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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 98 KB, 1200x800, HaloCE.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5193350 No.5193350 [Reply] [Original]

I have many questions about this genre, more particularly the arena shooters. Answer whichever ones you feel like answering.

- Why do you guys think this genre died out?
- What was your favorite arena shooter?
- What is your favorite Doom or Doom clone type game?
- Are there any more unconventional unique retro FPS games you feel deserve more attention?
- Does an arena shooter have to play like Quake or Unreal to be considered good?
- What is your opinion on modern games that claim to be like retro FPS games? Do they actually do a good job of emulating them or no?
- Do you think the genre could ever truly make a comeback?

>> No.5193360

Halo killed it

>> No.5193381

To be fair, Half Life was the beginning of the end. Halo just finished em off.

>> No.5194248

gitting real gud takes too long for people these days

>> No.5194529
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> Why do you guys think this genre died out?
Because FPS became more popular on consoles after Goldeneye and Halo, and that severely limits how you can make an FPS
>What was your favorite arena shooter?
Quake 3, the GOAT
>What is your favorite Doom or Doom clone type game?
Probably Duke 3D if that counts as a DOOM clone
>Are there any more unconventional unique retro FPS games you feel deserve more attention?
Strife. One of the best and most interesting FPS of the 90s but not many people have played it. It came out in '96 and ran on the DOOM engine so it was overshadowed by Duke and Quake when it came out
>- Does an arena shooter have to play like Quake or Unreal to be considered good?
To be good arena shooters, yes.
>- What is your opinion on modern games that claim to be like retro FPS games? Do they actually do a good job of emulating them or no?
It's very rare they do a good job of it. Ion Maiden actually looks pretty good though.
>Do you think the genre could ever truly make a comeback?
If it does, it will remain very niche. Today's video game market rewards a certain play style, and games that focus purely on gameplay and challenge don't sell well compared to cinematic movie-based games and whack-a-mole multiplayer.

>> No.5194617

>and that severely limits how you can make an FPS

It honestly doesn't considering quake games were ported to consoles.

>> No.5194632

People were done with grindhouse and wanted scifi or military games with class or rpg elements or pure tactical elements over fun level design.


Ultimate Doom


Not necessarily, having neat aspects that are unique to the game are what make them interesting

some are fun, some are boring, what I hate is every fps since Farcry 3 feels it has to have a micro-rpg aspect to it when it doesn't fucking need it.

indies try to hard to bring it back by making a game that's obviously trying to hard to be retro aesthetically.

Halo was the last game in it, it had all the elements of a classic fps and only added shields, otherwise everything about it was classic. It was when the market steered closer to cod/battlefield games and away from pure arena shooters.

>> No.5194639
File: 34 KB, 407x294, 1429810268291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arena/Classic/Doom Clone FPS genre
>posts non-retro game that helped kill arena shooters
kys OP

>> No.5194658
File: 368 KB, 750x563, 1526774050194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people primarily play Quake on consoles

>> No.5194673
File: 48 KB, 600x450, 5b2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ported TO consoles, as an afterthought. They accepted that the games were made primarily if not exclusively with PC in mind while the console versions were easy extra money for low effort, the same reason most games get ported.

>> No.5194815

halo was more of an arena shooter than what came after.

>> No.5194816


>> No.5195263

>Why do you guys think this genre died out?
people like to blame whatever got big (see halo, half-life, CoD, etc.) but the reality is that the genre was starting to shift away from the "doom clone" formula by the time those games rolled around.

>Does an arena shooter have to play like Quake or Unreal to be considered good?
not necessarily but whatever arena shooter that comes out will always be compared to unreal or quake and will ultimately never get a chance. off the top of my head there were like 3 or 4 arena shooters that came out in last 5 years that pretty much flopped.

>What is your opinion on modern games that claim to be like retro FPS games?
i like that it pretty much lead to a renaissance of single player shooters especially since until e-sports die multiplayer games are pretty much gonna suck.

>Do they actually do a good job of emulating them or no?
i don't really care if they do or do not. at the end of the day you can't go home again and if i wanted to play classic doom i'd just play classic doom.

>Do you think the genre could ever truly make a comeback?
UT4 was probably the last best attempt at a revival in a multiplayer capacity. that said i do believe that it can happen if people want it enough but unfortunately that's not the case currently.

>> No.5195290

>UT4 was probably the last best attempt at a revival in a multiplayer capacity. that said i do believe that it can happen if people want it enough but unfortunately that's not the case currently.
I can respect them for letting dedicated servers be a thing. I'd be more forgiving of QC if they let players set up their own servers.

>> No.5195302

I wanted to like UT4 so much because I fucking loved 99 and 2k4, but it's biggest problem was it lacked maps and mutators that made the other's so iconic and fun to play. I didn't like Q3 at all growing up but I actually love QC only because it reminds me of the pace of the older UT games, even if it has special abilities. Toxikk tried but had like 2 maps that people played. Nobody plays Sauerbraten anymore.

>> No.5195380

The big reason I like QC is because I love the aesthetics and background. And it's fun.. I also like some of the tracks like the old Blood Covenant theme, and the new Netherworld track.

>> No.5195389

Please fucking end yourselves and go back to /v/

>> No.5195401

Sure thing gramps.

>> No.5195402

If the only thing you noticed in a good steak was the shitty potatoes on the side then you're going to have a bad time in life.

>> No.5195408

If you can't notice what an unmitigated trash fire QC is, you're going to have a bad time in life.
Incidental shit like well cooked potatoes next to a shitty steak. If your first FPS is Overwatch, I guess I can understand eating shit like QC and wanting seconds.

>> No.5195416

fuck Overwatch, it's a decent game but it's overrated as fuck. Quake Champions is the closest thing to a modern arena shooter we have, who cares if characters have abilities, if you can work a rocket launcher good enough it shouldn't matter.

>> No.5195417

It’s already having a comeback.

>> No.5195424

>fuck Overwatch, it's a decent game
Seriously, go back to /v/
>Quake Champions is the closest thing to a modern arena shooter we have
And it's still a shit interpretation of the genre catered to 10 year olds like yourself.
>who cares if characters have abilities,
People who just wanted a straight no bullshit successor to Quake 3, that's who cares.
>if you can work a rocket launcher good enough it shouldn't matter.
If that's the case, then why should there be faggy hero abilities for people who suck at arena FPS?

Hopefully you can lodge Bethesda's cock from your anus to adequately explain why you enjoy eating shit.

>> No.5195432

> the guy that hosts the only active servers on Q3 that are modded sniper matches that are shit for anyone that hasn't been on the server since it started 84 hours like this guy.

>> No.5195435

No point in arguing with people like him. He can only see things as perfect or shit.

>> No.5195449

>- Why do you guys think this genre died out?
New ideas came along.
>- What was your favorite arena shooter?
>- What is your favorite Doom or Doom clone type game?
Rise of the Triad
>- Are there any more unconventional unique retro FPS games you feel deserve more attention?
Ken's Labyrinth because it's the build engine before the build engine. Nitemare 3D because it was Hugo's House of Horror step into FPS.
>- Does an arena shooter have to play like Quake or Unreal to be considered good?
No, Tribes was awesome.
>- What is your opinion on modern games that claim to be like retro FPS games? Do they actually do a good job of emulating them or no?
Can't say I've tried any.
>- Do you think the genre could ever truly make a comeback?
It has in a way, but I don't think we'll ever see our definition of classic arena shooters come back to the mainstream.

>> No.5195464

I thought Ken's Labyrinth was the game that came before Wolf 3D and was simple casting with spooky monsters in a comb and spells from your hand? Wasn't the build engine after Doom1?

>> No.5195478

You're thinking of Catacomb 3D, and yeah the Build engine came after the Doom engine.

>> No.5195493

Nice argument.
Not point in arguing with people who accept eating mediocre shit and have no self-respect.

>> No.5195507

> that kid that didn't pass his Eagle Scout board of review.

>> No.5195508

Yelling at anons because they like a thing because of opinions they already know about, even agree with to a certain degree is pretty autistic.

>> No.5195524

>that kid that thinks his reddit-tier replies are clever
Getting defensive over being called out for having bad taste is really pathetic.

>> No.5195530

> Reddit users
> achieving Eagle Scout
> beating Doom 2
> achieving anything

They'd only play Doom if Doom guy was trans.

>> No.5195545

you're literally attacking people for liking something you don't.

you are never going to convince anybody like that regardless of if you think you're right or not.

>> No.5195587

>What was your favorite arena shooter?
UT 2004, half-life deathmatch & halo reach

>What is your favorite Doom or Doom clone type game?
doom & blood

>Are there any more unconventional unique retro FPS games you feel deserve more attention?
i always felt there are more modern shooters like that that get overlooked than retro.

i feel like even outside the bubble of /vr/ most retro shooters get talked about to death.

>> No.5195607

I loved Reach, but I feel like that was the least Arena of the first 5 Halo games.

>> No.5195691

i like reach because it played more like the first game (healthpacks, no dual wield, etc.) but with better balancing.

sure there were armor abilities but they weren't gamebreaking and everyone had accesses to them at spawn also loadouts were only really reserved for specialized modes like firefight or invasion.

>> No.5195709

nice the janitors deleted the OP pic...

>> No.5195715

It did feel a lot like the first one with a splash of Borderlands, but in a way that didn't make it something it wasn't. It felt like Halo 2 with Rainbowsix Vegas, in a good way because it was a fun game.

>> No.5196871

It was an arena shooter, just a really bad one.
>genre built around swift movement and item/weapon control
>make a game where you're slow as dick and can only carry 2 weapons

>> No.5196880

I only play QL these days but QC, whether or not you agree with the more gimmicky "Champions" idea, is by far the best commercial attempt at a mainstream arena shooter. All the pros from Q3 have switched to it, and maybe that's more because that's where the money is now, but they have nothing but good things to say about the game.

>> No.5196896

quake and quake2 were mutilated pretty badly in the process of porting. it wasn't a Powerslave deal that the port was unique spin on the game made with care, it was some other game wearing skin of quake

>> No.5196910

>i feel like even outside the bubble of /vr/ most retro shooters get talked about to death.
I rarely see discussion of games outside the id/build engine. Even mainstream games like AvP are never mentioned. That basically leaves the entire market without discussion.