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File: 204 KB, 640x1105, Dracula_X_Chronicles_-_Cover_-_US_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5204540 No.5204540 [Reply] [Original]

What's your least favorite remake of a /vr/ game?
I know there are worse than this, but goddamn this one is ugly and the things it does change are just shittier.
Rondo just didn't need this.

>> No.5204564
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If I had no knowledge of the originals I'd probably think it was a fine game, but everything's worse in comparison.

>> No.5204590

Ironically mine is also retro, Gamearts somehow went to shit and the port of Lunar 2 they made only a couple years later is a disaster.

The other would have to be the official Metroid 2 remake which I only played a couple minutes of but sucked and was made by the folks who made Castlevania Mirror of Fate which is one of the worst games ever made.

>> No.5204591

Tomb Raider Anniversary

>> No.5204598

I remember buying this with no knowledge of Rondo. When I unlocked the original, it was so much better that I ended up just playing through that instead.
I don't think I ever actually beat the remade mode.

>> No.5204613

The best thing about this remake of Rondo of Blood is that Symphony of the Night is completely included in the game.

Also, for me it'll be Pokémon Let's Go, a Switch game that manages to look worse than most 3DS games and have less content than Pokémon Yellow, having removed the Game Corner, Safari Zone and Pikachu's Beach.

I also didn't like the Tales of Phantasia GBA remake because of the shit translation. The later PSP remake was good though.

>> No.5204650

>The best thing about this remake of Rondo of Blood is that the original Rondo of Blood is completely included in the game.

>> No.5204661

Probably Shadow Warrior, i remember reading an interview with the basedboy developers and they were having a whale of a time shitting on the original game and its fans

>> No.5204663

Speaking of PSP games, I thought medievil resurrection wasn't that great.

>> No.5204672

It isn't really a remake, just a shitty game using the same name.

>> No.5204685

>take a good 2D game or series
>remake it or make a new entry as a grody looking 2.5D game
I'm so fucking glad we finally got past that.

>> No.5204701
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It's still happening.

>> No.5204705

I hate Sword of Mana.

>> No.5204808

>No safari zone


>> No.5204835

The entire game is Safari Zone now; it’s Go!-style.

>> No.5204882
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>> No.5204889

Samus Returns destroyed all sense of triumph (at beating the Metroid Queen) and wonder (at the egg hatching) by inserting a tedious backtracking slogfest before the end credits, then ripping off Super Metroid's unique plot elements (Ridley kidnapping the hatchling, the Metroid defending its mother) so they could shoehorn Ridley into a game AGAIN.

>> No.5204893
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Not as often at least

>> No.5204931

How much do I need to play to unlock rondo?

>> No.5204963

Like 4 levels, you have to find it in a secret area.

>> No.5204978

>and the things it does change are just shittier.
This is not true though, the redesigned stage 5b is undoubtely better than the "let's reuse other levels assets and make a boring long corridor" in the original.
Also better, more challenging and longer Dracula final fight, and more secrets to discover.
I don't even thing it's that ugly. I do prefer 2D graphics, but all things considered Dracula X Chronicles is ok, has some nice backgrounds (sometimes original Rondo often lacks), oh yeah and let's not forget the boss rush mode and customizable soundtrack.
It's very serviceable.

>> No.5204984

>the redesigned stage 5b is undoubtely better than the "let's reuse other levels assets and make a boring long corridor" in the original.
That's my favorite level in the original, though. It has a fun groove to it, and the music is castlekino.

>> No.5204998

>That's my favorite level in the original, though.
Yeah, I sure love how "groovy" it is to walk corridors with old level assets and beat the same enemy over and over.
>music is castlekino
I love how un-castlevania that song is, it's totally unfitting for the game but that's fine. Also the remake actually has an arranged version of it, but it's the hardest song to unlock IIRC.

>> No.5205004

You're entitled to your bad opinion.

>> No.5205006
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Metroid 2 is one of my favorite games... I just don't even want to know or find out. I will never try this game.

It's actually remarkable how many remakes are absolute fuck ups. All they have to do is not ruin the great game sitting in front of them, and somehow they blow it 99% of the time.

>> No.5205013

It's not even an opinion, that level in the original is made of corridors and boring copy-paste placement of enemies. Only platforming part is a lazy floating platforms segment.
In the remake they actually did a properly designed level, and it's actually pretty challenging.

>> No.5205017

>and the things it does change are just shittier
Are you joking? DXC's version of Stage 5' is significantly better, and even the Dracula boss fight is improved with a nice third stage that's well designed and climactic. I agree the game doesn't look that great, though I'm glad they decided to utilize different art direction. I like that it's not just a bunch of 3D versions of Rondo's sprites.

I prefer the original version, but the DXC remake isn't bad at all.

>> No.5205019
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>> No.5205021

Samus Returns is so different from the original they might as well have just created a new game entirely. I would have preferred it if they did.

>> No.5205036

You not liking the level is an opinion, it doesn't automatically suck because you say it does.

>> No.5205058

I mean, it's not that I don't like it. I just noticed that they went and actually made a better designed level on the remake.
I'd like to know why you like the original? How are you gonna argue that it is not mostly corridors with the same enemy over and over and little to no platforming?
The only memorable part is when you have to fight the 2 guards in the closed room.

>> No.5205076

Ok thanks.

>> No.5205097
File: 32 KB, 300x450, gfs_101167_2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how many people would agree with me, but I think even the 3D remakes look awful. I've never liked it when they try to translate the proportions of 2D sprites into 3D models.

>> No.5205102

I think the character models are charming, but I can understand the sentiment.

That said FFIV DS is the only Final Fantasy game that actually held my attention all the way through. I'm not sure why.

>> No.5205115
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Forced companion that doesn't shut the fuck up, terrible zanny humor, neutered ambience.

>> No.5205121

You said the way the original was designed made it boring and I disagreed because I like the level, I don't really care that it's just a long corridor. As long as you don't think it outright sucks then I don't have a beef.

>> No.5205128

I mean, it's still Castlevania so I won't say it sucks, it's just the least thoughtful level in the game. Seems like something they made quickly reusing assets.
Because of that, I think the redesigned version of that level on DXC is a positive. Since I was replying to OP's claim that "the things it does change are just shittier."

>> No.5205145

I always thought it was supposed to be like a gauntlet where in each section they just throw enemies at you, and I'd challenge myself to get through it without dying or taking damage. I've never played 5b in the remake so I don't know if they actually did something better, maybe I'll check it out.

>> No.5205146

That's a common sentiment, look at the reviews for the Chrono Trigger remaster on Steam.

>> No.5205151

The stiff classicvania controls don't really translate well in a pseudo 3D environment, you just get frustrated that Richter can't move faster.

>> No.5205341
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You can feel the switch to 30fps as well. Castlevania isn't exactly a blistering fast series but I swear this game drops inputs.
>This is not true though,
The added boss fight with the Succubus is garbage but at least it's avoidable. It feels more tedious and precise than the original bosses but isn't at all any more interesting.
A lot of the boss behavior in the game just doesn't feel right. The headless knight's attack speed feels all over the place compared to the original. Same with the minotaur. The wolfman felt considerably easier. I'm not a fan of the new Dracula fight either. The first two forms feel like a joke now when they were already easy before, and his new forms are more "fill the entire screen with attacks except for this one spot" bullshit you also see with the succubus. It doesn't reward skill but instead memorization and patience. Just tedious. At least the boss rush before the Shaft fight and Shaft himself feel authentic enough. As for the boss rush mode, well, have fun fighting all these worse bosses I guess.
And again, it's ugly. Character models, animation, backgrounds - all of it. The original Rondo wasn't the best looking game by every account but considering it's basically an 8-bit video game it doesn't have to be, and that said it's still one of the best on its console in terms of spritework and animation.
Cutscenes, script, and voice work are terrible and laughable now but totally charming in the original. Added cutscenes before every boss is shitty and not as cool as the animations that naturally play out in the original.
>the redesigned stage 5b is undoubtely better
Of course Iga would take the only actually challenging stage from Rondo and fucking nuke it, and of course you would think the newer, shittier one is better.
I know I'm being an
fag right now but it's true goddamnit. 2.5D remakes should be abolished.

>> No.5205518
File: 56 KB, 440x640, goldenpuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say no more, senpai. Also, Outrun from PS2 Sega Ages also has a place here, but Golden Axe is fucking unplayable to the level of ZX Spectrum shovelware.

>> No.5206754

How do you feel the Dracula battle got easier? At least now his second phase can use the lightning wave from either side of the screen and does a massive jump to reach them instead of slowly sliding while totally vulnerable.

Also, the original Stage 5b was a total clusterfuck that didn't even have a boss battle. DXC kept some of the key enemy encounters intact while adding a boss fight for each route in it, one of which was an entirely new adversary. While we didn't get a remix of Opus 13, Red Dawn is still a pretty nice song.

>> No.5206869

>How do you feel the Dracula battle got easier?
You can literally whip Dracula's head 3 times per phase when he appears in his first form no problem. Not possible in the original. His second form isn't difficult in either but there was no reason to babby down his first one even further. Any of the original design put into the later forms just doesn't match up with or feel like a Rondo boss fight to me. Not a fan.
>original Stage 5b was a total clusterfuck that didn't even have a boss battle
It was a bonus stage only accessible after beating Dracula.

>> No.5206881
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>> No.5206892

Honestly this game was pretty good, it's so far removed from Metroid II though but I thoroughly enjoyed having a new Metroid after so long

>> No.5206908

I hate how this game ignored every improvement made to the series since X1. You can't dash off of a wall simply by holding dash, you can't revert to the buster by holding L+R, you can't turn off command dash, subtanks use the entire tank regarldless of how much health you lost.

I still like it overall, though. Vile mode and hard mode redeem it.

>> No.5206932

>but goddamn this one is ugly
The game looks great on PSP, of course, stretched out on an emulator makes it look significantly worse.
>and the things it does change are just shittier.
Wrong, most of the stages are just as good if not better, the music is fucking fantastic and so are the new designs and menus, even the belmont powerwalk looks nice without being a 1:1 copy.

>> No.5206957

I guess you have a point about the 30fps, although I don't remember any problem. it DOES feel different than the original Rondo, though, obviously. It's not a 1:1 port, it's a 2.5D recreation, and many parts are different, not just level 5b. Most of it is the same though.
As for background, while the good backgrounds on Rondo surpass anything DXC has, in many instances DXC has more impressive work. Rondo has a lot of simple 8-bit black screens or simple backgrounds while DXC has more detailed stuff with 3D parallax effects and what not.
At the end of the day it all depends on personal taste and yes, I prefer original Rondo overall. But to say DXC did nothing good would be a bit too far. They did try and I think all in all is a good remake. Think of it, it could have been like that 3DS game. At least this one is still a classicvania. It's no Goemon's Great Adventure (an actual good vania game in 2.5D), but it's still serviceable.

>> No.5206981


That Golden Axe is the worst of them all. So awful.

Can't forget the Bonk/PC Denjin remake that never made it out of Japan either, but it wasn't nearly as bad.


>> No.5206995

I'm not trying to say it's completely devoid of anything good. As far as 2.5D remakes go, I believe they're inherently bad, but they've been a lot worse than this one. I absolutely love the original Rondo though and think the changes brought to this one were simply unnecessary and didn't improve the experience. It could be worse, sure, but I don't think it's good.

>> No.5207861

The three whips thing does sound valid, though even in Rondo the backflip mega-cheesed that battle anyway (laughably so). As for "just doesn't match up with or feel like a Rondo boss fight to me," what exactly qualifies as a Rondo boss fight to you? You mentioned that you thought some of the dodging was tedious, but what would a battle have to get right to be a worthy addition to Rondo?

>> No.5207863

Also, despite being a bonus stage, that doesn't change the fact that the original Stage 5b was an utter mess that even changed backgrounds from day to night like crazy. At the very least it could have used a boss fight, and DXC delivers in that regard with an original encounter and letting you fight a boss otherwise exclusive to an incomplete ending on the other route as well.

>> No.5207865

Worth it just to play as Vile

>> No.5207868
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>> No.5207920

>As for "just doesn't match up with or feel like a Rondo boss fight to me," what exactly qualifies as a Rondo boss fight to you?
The thing about the boss fights in Rondo is that they often reward an aggressive play style. Sans Dracula, you normally don't have to be too safe or pay that close attention to patterns to get by. There's dodging to be done and dominant strategies to employ, sure, but my first time through it I got through a majority of bosses first or second try, usually with pretyy low health, but they felt lime intense, rewarding boss fights, for what they are. Sitting around in a singular spot while the rest of the screen fills with an attack simply waiting for it to play out feels cheesy to me. This is something the original fights in DXC share. It's designed to play in a more surgical way and isn't as fun.
I mean, I'm not meaning to make a big deal of it. I fully acknowledge there are far worse remakes out there and that DXC is worth a look if you're a fan. But I think the original ideas it has don't improve the experience at all. I never cared that stage 5' was cobbled together with poor transitions because it served its purpose as a bonus level that was the most challenging stage in the game. DXC may have fixed its problems but also missed what made it worth seeking out.

>> No.5207950

Smb 2 for gba. They really just fucked it up. They didn't even care enough to change all the pallets and sprites, they just kind if threw bits and pieces all over that completely clash with the design. And the added voices are really annoying. It's like playing a mod that adds 3d hd textured weapons to daggerfall or original doom. Or a texture pack that only replaces 1/3rd of the textures, with higher resolutions with a voice mod for characters that didn't talk before, but they were recorded over a phone on a walkman.

>> No.5208225

5b was the best stage in the game, fuck your gay design nitpickkng.

>> No.5208249

Gonna be awful.

>> No.5208259

Ain’t even out yet and you remake reactionaries are already firing on all cylinders.

If it doesn’t use heavily compressed pre-rendered backgrounds, aliased LEGO Block character models and the same uninspired jarpig gameplay, it’ll be golden.

>> No.5208441

I liked this game, but it's a bad port of Metroid II because the source material is pretty much unrecognizeable. It works fine as a 3DS Metroid game though.

>> No.5208459
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It's not terrible per se, but when you compare it to Mask or, even worse, Dawn it just falls completely flat on its face.

>> No.5208468

It probably will be terrible though. It's not like I hate change, but are there any remakes that (1) drastically change the gameplay and (2) are as good or better than the source material?

>> No.5208481

In an alternate universe where Square weren't complete bellends, they asked the visual artists behind Record Keeper and Romancing SaGa Re;Universe to do the spritework and visual effects, making a beautiful sprite-based game taking advantage of modern technology.

>> No.5208485

Lunar: Silver Star Story.

>> No.5208489

nice rpg maker fangame

>> No.5208490

It's not though.

>> No.5208551

The original Lunar was a mediocre game that relied entirely on its presentation rather than its gameplay, and I say that as someone who completed it and its sequel twice

>> No.5208592

Truth pill:
Re;Universe's sprite art and the mobile FFV/FFVI's sprite art are both done by Kazuko Shibuya, who did the art for the original games.
Difference being that FF execs have no idea what to do with the franchise or what people want while the SaGa team actually cares and still has some pride and confidence in their own shit.

There was an interview with Shibuya some time ago where she was puzzled at the reaction the new art got since she thought that was what people wanted given how the executives told her to "modernize" her style for the game.

>> No.5208606

Really? Here I was thinking it was outsourced to some chink.

>> No.5208616

It's a long interview with Shibuya and her work for FF, SaGa and DQ.

>> No.5208624


The biggest Crime of the game is that it is a missed chance for a Dracula X3. Kojima's designs are great, but I think it would have been better to use them for new characters, rather than a remake. Imagine a game where Richter's son, and a new child go fight dracula. We'd get to see the fates of an eldery maria and Richter, and maybe Alucard as well?

Being a new game it would avoid comparisons to Rondo.

>> No.5209738

Granted, this thing is a pretty good remake... of the arcade version. Which was the crappier, inferior version of the game.

>> No.5209741
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While we're on the topic of Lunar: Silver Star, I feel this is very appropriate for the thread.

>> No.5209784

I liked it. Never played the original, though.

>> No.5209787

Its not a great example of a terrible remake. What makes it bad is that the pacing is awful. The presentation is nice, the artstyle is faithful to the original, music remixes are fine, etc. It isn't really even bad. Its just that the original is so much more fun to play because long load times and long animations suck.

>> No.5209797
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How is pic related? Should I play it or the original FFA on Game Boy?

>> No.5210127

I've been playing the Rondo of Blood remake on my PSP lately. Its not bad, but the original is incredibly better.

On topic, my least favorite remake is FF1 on GBA.

>> No.5210146


woah weird I kind of assumed this shit was shelved, they started talking about it in 2015 fer christsakes.

is it actually gong to be released?

>> No.5210164

That's a taste choice. I personally like the ffa and ffl games on gb. But the gba one is good in it's own right. Try em both!

>> No.5211167

On the plus side you can unlock the original ROB. Kinda a shame you can't unlock Dracula X though.

>> No.5212310

Agreed, but they still made it worse. I've played both versions of both also. SSSC isn't terrible the way LEBC is, but it's still a step down from the original.

>> No.5212776

The really weird thing is that the L+R thing still works, it just has to be frame perfect. Try it out a few times and times and it'll work.

>> No.5212912
File: 28 KB, 241x412, PSP-UltimateGhostsnGoblins-USVersion-FrontCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a remake?