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File: 116 KB, 680x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5199589 No.5199589 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5199623


yes I too like all my characters to look like malnourished transvestites. Amano sucks and you're a faggot.

>> No.5199630

I agree with you and you're a faggot

>> No.5199665

It's kinda hit or miss depending on the game.

>> No.5199684

I feel the same my dude.

>> No.5199719
File: 1.72 MB, 500x281, 69ABB686-1E69-4F36-9675-53B44DA75708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if Nomura is anything to write home about

>> No.5199723

It's not, but it's objectively useless as character design

>> No.5199787
File: 798 KB, 1200x445, quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more unpopular yet unironically objectively true opinion: Akira Toriyama's designs are great and only underage animufags think otherwise

>> No.5199791
File: 223 KB, 1000x764, Amano_FFIII_Group[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree, his work really embodies the word "fantasy" to me

>> No.5199810

A bunch of drag queens tripping balls is your idea of fantasy?

>> No.5199976


>> No.5199980

better than spike haired yugioh rejects

>> No.5200006
File: 799 KB, 1282x752, ffv_cutscene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Objectively" it served it's purpose as concept art.
It's awful when port/remasters use it as in-game portraits because that wasn't the objective it was made for.

>> No.5200017


Why is /vr so fucking stupid all the time?

>> No.5200024
File: 303 KB, 2059x1452, nomura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Objectively" it served it's purpose as concept art.
If you consider concept art as simple "inspiration" pieces this could be true, but it certainly didn't cover all the bases of what visual development for games was supposed to be. Amano's work was a good way of adding an artsy highbrow layer for packaging and promo artwork that helped the series stand out from more functional but less classy visual styles (>>5199787), but it always required somebody to then go and make actually implementable designs from that mess (I mean "mess" in a good way, I do love the guy's work, but it's like the less appropriate kind of style imaginable for extremely low resolution games)

Less so for the monsters, since those were just higher resolution floating billboards, but the field/battle appearance of the characters had almost nothing to do with the original designs, even in terms of basic color schemes.

Nomura owes a lot to the guy though, since he got started as a "translator" of Amano's designs into stuff actually usable by the sprite artists

>> No.5200075

What amateur freeware W98 game is this?

>> No.5200090

Thank you but I'm a career designer. I know the difference between a concept and a reference. And I will explain the difference to my clients who are laymen and think all art is made equal and that it's theirs to do with as they please because they threw money at someone. It's not; and they don't. Neither are promotional material unless it's an anniversary edition and the selling point is the art collection. Or you're an indie-developer and your kickstarter development doubles as a promotional tool, but I digress.

It's the iOS remake which is also available on Steam because they have no shame.

>> No.5200097

Amano's art is gorgeous.

>> No.5200130

I like Amano in general but definitely his forte is monster and ambient design.
Characters always ended up being messy and wrapped in multicolored cloth.

>> No.5200226

Amano's art is the only good thing FF has together with Uematsu's music.

>> No.5200254

His art is beautiful, just because it isn't generic anime shit doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.5200265
File: 178 KB, 1024x739, Yoshitaka_Amano_Maten_-_p023-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vampire Hunter D art is A+

>> No.5200278

More like “attention whore that thinks they are edgy”

Heres a popular and objective opinion: OP is a fag

>> No.5200281
File: 117 KB, 670x896, c3a3f85c773a5c1524433da659f75a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more Amano art

>> No.5200293
File: 314 KB, 722x960, 6d978dde26210c90103ebf64dc87c203--graphic-artwork-yoshitaka-amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5200296
File: 178 KB, 500x700, cat-woman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of mine is video games though

>> No.5200310
File: 128 KB, 807x1000, FFI_Desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When he actually was the lead illustrator and monster concept artist he produced some great pieces especially the original FFI illustrations. Although they're not always great, like in II Amano seems to be going through a phase of "DUDE COLORS LMAO"

Then Nomura took over and Amano started just copying Nomura's designs and they look terrible, FF8s being the worst.

>> No.5200318

this guy gets it

>> No.5200337
File: 814 KB, 2495x2410, wBb3NMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a weird laserdisc collectible I bought off ebay Japan, it's a video disc that plays operatic music while a slideshow of Amano art plays

>> No.5200343

Amano's art is great.
Nomura is a great monster designer.
Toriyama's art is very distinct and fun.

>> No.5200346

I agree with you and you're not a faggot.

>> No.5200354

While he does tend to recycle designs a lot I thoroughly enjoy Toriyama’s style

>> No.5200359

With Amano's The Sky Artbook collection you can clearly see what you pointed out.
I really enjoy his nes/snes era, specially the monochrome FF1 monster designs.

>> No.5200369

I think DQ benefits from this recycling, making a more cohesive bestiary through the franchise

>> No.5200418

truth nugget

HIOLY SHIT that is amazing

>> No.5200442
File: 1.07 MB, 1298x902, a48eddcd35e11fe1517b473e10d67cef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you even seen the FF1 monster design concept art? He had tons of skill even back when. It's no question he can make truly great art on a technical level. His trademark hasty line work and warped proportions are pretty hit or miss IMO but give a unique rawness to everything and often allow for some very appealing shapes and compositions.

It's iconic and cute but the designs are way too samey for my taste. Chrono Trigger was his peak in game art and even that suffered from a lack of variety.

Is there a rip of this anywhere online?

>> No.5200743

If you studied history more you'd know how accurate this actually is throughout the ages.

>> No.5201272

do you want me to kick your ass?

>> No.5201274

I want to squeeze paine's bobs

>> No.5202125

I agree. OP's not a faggot for once.

>> No.5202128

No, Hank Hill. Calm down.

>> No.5204368

This is hideous. Kind of like the stuff I saw the weird kids drawing at university/high school

This is good. His designs are iconic.

Amano's style isn't really unique. It looks like deviantart fanart of trannies, as others have said.

>> No.5204376
File: 243 KB, 640x975, 04_akirasf01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although, Akira did draw this piece of wtf

Guile with breasts??
Cammy is like 5, tops and looks like Ralphie from a Christmas story.
Chun Li???

>> No.5204390

What, do you actually think that picture looks good? It's a goddamn mess. It's like he got bored halfway through drawing it, started doodling, and then just forgot to stop.

>> No.5204480

I love his art. It makes the game feel more exotic and less cookie cutter.

>> No.5204484

>Amano's style isn't really unique.
Find me five artists that look the same.

>> No.5204492

Just because other emo fags copied his style doesn't mean it wasn't unique during his heyday.

>> No.5204620

In what world is that an unpopular opinion? Sure, you'll at times come across a few retards complaining about trivial shit like sameface, but Toriyama is still well liked by the majority.

>> No.5204623


thats not an art youmongloid
learn what art is first retarded kiddo

>> No.5204635

t. soon to be unemployed liberal arts student

>> No.5204638

>thinks art = drawing

very sad iq

>> No.5204639

It's Dr Slump characters cosplaying Street Fighter. Arale is Cammy, Slump in Chunners, idk who the hell everyone else is because I only watched like 4 episodes and decided it was too Japanese for me to get into. Like most characters seem based on Japanese mythology and tons of jokes are those Jap-puns that don't translate.

>> No.5204652

I'll probably get called soi for this but what I like about Amano's designs is that it didn't feel like they were trying to be hip and sexy. Nomura's designs all ooze sexuality, and it got worse over the years.

Also I certainly agree that Toriyama is a more practically talented and effective character designer (I don't even agree that his designs are "samey").

>> No.5204654

thinks lib arts degree = job
Very Sad indeed

>> No.5204658
File: 44 KB, 537x560, 1434690906809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is subjective
great post, 10/10 if I do say so my self freindo man

>> No.5204674

Children's cartoons is not art.

>> No.5204676

Nomura is also better at emulating Amano's style (FF5 and 6 monster artwork) Than the reverse (OP pic).

>> No.5204765

nobody is talking about what is art and what is not you kinder baby
learn comprehension
learn what "art != drawing" means
learn what the "=" symbol means

retarded kid

>> No.5204785

Yes it is art. All drawing that has any bit of style is considered "art" Whether it's good or bad art is to be determined, but it's art by definition.

Also you're in denial of reality - these media are not only for children but for adults as well. No matter how much you come here talking about "children" to make yourself feel good, you will not change that reality. Guess what? I don't even like art like this one bit and I'm saying this. So go back to fucking sheep or whatever you like doing in your spare time, you will always be a subhuman who has no understanding of life based on your statements here.

>> No.5204804

i love this art

dont you love this art too? the art skill is top notch

>> No.5204818


Okay and the original Final Fantasy was also awful. And pretty much every idea FF ever had is awful. Wow incredible, it doesn't matter

>> No.5204826

Those are Dr Slump characters cosplaying as Street Fighter characters, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.5204827

if you can't muster criticism better than "looks like doodling" that just makes you the pleb.

>> No.5204898

A goddamn mess is exactly what it is, and he clearly was improvising the whole way through, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with either of those things. If you just left your shallow pre-conceived notions about art alone for at least one second, or educated yourself on the subject a bit further, I think you'd appreciate the painstaking work and craftsmanship that went into that entire image.

>> No.5205395

Never cared for his fancy ass boxart.
Nor the character portraits (introduced in the GBA remakes) which look hella out of place.
Nor the enemy sprites which also look out of place next to the shitty party sprites.

>> No.5205417

like every other artist in history he just wishes he was mobius but that doesn't make him bad

>> No.5205474

He has a hatebase in America for some reason, but it mostly consists of teenagers whose sole argument is "deebeezee is gay lol".

>> No.5205476
File: 1.35 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_2482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could watercolor like Amano.

>> No.5205485

Pardon my ignorance, what the fuck is that?

>> No.5205526
File: 759 KB, 2500x1787, KdnhgvS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205540

Phantasy Star series is a hugely overrated series.