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/vr/ - Retro Games

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518967 No.518967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.518996

Couldn't we just ban shitposters and trolls instead?

>> No.518998
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>play games on a projector
>was born in 2015
>filter games into monochrome
>have never played a game from the 90s
>play regularly in COD tournaments
>have destroyed five mint copies of Earthbound out of pure spite
>haven't spent a day off of /v/ since 2008

>> No.519006

/vr/ would be better if we moved the Doom threads to /vg/ and made it a rule that you're not allowed to mention your age (so as to prevent age wars which have been endemic on here)

>> No.519008


>> No.519017

>age wars

why the fuck is this even a thing.

OP doesn't belong here

>> No.519021

Nope sorry it's against the rules to announce reports

>> No.519023

Have you tried /v/ OP. You would fit right in

>> No.519016

I have all that shit except liking modern FPSes.

>> No.519029

Wow are you new. I've lost count of how many threads were ruined by battles between /v/eenagers and 30 yo manchildren.

>> No.519031

I use an LCD because my old crt is busted and the one I'm trying to get is too heavy and my friends wont help
And 1991, why does age matter so much around here?

>> No.519034

>not allowed to mention your age
That's fucking dumb. Just ban the assholes who make a big deal out of older-than-teens posting here instead.

>> No.519047

Been here since the day it started and haven't gone back to /v/, I just don't get why the fuck age matters

>> No.519057

You have some alright points except for
>dislike Earthbound

Who gives a shit? Plenty of people don't like that game.

>> No.519058

This kind of shit posting is what kills good boards like /vr/

>> No.519060

I only

>Use an LCD to play retro games on

because I can't afford the real thing, that would be a 90hz on a upclocked 32 to experience it Japan way.

But I don't want to sound superior, what shit emulator you run?

>> No.519054


>/vr/ created to avoid elitists like /v/ so anyone can have a conversation about any game pre 1999

>People already trying to apply artificial rules

welp time to go I guess. We had a good run. Like, a month?

>> No.519087

He didn't announce his report, he was simply expressing that a report was a necessity.

>> No.519072

>I just don't get why the fuck age matters

Rule of thumb is that younger posters make for shittier boards. It's not always like that, but that's how it mostly is. Boards like /v/ and /b/ have the youngest posters on average, so you have to understand where the hostility is coming from.

>> No.519080

It provokes shitposting. Don't tell anyone how old you are and problem solved.

>> No.519089

If you:
>create shitty fucking image macros to describe how you feel without actually discussing videogames
you're looking for

>> No.519095
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oh look, it's the elitism everyone was so worried about when the board was made
gotta agree on the filters though, those things are disgusting.

>> No.519102


It doesn't. If you love older games and aren't a fucktard, you're perfectly welcome.

The most basic rule of all the boards is: if you don't know what you're talking about, shut up and lurk/learn your shit and contribute. That's it. This thread is fucking garbage.

>> No.519118

I'm disappointed with /vr/ as a whole and if I were Moot, I'd just roll it back into /v/.

>> No.519121

Notice when they say "classic 90's FPSes" they never mean the ones on N64? They always mean "Ma quake with ma 180fps framerate."

Hey, just let the dude have his fun.

>> No.519131

Newfag here. What exactly are these age wars?

>> No.519135


>> No.519142

>Rule of thumb is that younger posters make for shittier boards

Did you ever peruse old Usenet posts? There were 40-50 yos who were horrible trolls, so don't try and claim only 15 yos can do that.

>> No.519141


It's easy enough to stop this shit.

>> No.519148

>It's easy enough to stop this shit

Wrong. You can delete the shitposting but as long as the same people post on a board, it will never change.

>> No.519151


If you say you're under 25 or so on /vr/, people will get mad at you because they think age affects how much you can enjoy old vidya.

The ensuing butthurt derails threads.

I'm 20 and grew up on a Sega Mega Drive and Monkey Island 1&2.

>> No.519158

>bumping this thread

What the fuck is wrong with all of you

>> No.519159

>And 1991, why does age matter so much around here?

I'm 21. I don't think most of the 20-24 yos care much about it, but for some reason 15 yos and 30 yos always clash.

>> No.519162

I'm 19 and didn't grow up on any /vr/ consoles
>implying you had to grow up with a system to enjoy its games

>> No.519165

>If you say you're under 25 or so on /vr/, people will get mad at you because they think age affects how much you can enjoy old vidya

That and the /v/eenagers who want to run everyone older than 19 out of 4chan on a rail.

>> No.519176


>Implying I was implying that.
I was just throwing in my background brah. What vidya do you like?

>> No.519179

Stop bumping this shit, it's /q/ material, not /vr/

>> No.519181

it's the same shit every time

>/v/ shitposters accuse 30 yo anon of being a wizard who lives with his mom
>he's like Nuh uh I'm totally employed and have a solid 10 gf

Almost any thread where anon says he was born before 1986 leads to this