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File: 785 KB, 876x1285, mother_by_kurkoboltsi-d4alh7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
518994 No.518994 [Reply] [Original]

(Checked catalog and could find one)

MOTHER series/EarthBound thread

I just finished Mother for the first time, and it's without a doubt been one of the most satisfying and most touching gaming experiences I've had so far. Will my brain be able to handle EarthBound?

>> No.519035

Yeah but not mother 3. Mother 3 years your heart in two.

>> No.519056

Yes....I believe the Mother series is a must play for any ERPG fan.

>> No.519101

I'm planning on playing them both, and I've heard some people suggest playing Mother 3 before EarthBound (M1>M3>EB). I'll probably play EB first though.

What's your guys' opinion on this, and is there anything I should know before starting up EB for the first time ever?

>> No.519103

>finished mother
OP, if you can like mother 1, then mother 2 and 3 will be great. They are leagues better.

do you like NES RPG'S BTW?

>> No.519105

What is a ERPG?

>> No.519113

Mother 3 after Mother 2, always.

Just go into EarthBound with no expectations. When it asks for your real name, use your real name.

>> No.519123

I've only really played Final Fantasy 1-3, and about 50% of Dragon Quest, but I'm big on NES in general.

>> No.519157


Earthbound will always be my favorite RPG of all time. There are just so many good messages entwined with everything that goes on. Mother 3 is just a good story with a lot stronger plot elements. I really like the series a lot in general. All truly fantastic games.

>> No.519178
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I love that slogan that I think was for Mother 2: "Kids will become adults, and adults will become kids"

>> No.519192
File: 1.15 MB, 939x1333, mother2___earthbound_by_kurkoboltsi-d4alh9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds to me like Mother 3 is less "goofy", correct? I've always valued strong emotions over humor in games, but I'm really excited to see what EarthBound is like.

>> No.519203
File: 54 KB, 500x750, not_quite_new_age_retro_hippie_by_doctor_g-d4q7zx7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually Mother 3 has a lot of humor too, in fact, Itoi somehow is able to mix drama and tragedy with humor, in a neat way.
But try to stay away from M3 rumours, and go play EB.

>> No.519214
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i mean spoilers, duh

>> No.519221

>50% of dragon quest
Your a NES RPG god. Your a god.

Anyways OP, could never get into the original mother. whats your op about?

>> No.519234 [DELETED] 

Or better yet, whats the whole mother games really about? I remeber seeing earthbound at a blockbuster and shoving it off because: didnt like random RPG's and chrono trigger was right next to it

>> No.519239
File: 1.07 MB, 875x1264, mother3_by_kurkoboltsi-d4alhb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will try my best! I'm supposed to be asleep already, but the ending for Mother got me really excited. EB tomorrow for sure.

Good night, /vr/.

>> No.519254

Mother had the unfortunates of being on the NES. Itoi had the brains in story, but not in the coding. He never actually playtested Mother, and Mother 2 was going to be cancelled because itois team sucked so much ass. Same with earthbound 64 but it happened

>> No.519262

This guy does a pretty good job summarizing things. It's a 30 minute video split in 3 parts. He's kind of annoying though.

>> No.519286

the story is even better than earthbound.

>> No.519318

Probably not.

>> No.519335


Mother 1 is rather impressive for a NES RPG though.
The difficulty is not even that bad, play Dragon Quest III (NES version, not GBC color remake or SFC), which is considered a classic. The random encounter rate and difficulty is ridiculous, yet it didn't stop people from enjoying it back then.

But it's true Mother always had a difficult development, all 3 games.

I think all 3 games are great, and they get (technically) better in each installment, naturally.

>> No.519372


It is. But it has its truly outrageous moments that the series is known for.

>> No.519439

would've been adorable if Kumatora had been holding up Lucas.

>> No.519540
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>> No.519576

In EB zero am I the only one who finds it creepy that Teddy, a grown man is following around a bunch of little kids and carrying lethal weapons?

>> No.519615
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>> No.519642

is there somewhere I can buy I print copy of that poster?

>> No.519649

I like to imagine he's in his late teens, which is pretty much grown up from the kids perspective.

...It's still just as creepy though, huh.

>> No.519675

Couldn't you just take it Kinko's or something?

I guess not if it's copyrighted.

>> No.519679

Here is the source:


I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to sell prints for copyright reasons.

>> No.519684

There's plenty of websites that will print images onto a glossy poster for you. That would be a pretty tiny poster though.

>> No.519696

Protip: Anyone looking to play this should play the fan translation of the GBA rerelease (patch is here: http://mother12.earthboundcentral.com/).). The original NES version sucks ass in comparison.

>> No.519743
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>> No.519787

I gotta disagree. It was a fitting translation for the time that added an ending.

>> No.519817


Also the music is better in the NES version, at least in my opinion.

>> No.519839

Fair enough. I personally wouldn't have the nerves to sit through it with the easy ring and the dash button.

>> No.519880


>> No.519939
File: 226 KB, 650x730, 1362324227849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. I went Earthbound, Mother 3, Mother. Playing Earthbound helped me understand the references in Mother 3. OP, play earthbound. It's slow as fuck in the beginning, but the pace picks up around twoson in my opinion.


>mfw I just noticed that

>> No.519942


NES prototype EB Zero has the dash button (but looks kind of glitchy as it was a debugger tool that NOA ended up leaving on the game, the NPCs will also start moving fast if you use run, they fixed it on the 1+2 version)

>> No.519945


The Earthbound Zero version, which is the official English Translation that didn't get released, does have the dash button. No easy ring though.

Something you can do early on is level up Pippi, that girl you get from the cemetary, because she has god tier stat growth that they never bothered to set properly, and just grind Ninten up 6 or 7 levels pretty quickly, before returning her to the mayor and continuing the story.

>> No.519946

Since Earthbound is been re-released, how possible is to see a remake?

>> No.519979

You know what I'd like to see?

A remake of Mother 3 that adds all the content from the N64 version that didn't get added in the GBA one.They probably cut loads of stuff from it.

Call it 'Mother 3 Complete Version', if you will.

>> No.519991

Itoi has said that he is more pleased with the story of Mother 3 than the N64 project.
I doubt he would go for it.

>> No.520037

Which rom versions have the Easy Ring and dashing?

The Famicom cart doesn't have 'em, right?

>> No.520065

It's the japanese release of Mother1+2 for GBA, but you need a translation patch.

>> No.520096
File: 31 KB, 500x495, mothercharacters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's the one I'm playing then.

Still gotta finish this game. I loved the original Mother actually, it has some great music and atmosphere, you just gotta get over some of its shortcomings.

>> No.520128
File: 51 KB, 600x394, mother12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it. Here's the translation. http://www.romhacking.net/translations/1609/7

>> No.521534

>they all have a cold

>> No.524216
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>> No.524281


All the games can be played just fine on their own, don't get me wrong. And if you were doing just one, I'd say more power to you man, just glad you're playing them at all.
But if you're really gonna do the whole series, you need to play them in order. There's just so much more you'll pick up on that you'd miss otherwise.

And... yeah. What he said about the name.

>> No.524348

I wanna get into this series, but I really dislike the GBA, is there a fan translation for the original NES version? Can't find any...

>> No.524356

There is. They decided to call it Earthbound Zero rather than MOTHER, which can be confusing I guess.

>> No.524367

Correction: it's not a fan translation, it's the official but unreleased translation by Nintendo. It's also known as the Mother prototype romw.

>> No.524427


>> No.524505

They've got a case of Tumblr Nose, I see.

>> No.524553
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, november-09-mother-earth-nocal-1920x1200-1920x1080 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.524567


Stop trying to make this a meme

>> No.524602

Tumblr artists inexplicably drawing their characters with red flu noses has been pointed out before. In fact, there was a brief but intense shitstorm over it last year when a somewhat-popular artist pointed it out, and everybody else cried and went "MUH INDIVIDUALITY"

>> No.524706

That's not how you spell "observation"

>> No.524727


It's existed long before that, calling it "tumblr nose" is retarded. Stop trying to make it a meme.

>> No.525285
File: 133 KB, 774x680, pink cloud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Earthbound yesterday for the first time. I actually prayed...

>> No.525312

to who?

>> No.525318

The gods of proper image format choice. Looks like the prayer was swallowed by darkness.

>> No.525487

>fans make a game
>they call it mother 4


>> No.525524

But you dont find it odd that a nerd in his childhood owns weapons and is a pro at firearms

>> No.525530

You don't know enough sheltered kids.

>> No.525539

If earthbound on the VC succeeds (pretty likely) will nintendo release Mother 3 on the VC? And lets say they do, will it live up to tomatos translation? Will nintendo buy his? I've heard about square buying tomato's DQ5 translation but I think it is rumors

>> No.525540


>not using your logic and reason instead

Wow, fucking dumass christard

>> No.525561

>I’ve mentioned it many times before, but if Nintendo wants to translate/localize MOTHER 3 I’ll gladly let them used my translated text files for free. I’d edit them as needed for free too. If that’s no good, I’d even retranslate from scratch for free. Whatever it takes to get the game officially released.

Also the DQ5 thing is bullshit

>> No.525624

Wait, wait, wait.

Tomato has a translation of DQV? WHERE?!

>> No.525627

How is that going by the way? Does it still look like complete ass?

>> No.525634

I agree, it'd be nice if they called it something else but don't name it Mother 4 like it's the next official game in the series. That's just arrogant as fuck.

>> No.525653

Sorry to disappoint you, it doesn't exist.