern Android devices are strong enough to emulate PS2 or Gamecube yet. Maybe in like 1-2 years they'll have good enough hardware.

Though DS and PSP emulation is really making progress, the PSP emulator especially is really showing progress. I can run tons of games at 30-60 FPS on PPSSPP.

>> No.523850
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>> No.523859

thanks for elaborating on that. I'm curious because I want to know if it's not actually smarter to wait those 2 years and then buy a JXD device that runs PS2 and GC as well. that would be all I ever wanted.

I tried PPSSPP. it was okayish. as for DS it would be incredibly fun since the library was quite good. I tried SMT Devil Survivor recently. really liked it. would look fine on a tablet too.

>> No.523858

That's how I feel.
Unless something changes, I'll wait for the next generation.

>> No.523869

Well, there might be hope if you really want completely independent analogs. Was lurking the JXD forums and apparently the S7800 was just announced. Basically another gaming tablet, but apparently a lot stronger hardware wise than the S7300, a higher pixel density on the screen, and oh man a left analog that isn't hardware hooked to the Dpad input.


Not sure when it is going to come out, but it might be something to keep your eye on.

>> No.523880

> wait those 2 years and then buy a JXD device that runs PS2 and GC as well

Please don't say such things, I don't think my body could handle such a possibility

PPSSPP has ridiculous performance, it's fucking absurd how I'm able to run stuff like Valkyria Chronciles II and Monster Hunter games from PSP on my S7300 so early after it was released. However, there are still a lot of compatibility problems they need to fix. Once it gets polished up, it will be awesome.

The DS emulators are the reverse, they are extremely compatible with every game and actually run them, but on my S7300 all the games I try run slow at about 20 FPS. Once they fix the performance, it will be really awesome. Especially with a touchscreen and tablet pen, I could even get my Cooking Mama on if I wanted to.

>> No.523897

fun. any possible release date? thread doesn't say anything yet.

>> No.523925

Just got announced in China, so I imagine nobody knows. There will probably be more information soon though.

>> No.523942

I'm all hyped now.

>> No.523987

It seems like a good option if you dont need anything immediately, the quad core and 2 gigs of ram will make it really great.

I'd recommend another device but I can't really think of any with dual analog and dpad that are worth getting for emulation. The Archos is one but I've yet to hear anything good about it, people seem pretty displeased with it honestly. I also have no idea how homebrew is going for the PS Vita, but I haven't heard much so it probably hasn't gotten very far yet.

>> No.524140
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just ordered one too, OP. hopefully, it will not e a waste.

>> No.524650
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, Sonic-4-Episode-2-Official-Screenshots-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mine just yesterday. Ordered from these guys called Pellet on Amazon, took a little over a week. Overall I'm very pleased, this is better than the S5110 (my previous device). I probably use it for Android games more than I do emulation (older games and GB/A games look kind of hideous upscaled to 600p), but I'll probably try PCE.emu and epsxe eventually.

I don't really think that's fair. What games use both the analog and d-pad anyway? If you want C-stick controls, you can just use L2/R2, X, and A. Or just do what I've been doing on my S5110, make them virtual buttons. It seems like a kind of trivial reason to pass on such a nice device.

>> No.525678

dpad and left analogue are the same controls

>> No.527731
File: 7 KB, 291x173, jxd_zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you got PPSSPP to run? I have a JXD S7300 and I wasn't able to ... by the way to anyone else it works great but the only issue I have is sometime when you lock the screen it won't come back up. You'll have to hard restart to bring it back up, then again mine is bonestock I haven't tried the community firmware.

>> No.527736

Have it. epsxe is silky smooth, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.527891

I also have that problem, I've been messing with CPU governors to see if that helps, since apparently it has to do with them.

What custom firmware are you using? I'm using NCCE and it works fine, though not for all games. Some games don't boot up at all.

>> No.527906
File: 59 KB, 600x419, Overmax-Action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad they're updating it. It means they've hit profit. Lets hope tablets keep developing in this direction and NOT some bullshit like Project Shield or just becoming vaporware like the sexy Overmax Action.

>> No.528175


Where do you buy one of these anyway?

>> No.528290


>> No.529761

never really realized just how many of these types of things existed.

>> No.529841

What's wrong with Project Shield? Aside from the design, anyway.

>> No.530081
File: 193 KB, 500x497, JXD-S7300B-W-Keyboard-Cover-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must admit, this buundle does look rather tempting. Pic-related

>> No.530086

can't believe that thing is only like 17 bucks.

>> No.530589

That one looked really nice, since you have a nice carrying case along with a keyboard for it. I ended up getting the Free DHL though, since I'm an impatient asshole.

>> No.530648

Actually the wiimote will only work if your nexus 7 is on 4.1.2 or earlier. If it's 4.2 or above, then good luck getting ANY bluetooth controller to work besides the Sixaxis. I had to downgrade my nexus 7 to 4.1.1 yesterday so I can use my nyko playpad pro. Works like a charm now, but it refuses to cooperate with retroarc.

>> No.530659

is there a device thats actually portable? as in can fit into a normal pocket. looking for a decent handheld that can do basic emulation nes to ps1. thing is it has to be portable. smaller then a psp bigger then a gba.

>> No.530665

Oh, not to mention the joysticks are a bit laggy since the playground app was updated. The Nyko playpad controllers are probably the worst controllers around for android right now.

>> No.530682
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The GCW Zero might be right up your alley, but it hasn't been released yet, I think they're supposed to be shipping the pre-orders soon.

I also am unsure of the PS1 emulation on it, last I heard they were working on it, but they don't have a working emulator yet. It certainly has the hardware for it though.

There is also the JXD S602, but pretty much the same size as the PSP.

>> No.530737

Can you tell me more about this tablet? I'm interested.

I know its a shitty chinese rip off, but what the fuck is it capable of? Can I hook it up to a wireless keyboard/mouse? Can I install different OS's on it? What kind of emulators run well on it?

I'm very curious to buy one of these, but I've only seen those tiny gameboy micro ones, Im just afraid its going to be lackluster due to the fact its rip off chink hardware. Can anyone who has one like upload some vids of it in action? That'd be cool.

>> No.530739

looks good thanks alot. psp size is too big to be lugging around. so far the GBASP is my personal fav, tho can only emulate GB GBC and GBA.

>> No.530760

Well you can always mod a PSPgo if you want portability.

I honestly need to buy a psp3000 myself, looking on buying the peace walker edition due to that sexy green color, as well as to hack that fucker and get some emulators on there, I don't think they've cracked the vita yet so I'm stuck playing shit legit but I'm fine with that, it's portable enough for me.

Just giving my two cents, sorry if I rambled on.

>> No.530768

> Can I hook it up to a wireless keyboard/mouse?
Not sure about a mouse, since Android is all about the touch screen, but you can definitely hook it up to a wireless keyboard. I've never seen anyone try to hook a mouse to their Android device though, since there is no mouse pointer.

> Can I install different OS's on it?
I've never seen it happened or mentioned so I don't think so, it's probably stuck on Android, but that's still a pretty flexible system.

> What kind of emulators run well on it?
Anything up to PS1 or N64. The emulation scene for Android is actually really big, and the S7300 has enough power to run both those at full speed. DS and PSP are also making massive progress, I estimate both will be really good in 6 months.

There are a bunch of youtube reviews of it online if you want to see it in action, and there is a bunch of custom firmware made by the community that tears off all the Chinese junk and gives you a clean android machine with nice management options.

>> No.530808

Ah fuck man you're very informative, I appreciate that.

Sucks I can't get it and install another OS just to toy around with it, but I didn't expect it to be that polished when emulating PS1 and N64. Are there any issues with emulation as a heads up?

Also how or those dual thumbsticks, I'm glad they're at least to start fucking putting thumbsticks on shit, instead of one off to the side, they shouldn't have full retarded with the thumbsticks above the d-pad and buttons, I don't even own a WiiU yet but it looks uncomfortable.

Though I will say it looks sleek as fuck, I wonder if it comes in any colors, like black or maybe green.

>> No.530873
File: 74 KB, 800x600, S7300joy16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comes in White and Black, I got black myself.

There are actually multiple emulators for each system, I use FPSE and N64oid myself, but others use ePSXe or Mupen64.

Pretty much all the emulators work great, have all the bells and whistles like save states and fast forward. Der Langrisser had all the menu text messed up for some reason, but I activated C Core compatibility and that cleared it up.

Front Mission 3 crashes every once in a while and I have no idea why, but that game is kind of a bastard to emulate for whatever reason, so I've ended up saving often. It can go missions without crashing, but in some missions it can crash a bunch.

I've played a bunch of other PS1 games with no crashing though, I cleared all of Final Fantasy Tactics in FPSE with no problems, so I'm guessing it's just Front Mission 3.

The thumbsticks are fine, though as said in the thread earlier, the left stick and dpad are stuck on the same inputs no matter what you do. I play shmups with the analogs and they feel fine enough, though someone replaced their sticks with real analogs recently and posted about it, I am a little jelly.

>> No.530879

not at all mate, totally forgot about the PSPGO. thanks again

>> No.530937

No problem dude, the pspgo is nice anyway, though I personally prefer the psp3000/vita. I love the fucking vita honestly, I can't wait till more games get released, hell I don't even care if they re-release more HD collections of ps2 classics for it.

Damn that looks so good in your picture than in OP's.

>the left stick and dpad are stuck on the same inputs no matter what you do.

Couldn't you crack this sucker open and a spare busted controller and make a seperate input for the d-pad and thumbstick? It shouldn't be to hard to hard-mod it like that. Cause that alone erks me that they're suck on the same input, I always figured that would happen when something like this looks too good to be true.

But damn, seems pretty legit. I think it would be worth to pick this up honestly just for fun, do you think it can run MAME too or even that CPS3 emulator?

It has me thinking if its powerful enough to run Quake live or even TF2.

>> No.530963

Nah, from what I've read, the fucking controls for the Dpad and Left Analog are literally soddered into the same input on the board, so the community isn't really sure what to do about it. It would take some hard modding to separate them.

I run a MAMA emulator on it too, play a ridiculous amount of Metal Slug on it. I've also played a decent amount of ProGear, DoDonpachi, and 19XX on it all very smooth. Metal Slug has slow downs every once in a while for a split second, but only when I'm shotgunning like 6 mummies at once or something. It really never impairs the gameplay.

Apparently FBA is on Android and can play CPS3, but I haven't given it a try, though I have been looking for a new Arcade emulator.

>> No.531078

I want to buy one but am split between this or a Pandora.
Also, is SCUMMVM ported?

>> No.531110

Apparently? I've never used it of course, but there is an App with decent reviews.


I use Dosbox Turbo for my old computer game needs, works great.

>> No.531112

Do try out some CPS3 games like Red Earth and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and my all time favorite Street Fighter III. They're the fucking best, and its a shame the CPS3 died so young with all that fucking potential.

Fuck, I remember playing metal slug a long time ago, I wish they'd release some on PSN or something. Or even just have some company come out with metroid/castlevania type games, imagine a fuck ton of those on the JXD while taking a shit.

A man can dream anon, a man can dream. Also, try out quake live if you can, I'm very curious if you can get that running since it's in browser, you don't have to but I feel you're as curious as I am now.

>> No.531137


>> No.531184

I can give some CPS3 games a go when I get home, though that won't be tonight.

It doesn't seem like Quake Live works with Android though, even though it is in a browser the controls are all dependent on mouse and keyboard, so I'm not sure that will get working but I'll give it a go later.

>> No.531285

You can custom map the controls last time I remember, when you do, do make a thread about it.

Cause I love me some quake live and I was about to go play a match since I'm buzzed up and had some nice Colombian roast coffee. Next time I gotta make it Turkish style though, get it nice and thick.

>> No.532278

how much is one of these bad boys gonna set me back?