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5197487 No.5197487 [Reply] [Original]

What did this game understand that modern fighting games can't seem to grasp?

Besides coming out in an era before DLC was possible.

>> No.5197489

This shit aint retro but color edit is based.

>> No.5197496

>4 years later and you still refuse to read the sticky

>> No.5197502

There's nothing particularly special about it, balance-wise, it's just a love letter to both companies at a time when fighting games suffered a final death and we went into the dark ages (Yes SNKP and ASW released games during this period but almost no one seemed to care.) It's just full of neat touches like in the screen there you have them trading artists; Shinkiro's art shows for the Capcom characters while Nishimura's art shows for the SNK characters, while your selected portraits pick the artist based off your Groove.

>> No.5197529

That your options are supposed to be good and fun to use. Basically every modern fighter nerfs universal defensive options into the ground, and removes things from characters that the developers don't see as part of their vision for the game. CVS2 actually did fall prey to this with EO, but thankfully we don't have to play that version of the game.

As much as CVS2 is my favorite Capcom fighter, I would say Guilty Gear XX as a series did a better job of embracing what made the game good and unique.

>> No.5197534

SNK vs Capcom was actually a better game with more love put into it.

>> No.5197536

DLC, paid online, locked content and season passes ruined this genre

>> No.5197538

Maybe from an aesthetic perspective, though I'd disagree with that as well. Mechanically, CVS2 is leaps and bounds ahead of CVS. Standardizing the game to six buttons was a good decision that allowed the characters to work better in every groove.The character designs are far more fleshed out, and there's more of them. The grooves add much more meaningful strategic variety. Last but not least, Roll Cancel accidentally created a very unique and good aspect to playing defense in 2D fighters.

>> No.5197547


>> No.5197557

Lolyes. What SNK did with their rendition of Capcom characters sprites was way more creative (look at Dhalsim or Guile), it actually had character endings, plus it was not just mostly Street Fighter vs KOF and brought in a more diverse roster from both companies franchises. Also being a 240p game its art holds up better years later with scanlines while the Capcom titles were ugly 480i crap with low-polygonal backgrounds.

>> No.5197568

Oh, I misread your original post. You mean that SVC Chaos, one of the worst fighting games ever made, is better than CVS2. Let me laugh even harder.

>> No.5197582
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Don’t be upset that SNK draws Capcom better than Capcom

>> No.5197585

SvC Chaos had a lot of cool presentation gimmicks and much as I loved the pre-fight dialogue and unique character endings, CvS2 was a way better game to play.

>> No.5197604

The original sprites Capcom made for CVS look fantastic for the most part. Look at Maki or Ryu.

>> No.5197606

M. Bison looks like crap in SvC.

>> No.5197624

Yes but like 3/4s of the Capcom cast are still Alpha 1/2 era sprites. I will definitely say SvC Chaos is much more visually consistent, but holy hell does it play like garbage

>> No.5197630

roll cancels suck and ruin the game.

>> No.5197651

Scrubby sense is tingling.

>> No.5197861

Shit balance
Shit roster
Boring gameplay
Awful presentation
Bugged to shit

CvS2 is not a very good fighting game

>> No.5197970

Do you just say things and see who takes the bait?

>> No.5198143
File: 60 KB, 1427x716, 45524577_2194842404172505_9088370936884756480_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game pisses me off so bad. it looks like the perfect fighter for me but all i have is the dc version and the controls are so bad its unplayable

>> No.5198147

Should get a Total Control 3.

>> No.5198396

>controls are so bad its unplayable
Seems to be a theme with everything on DC.

>> No.5198402 [DELETED] 

The problem is not the controls, it's the controller.
Buy a cheap Xbox 360 pad and emulate it on PC.

>> No.5198591

SvC is just fun as hell to play though, love the blocking sound effects, and the re-imagine Shoto's whirlwind kick with the fast twirl and wind effects. Feels more like an actual kung-fu movie and very old-school like how Street Fighter 2 and Fatal Fury 1 was.

>> No.5198619

And don't forget Morrigan still stuck in her garish original sprite from 1994. Not even the ones ripped from Alpha look as badly-placed.

>> No.5198624

Nah, Sagat with his 3 frame punches looks worse.

>> No.5198641
File: 23 KB, 112x107, Marspeoplesvc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom side is amazing (Eagle? Maki? Rolento? Kyosuke? great) but the SNK side was just not really given as much love. Gameplay is all there but there just isn't as much appreciation for the competition. Needs more Mars People too.

>> No.5198834

>it's just a love letter to both companies
>both companies
Is that why Capcom knowingly made all the SNK character suck by giving them weaker strong punches than Capcom characters?

>> No.5198864

Its roster is too shoto heavy and its a mediocre game, but I do like its Capcom sprites and shoto heavy or not I think it has the less safe roster than CvS2 which is also neat.
>fighting games

>> No.5198894

Eh I just noticed there's nothing to talk about in fighting games besides aesthetics.
>remember fighting game? fighting game was good.
>yeah it was good.

>> No.5198963

Reverting everyone to their SF2 look/feel was a neat touch

>> No.5198985

That's because you don't play them. 2deep4u I guess?

>> No.5199491

You're only half wrong, I only play against the CPU because I'm not in high school anymore, there's no local community where I live and there's no online for DC games. But how can we make this thread about gameplay, ask what teams of characters people use?

>> No.5199507

We could netplay the gcn version

>> No.5199536

Everything he said is 100% accurate and you can't even refute it.

Hell i bet you dont even play the game.

>> No.5199537

What region are you ill play with you if you are close enough

>> No.5199554
File: 235 KB, 582x600, 03626858174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody, anybody, explain to me..WHY THE FUCK C-GROOVE HAS ROLLING?!
Rolling is not a standard fucking feature in most capcom games. It is however, a standard feature in most snk games. So why the fuck does c groove get to roll while s groove gets shitty fuking dodges?!
And that tier list was bullshit. I'm glad they haven't made a svc3, because capcom would find a way to fuck that up too.

>> No.5199560

Custom combos are fucked in general but yeah I have no clue why Capcom grooves get rolling. Literally the only Capcom game I remember doing that is Jojo. I'd love to see a new crossover game regardless, especially with more Capcom and SNK characters from the last decade/half. However I want to see it but expect little. Recent Capcom fighting games have been all shite and KOF XIV was okay for a few minutes at best.

>> No.5199585

Lol, both C and S are the worst groves on purpose man. They're traps for basic and lazy players.

>> No.5199628


Because back then games where made to be bought and then played with your friends and not some asshole attempt at being part of a competitive online scene with complete random strangers and esports wanking.

>> No.5199629

>worst grove

>> No.5199639

You clueless retarded casual

>> No.5199648

Casuals make the bulk of the consumer base. It would be a stupid business decision to not listen to them, if you ignore all the casuals out you get something like Virtua Fighter 3, technically flawless but with no new generation of players to pick it up and pass the baton the series ended up dying.

>> No.5199652

>Virtua Fighter 3
>technically flawless
Just stop fucking posting its embarrassing

>> No.5199660

What's the matter you don't like stages with elevation differences? Or is the game too fast for your scrubby hands?

>> No.5199672

VF3 is a busted broken pile of shit, the game is bugged to shit, has awful hitboxes and the uneven ground is a mess that compounds both of those problems, and the less said about the abysmal ports the better. the game was a giant mistake and even Sega knows that.

Also LOL at calling VF3 fast in a CvS2 thread of all places, like do you even actually play fighting games?

>> No.5199674

Nice deflection. But the point still stands, casuals make up the bulk of the profits it would be stupid not to listen to them. Can you follow my point?

>> No.5199678

>Ask question
>Literally get an answer to it
Are you retarded?

>> No.5199682

The point >>>>> your head

>> No.5199686
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>no one gives a shit about VF
>even if they make vf6 i'll just get swept by vets
>tekken is only getting bigger
>i fucking hate tekken

>> No.5199756

I played the shit outta this and it was a fun game with good music and omegal rugal and shin akuma were great additions.

I dunno what to say, I could still play this game if I had it. 2D fighting games are my jam and the SNK / Capcom days are what I love. I think it's pointless to argue about what is or isn't the greatest and simply enjoy the fact that when this was fresh you were there and apart of the 2d fighting game world which is naught but a forgotten ruin now without true aesthetic. Even the GG franchise which was great completely missed the true SNK / Capcom aesthetic.

Games in general are shit now and no one gives a shit about consoles or arcades anymore except 30+ dudes so there's no reason to be snobs about it just give a nod and a smile

>> No.5199789

>no one gives a shit about consoles
Rightly so

>> No.5199929

>muh sprites
CVS2 is better in every single way and this is coming from a casual who thought SVC was actually okay.

>> No.5199947

roll cancels own and saved the game

>> No.5200032

hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr me say different thing for sake of being different

>> No.5200036

balance part is true, all you see in high level play are sagat, blanka, sakura, claw and dictator

>> No.5200295

No, roll cancels literally killed the game.

>> No.5200307

>This glitch that really just helps solidify the awful balance?
>saved the game

>> No.5200332

Where is this meme of awful balance coming from? Almost the entire cast is viable in at least one groove. The only characters that are borderline useless are Kyosuke and Dan.

In b4

>SNK characters suck lel

K Geese was considered top tier in Japan for many years. Not to mention K Rock, Kyo, Hibiki, Yamazaki, etc. N Iori, Vice, Terry, etc. are all viable as well. Look up OTK and Buktooth on YouTube.

Roll cancels are great, too. They only work well in this game because ironically enough the built in defensive options are actually better. RC can be baited with a little patience and parrying/just defending.

Is /vr/ so fighting game illiterate that they can't see how good this game is? Sure, it isn't perfect, but it's still the best 2D fighter Capcom's ever made.

>> No.5200336

>Almost the entire cast is viable in at least one groove.
Yeah, no this is BS i like the game but only a small fraction of the cast is viable and the game has very defined tiers.

>> No.5200338

>best 2D fighter Capcom's ever made.
This is bait

>> No.5200339

90% of teams are a combination of or have at least 2 of

And they all run A-Groove, you're not fooling anybody. There's a reason roll canceling was removed and A-Groove was nerfed in the Gamecube port.

>> No.5200349

Defined tiers exist in every game, CVS2 just so happens to be more balanced than basically any other Capcom fighter.







You can continue to fall for memes made by people that don't know any better, or you can educate yourself.

>> No.5200350

>CVS2 just so happens to be more balanced than basically any other Capcom fighter.
Not even close

>> No.5200357

I just linked six videos of K and N groove winning against A and C groove.

Capcom would patch anything that wasn't intentional back then, they removed Urien's Aegis unblockable in 3S when they released the updated version. Do you think that was a good decision, too?

>> No.5200372

>These small handfull of cherry picked casual matches from over 2 decades ago proves the game is balanced.
Meanwhile in reality

>> No.5200381

Oh yeah? Let's go over some of them.

Super Turbo: not bad for the time but some matchups are truly horrid, especially when you factor in O Sagat.

Alpha 2: big disparity between low and mid tier, with high tiers basically being better versions of low tiers.

Alpha 3: lol

Third Strike: everyone has a bad matchup against Chun Li. Yun, Ken and Makoto can shit on most of the cast with relative ease. Q exists.

VSAV: similar to ST in that the game is mostly well balanced but the top tiers can make the game ugly.

Compare that to CVS2 where again, basically every character is at least usable in one groove. Not great, but usable. The way they designed the hitboxes in the game ensured that most characters had at least one or two good pokes, plus the grooves give you some options in terms of confirms, pressure and defensive options. This was and still is a fighting game player's fighting game.

>> No.5200383

3S, ST, A3 and especially Vsav are significantly more balanced than CvS2

>> No.5200386

>basically every character is at least usable in one groove
Who the fuck are you trying to kid?

>> No.5200387

I lived in Japan from 2013 to just a few months ago. Most of these guys don't play the game regularly if at all outside of tournaments like these. The only arcade in Tokyo that has a scene to speak of is GameSpot Versus.

The videos I linked are from when the game was at its competitive peak and is the best representation of the game. And there's more where that came from.

>> No.5200389

>the best representation of the game is casual matches from when it was first released

>> No.5200398

Are you retarded? Half of those are from Evo years after the game released.

>> No.5200417

Such a balanced game guys!

>> No.5200423

That guy got outplayed hard after the first round, where he played mostly well until he decided to jump vs Dictator waking up with full meter. He got scared with Chang after his Choi move got stuffed once and blew that round. He played sloppy with Guile and got punished accordingly. I fail to see what is so wrong about any of this, besides maybe getting guard crush a little too soon. Admittedly that is a problem I have with the game, but it came out in 2001 for fuck's sake. I'll still take this over basically any low vs high tier matchup in any other Capcom game before it.

>> No.5200773 [DELETED] 


It was one of the final Yoshiki Okamoto/noritake Funamizu produced games. Thats why. Crapcom just needs to fire Ono and get their old fighting game producers back. Easy fix.

>> No.5200780

>>5197487 (OP)

It was one of the final Yoshiki Okamoto/noritaka Funamizu produced games. Thats why. Crapcom just needs to fire Ono and get their old fighting game producers back. Easy fix.

>> No.5201231

does being brazilian come with shit opinions by default

>> No.5201246

Are you retarded?

>> No.5201265

Pretty sure Ono is no longer in charge

>> No.5202745

West Coast, I think it should be done. We keep having mild interest in these consistent threads.

>> No.5202750

heh too little to late.

its not like they could get Akira Nishitani either.

>> No.5202759

I wish it was actually Capcom vs SNK instead of Street Fighter vs King of Fighters guest starring a couple of other guys

>> No.5202760

Why, though? The whole point was two major fighting game companies coming together to combine their franchises. Injecting it with Mega Man or Strider or Metal Slug wouldn't really feel within the spirit of what people were expecting when they hear "Capcom vs. SNK".

>> No.5202765
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why do people love this game so much? it's fucking boring especially when players like justin wong is playing and take an hour to finish a set.

>> No.5202772

Its hard to explain. People are worse the games are fine.

>> No.5202839

you can run the game in 480p though on dreamcast. i dont even think naomi has a fucking interlaced mode. are you a fag?

>> No.5203000


>> No.5203024

Because it's actually fun to play yourself.

>> No.5203076

that's retarded, and its a shame we only ever got these and SVC chaos thanks ironically to Aruze, otherwise IT WOULD NEVER HAD HAPPENED

>> No.5203284

it's accessible to a wide range of player skill levels and the sound design is too stupid and fun to take it very seriously when you lose

you know, for most people

>> No.5203673

Discussing matchups would be a good start.

>> No.5203693

I'll give you it has a more consistent sprite work, but lolno.

>> No.5204696

Serious response here, KOF needs high skill, perfect timing of combos and quick thinking.