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File: 26 KB, 281x354, Futureshockcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5194235 No.5194235 [Reply] [Original]

>late 1995 FPS
>full 3D environments and level design
>hub system
>all directional mouselook by default
>3D models enemies
>some enemies have localized damage, you can destroy parts of them
>3D model props you can interact with, use for jumping, destroy
>objectives, story
>driveable vehicules: car and plane

Why was this game so misunderstood and underrated at release, and why is it still now?
Even Quake and DN3D didn't have it by default and even then had up/down mouselook because of this game.

Looks like all the reviews of the time complained about were stupid things, like the lack of multiplayer and no high-res, which the sequel added, or not being able to a mouse control scheme which later on became the norm. That and, oh, gameplay isn't like Doom and was more survival oriented so apparently that's not okay.

>> No.5194247

Because it's boring as shit.

>> No.5194258
File: 10 KB, 203x175, atomavatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a depressed low testosterone cocksucker that can't appreciate games that don't have cutesy anime eyes.

>> No.5194284

Quake doesn't play great either, and if you check review conclusions, all they care about, and all the marketing is all about, is the "3D engine with 3D levels". This game did it before and no review conclusion from the time even mention it.

>> No.5194498
File: 41 KB, 640x480, skynet_057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5194539
File: 50 KB, 640x480, the-terminator-future-shock_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-d-d-duke nukem?!

>> No.5194576

lol ugly as fuck. Nice draw distance.

>> No.5194662

I've honestly never heard of this game desu. Anyone got a DL link? I'd like to check it out. I love the Terminator theme/style so it' be neat to play an old school shooter with that design.

>> No.5194680

I own a physical copy of this.
I never understood as a kid why no one I met ever played it. I enjoyed it

>> No.5195520

needs a sourceport

>> No.5195536
File: 723 KB, 800x500, laughing vcr repairmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quake doesn't play great either

>> No.5195542

Only ever played Skynet version and I loved it. Really amazing for its time

>> No.5195547
File: 77 KB, 640x825, Frontcoverbq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've honestly never heard of this game desu. Anyone got a DL link? I'd like to check it out. I love the Terminator theme/style so it' be neat to play an old school shooter with that design.

I had this and Terminator Skynet when I was 12 or so, back in the day. The game was actually quite innovative for it's day, even though it still had some flaws. Future Shock has fairly open ended map design and you could enter into any building with a textured door. Which would lead to some fairly big interiors. Future Shock is almost a completely polygonal FPS, and yes it does have mouse look aiming, which makes it one of the first of its kind. The game uses Bethesda Softworks's old XnGine engine, the same engine that was later used in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall . The sequel: Terminator: Skynet was also Todd Howards' first game as leader designer. He also worked on Future Shock as well, too.

>>>5194235 (OP)
>I've honestly never heard of this game desu. Anyone got a DL link? I'd like to check it out. I love the Terminator theme/style so it' be neat to play an old school shooter with that design.

It will probably never end up on GOG due to licensing, but this and Skynet wouldn't be too hard to find.

>> No.5195548

lmao. no.

>> No.5195552

I played this some as a kid, but I just barely remember it.
I was a dumb shit as a kid who only played with cheats and couldn't progress much, so obviously I wasn't able to appreciate the game very much back in the day.

Really wish there was a sourceport or port, I remember trying to make it run in DosBox like, a decade ago, and it just refused to work.

>> No.5195556
File: 338 KB, 413x535, rampfart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undeniably incredible on the technical level. But it's supposed to present a post-apocalyptic world. And rather than feeling desolate and abandoned, the areas have kind of a sterile, playground-like quality to them. This kind of takes away from the immersion. Also no multiplayer of any kind is really a downside. The biggest offense by far though... no gun sway when walking.

>> No.5195557
File: 56 KB, 151x200, Ranger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.5195559
File: 15 KB, 480x360, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this game, still have the booklet for it somewhere. I remember purchasing it at a local computer shop in some mall. I really dug it, it was fun but it was slow, as were the enemies. It had good ideas but like a few others said, the execution was lacking.

>> No.5195565

>But it's supposed to present a post-apocalyptic world. And rather than feeling desolate and abandoned, the areas have kind of a sterile, playground-like quality to them. This kind of takes away from the immersion

I dunno, I thought it did a good job representing the Future War from the movies. Probably one of the best representations of it in a game from 1995, though I guess that isn't saying much, given that the majority of the Terminator games were 2D side scrollers. The weapon bob was kinda weird. But the guns were 2D sprites. In some weird ways, it was like a smaller scale Fallout 3.


>> No.5195579

can't believe bethesda game studio made this game, with ancient game engine Xngine..

>> No.5195624

>can't believe bethesda game studio made this game, with ancient game engine Xngine..

In all fairness, Xngine was new in 1995, and Future Shock was the first game to use it.

>> No.5195645

Just downloaded it myself out of curiosity. Looks like there's a version 1.30 patch to download in addition to the game (I'm going with the 25 meg rip over the ISO)


>> No.5195687

After playing Quake about half a dozen times and playing many other old shooters ID agree with him, although I can still appreciate the game to some degree

>> No.5195701

Have you played the expansions to Quake? They're pretty good, bar one or two real cruel traps.

>> No.5195981

>Just downloaded it myself out of curiosity. Looks like there's a version 1.30 patch to download in addition to the game (I'm going with the 25 meg rip over the ISO)

FutureShock is pretty easy to get running in DosBOX, an if you want mouse wheel support look here:


Also, the sequel, SkyNet, actually comes with Future Shock as well. The boxed copy came with both games. SkyNet was a slightly better game too, as it does fix some of the issues with the first game. It also has cheesy live action FMV cutscenes.

>> No.5196251

Maybe the only good Bethesda games

>> No.5196260

>The boxed copy came with both games.

However, if you have Future Shock installed, during the installation of SkyNET, you can let it know where FShock is located, which will allow you to play FShock inside SkyNET with its new 640x480 resolution. Sadly they share the limited save slots this way.

>> No.5196697

It was really hard, and only ran at a good framerate at the lowest res which looks like shit. It's fun for a little while but starts to get old real quick. It's still probably the best Terminator game, though, but it could really use a sourceport.

>> No.5196745
File: 51 KB, 640x480, skynet_088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat the game and the add-on.

The 3D engine and models are amazing, gameplay is fun due to that, exploration, blowing up enemies; but some parts can get really annoying. I had to resort to a FAQ twice, and two more times I got stuck due a glitch that prevented me from beating the level. The end of the game had a lot of "in your face" enemy spawns which wasn't fun at all.

half of the weapons being upgrades to others, it feels like half of them become useless once you have the upgrade.

The add-on has much better balance (you're not swimming in ammo anymore for instance), better level design and objectives, and more varied locations as well. It's too bad it's much shorter.

if you get a crash in Skynet at map transitions, google and you'll find an exe that fix that. It's due to dosbox cpu being set too fast so you can also reduce it.


Why? Mouselook is perfect by default, better than the majority of FPS games from the time, and the game looks and run greats in 640*480

>> No.5197506


Question is, would Bethesda make a new game? They still have the rights.

>> No.5198349

Fucking no.
I could see your point of view before, having never played future shock, but this side of your argument makes me think it's probably garbage.

>> No.5199419

>Mouselook is perfect by default
The max sensitivity is really slow. Almost Wolf3D bad. I had to double Dosbox's sensitivity (which drastically reduces accuracy) to make it bareable.

I dunno, maybe they fixed it in the Skynet version you played, but the original Future Shock engine has pretty bad mouse support.

>> No.5199509


The game engine was written in assembly to make most of the period hardware. Good luck working with that.

>> No.5199706

Well, maybe it could be reconstructed in another engine.
(Yes, I know how that sounds)

>> No.5201184

Or you could do like they have done some port back then.
Convert assembly program to C (like, when you got LD A,30, it outputs A=30;), and recompile it for an other platform / modify it.
Ugly as fuck, but it works.

>> No.5202556

How do I set up dosbox? I'm retarded

>> No.5202570
File: 68 KB, 953x983, hotdamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dosbox conf file, you don't need all the shit commented out. I just took a conf file from a GoG game and changed the mount directories

-change the directories to match your iso(s) and folder and save it as a .conf file
-have a dosbox shortcut with that conf file
-install future shock
-install skynet, make sure dosbox has FS mounted so it detects it

- play Future Shock IN skynet so you can play in 640*480

- if you have crashes at door transitions, either google for it and you'll find an exe that fix thta, or manually set and reduce CPU speed

>> No.5202585

Thank ya kindly