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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5189203 No.5189203 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5189208

Overall I was fairly disappointed in the selection / my hunting. Didn't bring a ton home, but a few fun finds.

Main sources:

- Book Off
- Hard Off
- Mandarake

What I was really looking for were hardware console colors that didn't come to the USA. White Sega Saturn, Spice Gamecube, controller colors, etc.

Wasn't a ton of selection. Was hoping to find big bins full of common controllers. Wasn't much of that.

>> No.5189209
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I bought this Club Nintendo exclusive Wii controller from Japan and it fucking sucks. Mushy D-pad and shoulder buttons, ghost input signals on the D-pad, low quality looking and feeling parts on the inside - just objectively shit. I'm glad I have a couple of the SNES Classic controllers because those are much better and this might be the worst thing I've ever spent money on.

>> No.5189226

the LTTP was 800¥ which I thought was pretty cheap. Skipped Mario Collection (All-Stars) for like 1800.

>> No.5189361

Loose ALttP cart is worth 500 yen max if both stickers are in near perfect condition. Clu Clu Land is 100 yen. Yellow Saturn pad maybe 500 yen. DC mouse in good condition is about 1000 yen. Boxed Wii SFC controller, 2000 yen. Overall mediocre haul t.b.q.h.

You were looking in the wrong places.

>> No.5189445


Yeah I know it was a mediocre haul but I needed to bring something home with me.

Bought the only two cheap JDM controller colors I saw. LttP was fine at $800 yen for a good game souvenir. Chu Chu Land was cheap and I mostly liked the orange cart.

Tips for other places?

Hard-Off junk section was fun / "ok" but other stores like that would be especially good to know about for next time.

>> No.5189448

- "$"
- "chu chu" - "clu clu"

>> No.5189461
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Not super recent but I got all of this.

>> No.5189470
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>> No.5189480
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I have a feeling there are some filthy resellers in this thread.

>> No.5189484

You won't find much because there's guys who scour every retro shop every day taking the best stock to sell to stupid gaijin on ebay.

>> No.5189508

I found it weird that there were hundreds of perfectly boxed Famicom / Super Famicom games there for not unreasonable prices. MUCH less than the equivalent would be in the states, and better condition.

And there were certainly SOME consoles/controllers. More than the average USA goodwill.

But there could have been more "untested" boxes. There's seemingly demand for it.

I saw hundreds of extremely niche guitar shops, vintage american menswear shops, computer parts shops.... where are the smallish vintage gaming shops?

>> No.5189513

>where are the smallish vintage gaming shops?
As if we'd tell you where our gold was buried.

>> No.5189515

I don't want the GOLD, I just want the supply of "ebay-ish prices but without intercontinental shipping".

Hard Off prices were ok / fine but they just didn't have enough stock of common stuff.

>> No.5189516


P.S. post your finds / collection

>> No.5189521

Got Akumajo Dracula X for $18 bucks recently. Thought it was a steal, decided to get it, found out it's worth quite a bit more than I thought. Glad I grabbed it while I did.

Ended up buying paying $40 for a whole stack of fighting games too (Darkstalkers, DOA, Virtua Fighter 1&2, Fighting Vipers, etc.)

>> No.5189524

I'll give you a small hint as a favor to a fellow anon: when I said earlier that you were looking in the wrong places, I didn't just mean you weren't looking in the right stores.

>> No.5189525

Does that mean neighborhood or outside of Tokyo or what?

>> No.5189529
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Where do I start?

>> No.5189530
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>from Japan
>mega supa cringe haul

>> No.5189545


more a "hit up a couple retro junk shops during a short trip and that's what they had" haul

>> No.5189714

>buying toys in the land of the rising sun while you could just order them at home in this day and age
It's like you guys just want something to brag about.

>> No.5189794

Are you retarded or just a >>>/v/tard?

>> No.5189821

>more a "spent all my leftover backpacker money on bargain bin shit at super potato" haul

>it's like millennials are narcissistic
Mind blown!!1!1 すみません me profusely aporogize and bow many time because buy can coke in rocal convenience store instead of order from onrine book store me just thursday.

>> No.5190235

Pity (you)

>> No.5191634

I wanted to bring home like 5 spice gamecubes

>> No.5191638

I lived in Japan for five years up until a few months ago. The best place to get something I knew that I wanted was Amazon Japan. If you don't have an address you can still use convenience store delivery, or, failing that, general delivery at the nearest post office.

Book Off has some gems but it's really hit or miss. I only buy stuff for Saturn, Dreamcast and 360 so I don't have too much in the way of selection. For PS1/2 obviously you're going to find much more and it's going to be much easier. For the real boomers out there looking for SFC and older, you're on your own at this point, the market for those consoles is essentially scorched earth at this point.

>> No.5191639

Love the SG-1000 collection. Makes me want to play some Exerion right now.

>> No.5191671

awaiting 4 famicarts including Bonks Adventure, and Wacky Races.

oh and a spare copy of Time Zone.

also had a dogbone controller from Japan in standby

>> No.5191772

It's always amusing to hear stories about people who live in Japan but can never find anything cheaper than youtube tourists. I don't know whether they're LARPing or just retarded. I recently picked up a CIB SFC and FC for ¥1K each. And that wasn't some fluke. I have about a dozen others I paid roughly the same for. And a dozen loose I paid half that or less for.

>> No.5191791

Congratulations. Now how about the games for it?

>> No.5191831

Wow, you found a console that sold millions for cheap. Fucking David Dickinson over here.

>> No.5192082

They'd mostly be useless to you unless they're imports

I found a lot of consoles and other stuff for cheap. The point is that cheap stuff is pretty easy to find despite all the claims that it isn't. I'm sorry that fact upsets you so much.

>> No.5192501

He's right though, namefag.

>> No.5192763

I'm pretty sure the discussion at hand was about games, not consoles. Any moron can find a Famicom for cheap. If you want any games for it though, and particularly the ones that aren't a dime a dozen, you're dealing with a very different market indeed.

>> No.5192895
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Went last year and this last week, here's my haul from 2017

>> No.5192896
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And my haul from November 2018.

>> No.5192939


Nice. Where did you cop?

>> No.5192942

Nagoya, Osaka, and Tokyo, the BookOffs and HardOffs in the Osaka and Nagoya suburbs are way more plentiful than Tokyo, for obvious reasons. Finding vintage soundtracks was a goldmine outside of Tokyo proper.

>> No.5192950

fuck you, i would suck your dick to get those twinsticks you son of a bitch

>> No.5192972

Also cost ¥1,000, less than $10.

>> No.5192973

What's it like to be rich?

>> No.5192984

You'd suck his dick without getting the twin sticks too. Hard to tell what the distinction you're trying to make is.

>> No.5193021

I like the first haul best, but good to see that you mix CIB and loose games.

And what's the SMW double CD? The soundtrack? A CD drama?

>> No.5193090

that i want those twinsticks, i didnt think it was that tough to differentiate

>> No.5193150

The first disc contains fusion jazz arrangements by Soichi Noriki, and the second contains the original SNES tracks.

>> No.5193168

nice, what are the two msx games behind space manbow?

want to go to japan so badly but unfortunately i'm a kid with not enough money and no excuse to go
if i were to ever go within the next 5 years it would be with my parents and it would be to my family in osaka
keeping track of all the arcades in the area just in case
but just because i've never been there doesn't mean i don't import a shitload of stuff

>> No.5193185
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>nice, what are the two msx games behind space manbow?
Iga Ninpou-Cho 1 and 2, two simple, arcadey ninja action games by Casio.

>> No.5193283

I wanna play Fray
I think I'm going to get the PC Engine version

>> No.5194001

I always hear people say to buy the JP version of games if the NA versions are too expensive. I don't really understand buying the JP versions of games if you don't understand japanese.
I haven't been there, but I'm planning to go sometime after I graduate. I only really plan to buy consoles, as, per my personal theory, you can and always will be able to pirate software, but you will never be able to pirate hardware.

>> No.5194023

How did you fit all that in your bag?

>> No.5194034

Airline allows two checked luggage bags up to 50 pounds each, you just bring one big luggage case, and one smaller one you stack inside the bigger one, then spread your clothes between bags on the return trip to cushion thw stuff you get.

>> No.5194048

Mandarake was disappointing and a little hard to browse imo. They have a lot of really niche stuff but you really have to know exactly what you're looking for.

Book-Off was cool although not really for retro stuff. I did get shorthanded on a DS copy of Pokémon White, which later turned out not to work. Oh well.

>> No.5194070

>I always hear people say to buy the JP version of games if the NA versions are too expensive. I don't really understand buying the JP versions of games if you don't understand japanese.
Naturally, that only goes for games which are not very text heavy.
A prime example is Super Metroid. I believe the Japanese version even has an option to change the language to English.

>> No.5194074

The implication is that you should just learn japanese lol.

>> No.5195335

Pretty clear you want all three sticks faggot

>> No.5195371

I'll ship airmail I give no fucks

>> No.5196117

That's what i was thinking would be better. I mean have you seen what baggage handlers do to your luggage?

>> No.5196412

I always get sick when I see EOP scavengers like you here in Japan.

>> No.5196489

This would have been cool, but now it's worthless because that is effectively the same as the SNES mini controller now.
Same connector etc.

>> No.5197116

>t. fat gaijin who stares daggers at any foreigners who dare pollute his jap paradise

>> No.5197153
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>those SNES boxes

Very nice

>> No.5197186


I'm on the same page, was really looking for hardware but an 800Y LttP was hard to turn down as a pure souvenir / shelf piece

>> No.5197313

>I see EOP scavengers
>here in Japan
If you hang out in the same places they do then you're no better than them douche-chan.

>> No.5197392

Thanks, last one I really want is Super Metroid but I aint paying over ¥5000 for a super-common game, even if it is in high demand with filthy gaijin. Everything else there was around ¥980 (under $10), and Donkey Kong 1 and 2 were closer to ¥500(less than $5).

>> No.5197396

Yeah the Akihabara Mandarake sucks for browsing anything, especially games. Almost everything is behind glass or in a big fat protective plastic case like the games. Sometimes you can find something cool on the discount shelves that isnt in the cases but has already been priced (I got a G.I. Joe-style 1/6th Devilman for about $22), but thats not very common. The various Mandarake stores in Nakano Broadway are usually less crowded and allow you to actually pick up merchandise and inspect it.

>> No.5197795

>SMW Ape guide
scanbro never forget

>> No.5197843
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my other parcel came this week. wouldn't have bought so much but got a good price from a one seller. very low auctions with little to no action.

>> No.5198019
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got 50 famicom games on yahoo auctions (15€) + a non-tested famicom (4€)

>> No.5198021
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also got these for 20€.
Waiting for a 10kg package full of saturn game, shipped by sea so i'll have to wait ~2 months. Cant wait to play ssf2t on it.

>> No.5198045

Princess Maker 2 is such a great game

>> No.5198167

Yeah I picked up a mint copy of Einhander for £15. The Japanese version is even in English.

>> No.5198237

I've heard that japs fucking hate westerners buying up their retro stuff as they've got a retro eco-system where what retro stuff japs buy normally ends up in another shop after use but westerners go over and buy up loads of stuff and take it out of japan, raising once cheap prices.

>> No.5198305

you heard right. Some japs on /int/ were really pissed when I told them about the cheap games I bought on yahoo auctions, stating that it was meant for japanese people only etc... To be faire they are 100% right and I'd be pissed to if I were them. But I'm not. And I need all dem japanes historical artifacts, sowwy

>> No.5198315

Can you blame them? Popful Mail (JP version) is now $80 because of fat gaijins

>> No.5198321

>Masters Tour vhs

>> No.5198346

what is yahoo auctions

>> No.5199059

Granted, there's a bunch of Japanese sellers on eBay that seem to be predominately selling to people outside of Japan. I've gotten most of my NTSC-J games from them.

>> No.5199721

Basically an ebay/craigslist for japan.

>> No.5199829

I don't know how true this is anymore considering eBay is increasingly flooded with Japanese sellers selling old Japanese games to gaijin for a living.

>> No.5200143

>i hurrd shit and believed it

>> No.5201505

Let us legally resell then faggots

>> No.5202091

whats the red moon and green tree at the bottom?

>> No.5202170

When I moved to Japan I had a period of collecting stuff, but then I realized it's all just pointless plastic and that disc images on an external HDD are enough. I guess if you can only visit Japan one time or once in few years, you might feel a need to hoard while you can.

I was also terribly disappointed by how horribly mainstream tourist-oriented Akihabara is. I suspect it'll only get worse as Tokyo 2020 draws closer.

>green tree at the bottom
聖剣伝説2, as the big letters say.

>> No.5202372

Red moon is the Castlevania Chronicles soundtrack, also includes the MIDI arrangements from the Sharp x68000 version. The green tree is the Secret of Mana soundtrack, same art as the SNES and Super Famicom covers for the game.

>> No.5202380

>I suspect it'll only get worse as Tokyo 2020 draws closer.
I'm trying to visit friends in Japan as much as I can before 2020, I don't want to be anywhere near Japan during the Olympics, they're already tearing down and shuttering historic Showa districts and back streets because the government thinks they're unsightly to foreigners, the irony being they have more charm, character and direct connection to Japanese culture than whatever concrete block they'll put in their place.

>> No.5202427

Very unfortunate. I'm also concerned about cartoon pornography.

>> No.5202804

Fucking loved Japan from my recent trip, non-VR related. Want to go back ASAP.

>> No.5202808

>Mushy D-pad and shoulder buttons
Yep, it's a SFC controller.

>> No.5202845
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so you're lamenting that a cool thing is now more widespread and available.

>> No.5202846


I hated the SNES/SF Controller thing too. Its still hard to understand how people now claim they love it. The D-Pad is a design catastrophe. The shoulder buttons are unresponsive. And they break in no time. And the whole thing gives me blisters on both middle fingers after playing a few hours.

>> No.5202850

do you shitters even replace your rubbers?

>> No.5202915

No need. I've never had to use even one in my life.

>> No.5203246

Shocker FAG

>> No.5203402

You fucking weeaboos are the worst.

>> No.5203403

YoU dOn't KnOw WhAt ThAt WoRd MeAnS.

>> No.5203450

You fucking 日本かぶれs are the worst.

>> No.5203684

Japans own population is rapidly dwindling. Why not import a few obese nintendo lovin 'mericans? They are fun for the whole family.

>> No.5203775


There are plenty of Japanese sellers willing to sell to the gaijin though. They offer better service and a lot better packaging when the slobs in this country.

>> No.5203876

>Rastan saga
fly as fuck
everything on that table
I wish I was rich....

>> No.5204514
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got these in the mail but damn it took 3 fucking weeks.

the copy if Time Zone is a spare one.

>> No.5204582

addicted to that Hard Off theme song

>> No.5204670 [DELETED] 


lol, me too

>> No.5204682


lol, me too
