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File: 389 KB, 1250x650, genesis_vs_snes_aladdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5198780 No.5198780 [Reply] [Original]

The Great Debait

>> No.5198785

Genesis version.

>> No.5198787

Why not both?

>> No.5198805

Agreed, no contest.

>> No.5198806

Because fenceshitting is boring.

>> No.5198836
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 4641E8D7-CC6E-418C-8FEB-CE880E170113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES has better platforming, visuals and sound objectively

>but muh sword tho

>> No.5198838


Its one of the rare cases where the Genesis version is objectively superior. Anyone that says the SNES version is better is a fanboy.

>> No.5198841

Even Shinji Mikami, director of the SNES version, thinks the Genesis version is better.

>> No.5198847

SNES is better. A bit too easy sadly.

>> No.5198861

How did I not know he directed that?

>> No.5198907

Game boy (which i believe is the genesis version?)

>> No.5198917

There is no debate to be had. Only one of those titles went on to influence other platformers and Disney games that came after and it sure wasn't the SNES version.

Imagine if Earthworm Jim or Mickey Mania or Pitfall the Mayan Adventure took its cues from Capcom. We should have slow 8-bit style platformers with sprites that look like public domain art work up until the fifth gen.

>> No.5198927


>> No.5198972
File: 260 KB, 1280x847, 1489954988806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare cases where the Genesis version is objectively superior.
Is it really that rare? Do we not have an agreed upon list of 4th gen multiplats which shows what versions are superior here on /vr? If not we may need to make a new thread.

>> No.5199004

Not really, he just said something like "I'd buy the genesis version", as in if he was a consumer back then and had to choose based on the cover art.
He was salty because for some reason Disney Japan didn't let Capcom use the genie on the cover. The Genie is on the cover of the US/EU SNES Aladdin though.
In return, Dave Perry said that he would buy the SNES version himself.

As for the thread, this is a debate that likely will never end, as it is rooted in console wars and stuff, but I think objectively speaking, the SNES game is better in terms of controls and design.
Virgin Aladdin has the super smooth animations for the characters and enemies, but that's really its strongest point. Music is good but music is good in both games.
Capcom's game still looks great though, sprites aren't animated as smoothly as on Virgin's, but they're very detailed (for example the shading is better), and the background I think are honestly much better on Capcom's game.
The problem I have with Virgin's gameplay is the same I have with every other Perry game and many other western platformer action games. Erratic hitboxes, unfocused "maze-like" level design. The Capcom game has much better flow, controls are very smooth and reward momentum (bouncing on enemies, doing acrobatics, etc).
I don't even enjoy the swordplay on virgin's game since it doesn't really feel satisfying. Yes, they added a sword, but it's kind of laughable that enemies just pop up in dust. I feels like I'm popping ballons with a nail.
But I mean it's not even about Aladdin alone, I will likely always prefer a 90s Capcom game over any Virgin game, honestly. See all other Capcom disney games.

>> No.5199020

>visuals and sound
Lol, no.

Perry's animations and Tallarico's music are GOAT. You'd have to be a delusional weebcuck to believe otherwise.

>> No.5199037

Genesis. Only people with sad childhoods would say the contrary

>> No.5199046

when i was 6 i had fun with the aladdin game on NES, much later i found out it was a hacked conversion from SNES

>> No.5199047

>the great debait

>> No.5199082

Please let’s get that started. Let the blood flow in streets.

>> No.5199090
File: 239 KB, 220x164, 200ED980-3335-436D-9142-43A8F301520F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took long enough for someone to take it-
>the ... bait

>> No.5199091

There is no fence. We aren't 8 anymore, we don't need to rely on birthday money from grandma and poppy to buy videogames, and the two games aren't even very similar other than being platformers based on Disney's Aladdin.

>> No.5199093


Virgin looks and plays better. But Capcom has better level design. Both are fantastic games.

>> No.5199092

Its not a multiplat, they are two entirely different games with fundamentally different mechanics and design philosophies.

>> No.5199098

based and redpilled

>> No.5199102

For me, DOS version for nostalgic reasons only.

>> No.5199103


>> No.5199106

The thing with the DOS version is that for whatever reason they cropped the screen to add an useless HUD.

>> No.5199107

It's not rare at all, anon simply doesn't know what is he talking about. Not a genesisfag btw, i love both consoles indistinctly

>> No.5199112

SNES has more autoscrollers and is the stale "hold right to win" design. At least in the Genesis game, you have to explore and think a bit to progress.

>> No.5199114

As I said, nostalgic reasons only. The DOS version is similar to Genesis but it's not as smooth and I think it was zoomed in a little. I guess I should try the SNES version.

>> No.5199119

>is the stale "hold right to win" design
You mean the design philosophy for platformers?
>you have to explore and think a bit to progress.
Ah, come on. They're just mindless mazes. I don't remember any puzzle, just try all the dead ends until you find the correct way.

>> No.5199132 [DELETED] 

It’s that fucking HUD at the top of the screen. It takes up too much space and is a massive eyesore.

>> No.5199163
File: 50 KB, 701x707, 1542193459543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let the blood flow in streets.
I have family over but if someone doesn't take the reigns I will make one tomorrow
>Its not a multiplat
True. Still worth being mentioned in comparison list since it's based on the same franchise.
>It's not rare at all
That's what I gathered but without having a list made its hard to pull which multiplat games are better from memory. Also doesn't help I'm drinking :^)

>> No.5199169

I'm a snes drone and I prefer the Sega Genesis version. The music sounds beautiful.

>> No.5199172

They're entirely different games, so there's no reason to choose one over the other.

>> No.5199231


No, they are not entirely different. They are the same type of game based on the same IP that came out on the same type of system (16 bit) in the same year.

>> No.5199375

SNES. Better level design, far more interesting mechanics, it controls way better, the graphics and art direction are superior. It also has way more variety in the gameplay. Only downside is its lack of challenge.
Megadrive version has nice animation that's all there is to it. It has that god awful dave perry style level design that's in all his games. It's euro amiga tier design at best and visually it's messy. The levels are boring and empty.
>objectively superior
You've either got rocks in your brain or you haven't played it since the 90s and you're running on nostalgia.
Creators can be dead wrong about their own work. Just listen to ridley scott dribble about the stuff he's made.

>> No.5199384

>They are the same type of game
Only in the sense that they are both 2D platformers. The games were made by different developers and play completely differently. This isn't a case like Cool Spot where the same developer made both the SNES and Genesis versions.

>> No.5199480
File: 139 KB, 489x629, 1543718450596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks that I have to share this board with these actual subhumans

>> No.5199483

More like D-bait and is not that great either

>> No.5199506
File: 216 KB, 640x919, master_aladdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgin game has style.
Capcom game has substance.
Pic related has both.

>> No.5199508

This nigga gets it

>> No.5199510

Keep your 50hz games to yourself.

>> No.5199514


>> No.5199518

Ouch...no luv for PAL??

>> No.5199520

Nope, no love for Yuropoor gaming (or South American for that matter).

>> No.5199540

The Mega Drive version hands down. It actually looks like the Disney cartoon. The SNES version has all this shading. It's nice artwork, but the Mega Drive version is more enjoyable.

>> No.5199781

> virgin games vs. capcom

is there even a contest here

>> No.5199783

it makes sense that a game developed by a company named "virgin" appeals to the same demographic of people

>> No.5199785

Same, no contest at all. The Genesis version was FAR superior.

>> No.5199816

fuck you, you don't own /vr/

>> No.5199825

literally nobody wants 50hz garbage

>> No.5199839



>> No.5199938
File: 25 KB, 366x360, 1393878473581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES versions are always the best.

>> No.5200052


>> No.5200053


>> No.5200080

There was a DOS Aladdin?
What's that like?

>> No.5200082

well at least you tried

>> No.5200089
File: 260 KB, 894x894, EarthwormJimSSB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.5200101


History already proved this wrong as many flocked to the Genesis to buy experiences that weren't available on the SNES e.g. Mortal Kombat uncensored.

>> No.5200109

Technically speaking the Genesis version was used for the handheld and computer ports. The SNES version is special because Disney and Capcom had an agreement.

>> No.5200115

>take the reigns
*reins, dummy. The things you use to guide a horse. Not the rule of a monarch.

>> No.5200256

>Mortal Kombat
Who the fuck even cares about that shit when the sequel is better in every way and is uncensored?

>> No.5200285
File: 607 KB, 2100x1536, n64_mortal_kombat_trilogy_p_v93w6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea boi

>> No.5200289

>rare cases where the Genesis version is objectively superior
>SNEScucks still failing for the SNES multiplats are superior meme.

>> No.5200292 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 200x240, 1544024758569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aladdin is a masterpiece for the Genesis. Can't really say the same for the SNES version.

>> No.5200484

The Genesis version was ported to the NES, Game Boys, and computers.
But the Game Gear/SMS one was a third game from SIMS (most of the same people who did Quackshot and Castle of Illusion for GG/SMS)

>> No.5200845

the thread is which game is better you irrelevant fuck

>> No.5200850

That's a bad game regardless of platform.

>> No.5200852

>Perry game
>Erratic hitboxes

Thanks for writing this anon. I totally agree. I haven't played the snes version, but the david perry mega drive games did not play very well. I too think its down to a lack of flow. They were unfun experiences. And i friggin love the mega drive.

>> No.5200989
File: 344 KB, 677x423, Screen-Shot-2017-11-06-at-3.04.25-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all very proud of you for posting

>> No.5200996

Didn't much care for either of them, honestly.

>> No.5202191

The film was good, but the games sucked.

>> No.5202232

Genesis versions of games could actually be quite a lot better because of the SNES CPU limitations.
Shmups games in particular. Stuff like Alien 3 too.

>> No.5202247

>SNES version
better level design, better gameplay, better backgrounds
>Genesis version
better sprite work