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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5198631 No.5198631 [Reply] [Original]

The controls are a little wonky and I still think the arcade version is superior. But calling NES ghosts and goblins a dogshit port is way too harsh. Near perfect level recreation and enemy placement, and the music and sound effects aren’t too off either. Why the fuck does everyone want to shit on ghosts and goblins NES so much?

>> No.5198640

I wouldn't call it good, but it's playable, which was already a nice thing for an arcade adaptation in the 80's.

>> No.5198653

This shit is way to hard for millenials.
I remember playing this for hours. What, you got to beat this game twice!!! LOL!! Good times.

>> No.5198669

this is a true gen x'er

>> No.5198676

Never played much of it, but if you want a dogshit port of an awesome game, play the FC version of SonSon. The game just has too much going on for the system to handle.

>> No.5198982

OP it's just people telling others to play the arcade instead because it's better and easily playable these days. It may not be super terrible but it's not a worthwhile port these days.

>> No.5199104

the game ran at 10fps ffs. got it for xmas one year and will never not be mad.

>> No.5199220

because you can download mame and run the arcade version anyways
theres no reason to play it in the current year

>> No.5199258

>Dude, just emulate, bro

>> No.5199259

t. too dumb to set up mame

>> No.5199262

Even if you're retarded about emulating the arcade version is also ported and is easily playable.

>> No.5199273

Yeah, why not? It's easy, convenient, and free. There is some charm to the old NES GNG, if only as a historical artifact. I think it was the first game released in the US to take advantage of the non-default ROM mapper chips, or at least one of the first. It represents one of the Famicom's first shaky steps towards expanding beyond it's single-screen arcade-inspired roots.

>> No.5199335

It's a mess. Collision detection is awful, audio is terrible, the scrolling is jerky as fuck and It controls like turds. They could have made it run at 30FPS at least that way the frames would be evenly distributed, but it runs at some stupid random number which makes it fucking jarring and awful to look at. It's incredibly frustrating and not in a good way - it's because it controls like dog shit and the enemy spawning is just out to fuck you over. I love Ghouls n Ghosts, it's hard as balls but in a good way - this is just poorly designed and full of technical flaws.
The NES could be able to handle a good port of it but micronix fucked it up real bad.
How retarded do you have to be to think it's a good port?

>> No.5199352

Doesn't look like vomit
Looks like vomit.

It's a bad port.

>> No.5199358

NES version literally broke the torch weapon turning it from a great weapon to one of the worst in the game.

>> No.5199526

Nope enemy placements are actually fucked and more random leading to cheap bullshit, importantly Red Arremer AI has been dumbed down completely and you won't learn how to deal with it properly from playing the port, the throw cancel trick is non existent, bosses are very simple, hitboxes are wonky as fuck and that's not to mention the absolutely godawful framerate making the whole game feel like one big glitchy mess. There are worse ports out there but there is absolutely no reason to play this shit nowadays.

>> No.5199529

Also can't forget the absolutely retarded idea to put weaknesses in the game for no reason, EVEN MAKING BOSSES IMMUNE TO YOUR DEFAULT LANCE WEAPON

>> No.5199532

Buy capcom classics collection if you really want to waste some money for a box, arcade perfect port there and of the best version too

>> No.5199562

I did it like two years ago when I was 16. It's not really that hard. You fucking boomers genuinely think you're special for being capable of basic things like responding to visual stimulus.

>> No.5199564

Funnier than that is most here creditfed the games without going for a 1cc, essentially playing a different much easier game as a result.

>> No.5199568

>easy and convenient

>> No.5199570
File: 9 KB, 692x129, vr more like jarpig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao yet another classic /jarpig/ post

>> No.5199572

How low is your IQ? Download, launch, press tab to bind your keys and play.

>> No.5199583

Just want to reinforce your retardation about mame. Even the interface has gotten incredibly easier with added features for organizing roms. Only problem with mame is having to download new bios for certain boards occasionally when a new version is out.

>> No.5199610

>more emubabies who think their epic MAME runs mean anything versus having done it on real hardware
Good show.

>> No.5199615

>more original arcade hardware niggers who think anyone cares they wasted money on a 30 year old board just to spite the convenience of mame

>> No.5199617

>implying that guy plays arcade games at all
remember the board you're in

>> No.5199632

>constantly brag about your leet gaming skills
>only ever done it in a simulated experience
>too scared to leave the house and perform the feet at an actual arcade
>not willing to spend some money to have the original hardware to actually do your run for real
Why not just prove that you can 1CC it on real hardware to legitimize your run?

>> No.5199638

Cause I don't want to waste money on a pcb to prove I can do something as easy as a GnG 1cc to some crap players on /vr/? Cmon now

>> No.5199640

Where are your real hardware 1CCs big boi?

>> No.5199642

So mommy won't drive you to an arcade, either? Can't spare a quarter?

>> No.5199647

>perform the feet at an actual arcade
>implying those exist
>implying the few arcades around have GnG cabinets
>wasting money on a single game just to brag you can beat it
Why not just be a nigger and waste your money on crack?

>> No.5199649

>it's a burger assumes everyone has an arcade nearby with gng in it

>> No.5199650

>t. I was really playing arcade games in the 80s I swear

>> No.5199651

Hey, I'm not the braindead child who feels the need to shit all over a thread with irrelevant masturbatory posts about their gaming skills. I only continue it when they start.

>> No.5199654

Even burger arcades don't have GnG. Guaranteed if they by chance do, it's very likely a custom mame cabinet or a rickety cabinet that's about to die.

>> No.5199658

>I'm not the braindead child who feels the need to shit all over a thread with irrelevant masturbatory posts about their gaming skills
>i just shitpost in threads and brag about wasting money on dying arcade boards

>> No.5199659

Yes you're a braindead boomer derailing threads with nonsense cause you get insecure at the mention of a 1cc, far worse than any /v/ crossposters could ever be.

>> No.5199673

What does 1cc mean?

>> No.5199679

1 credit clear, so beat the game without using continues, if you lose that initial credit you restart.

>> No.5199681

1 Credit Clear. As in, beating arcade games with only a coin. No continuing. Pretty important since many of them if emulated or in more recent ports allow you to infinitely continue without consequences, essentially removing all challenge from the game, thus to appreciate the game in any meaningful you must limit credits.

>> No.5199683

meaningful way*

>> No.5199687

Yeah, because you can't show self restraint when emulating, just like how you can't adjust dipswitches on arcade boards and turn on free play.

>> No.5199695

>self restraint
This would mean limiting credits like I said.
1CC is also reinforced through other means, such as resetting your score / penalizing your score upon continuing and locking loops, bosses or endings behind 1CC requirements.

>> No.5199696

This IS restraint though, one the games are balanced around no less

>> No.5199727

>allow you to infinitely continue without consequences, essentially removing all challenge from the game, thus to appreciate the game in any meaningful you must limit credits
Unless you want to simulate being a poor 12 year old, you don't have to artificially limit your virtual mame credits. Back at my local arcade the kids with the paper routes would master a game because they could drop $5, then another $5, and then another $5 as needed. Day after day, they got better and eventually after all those hours of practice they could 1cc certain games. As they got better they could play a long time on one credit so the hourly cost quickly drops over time. It wasn't a lack of money/credits that held them back.

So players back then had effectively "unlimited credits", same as Mame players now. Time on machine was the real issue back then, not a lack of available credits. Real arcades close for the night and kick you out, limiting most players from 5-9pm any given weekday. During that time you had to share machine time with other players as well.

1cc comes from practice and failing, and that is the only reason emulators have the advantage. You have as much "time on machine" as you want, when you want, and you don't have to share the machine. Artificially pretending to limit your credits changes nothing. Real arcade gamers pumped an obscene amount of credits into games to beat them.

>> No.5199731

Noone gives a shit about this "authentic nostalgic experience" nonsense, except maybe some people on /vr/ that are anti-emulation ironically. People just want to keep their scores and engage with a game's challenges that credit feeding trivializes, 1cc is just the go-to way to do this because as was said games are all balanced around this and heavily encourage it.

>> No.5199736

I'm just saying people spammed as many, if not more credits back in the day then Mame players spam virtual credits now. It was a multi billion dollar industry back then for a reason.

Has nothing to do with being authentic or not. I am just annoyed when anti-mame elitists imply mame's free credits are somehow cheating. Saved states you could make an argument for, but not unlimited credits.

>> No.5199743

With real money there's a bit more incentive to actually work towards a 1cc, but besides that it's all the same shit yeah. Credit feeding isn't cheating but it trivializes most games, so if your only interaction with a game is mindlessly feeding credits then you're just cheapening the experience for yourself. As long as you're actively trying to get better it doesn't matter if you credit feed, or limit yourself, or savestate, or whatever though imo.

>> No.5199752

It's just insane to look back at how badly people credit spammed the machines back then, at a time where $20 got you a lot more than it does today, and it would vanish into a machine without hesitation. Individual games like pac man and space invaders brought in billions of dollars in quarters.

>> No.5199758

yeah, micronics fucked up this, 1942 and sonson, and they also fucked Athena for snk

>> No.5199815

Capcom outsourced the port (along with the earliest generation of Cap NES games) to Micronics. They did it cheap and dirty. Ikari Warriors and 1942 were no different.

>> No.5200093

Well, they kept playing until they could 1CC, right? That's what's suggested to enjoy these games, because these days some infinitely credit feed until the end, consider it beat and find it a meaningless, boring game.
Credit feeding to learn a game first is somewhat reasonable, though save states are a more efficient tool for that these days on emulators.

>> No.5200180
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>> No.5200481

Missing the point.

>> No.5200656

The GBC version is what the NES version should have been, shame the screen is too little and suffered the same problems from SMB Deluxe

>> No.5200909

Play the Sega Genesis one.
Then play the Arcade.
Then play the NES one.
The NES one is almost entirely different.
It's like if someone read a magazine article describing the game with some sketches and just made it on the NES. (It isn't a horrible game though)

>> No.5200918

There was an actual "gambling" element to being good at the game. And also these games were designed to be played in front of an audience. (People standing around you watching.)

Some arcade games even had the display mirrored on a CRT above the cabinet for this exact purpose. (Which was fucking awesome).

>> No.5201148

It's not a bad port all things considered, and if you're nostalgic for it I can understand. Compared to the arcade version though, it's shit, and I wouldn't play it for anything other than curiosity.

>> No.5201453

You fucking idiot the genesis port is of the sequel and I assume you also played the arcade ver of the sequel rather than the original if you think they're nothing alike. NES port is shit but they did a fine job making it resemble the original on the surface.

>> No.5201467
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>> No.5201523
File: 38 KB, 357x357, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This port is close to the NES version but plays a hundred times better.